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Mooby’s Polish Slog - Team Żubr - TAC2012

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 Message 17 of 108
25 February 2012 at 8:13pm | IP Logged 
Hi, Mooby! I'm not a native Polish speaker, but here are a few corrections.

"Mój postęp był powolniejszy zeszły tydzień niż chciałbym."
You should say "w zeszłym tygodniu" rather than "zeszły tydzień".

"Był sporo śniegu w mojej wsi"
This should be: "Było sporo śniegu w mojej wsi." Basically, whenever you have a quantifier that is followed by
a noun in the genitive (i.e., a quantifier such as kilka, więcej, dużo, wiele, or, of course, sporo), the quantifier
takes a verb in the third person singular. If in past tense, the verb is neuter. Hence "było" and not "był".

"dużo wydałem czas zbierający drewno opałowe dla pieca"
This should be: "Spędziłem dużo czasu zbierając drewno opałowe dla pieca." The verb "wydać" only means
"spend" when you are talking about money. For example, you would say "Wydałem dziesięć dolarów na
książkę." ("I spent ten dollars on a book.") If you are talking about time, however, you use the verb "spędzić"
(the imperfective form is "spędzać"). "Zbierający" is an active participle meaning "who is gathering".
"Zbierając" is an imperfective gerund meaning "while gathering", so it is more appropriate in this instance.

"Nie mogę dobrze się skupić gdy jestem zimny"
This should be: "Nie mogę skupić się dobrze gdy jest mi zimno." In Polish, you don't say, "I am cold" - the
construction is just wrong. You use a form of the verb to be (jest, było, or będzie, depending on the tense) + a
noun or pronoun in the dative + an adverb (not an adjective). If you are talking about something inanimate,
however, you would formulate the sentence as you would in English. For example, you would say, "Moja ręka
jest zimna," ("My hand is cold") and NOT, "Jest mojej ręce zimno."

"Spodziewam się więcej zamętu przyszły tydzień, ponieważ dostanę nowej łazienki."
You should say "w przyszłym tygodniu."

"Będe głośny i zakrurzony, ale staram się uczyć."
This should be: "Będzie głośne i zakurzone, ale postaram się uczyć."

I hope everything made sense. There might be more mistakes that I didn't catch, but I did my best. I hope this
helped! Good job - I am impressed by your knowledge of Polish vocabulary! :)

EDIT: I changed something you wrote that was in fact correct - sorry! It's a good thing I looked it up. I just
fixed it. Oh, and I only corrected your post from February 12. There are a couple of mistakes in what you
wrote on February 23 - I can correct them for you later, if you would like.

Edited by Amerykanka on 25 February 2012 at 8:22pm

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Studies: Polish

 Message 18 of 108
26 February 2012 at 12:34am | IP Logged 
Bardzo dziękuję!
Thanks a lot Amerykanka, I really welcome your corrections, especially because you clearly explain the underlying principles.
Good luck with your studies, and congratulations for ploughing through Pan Tadeusz.
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 Message 19 of 108
26 February 2012 at 11:58am | IP Logged 
Thank you very much for explaining the whole 'jest mi zimno/gorąco' thing and the quantifier plus third person
singular rule Amerykanka, very helpful! I hope both you (well I know you are, you've nearly finished Pan Tadeusz!)
and Mooby are going well with your studies. Looking forward to your next update Mooby.
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 Message 20 of 108
28 February 2012 at 8:12pm | IP Logged 
Anki = 2084
Hours Studied = 9 (Total: 88)

W zeszłym sobocie (sobotę?) nauczyłem moja polska przyjaciółka języka angielskiego.
Chciałem nią mi opowiedzieć opowieść, żeby ćwiczyć mówienie. Opowiedziała o babcię,
Anastasia. Pewnego dnia jej babcia odwiedziła rodzina i wykrzknęła: 'To bardzo dziwny,
moje futro jest sztywne'.
Dokładnie zbadali i odkryli wieszak. Babcia poszła ponad milę z wieszakiem w płaszczu!

