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 Message 161 of 203
02 October 2014 at 1:21pm | IP Logged 
The correct link is this. Since it's a picture, it should end with a picture file extension ;)

Edited by Evita on 02 October 2014 at 1:21pm

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 Message 162 of 203
03 October 2014 at 3:50pm | IP Logged 
Thanks Evita! Now seems like the new problem is how to make the pictures appear in a reasonable size I guess.. ^^

Regarding my objectives, I'm gonna change the general approach I've had in the near past. I've been trying to do everything and fix higher and higher objectives every week but now (at least for japanese), I'll fix something regular and if I do better one week, I won't change the objective for the following one.

So I've decided on a reasonable plan to go as far as possible. This would make me finish the movie part for all 3 languages, the reading part for japanese and get me close to finish half for both Korean and Chinese. I would finish the Japanese reading part in about 350 days so after that, I could increase my time for Korean and Chinese so I guess I could even finish them.

As a result, from hereon, I'll focus on this challenge and if I get enough time some day, I'll go around and do other things such as textbooks and whatnot.

I guess this was not so well explained but in a nutshell after all the analysis I've just done, I've come to know that I'll need at least 2h-2h30 of study per day. What I'll need to be careful is : to not change my plan if one day doesn't work out well.

The movie part is "less" important as I know I'll finish it with ease so I won't put the schedule but for the reading part, here's what I'll do:
- Japanese : 12-13 pages per day
- Korean : 4.6 pages per day (will surely just end up following the 32 pages per week objective instead)
- Chinese : 4 pages per day (will surely just end up following the 30 pages per week objective instead).
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 Message 163 of 203
06 October 2014 at 9:33pm | IP Logged 
yuhakko wrote:
Since I didn't find a solution, I just put the pictures on my twitter for now, but if you have a solution, I'd be glad!

this part: w=700&h= seems to be the problem, the URL should end in jpg. If you want to change the size of the pictures you'll probably have to do that before you upload them, I don't know if it's possible to adjust it on here.

yuhakko wrote:
Regarding 나는 나를 파괴할 권리가 있다, I didn't realize it was your first book! Sounds kinda scary to know that it was like a charade or sudoku for you knowing your level, but I like challenges so why not.

This was 2 years ago, so... I'm sure my Korean back than wasn't better than your current level, probably lower. In part it also just depends on how many novels you've read, each successive one gets easier. A lot of words will reappear.

yuhakko wrote:
As for doing some kind of book club, I'd be indeed interested, but not sure I can follow you rythm (actually pretty sure I can't). We could go for while I read only that book, you read another one as well in order to control yourself on this one. 어때? 사실은 이 책 읽고 싶은데 시작하는 것이 어렵다..

I was thinking along those lines! You could set the pace at whatever you're comfortable with and I'll follow along. I'd be glad to have a reason to reread the book and I'll probably be reading at least one other book alongside anyway :D
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 Message 164 of 203
15 October 2014 at 12:17pm | IP Logged 
@Druckfehler: Well, I can't find a way to change the size of the pictures here and I'm
lazy to look somewhere else. I guess, that'll have to do it.
I've only read the little prince in billingual form so that's not much. If you're in
for that, let's say 4 pages a day starting next week monday or tuesday. If you still
have kakaotalk, we could discuss that over there :p

As for an update:
I'm back from the Polyglot Conference! Best. Weekend. Ever. I have to admit, I was
kinda worried about what kind of people would be there, but in the end I spent the
whole weekend happy, enjoying talking to all kinds of people in different languages.
Everybody's background was so different as well. I talked with a Serbian in French,
with another in Chinese, with a British and American in Japanese, in Korean with a
Korean (well normal but I wasn't expecting to find a Korean guy there). I learnt a few
words of Serbian, some (surprising) differences between Polish and Serbian (similar
words meaning the exact opposite in the other's language) and that's just a part of
everything! We played some games including some which made me feel really stupid
(tough to explain).
As for the speeches, they were incredibly interesting. While I didn't agree with
everything that was said (particularly thinking of Iversen and Professor Arguelles'
95-98% for reading, since it doesn't exactly apply to languages such as Japanese for
which you could understand the characters but not know the word in itself, etc.), all
those speeches gave me a lot of insight and the one about being a language coach
actually made me think a lot.
I could try to describe everything, but I guess Solfrid did it so well in her log that
I wouldn't dare try to compete with that. Although I did see her (or Iversen), I
didn't dare go say hi to her. Her explanation in her log saying that she was feeling
weird being surrounded with people she respected so much is an explanation of why
In any case, I came back here incredibly full of energy (although I lacked sleep) and
motivation to study harder. It was a great experience, that I'd love to have again.
Unfortunately the next one will be in the States so I doubt I'll be able to go but If
I'm still in Europe next year in May, I'll definitely go to the gathering in Berlin.

