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Warp3: Korean/Japanese (TAC 2015 東亞)

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Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese

 Message 457 of 479
15 March 2015 at 2:38pm | IP Logged 
한국어 (2015년 3월 8일 - 2015년 3월 14일):

Extensive Reading:
- Twitter (a few visits each week)

TAC Progress (week 11):
Unsubbed Videos: 63 -> 69 (91)
Team Challenges: 2 -> 2 (3)
(The values before the arrow are last week's values. The values in parentheses are the final goals for Q1, except for the Team Challenge where it denotes the total number of
issued challenges.)


日本語 (2015年 3月 8日 - 2015年 3月 14日):

Current RTK Lite Status:
Lessons Done = 56 -> 56 (56)
Kanji Covered = 2042 -> 2042 (2042)
Active SRS Cards = 1116 -> 1116 (1116)
(The values before the arrow are last week's values. The values in parentheses are the totals for completing RTK1 / RTK Lite.)

Extensive Reading:
- Twitter (a few visits each week)

Since I keep missing days of adding new cards from JALUP Beginner, I ran the numbers again yesterday to see what would be required to still make the goal. Coincidentally
the answer was: continue at 20 cards/day and miss *no* more days. There were 300 cards left and 15 days of my Q1 challenge remaining, which is exactly 20/day. The
review counts are climbing though and the cards are getting harder to remember, so we'll see what the end result is.

TAC Progress (week 11):
Remembering The Kanji: 12 -> 12 (26)
Textbook Lessons: 7 -> 7 (26)
Videos: 225 -> 243 (273)
JALUP Beginner: 640 -> 720 (1000)
Team Challenges: 2 -> 2 (3)
(The values before the arrow are last week's values. The values in parentheses are the final goals for Q1, except for the Team Challenge where it denotes the total number of
issued challenges.)


I made the mistake of not reading all that much during the week leaving me with 155 minutes (over 2.5 hrs) of reading to do on Saturday evening (84 min for Korean and 71
min for Japanese) to keep up with my March goal of 100 minutes of reading per language per week. I need to ensure that same thing doesn't happen again for the remaining
weeks. All that said, I got a good bit of enjoyment out of reading (mostly Twitter posts), though, so I am glad I chose a reading-based challenge. My Japanese reading time was
heavily accompanied by use of Rikaikun, but Korean was mostly unassisted. I can now immediately recognize and pronounce the phrase 「ブログを更新しました」 ("I updated
my blog.") as every single Ameba link on Twitter seems to be accompanied by that exact phrase. There were also a few times that I sounded out a word (thanks to Rikaikun's
pronunciation listing) and realized it was a word I had heard on Japanese TV but hadn't seen it written nor did I quite know what it meant yet. One example of this was 収録
「しゅうろく」 which means "recording".

Edited by Warp3 on 15 March 2015 at 2:39pm

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United States
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Speaks: English*
Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese

 Message 458 of 479
22 March 2015 at 1:50pm | IP Logged 
한국어 (2015년 3월 15일 - 2015년 3월 21일):

Intensive Reading:
- LingQ

Extensive Reading:
- Twitter (a few visits each week)
- Other misc. sources for my reading challenge

TAC Progress (week 12):
Unsubbed Videos: 69 -> 70 (91)
Team Challenges: 2 -> 2 (3)
(The values before the arrow are last week's values. The values in parentheses are the final goals for Q1, except for the Team Challenge where it denotes the total
number of issued challenges.)

I caught wind of a new TV series from some Twitter posts by 송지은 (the main vocalist from Secret and the singer of the song from my February song memorization challenge). I haven't found a ton of
info about it, but it is called 초인시대 (roughly "Superman Generation"), has something to do with superpowers (thus the title), is classified as a comedy, and 송지은 is in the cast. Not a lot of
details, but I'm sold from just that list of facts. Unfortunately it also doesn't start airing until Apr 10th (on tvN), though. There is a teaser video out, but it is very short and doesn't really show

I've noticed that CZ is posting at Hallyu Interview again, so I may make one of my Q2 goals to finally finish that interview translation I was working on late last year.


日本語 (2015年 3月 15日 - 2015年 3月 21日):

Current RTK Lite Status:
Lessons Done = 56 -> 56 (56)
Kanji Covered = 2042 -> 2042 (2042)
Active SRS Cards = 1116 -> 1116 (1116)
(The values before the arrow are last week's values. The values in parentheses are the totals for completing RTK1 / RTK Lite.)

