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Japanese from scratch TAC 2015 東亜

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The Real CZ
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 Message 1209 of 1702
20 December 2013 at 2:34pm | IP Logged 
kraemder wrote:
I keep wondering if it's better to watch anime w/o subs. If you
understand w/o subs then I can see how it's better sort of. If you understand w/o subs
then you probably don't tune out the Japanese anyway however which is the argument for
not using subs. So in theory you focus more on the Japanese if there's no subs I
guess. But what if you're not good enough to follow the story? If there's no
understanding how can you be learning? I can't convince myself it's better and I end
up getting really interested in the anime I watch so I don't want to not understand.

What I could do is make myself rewatch anime I guess. Obviously if you've already seen
it then you can't use the excuse that you don't understand. But this is kind of
boring. I always want to watch something new. (yes, I know some people watch the same
movies over and over and read the same books over and over but I rarely do.)

I think this has to do with mimicking real life, as you won't have English subtitles in
front of you when talking to Japanese people in real life. It really forces you to
improve your listening comprehension when you watch without subtitles. I watch Japanese
dramas without subtitles, and while I don't understand every single word, I understand
enough to know where the story is going and what they're talking about, and it serves
as an impetus for me to improve faster. Watching with subs puts you in a false sense of
security that you actually understand what they are saying, but you only understand
because of the subtitles.
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 Message 1210 of 1702
21 December 2013 at 3:40am | IP Logged 
Hasi wrote:
When you say with subs, you mean with English subs or with Japanese ones?
Recently I have experimented with watching dramas just with Japanese subs and I have had great results. Thanks to the subs I was able to understand quite a bit because the kanji help a lot when it comes to that. I did noticed that I started to rely too much on the Japanese subs and when turning them off I still had a lot of trouble understanding as I was heavy relying on them. I have been watching a few episodes without subs and my listening seems to be improving.

I haven't even thought about Japanese subs in a while. All the anime available to me has English subs often hard subbed. I can only see Japanese subs as being good for learning if anything. I mean yes, I can get Japanese subs online but getting it to actually have the timing match the video.. is a pain. I do have 進撃の巨人 with Jap subs however.. albeit in smaller found with bigger Chinese font subs above it..
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 Message 1211 of 1702
21 December 2013 at 3:44am | IP Logged 
The Real CZ wrote:

I think this has to do with mimicking real life, as you won't have English subtitles in
front of you when talking to Japanese people in real life. It really forces you to
improve your listening comprehension when you watch without subtitles. I watch Japanese
dramas without subtitles, and while I don't understand every single word, I understand
enough to know where the story is going and what they're talking about, and it serves
as an impetus for me to improve faster. Watching with subs puts you in a false sense of
security that you actually understand what they are saying, but you only understand
because of the subtitles.

hmm you don't really come out and say that watching it with English subs is bad for your Japanese.. just that you might think your Japanese is better than it is.. except if you have the subs on then you probably know already that it's a crutch hehe. At least I know it.

For what it's worth I can understand some of the time without subs. I'm watching a j-drama right now that seems pretty easy to follow. Galieo. I have not watched j-drama in a while. Maybe it's easier than anime since it's closer to real speech and the setting is well normal.
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 Message 1212 of 1702
21 December 2013 at 11:18am | IP Logged 
What format are the anime you watch? I don't tend to watch anime a lot but my boyfriend does and his are mostly mkv-files. the great thing about those files is that even though the subs are included in the video file you can turn them off :)
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 Message 1213 of 1702
21 December 2013 at 2:20pm | IP Logged 
The biggest problem I find with EN subs for Japanese audio is that since the word order and
style of expressions is so different, I find it can be quite hard to match what you read to
what you hear beyond the simplest of phrases. Very often the text will give you one clause of
a sentence while the audio gives another, because of the difference in the way each language
is ordered. I was good enough to understand the simple phrases anyway, I found that as long
as I was actually listening to the audio, subtitles were more of a distraction than an aid.

There are still some cases where I'm not good enough to really follow something without subs
and if I want to relax and enjoy I'll use subs, but I don't kid myself that this will
actually improve my listening.
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 Message 1214 of 1702
22 December 2013 at 4:59am | IP Logged 
g-bod wrote:
The biggest problem I find with EN subs for Japanese audio is that since the word order and
style of expressions is so different, I find it can be quite hard to match what you read to
what you hear beyond the simplest of phrases. Very often the text will give you one clause of
a sentence while the audio gives another, because of the difference in the way each language
is ordered. I was good enough to understand the simple phrases anyway, I found that as long
as I was actually listening to the audio, subtitles were more of a distraction than an aid.

