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Speaks: French*, EnglishB2, EnglishC2, Spanish, Japanese
Studies: Korean, Norwegian, Mandarin

 Message 137 of 203
02 June 2014 at 2:27pm | IP Logged 
It's funny how every time I look at my previous update I see written "here's a quick
update" and it ends up being freaking long. I really do talk (and in this case write) a
lot I guess, heh.

Since last time I've succeeded in getting a bit more time on my hands but I feel like
it's not going to last long. I've already spent more than half my time here in China
and I feel like I haven't seen anything yet. As a result I've decided to start visit
more, and get a more regular rhythm. That means that from next next week, I'll be going
out of Shanghai every saturday (at least) to visit some surrounding cities.
I've also started yesterday a proper language exchange with a friend's flatmate. I'll
be helping her with her English and she'll help me with Korean and Chinese (it's a
Korean girl).

Well anyway here's a (hopefully) not too long update:

Nothing much. I listened to a lot of NHK news radio podcasts (around 180-190 minutes
which I need to put for the SC), and read 2 to 3 news articles online everyday since
last week (also need to put on twitter for the SC).

I watched 15 episodes of 신의 선물 - 14일 with Chinese Subs (and tried to put for the
SC on twitter but it didn't work.. any ideas on how to do? the explanation didn't help
much..). I've also listened to 4 hours of podcasts and talked with different people
through messages. and with the language exchange now, i'm just going to need to read
more and it'll be perfect.

I did listened to lesson 4 and then 5 but that's it. I am falling behind so I need to
catch up while it's still possible. Will try to do lesson 6 tonight.

Well this time it's much more positive. I've watched quite a few movies, practiced with
many different people (from italki where I started going a bit) and will even have some
proper practice now with the language exchange (already did talk quite a bit
yesterday). I've also bought 6 books and 3 mangas (Dragon Ball in Chinese, counldn't
resist..!) today. Some are small and seem easy, some exactly the other way around (I
bought 1001 Nights in Chinese. It's a huge scary book. I also got a book explaining 300
成语 directly in Chinese and some other kind of books as well).
I've seen some actual progress so I need to continue in this sense now.

I've realized I stopped giving myself some goals since I arrived here. I will try to do
so for this month and see how it goes. I'll think about it over dinner now and post
later tonight ;)
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FranceRegistered users can see my Skype Name
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Speaks: French*, EnglishB2, EnglishC2, Spanish, Japanese
Studies: Korean, Norwegian, Mandarin

 Message 138 of 203
02 June 2014 at 6:17pm | IP Logged 
So, for my goals for the month:

- Read 2 articles per day minimum
- listen to the NHK podcast for 15min a day min.
- Try to read at least 150 pages from my book

- Listen to at least 3-4 hours of podcast per week
- Read 1 article per day (I have no book for now here)
- Find a drama which just started and follow it every week.
- Watch at least 3 movies
- Do my language exchange every week

- Catch up with the lessons and keep up
- Add some cards to anki from those lessons

- Watch at least 5 movies
- Listen to 15min of podcast per day min
- Read at least 2 (if possible the 3) tomes of Dragon Ball I bought
- Do my language exchange each week
- Respond regularly to people on Weixin (also called WeChat) even when it's in Chinese
(I tend to push it to later and sometimes end up never replying)

Life in China:
- Visit at least one place per week (if in Shanghai: at least 2 spots).
- Try to get a rather regular schedule
I set rather easy goals as I am not really sure of my schedule but if I see the
possibility of making them harder, I will.
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 Message 139 of 203
08 June 2014 at 1:05am | IP Logged 
yuhakko 씨 벌써 두번 한국에 갔네요... 좋겠네요 ^^ 저는 아직 한번 밖에 못갔어요 ㅠㅠ ;) 전주나 부산에 가본 적 없지만 광주는 저도 가본 적 있어요. 짧은 시간만 광주에서 보냈지만 재미있었어요. 시장하고 박물관에 갔고 couchsurfing에서 만난 한국인 친구와 언니들이랑 등산도 하고 닭발도 먹고 신나게 놀았어요. 궁금해요... yuhakko는 왜 한국도시들 중에서 광주를 제일 좋아해요?