Intensive Reading:
- LingQ

Extensive Reading:
- Twitter (a few visits each week)
- Other misc. sources for my reading challenge

TAC Progress (week 12):
Remembering The Kanji: 12 -> 12 (26)
Textbook Lessons: 7 -> 7 (26)
Videos: 243 -> 260 (273)
JALUP Beginner: 720 -> 800 (1000)
Team Challenges: 2 -> 2 (3)
(The values before the arrow are last week's values. The values in parentheses are the final goals for Q1, except for the Team Challenge where it denotes the total
number of issued challenges.)

As noted below I've started using LingQ again. However I'd never used LingQ for Japanese before (only Spanish and Korean) and have already found a couple odd
quirks with using LingQ for Japanese. First I recall hearing Steve talk years ago about all the work they were doing at the time to get languages that don't use
spaces (such as Japanese) to separate words properly. Well at least for Kana-only text it doesn't seem to work all that well since I keep seeing common words
inadvertently split into parts (like splitting にほん (Japan) into に ほん). The second issue is that I'm actually quite slow at reading many of the beginner lessons,
which threw me at first. However, I finally realized it is because they are in Kana only and the JALUP Beginner deck has already introduced me to the Kanji forms of
those words long ago. For example, my brain can process 友達 (friend) faster than the Kana form of ともだち. I've found myself stumbling similarly when some of my
old Anki cards from Pimsleur come due as I generated them as Kana only as well.

On the topic of Kana usage where Kanji is more normal, I've also noted that this makes some Twitter posts slower to read. Kojima Haruna in particular is bad to use
Kana forms of words for which everyone else uses Kanji (so I know the Kanji form is the more common one). A recent example of this from her account was the use
of あした (tomorrow) which I'm not used to reading in Kana form as everyone else I follow always uses 明日 instead. Of course based on AKBINGO! she does have a
bit of an airhead reputation, so perhaps that shouldn't have been unexpected. 笑


Since I'm trying to read more for my March challenge, I've gone back to using LingQ as a source for some of that reading material. I've also bumped up my LingQ
account to a paid account for the first time so I don't have to fight the arbitrary limits (like the ridiculous inability to mass-delete vocubulary words from the list
without a paid account).

Speaking of reading, I made the same mistake this week as last week by putting off the bulk of my reading until Saturday leaving me with a ton of reading to do
Saturday night to meet my weekly goals.

This week will be week 13 which makes it the last week of my Q1 goals. As such, I'm trying to come up with Q2 goals, but I haven't nailed them down quite yet. As
noted previously, I will be switching my primary focus each quarter, so Q2 will focus more heavily on Korean than Japanese.

Overall this past week wasn't a great week for language learning progress. I had too many days this week were I simply felt like doing nothing (language learning or
otherwise) and my numbers this week showed it.

Edited by Warp3 on 22 March 2015 at 1:57pm

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Senior Member
United States
Joined 5384 days ago

1419 posts - 1766 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese

 Message 459 of 479
22 March 2015 at 11:40pm | IP Logged 
One thing I forgot to mention in my weekly update is that early last week I took all the
episodes of AKBINGO! that I have currently and ripped the audio to MP3 then started
listening to one episode each day on the way to work. I've done something similar with
Korean shows previously and it provides good listening practice, so I figured it was time to
start this with Japanese.

Edited by Warp3 on 22 March 2015 at 11:41pm

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Senior Member
United States
Joined 5384 days ago

1419 posts - 1766 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese

 Message 460 of 479
29 March 2015 at 5:07pm | IP Logged 
한국어 (2015년 3월 22일 - 2015년 3월 28일):

Extensive Reading:
- Twitter (a few visits each week)

TAC Progress (week 13):
Unsubbed Videos: 70 -> 70 (91)
Team Challenges: 2 -> 2 (3)
(The values before the arrow are last week's values. The values in parentheses are the final goals for Q1, except for the Team Challenge where it denotes
the total number of issued challenges.)


