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 Message 1689 of 3959
15 February 2010 at 11:38am | IP Logged 
Du könntest auch mal das Naturkundemuseum in Münster besuchen, wo es auch große Ammoniten gibt.

Es ist eigentlich merkwürdig daß die Ammoniten mit den Dinosaurien und Flugsaurier ausgestorben sind, - sie lebten ja unter ganz andere Verhältnisse und hatten ganz andere Bedürfnisse als etwa ein Triceratops oder Tyrannosaurus. Aber die Pliosaurier und Mosasaurier die auch im Meer lebten sind ja auch ausgestorben.

Übrigens habe ich Freitag eine Sendung gesehen, wo die Hypothese erlätert wurde von einer Super-Eiszeit wo die ganze Erde zugefrohen sein sollte. Während dieser Zeit gab es nur primitive Lebewesen, meist Bakterien die selbst im Eis leben können. Der Volkanismus hat dann nach Millionen von Jahren soviele Treibhausgase ausdunstet (die von keine Mechanismus entfernt wurden), daß die Termperatur wie begann zu steigen. Und nach diesem Schreck sind dann all die unterschiedlichen mehrzellige Lebewesen entstanden, wie wir zuvor besprochen haben.


Fasulye could also (some day in the future) go to Münster, where there are amonites in the natural History Museum.

I recently saw a TV program about "Snowball Earth", i.e. the periode in the Precambrian where the whole planet was was covered with thick ice. Primitive life forms* (mostly bacteria) survived in or below the ice, and when volcanism had filled the atmosphere with greenhouse gases the temperature started to rise again. After that scare life exploded into a multitude of new complex forms, cfr. our old discussion about the Ediacarian fauna.

"(..)a host of microscopic organisms, both prokaryotes (archea and bacteria, including prokaryotes (cyanobacteria) and eukaryotes (algae, testate amoebae and other protists), and a handfull of cm-scale organisms (the coiled Grypania, 1.9 Ga; the necklace-like colonial organism of tissue-grade organization Horodyskia, 1.5 Ga; the worm-like Parmia, 1.0 Ga), evolved before the Sturtian and Marinoan snowball earths and survived.

Saturday much of my time was spent on my epic voyage to Silkeborg, and Sunday was mostly spent on other obligations, such as cleaning up, organizing a forage expedition to the nearest open supermarket and organizing my photos and my travelogue from the expedition to Silkeborg. Late in the evening I did find some time to surf, but without any specific peak experiences that deserve a mention here.

Edited by Iversen on 15 February 2010 at 1:58pm

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 Message 1690 of 3959
15 February 2010 at 12:06pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
Du könntest auch mal das Naturkundemuseum in Münster besuchen, wo es auch große Ammoniten gibt.

Das möchte ich sehr gerne! Münster liegt außerhalb meines Regio-Tickets, dadurch würden zusätzliche Kosten entstehen. Zur Zeit ist meine finanzielle Situation leider sehr angespannt. Ich behalte es im Hinterkopf, denn irgendwann möchte ich da wirklich hin.


Edited by Fasulye on 15 February 2010 at 12:07pm

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 Message 1691 of 3959
16 February 2010 at 2:41am | IP Logged 
SW: Det händer ibland att jag tittar på TV, och i dag började jag på svenska TV2, där det fanns en sändning ifrån ...

AF: ... Suid Afrika. Die hierdie program vertel omtrent die lewe van die eland antilopes in die Drakenland berge, en dit herinner my van een van my reis. In 2002 ry ek deur die helfte van Zuidafrika met 'n truck van die maatskappy Drifters. De drifters het hul eie huisvestings deur en deur die land, - almal redelik basies, maar geplaas in uitstekend picturesque plekjes. Ek gehou van die groep, ek gehou van die huisvestings en die roete, ek (meestal) gehou van die gids . . . maar ek gehaat die musiek! Elke tyd ons was op pad buite die nasionaal parks die gids omsit sommige hardop musiek. Ek gehaat hierdie so veel dat ek verlaat die toer op halfweg, in Bloemfontein. en Drakensberg was die laaste destinasie voor Bloemfontein.

Die huisves was geplaas in die sogenaamde Amphiteater. Ten eerste het we ons geneem 'n stap in die plat area onder die berge, en dan ons behoort klim die helling. Maar ek was moeg van stap in lêer met een gids voor en 'n ander agter ons, so ek ga terug tot die huis. waar ek besluit om te neem 'n stap in die teenoorgestelde rigting. Hier ek hoor 'n geruis in sommige bosse, en ek vind uit dat daar was verskeie eland agter die bosse - maar hulle het nie ge skyn om bang te wees van my. Ek is voortgeset tot 'n kloof, maar wanneer ek keer terug was die eland steeds daar - ek getel ses eland agter die bosse! Ongelukkig kon ek nie maak 'n goeie foto, maar ek is gebly en het dopgehou geruime tyd.

