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Iversen’s Multiconfused Log (see p.1!)

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2145 of 3959
23 November 2010 at 2:42am | IP Logged 
IT: Nel autobus dal lavoro alla casa ho letto oggi un mezzo di una delle mie riviste Italiane dal mio recente viaggio a Bolzano e povero Trento (la cui stazione ferroviaria è divenuta un inferno commerciale). Si tratta del "Focus Storia", con molti articoli interessantissimi. Per esempio, c'era un articolo su l'influenza del tempo sulla storia del mondo. E sì, il tempo ha più volte cambiato la storia. Per esempio, quando la flotta enorme, ma tecnicamente imperfetta di Kublai Khan incontrò un intenso uragano di due giorni in rotta verso il Giappone - il cosidetto "kamikaze".

IC: Það var líka grein um Vikinganna landnám í Grænlandi, sem átti sér stað í vægt veðri. En þeir gætu eða vildi ekki breyta leveis þeirra þá veðrið varð kaldara, og þá varð útdauð nýlenda.

SCO: Ah coud aw read aboot the meesterical picts ("pitti" in tallie) that even the michty Romans dinnae vinquish. Thay tattooed thair bouk and sicweys thay were kenned as "Blawmen". Forby the picts were kent fae thair camsteirie naitur and aw acause o thair wilde weemmen who fecht in fechts anent the men. But the Gaelic Scots slawly undermined the Picts, and in the year 841 the last Pictish keeng Drust IX wi the 7 grand hooses wis weysed into a meeting by the cannie Scots keeng Kenneth McAlpin, who let him murther. That wis the end for the Picts.


My bus-back-home-from-my-job reading right now is one of my Italian magazines, "Focus Storia", with among other things several articles about the influence of the weather on the course of history. There were examples with a long time horizon like the settlement of the vikings on Greenland during the warm and golden Middle Ages, which were followed by a cold and nasty Renaissance and a downright icy Baroque period. The Norsemen didn't change their lifestyle sufficiently and they died out. There were also examples with a short time horizon, like the two day long tornado that destroyed Kublai Khans immense fleet on its way towards Japan - it consisted mostly of badly refurbished riverboats that weren't suited to bad weather and rough seas. Whence the term "kamikaze", meaning something like "divine wind".

Outside this topic there were articles on other themes, inclding one about the 'blue' tribes known as the Picts (who painted themselves blue and let their fierce women fight alongside the men). The Romans found them rough and barbaric (though few tribes can beat the Romans when it comes to barbaric behaviour), and they thought so little about their windswept barren land that they didn't see the point in trying to conquer them - so they just built a defence line, known as Hadrian's Wall. The Celts however wore them down, and the end of the Picts really came when the cunning Scots king Kenneth McAlpin invited the last Pictic king Drust IX and his main noblemen to a lavish party - their gullibility cost them their lives. Later Scotland itself was more or less divided between Gaelic speaking highlanders and some-kind-of-English speaking lowlanders, but that's another story. At least the Picts went out of business, leaving just some hewn stones and other fragments at the Scottish Museum in Edinburgh.

Edited by Iversen on 24 November 2010 at 1:18pm

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 Message 2146 of 3959
23 November 2010 at 11:34am | IP Logged 
CAT: Inspirat per un fil sobre el "punt volat" del Català he llegit les pàgines disponibles de la "Miscel•lània Antoni M. Badia i Margarit", vol. 2 p. 2. No ha trobat el respost a les meves preguntes sobre la introducció d'aquest caràcter especial de la llengua Catalana (s'usa per distingir ll / lj / de l•l (l geminat)), però va ser molt interessant llegir sobre la lluita que envoltava la introducció de l'ortografia moderna catalana (on Pompeu Fabra va ser la figura principal). És un seny difícil perquè no existeix en els teclats, en lloc la gent ho deixen o utilitzen un punt. Però ara hi ha fins i tot va formar un grup de Facebook en defensa del signe: "(..) el punt volat ha esdevingut una utopia irrealitzable per a la majoria d'usuaris de la llengua, els quals el desconeixen o el menystenen. Per tant, esdevé imprescindible i urgent constituir, al Feisbuc, un grup en suport del punt volat (•) per tal de restituir el seu lloc històric i elevar-lo al lloc que li pertoca."

Inspired by another thread about the 'flying dot' that separates l•l (= long l) from ll (= ly) I wanted to know whether it actually was Pompeu Fabra who introduced this sign. I didn't get a clear answer, but he was certainly the leading force behind the introduction of the modern Catalan orthography. I found a very interesting account of the battles in the early 20th century, written by the venerable Antoni M. Badia i Margarit, and at least it told me that he proposed to use it instead of an apostrophe for instance with unstressed personal pronouns (type "s'ha"), so by inference... I also discovered that there now even has been formed a Facebook group in defence of this troublesome sign which isn't found on non-Catalan keyboards, which makes it highly vulnerable.

