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 Message 1233 of 3959
13 August 2009 at 8:10am | IP Logged 
RO: Triumf! Am rezervat ieri diferite camere de hotel pentru următoarea mea călătorie prin Internet, dar am avut un mesaj care zicea că un singur rezervare nu s-ar putea fi puse în aplicare pentru că cartea mea de credit a fost refuzat. Am fost întrebat de a apela direct la hotel şi să clarifice problema. Şi o am făcut - în limba română! Nu-mi place să vorbesc la telefon, şi aceea este prima dată când am vorbit româneşte cu nimeni într-un telefon. Este un început bun de călătoria mea, la care nu am intenţia de a vorbi nimic altceva decât limba româna de când am ajuns la Bucureşti pînă la iesirea din ţară prin Timişoară.


Triumph! I made several hotel reservations through the internet yesterday for my upcoming trip to the Balkans, and one of them failed due to a problem with the information about my credit card. So I got an e-mail asking me to call the hotel directly and sort things out. And I did - in Romanian. I have spoken a bit of Romanian in 2006 during my last visit there, but never through the telephone, and I hate speaking through a telephone in general so this is no mean feat. Apparently I had indicated a wrong year of expiration so it was not a big deal. But I see it as a good omen for the monolingual Romanian part of my journey.

Edited by Iversen on 13 August 2009 at 12:03pm

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 Message 1234 of 3959
13 August 2009 at 11:34am | IP Logged 
Interesting to read your trilingual post Southern Jutish / rigsdansk / ENG hyperliterals. I haven't seen or heard ANY Danish dialect before.

It's an excellent descision that you decided to do the moderator's job! We urgently need some competent moderators in this forum. I had some intensive thoughts whether or not applying as a moderator myself. Finally I followed the recommendation of my Dutch friend and decided not to apply. But I will have a look on the new moderators` work in practice and think it over again.

I wish you and your new moderator collegues a good start with this new task!!!


Edited by Fasulye on 13 August 2009 at 1:39pm

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 Message 1235 of 3959
13 August 2009 at 1:34pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
The learning logs have been a big succes, - leave your log just for 24 hours and your log is likely to sink down to page two. Leave it for a week and others forget all about it because it lies buried under a thick layer of sediments, and you need a team of qualified submarine archeologists to locate it again. But now I'm back after long 18 hours, and I have got an idea: I'm going to commemorate one of Danish dialects. Generally they are moribund, some more than others, and even those that have survived are generally just a bleak version of what you could hear 100 years ago. I haven't tried to learn to speak them (though I might be able to imitate some of them), so below I will make ordinary translations into 'Rigsdansk' and hyperliteral translations into English.

I will mention one grammatical pecularity: like most Jutish dialects Synnejysk uses a prepositioned free definite article just like English. I have marked the articles that are different for 'nornmal' Danish articles. Besides some Jutish dialects one have one gender, while standard Danish has two and some insular dialects three.

So let's have a look at "Synnejysk" (Southern Jutish). There is of course a club that purports to safegurd this part of our cultural legacy:

Æ Synnejysk Forening
Den sønderjydske forening
The Southernjutish Association

Stiftet tæ æ bevarls af æ synnejysk sproch å kultue
Stiftet til bevarelsen af det sønderjydske sprog og kultur
Founded to the preservation of the Southernjutish language and culture

Æ Synnejysk Forening bløw stiftet den 27. januar 2000.
Den Sønderjyske Forening blev stiftet den 27. januar 2000.
The Southernjutish Association was founded the 27. January 2000.

Vi æ manne som æ bløwn træt af at olt for manne snakke rigsdansk,
Vi er mange som er blevet trætte af at alt for mange snakker rigsdansk,
We are many who are gotten tired of that all too many talk StateDanish

selvom de æ synnejye å de ka snak æ sproch.
selv om de er sønderjyder og de kan tale sproget.
eventhough they are SouthernJutes and they can speak the language

For at voss sproch it ska udø ind for de næste ti åe,
For at vores sprog ikke skal uddø inden for de næste ti år,
For that our language not shall die-out in for the next ten years,

væ vi kæmp for at de næste generatione it begynde å snak rigsdansk som hoejsproch.
vil vi kæmpe for at de næste generationer ikke begynder at snakke rigsdansk som højsprog.
will we fight for that the next generations not begin to talk StateDanish as high-language

MOJN   (<---- both hello and goodbye, used all the way through the Low German territory - and used even by Southern-Jutish 'StateDanish' speaking persons including my own family)


EDIT: eh, I forgot to mention a Synnejysk tradition: the famous Synnejyske KAFFEBORD!!!! ("coffee table"). According to this source there should at least be 16 different cookies and cakes. And you should taste all of them in order not to insult the hostess. And to avoid errors (and garbled cakes) all the receipts on that page are translated into common Danish, because...