IT: Dopo di questo ho visto il quiz L'Eredità su Raiuno. Questa volta c'erano tra gli altri una dama che studiava il arabo e un altro che studiava il tedesco, un uomo che imitava la danza degli maori e un venditore di automobili. C'erano ancora due participanti, ma non mi recordo delle sue caratteristiche. Al finale ci restavano una donna e il venditore di automobili. La donna non sapeva la risposta di nulla, ma il uomo sapeva tutto e aveva accumulato 160.000 euro dopo la penultima questione. Ma si è sbagliato sull'ultima e le 160.000 € sono stato trasferiti alla donna. Per me questo non è un gioco, e non è divertente. È una ingiustizia.

SW: Etter detta återvände jag till svensk TV2, där det fanns en timmes program om CERNs nya massiva "Hadron Collider", som skall användas til att hitta Higgs partiklen och helst även något "mörk materia". De försökte förklara varför Higgspartikeln är så viktig: det var något till alla andra partiklar driver igenom en soppa av Higgs partiklar, och därför verkar det som om de har massa. Och ju tjockare soppa, desto större skenbar massa.


It sometimes happens that I catch a few rare minutes of TV time, and today I first watched a program about elands in the South African Drakenberg mountains. This struck a chord because I visited this area in 2002 on a Drifters tour. This company drove groups around in big green trucks. Their lodges were quite basic, but generally placed in superb locations. I liked the group, the route and mostly also the guides, but I vehemently hated the music in the truck - in fact so much that I left the tour in Bloemfontein. The last stop before Bloemfontein was actually in the socalled Amphitheater just below the Escarpment of the Drakensberg mountains. We took a walk in the usual file, with one armed guide in front and another at the rear. When we were to walk up the slope I told them that I would walk back to the house. And so I did, but we had been told that there were no lions and only very feww leopards, so I continued in the opposite direction of the group. And here I hit upon a group of elands behind some bushes. They are normally said to be hard to see, so I was happy. I continued to a ravine and had a look at it, then i returned to the eland, and this time I could count at least six individuals - but because of the bushes I couldn't get a decent photo.

After this I watched the quiz l'Eredità on Raiuno (Italian). It was reasonably interesting, but I didn't like the result: in the grand finale a woman and a man were competing. The woman didn't answer one single answer correctly, whereas the man answered one difficult question after the other correctly, and before the last one he had collected 160.000 €. But he failed on the very last question, and all the money went to the woman who didn't even have the decency of apologizing for the undeserved gift. I don't buy the usual silly excuse "it's just a game". No, 160.000 € is not just a game.

Finally I watched an hourlong program on SV2 about the enormous new hadron collider of CERN, which supposedly should find the elusive Higgs particle and hopefully also some dark matter (whatever that is*). The reason for the importance of the Higgs particle was given as follows: all other particles get their mass from dragging themselves through a soup of Higgs particles. The thicker the soup, the heavier the apparent mass. And because you cannot know the number of Higgses you need to find the mass of just one Higgs, otherwise the final piece in the standard theory will forever be missing. The presenters also spoke to Peter Higgs, who apparently was sick and tired of being blamed for the astronomical expenses to this new glittering monument to human ingenuity.

* The presenters claimed that according to a principle called super-symmetry every particle has a heavier variant, but didn't take the step of identifying this with the mysterious black matter, that is heavier than all of the normal matter in the universe.

** .. which reminds me of an article in todays newspaper about a man who was thrown off a Southwestern plane because the captain judged that he was too fat to fit into just one seat. But compared to a lot of his compatriots he didn't look particularly voluminous, and now the affair has turned into an serious image problem for the company.

Edited by Iversen on 16 February 2010 at 12:26pm

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 Message 1692 of 3959
16 February 2010 at 9:00am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
Finally I watched an hourlong program on SV2 about the enormous new hadron collider of CERN, which supposedly should find the elusive Higgs particle and hopefully also some dark matter (whatever that is). The reason for the importance of the Higgs particle was given as follows: all other particles get their mass from dragging themselves through a soup of Higgs particles. The thicker the soup, the heavier the apparent mass. And because you cannot know the number of Higgses you need to find the mass of just one Higgs, otherwise the final piece in the standard theory will forever be missing. The presenters also spoke to Peter Higgs, who apparently was sick and tired of being blamed for the astronomical expenses to this new glittering monument to human ingenuity.

These details are interesting for me to know. I've never read anything about Peter Higgs. There was a lecture about the LHC of CERN at our Volkshochschule, but I didn't go there. There are several videos in German and Englisch about the Large Hadron Collider on You Tube.


Edited by Fasulye on 16 February 2010 at 9:00am

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 Message 1693 of 3959
17 February 2010 at 9:47pm | IP Logged 
I have only got a few minutes to write something here - I'm on my way to Trinidad! And of course I have spent time packing the one and only piece of luggage I intend to bring. But I have also had time to study some texts about Peter the Great (more about that in the language learners forum). Besides I studied a number of Greek texts about some mythological figures, including Niobe. And finally I have worked intensively with just one page of Satyricon (though with little help from the Italian translation, which isn't nearly literal enough - I understand the Latin text better with looking at a misleading translation).