Last Saturday I taught my Polish friend English
I wanted her to tell me a story, in order to practise speaking. She recounted about her granny,
Anastasia. One day her granny visited the family and exclaimed; 'It's very odd, my fur coat is stiff'.
They carefully examined and discovered a coat-hanger. Granny had walked over a mile with a hanger in her coat!

We had a good laugh about that.
I apologise in advance for the mistakes, and I know there'll be plenty. Please feel free to correct / comment.

Just been Anki-ing and reading. And just 9 hours this week, so I'm going to have to pull my socks up (do bisons have socks?). It's on my list to continue grammar excercises in Dana Bilec's book 'Basic Polish' and to re-start the 'Hurra!' workbook number one. I did, however, listen to another three episodes of 'Samo Życie' and am able to distinguish more words, even though I don't know what they all mean. I probably know a lot of what the actors are saying, it's just that it's being spoken and not written in front of me!
Reading is going well. I'm on to a book called Kajtuś Czarodziej (Kajtus the Wizard) by Janusz Korczak.

Words of the Week
Złodziej = 'thief'.
Niewolnik = 'slave' (literally, 'not-free-one').
Gnębiciel = 'oppressor / taskmaster.
Polecać = 'to recommend' (as a good suggestion).
Plaster / plasterek = 'slice' (of meat, lemon, cucumber etc.)
Kromka = 'slice of bread'.

Music Track of the Week
I have realised that a lot of my cultural references seem to be a little melancholy, so not to disappoint you, I present Anna Jantar, a very popular singer in the seventies before her untimely death in a plane crash, aged just 29.
Her easy-listening style is perfectly summed in Za Każdy Uśmiech Twój.

Na razie!
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United States
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 Message 21 of 108
29 February 2012 at 12:37am | IP Logged 
Hi, Mooby! I'm glad my corrections were helpful to you. Here a few more:

"Nie dużo robiłem zeszły tydzień"
This should be: "Nie zrobiłem dużo w zeszłym tygodniu." I changed the aspect of the verb to perfective, since
"nie robiłem" means "I was not doing" or "I did not use to do", whereas "zrobiłem" means "I did not", which is
what I think you were trying to express.

"teraz mam nowa łazienka!"
This should be: "Teraz mam nową łazienkę." The direct object is always in the accusative.

"Choć nie jest dosyć już skończona."
This should be: "Choć jeszcze nie jest całkowicie skończona." The phrase "już nie" means "not anymore."
"jeszcze nie" means "not yet."

"Będę miał gorący prysznic dziś wieczorem, wtedy moja kolacji"
This should be: "Wezmę gorący prysznic dziś wieczorem, potem zjem moją kolację." You don't say "mieć
prysznic" - you say "brać/wziąć prysznic". As far as I know, it is not correct to say "mieć kolację" in the sense
of "eat dinner." As for "potem" and "wtedy" - "potem" means "then" as in "next, after that", while "wtedy"
means "then" as in "at that time."

"zanim oglądający jeszcze jeden odcinek"
This should be: "przed obejrzeniem jeszcze jednego odcinku". This literally means "before the watching of
another episode". "oglądający" is a participle, whereas "obejrzenie" is a gerund. In English, we also use a
gerund in this kind of construction ("watching").

I hope this was helpful!
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Studies: Polish

 Message 22 of 108
29 February 2012 at 8:24am | IP Logged 
Thanks once again Amerykanka, not just for the corrections but for taking time to explain everything so well.
Najlepsze życzenia!