언어프로그램의 폐막식은 8월 8일 금요일인데 그다음 날이나 일요일에 전라도에 갈까 해요. 그냥 인터넷으로 보면 가보고 싶은 섬들이 흑산도하고 홍도라고 해요. 목포 근처에 있는 다른 섬들도 갈 만해 보여요. 같이 갈 수 있는 친구가 있는지 없는지 한번 확인해야겠고요. 솔직히 말해서 섬이기만 하면 어디든 괜찮을 것 같아요 ㅋㅋ

아쉽게도 8월 20일에 한국을 떠날 거예요. 그래서 16이나 17일까지 벌써 섬에 돌아와 있을 것 같아요. 그때는... 뭐, 아직도 아무 계획이 없아요. 같이 저녁을 먹거나 1박2일동안쯤 같이 여행할 수 있다면 좋겠네요.

Phew, somehow this has taken me almost an hour to write... Regarding your Super Challenge tweets, if I remember correctly I saw the Bot reply that you didn't specify which language you're registering the drama for - that might have been the problem.
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FranceRegistered users can see my Skype Name
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414 posts - 582 votes 
Speaks: French*, EnglishB2, EnglishC2, Spanish, Japanese
Studies: Korean, Norwegian, Mandarin

 Message 140 of 203
15 June 2014 at 5:26pm | IP Logged 
ㅋㅋ 맞는데.. 전 벌써 두번 갔는데 내 생각으로 Druckfehler이 저보다 한국말 훨씬 잘 해요 ㅎㅎ
왜 광주 좋아하냐고요? 음~~ 그냥 거기서 기억도 많이 있고 친구들도 많아요. 거기서 살았을 때는
시장에서 벌룬티어 하고 있어서 그 도시의 사람들이랑 대화 하면서 그 도시의 역사를 많이 들었어
요. 사실은 설명 하고 싶어도 못해요. 그냥 도시도 사람들도 좋아해요. 이번에도 가고 싶었는데 내
친구들 모두 없을테니까 안 갈 것 같애요.

저는 오늘 표를 샀는데 8월 22일에 한국을 떠날 거예요. 그래서 아마 16일이나 17일에 점에 갈까
했는데 그렇게 하면 우리 못 만날것 같아서 조금 나중에 갈거라고 생각해요. 저도 계획이 아직도 없
어요. 마냑엔 카톡있으면 카톡에서 얘기 하면서 계획이 준비 하자. ㅎㅎ 프라이베트 문자로 아이디

ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 한 시간 걸려도 예쁘게 썼네요. ㅎㅎ 저는 항상 빨리 써서 실수를 너무 많아요 ㅠㅠ

Regarding the SC, I'm actually wondering whether it's not possible to tweet sth that
counts for more than "one movie" or "one book". Is it possible?
Indeed, the first time I tried, the problem was that the language was not specified but
after that... 아이구.. 왜 그렇게 힘들어 ㅠㅠ
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FranceRegistered users can see my Skype Name
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414 posts - 582 votes 
Speaks: French*, EnglishB2, EnglishC2, Spanish, Japanese
Studies: Korean, Norwegian, Mandarin

 Message 141 of 203
15 June 2014 at 6:24pm | IP Logged 
So, since I'm here, let's do a quick sum-up of how it's going in general : I believe I
won't be able to reach my monthly objectives.

Now that it's been said let's go more into details.

One of my flatmates left last sunday and he was also probably my best friend here so
I've been a bit down this week. I've been looking more towards the future let's say.
I've got only a bit less than 2 months left here in Shanghai.
Although I haven't done a proper update of how I think of Shanghai here is a (non-
precise) thought: Shanghai is a great city to stop by. A horrible city to live in for a
long time.
Now I know that it's famous for its active life and all the opportunities. The thing is
just that in the end this city tends to eat you. It's really easy to fall in that
pattern I've seen many fall in: go to work during week and party every (or almost)
weekday and every weekend, surrounded with foreigners. Most people like it and I kinda
did at first but as you may have noticed, my language studies have decreased
dramatically and my chinese hasn't even gotten great either.
I'll go more into details later in late august after I'm back in France but for now
let's just keep it at this.

As a result, I've been trying to separated myself from my colleagues more and more, try
to find a way to organize my future life and projects.
I've realized after some long research that if in December I don't find a VIE (special
contract for French people) in Korea, then I'd have to put a cross on it for at least 4
to 5 years (unless a company sends me there). I've also realized that I need to create
myself a bigger network (关系 as we say here) and maybe find a sort of mentor to help
me with my project. Furthermore I know that I need to drastically improve my 3 main
languages (Jap, Kor, Chi) if I actually want to be able to use them. So I've decided to
take part in some networking events here, hang out more with chinese people, spend time
on working on my project and, of course, work more on my languages. For the time being
I'll start with Korean and Chinese for grammar and Japanese for more natural speech and
cultural/historical aspects.