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2147 of 3959
23 November 2010 at 3:28pm | IP Logged 
LAT: Nunc ausculto Nuntiis in lingva latines radionis Finnici YLEi. Hic de liberationi Aung San Suu Kyis, de Comitibus in Burmae fraudulentibus, sed in Finlandiae corruptio minima esse et cetera. Audibile est lector nuntium finnica esse, sed possibile, utile ac bonissime est laborans latinam audire. "Iterum audire" finnice sermone "tuista uuddellen" est. Finnici vere litteras geminatas amant!   

I have some work to do on spreadsheets, and it is somewhat below par as entertainment. So I have been listening to Yle radio's news broadcasts. You can of course hear that the speaker is Finnish, but it is nice - and useful - to listen to some Latin again. And "toista uudelleen" apparently means "listen again" or something like that. They really love double letters over there!

* EDIT: According to Google translate it means "repeat again"

Edited by Iversen on 24 November 2010 at 3:19am

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2149 of 3959
23 November 2010 at 10:04pm | IP Logged 
Kuikentje wrote:
Yyääss, iinn fïinniieessh ittz mäannii dobll läätteers annd siïemmz ymmpoocybbüüll tüü ryïïdd oorr uunndäärsstaannd haha Gaannss sshhoöüüäar tssüöu väärsshtään! Hast du das verstanden? Das war zwei besondere Dialekte vom Finnischen haha.


The difference is that my example was authentic!

Edited by Iversen on 14 September 2011 at 1:33am

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2150 of 3959
25 November 2010 at 9:57pm | IP Logged 
GER: Auf dem Heimweg von meinem Arbeitsplatz las ich heute die Hälfte der deutschen Wissenschaftsmagazin "Spektrum der Wissenschaft" (ich bin mit der italienischen Zeitschrift, die ich Anfang dieser Woche lies, jetzt fertig). Es gab interessante Artikel drin, z.B. zum Thema der theoretischen Energieverlust durch die Expansion des Universums, und auch ein umfassender Artikel über einige Studien der Schichten in den reichen Fossilfeld Messel in Deutschland, die über etwa 200.000 Jahre im Eozän aufgebaut wurde. Die Schlussfolgerung war, daß es auch ein El-Niño-Effekt im Eozän gab, aber mit weitaus schlimmere Folgen als in unseren Tagen, vielleicht weil das Wetter damals generell wärmer war.

Today I read the first half of the German magazin "Spektrum der Wissenschaft" on my way back from work. There were several interesting articles, including one about a theoretical energy loss due to the expansion of the univers, but also on about some studies of the very rich fossil beds at Messel in Germany, which were formed through a period of around 200.000 years in the mid Eocene, some 58 mio. years ago. They showed that there also was a short-periodic cyklus like the one caused by El Nino back then, but even more pronounced, probably because the climate generally was warmer back then (no ice at the poles).

AF: Ek het ook 'n video opgelaai in (slegte) Afrikaans op YouTube.

Edited by Iversen on 26 November 2010 at 1:34pm

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 Message 2151 of 3959
25 November 2010 at 10:50pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
GER: und auch ein umfassender Artikel über einige Studien der Schichten in den reichen Fossilfeld Messel in Deutschland, die über etwa 200.000 Jahre im Eozän aufgebaut wurde. Die Schlussfolgerung war, daß es auch ein El-Nino-Effekt im Eozän gab, aber mit weitaus schlimmere Folgen als in unseren Tagen, vielleicht weil das Wetter damals generell wärmer war.

Bei uns gab es einen VHS-Vortrag zu den paläontologischen Funden der Grube Messel. Ich glaube ich war krank an dem Termin, sodass ich da nicht hingehen konnte. Da habe ich echt etwas verpasst!

Übrigens hat "Focus Storia" jetzt ein Sonderheft herausgegeben zu der Evolutionsgeschichte der Menschen, ich habe das bei uns im Kiosk gesehen.


Edited by Fasulye on 25 November 2010 at 10:51pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2152 of 3959
26 November 2010 at 10:37am | IP Logged 
Wenn ich dieses Sonderheft von "Focus Storia" irgendwo hier in Dänemark sähe, würde ich es sofort kaufen!

Und Messel? Messel ist ganz einfach Alpha und Omega für unser Wissen über die Fauna von Eozän! Dieser Lokalität ist im Prinzip bloß eine Teer- und Schiefer-Grube, sondern sie hat sich als eine wahre Goldgrube für die Paläontologen wegen der überaus guten Erhaltungszustand der Fossilien erwiesen.

Iversen wrote:
Post no. 1
I was inspired to start this log by Reineke who launched the call for a new round of TAC 2009 about a week ago, (...)

My log thread started out as a normal thread in the multilingual room, but was moved to its present location soon after (nov. 29 2008). So around this time of anno domini 2010 it must by inference and due to the continuity of time at least on the macro-scale pass its 2. anniversary. Hopefully I'll succeed in making it even more confused and multilingual during its upcoming third year.

Edited by Iversen on 26 November 2010 at 1:29pm

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