Men te I itt ska tæi fæilå jet beele kåe chen fåvansk, hæ vi såt æ obbskræude æuve e almintle dansk.

yay! Jeg håber altid der har været noget dansk skrevet i din tråd. Da jeg læste den engelsk del af din post, jeg så et ord som jeg kendte ikke. Moribund. Så åbnede jeg min dansk-engelsk ordbog men ordet var ikke derind. Jeg troede det var et dansk ord!
Jeg har aldrig set eller hørt det der ord før.
Dette er den første gang jeg har brugt en danske betyning (døende) for at lære et engelsk ord.
Du er selvfølglig velkommen til at rette min tekst. Det tager mig stadig for længe at skvrive på dansk.
I have seen a Danish movie called Frygtelig Lykkelig which is set in Southern Jutland and had already taught me the word mojn. Have you seen that movie and do you know if any of what is spoken is dialectal?
Nå, interessant post.

Edited by oz-hestekræfte on 16 August 2009 at 3:44am

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 Message 1236 of 3959
13 August 2009 at 6:06pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
IT: In questo momento sto guardando il programma "Passaggio a Nord-Ovest" (Raiuno), dove si spiega {viene illustrato} il processo della lavorazione dei metalli. Questa è veramente un'ottima serie. E mentre scrivo, è cambiato il soggetto: ora si visita Kolkata (precedentemente chiamata Calcutta) in India dove vivono 14-16 millioni di abitanti. Non ho mai visitato quella città.

I'd like to be helpful if you don't mind. ;) Cheers.
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 Message 1237 of 3959
16 August 2009 at 1:29am | IP Logged 
DA: Jeg skriver jævnligt på dansk, men egentlig er det jo ikke mig, der skal lære det sprog.
Ordet "moribund" findes de facto på engelsk (prøv at slå det op i Google!), men det er ikke blandt de mest almindelige. Det betyder "dødsens" eller "dødsmærket" på dansk, - dvs. uundgåeligt på vej til at dø.
Jeg ser næsten aldrig fiktionsfilm, og jeg kendte end ikke navnet på filmen "Frygtelig Lykkelig" - men hvis den foregår i Sønderjylland, er det helt logisk at der bliver sagt "mojn" in den. Brugen af dette ene ord betyder ikke at der generelt tales dialekt, - men da jeg ikke har set filmen, kan jeg ikke udtale mig om den.

IT: Ho fatto due errori stupidi: ottimo serie e habitanti, le altre sono piuttosto espressioni non idiomatiche. In uno caso la versione di Densou non da il significato che io ho voluto esprimere: "la invenzione della lavorazione dei metalli" non si può trasformare in "il processo della lavorazione dei metalli", - spiegare il come e il perché di questa invenzione non è la stessa cosa che descrivere come fare dei metalli (benché si è dimostrato certi metodi nel corso dell'emissione).

FR: Aujourd'hui j'ai regardé un programme de TV5 concernant la possibilité de faire des expéditions à Mars (et à la lune Saturnienne Titan qui est exceptionelle puisqu'elle a un atmosphere). Et franchement je ne comprend pas pourquoi ame qui vive serait disposé à se laisser enfermer dans un boîte de fer-blanc avec X personnes pour aller à un lieux si inhospitable que Mars.

GER: Ich habe wie gewöhnlich auch "Genial daneben" auf SAT1 gesehen - und ganz ungewöhnlich haben die Teilnehmer alle Fragen ausser einer einzigen beantwortet. Wie ich auch früher gesagt habe, betrachte ich diese Sendung als eine Ausforderung wo man wirklich die Teilnehmer bis in die entferntesten Winkeln des Deutschen Wortschatzes folgen muß um ihre Assosiazionen zu verstehen.