I know it's again a long entry and not so much related to languages but I guess it
helps putting those thoughts down.
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FranceRegistered users can see my Skype Name
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Speaks: French*, EnglishB2, EnglishC2, Spanish, Japanese
Studies: Korean, Norwegian, Mandarin

 Message 142 of 203
30 June 2014 at 7:36am | IP Logged 
In 2 days, half the years will have passed so I guess it's time to check where I am
with my goals and maybe readjust some.

- Read at least 10 books (mostly novels) : bad start. I've read only 1 and a half (or
was it 2?) but I'll catch up when I'm back in France.
- Get a good enough level in reading to be able to understand the news (journal)
without a dictionary : Getting much better. This is a really vague objective but I feel
that written news is starting to properly sink in.
- Pass the JLPT N1 by December maximum (if I'm in a country where I can try in
July, then I will) : Just started studying for the listening comprehension with a book
I bought here.
-->Alright start. Now I need to read a lot more and I'll be perfectly happy

- Read at least 2 novels (whathever the size): First I need to buy one.. I will when I
get to Korea in.. 6 weeks!
- Catch up with TTMIK : Not yet done. I'm somewhere around mid level 8. Skipping some
lessons and studying the ones that interest me. I'll go more in details with the others
later in France.
- Study at least 2/3 (better all) of my Korean Grammar in Use book (that means being
able to use the grammar points as well): Can't do it without my book.. I've listened to
the audio for 1h but that's it. I'll have to reduce that to 1/3 probably but we'll see
when I'll be back in France in 2months
- Pass the TOPIK 4 at least (and if possible the 5 but I doubt that): Won't be able to
do it as it's already passed. I guess that's for next year.
--> a rather bad start I guess. I'd say the most important this year is to start
reading regularly

- Read one (easy) novel : if graded reader counts, then it's done. I'll try to read a
real one but in the second half of the year.
- Read at least 5 Tintin : Read 1 for now, bought 5 more here.
- Watch a full Drama without subs (just chinese subs): watched a few movies and started
some dramas but still not completed one.
- Study grammar a lot! : Too vague objective. Didn't study much grammar. I'll change
- Practice written conversation every week as much as possible : loads of practice here
of course
- Pass the HSK 4 or maybe 5 if possible: not possible as it's passed already but I
guess I'll try to go for the 5 or 6 next year ;)
--> I guess I've improved a lot but objective-wise, I'm still far behind

- Finish 2013's lessons
- Follow weekly the 2014 lessons when they will start (around April I believe)
- Start trying to read things in Ainu around August if possible
--> Still far behind for each

Norwegian: stopped for now and certainly until at least next year.

English: My English has gotten a bit british but that's it.

Edited by yuhakko on 30 June 2014 at 7:38am

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Senior Member
FranceRegistered users can see my Skype Name
Joined 4579 days ago

414 posts - 582 votes 
Speaks: French*, EnglishB2, EnglishC2, Spanish, Japanese
Studies: Korean, Norwegian, Mandarin

 Message 143 of 203
30 June 2014 at 7:52am | IP Logged 
I've finally started updating for the SC (although I still have some parts to tweet).
Contrary to what I thought I've been listening to much more than I thought of Japanese
and Korean and Just by keeping my daily routine (audio-wise), I'll reach the objective
without any problem.
Now for the reading part, reading the news in Japanese everyday helps not getting too
much behind but I still need to read more books. As for Korean and Chinese, this won't do
so I really need to start thinking of how to include those in my daily routine.

Also: a bit less than 6 weeks left before I leave Shanghai and go to Korea. I need to
plan where to go there. And also need to organize my coming back in France
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Senior Member
FranceRegistered users can see my Skype Name
Joined 4579 days ago

414 posts - 582 votes 
Speaks: French*, EnglishB2, EnglishC2, Spanish, Japanese
Studies: Korean, Norwegian, Mandarin

 Message 144 of 203
02 July 2014 at 5:11pm | IP Logged 
Riding on that motivation wave I have nowadays, I started trying to translate stuff.
Basically, I believe I should start doing some "professional" translation in order to get
a bit of experience in the field as well as improving my Japanese (I'll try Korean in a
year or two at least I guess). I have gone around and found a few "freelance translating
websites". One needs us to pass a test to start so I've translated the extract given. In
order to have a proper feedback, I'm going to double check with a used-to-be J-E
translator I know.

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