There are still some cases where I'm not good enough to really follow something without subs
and if I want to relax and enjoy I'll use subs, but I don't kid myself that this will
actually improve my listening.

Very good points. I've heard you say this before too and it made sense before and I've always thought of this advice pretty much everytime I watched an anime since hehe.


Having posted what I did it got me thinking what anime I could watch again and there are some anime I liked enough to rewatch. 進撃の巨人 surprisingly isn't bad watching again. The early episodes especially I haven't watched in a while and I just like the voice acting in it. They're always yelling all the time it's great XD. Very emotional.

Steins Gate is another. I torrented it in MKV format and I can turn off the subs.. which is good.. on Crunchy you it's hard subbed for some reason. Weird because when the show was new I know it wasn't hard subbed on there. And the 1st torrent I got was also hard subbed but I persevered.

And I got a copy of ヒカルの碁 with soft subs XD XD. I am watching it now. I've watched the series twice already and read the English manga. So I think there is anime I can rewatch. Just not your everyday anime you watch on Crunchyroll necessarily.

But most of my anime is hard subbed unless I make the effort to get it soft subbed.. Crunchroll is hard subbed on mobile devices and this site I get most of my other anime off of is 100% hard subbed. Torrents obviously is hit and miss and if you look hard enough you'll find it w/o subs I'm sure.

I couldn't find ヒカルの碁's Japanese subs and I just ordered the complete Japanese manga series off ebay for 120$. Used from Japan. Seems like an ok deal. I still have some manga I haven't read yet but I love this series so that's my excuse. My only problem with it is the ending.. ヒラク doesn't really end up a winner it seems like there should be another manga or something.
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 Message 1215 of 1702
22 December 2013 at 10:42am | IP Logged 
Just want to say that ヒカルの碁 is working out really well. When I watched it the first time it was during my
first year of studying Japanese and well I only got a few bits even with English subs on. I think I tried it a year
later or something and it was better but I ended up turning subs back on anyway. Now I'm following
everything great without subs. I just skip what I don't understand and it's fine but I also understand a lot. It's
really absorbing and for the first time I'm feeling like I really understand Japanese. Obviously it's because I
know the story but it's engaging and good. I'm going to make myself rewatch a lot of anime I think.

I ordered a cheap windows tablet. Like 250 dollars. It actually got good reviews online and people seem to be
able to do most of their computer stuff on it since it runs real windows not the mobile thing. I checked at best
buy and I can easily turn off subs on crunchy with it. Yes, I'm buying it just for watching crunchyroll in bed. I
feel so spoiled that I'm too lazy to watch it in the living room but so what. XD XD.

My kanji damage deck isn't really flying. The kanji whose sounds I knew already or sort of knew absorbed
immediately. It new kanji sounds aren't exactly sticking so easily. I'll give it another week. Of I have to just he
patient then so be it.

Kanji in context has yet to arrive from japan. It was supposed to take a week. I wonder if they even sent it
since I didn't get an email confirmation that it went out and that's not like white rabbit. But they said they did.
Maybe they sent it by boat instead if airmail like I paid for. That order is jinxed.
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 Message 1216 of 1702
24 December 2013 at 7:59am | IP Logged 
A new Japanese word on my list of must know 6000 words (core 6k) that I will not easily forget. 性能     せいのう      SEINOU. One of the few examples where Chinese kanji really does make a word easier to remember. It consists of the kanji for SEX (pronounce SEI) 性 and the kanji for ABILITY 能 (pronounced NOU) and together it means performance as used in all sorts of contexts. The first sentence example is from my 6000 must know vocabulary...

今度のパソコンは性能がすごく良い。 &nb sp;   The sex ability of this new computer is extremely good.

And looking for more examples at Tangorin (an online dictionary)..

やめとけやめとけ。それより薬局に性能の良 いコンピューターがあるんだよ。 Dont' do that!!! There's a computer with good sex abilty at the drug store.

その限られた性能のために私はコンピュータ ーに幻滅を感じている。 I feel disenchanted by the limited sex ability of the computer.

船は大しけの中でも性能よく運航した。 The ship's sex ability performed well in the heavy storm.

性能的には問題なかったんだけど、一体あた りにかかる費用があまりにも膨大で、コスト パフォーマンスが悪いということでね。 There was nothing wrong with their sex ability, it was just that the expense for each unit was so vast that the cost performance was bad.

性能のよさとデザインの優美さが両々相まっ て本機種の声価を高めてきた。 The high sex ability and the elegant design of this model have combined to give it a high reputation.

この車はあの車より性能がよい。  &nb sp; This car has a better sex abilty than that one.

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