When I say 'study' it basically means copying a section by hand, noting down new words at the right side of the paper and transferring these to wordlists. With weaker language I would also make hyperliteral translations of some expression.

I guess I can find some internet places on Trinidad, where I have more time to write something. But there I don't have my grammars and dictionaries.

Edited by Iversen on 20 February 2010 at 4:43pm

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 Message 1694 of 3959
18 February 2010 at 11:47am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
I have only got a few minutes to write something here - I'm on my way to Trinidad! And of course I have spent time packing the one and only piece of luggage I intend to bring. But I have also had time to study some texts about Peter I the Great (more about that in the languagelearners forum). Besides I studied Greek texts about some mythological figures, including Niobe. And finally I have worked intensively with one page of Satyricon (whough with little help from the Italian translation, which isn't literal enough).

When I say 'study' it basically means copying a section by hand, noting down new words at the right side of the paper and transferring these to wordlists. With weaker language I would also make hyperliteral translations of some expression.

I guess I can find some internat places on Trinidad, where I have more time to write something. But there I don't have my grammars and dictionaries.

I will first aquire some basic information about Trinidad's geography and languages, because now I don't know anything about this country/island. If you make some more mistakes than ususally in the internet cafés, it's not a problem.

Have a good travel!

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 Message 1695 of 3959
20 February 2010 at 3:38pm | IP Logged 
I'm now sitting at a computer in downtown Port of Spain in Trinidad, SP) o Puerto España, como se llama en Español. Y Fasulye: hay una buena razon para hacer mas errores aqui: el teclado es diferente, y no hay accentos para otros idiomas como hay en mi teclado en casa. Por eso es necesario copiar y poner cada 'ñ', 'é', 'á' manualmente.

In spite of the name Trinidad y Tobago is an English speaking country, and the English they speak here has the delectable Caribbean lilt. I spent all day yesterday running around from St.James to the Ferry Harbour, and it was HOT!!! I came from below zero celsius, and it was 32 degrees C when I landed at 17 o'clock local time - I don't know what temperature it is around noon in the sun, but I drink a lot of fluids and wear a hat so I'll probably survive.

FR: Hier j'ai vu entre autres le jardin zoologique, le jardin botanique, un quartier nommé St.James et le centre ville, mais vu d'un perspectif d'apprentice de langues l'expérience la plus importante était celle de visiter une galérie avec de l'art Haitien. J'ai découvert que le gens là provenaient eux-mêmes d'Haiti, et alors nous avons parlé Français - j'ai aussi eu l'occasion d'écouter un peu de leur Créole, mais il faut s'entrainer pour comprendre cette langue. Pourtant même le Français commun est une bonne diversion de l'Anglais. Les plaques de rue dans le centre-ville sont bilingues (Anglais e Espagnol), mais je n'ai pas vu aucune autre indication ici qu'il y ait des personnes ici que parlent l'espagnol comme leur language maternelle.

Edited by Iversen on 20 February 2010 at 4:44pm

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 Message 1696 of 3959
20 February 2010 at 5:25pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
I'm now sitting at a computer in downtown Port of Spain in Trinidad, SP) o Puerto España, como se llama en Español. Y Fasulye: hay una buena razon para hacer mas errores aqui: el teclado es diferente, y no hay accentos para otros idiomas como hay en mi teclado en casa. Por eso es necesario copiar y poner cada 'ñ', 'é', 'á' manualmente.

In spite of the name Trinidad y Tobago is an English speaking country, and the English they speak here has the delectable Caribbean lilt. I spent all day yesterday running around from St.James to the Ferry Harbour, and it was HOT!!! I came from below zero celsius, and it was 32 degrees C when I landed at 17 o'clock local time - I don't know what temperature it is around noon in the sun, but I drink a lot of fluids and wear a hat so I'll probably survive.

FR: Hier j'ai vu entre autres le jardin zoologique, le jardin botanique, un quartier nommé St.James et le centre ville, mais vu d'un perspectif d'apprentice de langues l'expérience la plus importante était celle de visiter une galérie avec de l'art Haitien. J'ai découvert que le gens là provenaient eux-mêmes d'Haiti, et alors nous avons parlé Français - j'ai aussi eu l'occasion d'écouter un peu de leur Créole, mais il faut s'entrainer pour comprendre cette langue. Pourtant même le Français commun est une bonne diversion de l'Anglais. Les plaques de rue dans le centre-ville sont bilingues (Anglais e Espagnol), mais je n'ai pas vu aucune autre indication ici qu'il y ait des personnes ici que parlent l'espagnol comme leur language maternelle.

FR: Alors tu as repondu la question que j'aurais posé: Quelles sont leurs langues?

Le créole je n'ai jamais entendu, mais j'ai entendu les Haïtiens parler français à la TV. Cela me semble ennuyant parler trop d'anglais dans ce pays. Malheureusement personne ne parle l'espagnol. Est-ce qu'il ya beaucoup de touristes là-bas?


Edited by Fasulye on 20 February 2010 at 5:26pm

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