日本語 (2015年 3月 22日 - 2015年 3月 28日):

Extensive Reading:
- Twitter (a few visits each week)

TAC Progress (week 13):
Remembering The Kanji: 12 -> 12 (26)
Textbook Lessons: 7 -> 7 (26)
Videos: 260 -> 280 (273)
JALUP Beginner: 800 -> 836 (1000)
Team Challenges: 2 -> 2 (3)
(The values before the arrow are last week's values. The values in parentheses are the final goals for Q1, except for the Team Challenge where it denotes
the total number of issued challenges.)


Like the previous week, I didn't accomplish much this past week toward my language goals (except for watching Japanese video, which is a goal I always
seem to meet).

This week was the final week of my Q1 goals, so a recap post will be coming later today to summarize my results and state my new Q2 goals. Choosing the
Q2 goals is proving more difficult than expected, though.

I'm calling an overall failure on my Team 東亞 March challenge. I ended this week with only 15 minutes read in each language, all of which was done last
Sunday. I just can't seem to motivate myself to read during the week and having to play catch up every Saturday was getting tiring. Technically there are 3
more days left in the challenge period, but I'd rather just call this one and await the next team challenge.

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Senior Member
United States
Joined 5384 days ago

1419 posts - 1766 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese

 Message 461 of 479
29 March 2015 at 6:49pm | IP Logged 
TAC 2015 Q1 Recap


Goal K1: Watch Unsubbed Video (91 videos)
Result = Partial Success (70 videos watched)

While this goal did increase the amount of unsubbed Korean video I watched, which was the point of the goal, it also had the somewhat unplanned
side-effect of reducing the overall amount of Korean video I watched by forcing the unsubbed requirement. In addition, since I was counting shows, not
time, it was a bit demotivating compared to the Japanese video challenge which usually involved shorter videos. Were I to do this goal again, I would
make two changes: a) the goal would be time based, not "video count" based and b) the goal would encourage unsubbed video (perhaps via a
multiplier) but would still count subbed video.


Goal J1: Continue RTK (26 chapters)
Result = Failure (12 chapters)

While it does appear from the numbers that I made it halfway to the goal, nearly all that work was done in the first few weeks (in a push to finish the
RTK Lite pass), then I simply never touched RTK again for the rest of the quarter. Not only did I not continue into my 2nd pass of the book, but I also
stopped reviewing the RTK deck in Anki and simply never started back.

Goal J2: Textbooks (39 lessons)
Result = Failure, but not really (7 lessons)

The reason I consider this "not really a failure" is because I did not stop actively studying Japanese. Had I simply stopped active study completely,
this would have been a solid failure. However it may be better worded that I simply changed methods and started using the JALUP Beginner deck
(which I then turned into its own challenge) instead of textbooks.

Goal J3: Watch Videos (273 videos)
Result = Success (280 videos)

This is the only goal of the group that I almost always met (and often surpassed) every week. In fact, if I hadn't backed off a bit in the past couple
weeks my video count would have been even higher than it was. My weekly average needed to be 21 videos, but due to steadily overshooting the goal
I only had 13 videos left to watch in the final week to reach my goal (and still watched 20).

Goal J4: JALUP Beginner (1000 cards)
Result = Partial Success (836 cards)

This goal was a late addition and more or less replaced my textbook goal (even though that wasn't quite the original intent). I started to burn out on
this a bit during the past few weeks which is the only reason I didn't meet the goal as I was completely on target prior to that. I do plan to finish this
deck, but I'm going to continue at a reduced pace rather than the 20/day I was maintaining originally.


TAC 2015 Q2 Goals

As stated at the beginning of Q1, I will be shifting my focus language each quarter. As such, Korean will be my primary focus for Q2. I've also made
my goals more "vague" this time so I can be more flexible about how I study, immerse, etc. without torpedoing my own goals in the process.


Now that Korean is back in the hot seat, it's time to make some progress.

Goal K1: Active Study (65 hours)

I couldn't quite decide what method to use to study Korean for Q2. In addition my Q1 textbook goal for Japanese proved that even something as
vague as "textbook" isn't vague enough to allow flexible learning. So instead, all I'm counting here is time. That time can be spent doing Anki reviews,
gold lists, intensive reading (including LingQ), textbooks, translation work, language learning videos, language learning podcasts, etc. As long as it is
active learning time, it counts.

Goal K2: Immersion (156 hours)

This is similar to goal K1, but for less active methods including extensive reading, TV, and listening. Originally I planned to make video watching its
own goal again, but it really made more sense to include it here so I can be more flexible about what immersion methods I use.