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Studies: Polish

 Message 23 of 108
06 March 2012 at 6:31pm | IP Logged 
Anki = 2154
Hours Studied = 25 (Total: 113)

Zbliża się wiosna i cebulki zakwitają. Muszę wkrótce kupić kilka krzeków, może rhododendrony
i małe drzewa iglaste, żeby zakrywać dziurę w żywopłocie. Lubię karmić ptaki w ogrodzie.
Więć naprawdę byłem podekscytowany kiedy zobaczyłem para piękne czyżyki, przyciągnęli do
orzechów ziemnych. Taki małe drobne ptaki z czapeczek czarnych i piersi żółtych.

Spring is drawing near and the bulbs are coming into flower. I must soon buy a few shrubs
maybe rhododendrons and small conifers, in order to screen a gap in the hedge. I like to feed birds
in the garden. So I was really thrilled when I saw a couple of beautiful Siskins attracted to the
peanuts. Such small dainty birds with black caps and yellow breasts.

I had a very productive week and managed 25 hours study. Mostly reading and building vocabulary. At the moment I'm reading 'Oskar i Pani Róża' (Oscar and the Lady in Pink) by Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt. It's about a boy with a terminal illness writing letters to God in hospital, and his friendships with a pink-uniformed cleaning woman and another patient he calls Peggy Blue. I've unearthed quite a few nice colloquialisms from it.
I have decided to postpone using the 'Hurra! Po Polsku' handbook 1, because it is throwing a mixture of grammar at me in what seems like a random way. I prefer to focus intensively on a small aspect of grammar.
Indeed, I have devised a list of 35 grammatical features I want to study in isolation (and increasingly together when I want to construct written or verbal pieces). These 35 'units' DON'T include verbs yet.
Here they are (notice how narrow the focus is):

1-24 Each of the 6 main Cases I have divided into 4 units:
Noun Singular

Noun Plural

Adjective Singular

Adjective Plural

Some of the units are very easy to deal with like all the Nominatives and most of the adjectives.

25. Vocative Case (the 7th Case rarely used).
26. Numerals.
27. Adverbs.
28. Prepositions (also covered in units 1-24 because of their critical role in determining some of the cases).
29. Conjunctions (or 'Connectors').
30. Pronouns: Personal.
31. Pronouns: Polite.
32. Pronouns: Interrogative and Negative.
33. Pronouns: Possessive.
34. Pronouns: Demonstrative and Relative.
35. Pronouns: Intensive and Reflexive.

Words of the Week
Załatwione ! - 'done!' / 'in the bag!' (Załatwiony (ending in 'y')= 'sorted' / 'settled'.
Guma do żucia - 'chewing gum'
Trądzik - 'acne'
Surowy - 'strict' / 'severe'. Also 'raw' as in raw meat.
Zadyma - 'street riot' usually involving smoke (Polish for 'smoke' is 'dym'). Add a 'k' to this word and you get zadymka which means 'blizzard'.

Most Annoying Word of the Week Award
This dubious honour has to go to kieszeń which means 'pocket'. For some reason I spell it wrong everytime! Or if spell it correctly I get the plural wrong. It's been leeched from Anki at least once!

Happy grazing.....

Edited by Mooby on 07 March 2012 at 9:11am

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 Message 24 of 108
06 March 2012 at 10:15pm | IP Logged 
Hi :)

I am impressed by your command of Polish!

My corrections:

"krzaków" instead of "krzeków"
"rododendrony" without "h"
"zakryć" instead of "zakrywać" since I think that this activity is not repetitive
"parę pięknych czyżyków" (I saw whom/what?)
"przyciągniętych przez orzechy ziemne" In Polish those peanuts as a source of
attraction lure birds, "przez" could be translated into "by"
"Takie" instead of "Taki", "taki" is a singular masculine form, taki(he),taka
(she),takie (it) tacy (they-masculine) takie(they-feminine and neutral)
"z czarnymi czapeczkami i żółtymi piersiami" we almost always put adjectives before the
noun and it is safe to do so. However, this text seems poetic and allows one to reverse
the order. (z czapeczkami czarnymi i piersiami żółtymi)

I hope that it will be of some help :)

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