Darüber hinaus habe ich heute meine erste Serbische Wortliste gemacht und meines ersten 'grünes Blatt' vorbereitet. Ich bin eigentlich verwundert daß ich nicht mehr Probleme mit dem Serbischen habe, wenn man bedenkt wie lange es mir gedauert hat, ein Bißchen Russisch so wie so lesen zu können. Es ist auch überraschend, wie leicht es geht meine Serbokroatischen Wörterbücher mit Lateinische Buchstaben zu benützen um Serbische Texte mit Kyrillische Buchstaben zu verstehen. Ich werde aber sicher nicht versuchen Serbisch zu sprechen während meiner Reise, - dazu habe ich weitaus zu wenig davon gehört.

And finally I have spent a lot of time this evening reading things for moderators, - but so far I haven't found anything to throw down into Tartaros.


Oz-hestekræfte found the English word "moribund" puzzling. It does exist (try Google!), but isn't all that common. It means "doomed" or "fay" ("dødsens" or "dødsmærket" in Danish), and it is ultimately a Latin word (moribundus) which still is found in most - if not all- Romance languages.

I have watched a program in French about possible missions to Mars (and the moon Titan that circles Saturn was also mentioned). I have also watched "Genial Daneben" in German to train my German. Densou has proposed some corrections to my comments about the Italian program "Passaggio al Nord-Ovest". I have made my first Serbian Wordlists and prepared a 'green sheet' with the declension of Serbian nouns and adjectives, and I have read some of the things the other moderators and Administraor have written - but sofar I haven't found anything that merited a kick down into Tartaros.

Edited by Iversen on 17 August 2009 at 10:56am

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 Message 1238 of 3959
16 August 2009 at 1:51am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
IT: Ho fatto due errori * stupidi: ottimo serie e habitanti, le altre sono piuttosto espressioni non idiomatiche. In un caso la versione di Densou non da il significato che io ho voluto esprimere: "la invenzione della lavorazione dei metalli" non si può trasformare in "il processo della lavorazione dei metalli"

Sorry x1000, perhaps I misunderstood it because I didn't watch that episode ;)

*it's not wrong, but a lot of natives would use instead "due stupidi errori" if there is a lack of a quality adjective. E.g. due errori abbastanza/molto/piuttosto/... stupidi ;)


Edited by densou on 16 August 2009 at 1:51am

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 Message 1239 of 3959
16 August 2009 at 8:44am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
GER: Ich habe wie gewöhnlich auch "Genial daneben" auf SAT1 gesehen - und ganz ungewöhnlich haben die Teilnehmer alle Fragen ausser einer einzigen beantwortet. Wie ich auch früher gesagt habe, betrachte ich diese Sendung als eine Ausforderung wo man wirklich die Teilnehmer bis in die entferntesten Winkeln des Deutschen Wortschatzes folgen muß um ihre Assosiazionen zu verstehen.

Ich kenne die Sendung "Genial daneben" überhaupt nicht und möchte sie gerne mal testen. SAT1 kann ich empfangen, schaue ich aber so gut wie nie. Wann kommt diese Sendung denn immer?


SA, um 22:00 Uhr habe ich erfahren. Das ist für mich zu spät abends.

Edited by Fasulye on 16 August 2009 at 9:24am

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 Message 1240 of 3959
16 August 2009 at 9:42am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
Oz-hestekræfte found the English word "moribund" puzzling. It does exist (try Google!), but isn't all that common. It means "dommed" or "fay" ("dødsens" or "dødsmærket" in Danish), and it is ultimately a Latin word (moribundus) which still is found in most - if not all- Romance languages.

Il y la fameuse chanson de Jaques Brel: LE MORIBOND!

Je cite comme example la première strophe:

1. Adieu Emile je t'aimais bien
Adieu Emile je t'aimais bien tu sais
On a chanté les memes vins
On a chanté les memes filles
On a chanté les memes chagrins
Adieu Emile je vais mourir
C'est dur de mourir au printemps tu sais
Mais je pars aux fleurs la paix dans l'ame
Car vu que tu es bon comme du pain blanc
Je sais que tu prendras soin de ma femme
Je veux qu'on rie
Je veux qu'on danse
Je veux qu'on s'amuse comme des foux
Je veux qu'on rie
je veux qu'on danse
Quand c'est qu'on me mettra dans le trou.

Il y a 3 autres strophes de cette chanson.


Edited by Fasulye on 16 August 2009 at 9:43am

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