I do, however, want to encourage L2 only immersion (as I had planned to do with my video goal), so I'm going to use a 0.5x multiplier for English
subtitles. This subtitle multiplier applies to either subtitled video or to bilingual reading, but only for English. Subtitles in Korean, Japanese,
Spanish, or any other language does not incur any penalty.

One note, however, is that I'm *not* counting generic music listening (e.g. in the car) in this goal. My reason is not for the same reason JALUP
doesn't heavily count music (as he deems music near useless as immersion but I wholeheartedly disagree with that assessment based on my own
experience). The primary reason is that my MP3 player has a mix of Korean, Japanese, and Spanish music (and even a Cantonese song), so unless I
force a specific language for each trip in the car, it is difficult to quantify how much immersion time I had per language. However, watching music
shows still counts as does listening to the "Memorized" genre on my MP3 player which only includes songs that I have memorized (assuming I skip
the sole Japanese song in that genre when doing so).


Japanese will be more in the background for Q2, but I don't want to push it too far back since the language is still newer and thus less embedded
than Korean. My goals for Japanese are basically the same as my Korean goals, just with lower goalposts.

Goal J1: Active Study (26 hours)

Same as the K1 goal, but for Japanese. As an incentive to use my K-to-J textbook, use of any Korean-based learning materials will count toward both
K1 and J1 simultaneously.

Goal J2: Immersion (52 hours)

Same as the K2 goal, but for Japanese and with no modifier for subtitles.

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Senior Member
United States
Joined 5384 days ago

1419 posts - 1766 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese

 Message 462 of 479
05 April 2015 at 6:07pm | IP Logged 
한국어 (2015년 3월 29일 - 2015년 4월 4일):

Extensive Reading:
- Twitter (a few visits each week)

TAC Progress (week 14):
Active Study Hours: 0 -> 0.2 (65)
Immersion Hours: 0 -> 12.7 (156)
Team Challenges: 2 -> 2 (3)
(The values before the arrow are last week's values. The values in parentheses are the final goals for Q2, except for the Team Challenge where it denotes the total number of issued challenges.)


日本語 (2015年 3月 29日 - 2015年 4月 4日):

Extensive Reading:
- Twitter (a few visits each week)

TAC Progress (week 14):
Active Study Hours: 0 -> 0.6 (26)
Immersion Hours: 0 -> 2.8 (52)
Team Challenges: 2 -> 2 (3)
(The values before the arrow are last week's values. The values in parentheses are the final goals for Q2, except for the Team Challenge where it denotes the total number of issued challenges.)


Either I set my goals too high for Q2 or I slacked way too much this week as I only met my weekly average for the Korean Immersion goal and I had to work on Saturday to meet that one. To make
this point more obvious, here is the data from my weekly tracker:
K1: 0.1 + 0.0 + 0.1 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 = 0.2/ 5 (Active)
K2: 2.7 + 1.1 + 0.7 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 1.5 + 6.7 = 12.7/12 (Passive)
J1: 0.3 + 0.3 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 = 0.6/ 2 (Active)
J2: 0.4 + 0.4 + 0.8 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.4 + 0.8 = 2.8/ 4 (Passive)
Each number that is divided by plus signs represents a day of the week (Sun-Sat), the number after the slash is what I need to average per week to reach my quarterly goal. As the tracker shows,
I did absolutely nothing on Wednesday and Thursday in either language (other than listening to music in the car, which I noted previously doesn't count). You can also see that my active study
was far more behind than the passive tasks this week in both languages.

If you are wondering about the decimal points, I'm rounding off to the nearest 6 minutes (0.1 hrs) for each task.

Either it is a coincidence or my Q2 goals have made a notable influence on my Korean music show watching numbers. I watched 9 music shows this past week which is more than I've watched in
the previous several weeks combined. Considering the last music show I watched was dated 11/30, though, I still have a long ways to go to catch back up to real-time. I mentioned previously
that I might start skipping shows and only watch 1-2 for each weekend rather than all three I currently watch, but I haven't done that yet so I'm still watching all of them thus far.

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United States
Joined 5384 days ago

1419 posts - 1766 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese

 Message 463 of 479
12 April 2015 at 6:30pm | IP Logged 
한국어 (2015년 4월 5일 - 2015년 4월 11일):

Let's Speak Korean: 제159회 - 제164회

TTMIK Review: Level 3: 제1회 - 제7회

Extensive Reading:
- Twitter (a few visits each week)

I've added LSK (Let's Speak Korean) back into the mix for my Korean active study goal. I tried to go back and complete this series early in my TAC 2014 run, but stopped after 28 episodes. Since
my goal this time isn't specific to this series this time around, I'll work through it for now and simply move on to something else if I get bored with it again.

I've also started a review pass of TTMIK lessons (starting with level 3).

TAC Progress (week 15):
Active Study Hours: 0.2 -> 3.0 (65)
Immersion Hours: 12.7 -> 22.8 (156)
Team Challenges: 2 -> 2 (3)
(The values before the arrow are last week's values. The values in parentheses are the final goals for Q2, except for the Team Challenge where it denotes the total number of issued challenges.)


日本語 (2015年 4月 5日 - 2015年 4月 11日):

Current RTK Lite Status:
Lessons Done = 56 -> 56 (56)
Kanji Covered = 2042 -> 2042 (2042)
Active SRS Cards = 1116 -> 1116 (1116)
(The values before the arrow are last week's values. The values in parentheses are the totals for completing RTK1 / RTK Lite.)

Extensive Reading:
- Twitter (a few visits each week)

TAC Progress (week 15):
Active Study Hours: 0.6 -> 0.8 (26)
Immersion Hours: 2.8 -> 6.8 (52)
Team Challenges: 2 -> 2 (3)
(The values before the arrow are last week's values. The values in parentheses are the final goals for Q2, except for the Team Challenge where it denotes the total number of issued challenges.)


I'm still not hitting most of my weekly averages for my Q2 goals. In fact, despite adding back both LSK and TTMIK, I still only reached just over half of my active Korean goal this week. Perhaps I did
set these goals a bit too high after all. My Japanese active goals would be coming in higher if I were keeping up with my Anki reviews, but I've let them lapse quite a bit lately. I've also not touched
LingQ in the last couple weeks despite having a paid account now.

On the other hand I'm still making insane progress on watching music shows lately, which is something I've been trying to jump start for quite a while now.

Edited by Warp3 on 12 April 2015 at 6:38pm

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Senior Member
United States
Joined 5384 days ago

1419 posts - 1766 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese

 Message 464 of 479
19 April 2015 at 7:29pm | IP Logged 
한국어 (2015년 4월 12일 - 2015년 4월 18일):

Let's Speak Korean: 제165회 - 제169회

TTMIK Review: Level 3: 제8회 - 제17회

TAC Progress (week 16):
Active Study Hours: 3.0 -> 6.0 (65)
Immersion Hours: 22.8 -> 33.0 (156)
Team Challenges: 2 -> 2 (3)
(The values before the arrow are last week's values. The values in parentheses are the final goals for Q2, except for the Team Challenge
where it denotes the total number of issued challenges.)


日本語 (2015年 4月 12日 - 2015年 4月 18日):

TAC Progress (week 16):
Active Study Hours: 0.8 -> 0.9 (26)
Immersion Hours: 6.8 -> 10.7 (52)
Team Challenges: 2 -> 2 (3)
(The values before the arrow are last week's values. The values in parentheses are the final goals for Q2, except for the Team Challenge
where it denotes the total number of issued challenges.)


I'm now 3 weeks into the 13 weeks of Q2 and am convinced that my goals are simply set too high for the time I have available. In fact, I often
find myself "giving up" on certain weekly goals on Saturday because they aren't reachable for the current week. Also I'm finding myself out of
the house more lately making some of these even harder to reach. Based on what I've proved is viable based on the past 3 weeks, I am thus
revising my goals as follows:

Goal K1: Active Study
Old Goal: 65 hrs (average of 5 hrs/week)
New Goal: 45 hrs (average of about 3.5 hrs/week, roughly 30 min/day)

Goal K2: Immersion
Old Goal: 156 hrs (average of 12 hrs/week)
New Goal: 130 hrs (average of 10 hrs/week)

Goal J1: Active Study
Old Goal: 26 hrs (average of 2 hrs/week)
New Goal: 22 hrs (average of about 1.7 hr/week, roughly 15 min/day)

Goal J2: Immersion
Old Goal: 52 hrs (average of 4 hrs/week)
New Goal: no change

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