If I had to say one "complaint", more just like a downside than anything, I'd say that
the emphasis was too much on European languages. Asian languages were mentioned in
pretty much none of the speeches and often just ignored. I think we may have been
maximum 5 people who could speak japanese, 2 (me and the Korean guy) who could speak
Korean and languages such as Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian, etc. were (as far as I
know) non present. Maybe a speech regarding those could have been interesting. Chinese
was the only one I could hear here and there.

Anyway, I can't stress it enough, the weekend was awesome.

As for study: I've been reading and watching some Japanese, reading a bit of Chinese,
and a it of ttmik grammar. Nothing incredible so nothing particular to report.
Oh yeah right! I do have something: I'm just started to study some indonesian on
Indonesianpod101. I'll do only that, nothing more. It's just to relax and take breaks
here and there.
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Studies: Korean, Norwegian, Mandarin

 Message 165 of 203
06 November 2014 at 3:44pm | IP Logged 
Well, again, it's been a long time. Unfortunately, I wish I could say I did a lot, but
I didn't.
Life got busy with finals (which are once every month this year as classes are
compacted in just a few weeks), the begining of my thesis and, of course, looking for
a job. It's definitely not an excuse but results are here: I didn't study much.

For Japanese, I pretty much only watched some asadora and a few animes. I did watch a
movie called 白ゆき姫殺人事件. Very nice movie which is about a murder and a journalist
(who's always tweeting) starts looking into it. Seems simple but it's rather well
done. (I found this movie looking for stuff with Inoue Mae, who made me like Japanese
dramas/movies many years ago). As for reading, I haven't read my book for at least 2
weeks. I will try to get back into it this weekend (long weekend in France). I didn't
do any proper study at all though. Just 2-3 lessons of 総まとめ読解N1.

For Korean, I've watched a few Running Man, and other stuff but nothing much. No
reading either. Luckily, the only music I listen to is Korean so I guess it
compensates a bit. I just got the whole drama Secret which I'll watch as soon as I get
the subs for the 1st episode (just to get into the drama and then, no subs). I also
saw that the korean version of the Japanese drama Liar Game. I got the first episodes
but there is a problem on the first one so I can't watch it. I'll get to that this
weekend. It's been a while that I haven't been looking forward so much to a drama!

As for Chinese, I watched 2 中国好声音 and will get the rest this weekend. I've also
watched one movie and watched almost 2 weeks of classes in Chinese (will talk about it
now) subbed in English. Pretty much no reading.

As for the class I'm taking, it's a class on Coursera about CAT, the tools used in
translation by translators. It's really interesting but also very hard and takes up
quite some time.

Concerning the SC, I haven't logged for quite some time, but I will do before next
week for sure. (maybe later today)

Apart from that, I've talked here and there in Japanese (went to 2 french-jap events
and talked to a few japanese people from the school) and talked with a few friends in
Korean through messages.

Anyway, I'm getting more organized and not going out much anymore so I should have
more time but I am focusing more and more on finding a job for the begining of 2015 so
I doubt there'll be much interesting. (Trying to find a job in Asia, applied to one in
Korea already)

Oh, one last thing, I started (again) doing some translation, but this time I am
focusing on the wine industry in Japanese. I'll move on to Korean as well when I feel
I have more time.
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Studies: Korean, Norwegian, Mandarin

 Message 166 of 203
12 November 2014 at 11:21am | IP Logged 
Well, it seems I'm not in a good study period again... It's been very long I haven't
studied properly from a book and it's also been a while I haven't read a normal book
in a target language as well.

Weirdly enough, I want to study. I do. I just can't seem to actually get to it.

Basically I'm watching stuff in Japanese everyday and rather often korean as well, but
my chinese seems to be totally on hold.

I think that the fact that I'm looking for a job in Asia might be one of the causes.
As I might end up in Korea, Japan, China or even else, my focus seems off. If I try
studying one language I end up thinking it'd probably be better studying another one.

Furthermore, I'm in a rather nostalgic stage it seems. It's not the first time though.
Pretty much every year around my birthday (just a few days ago), I find myself
analysing my past choices and trying to see my near future. Obviously this doesn't
work and just ends up messing with my head.

Anyway, I guess that'll get better soon. I'm at my parents for the weekend (long
weekend with holiday) so I'll be back in my apartment tomorrow, I should be more
efficient there.

Luckily, from this week on, I'm reading a book along with Druckfehler in Korean. We've
decided to go on a slow basis of about 20 pages per week (a lot for me, nothing for
her ^^).
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FranceRegistered users can see my Skype Name
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Studies: Korean, Norwegian, Mandarin

 Message 167 of 203
08 December 2014 at 12:08pm | IP Logged 
Wow.. almost a month.. Unfortunately I don't have much more to say. Arriving at the
end of my Master's degree, I'm having quite a lot on my hands. Luckily, almost
everything is done now and I'm starting to see a possibility of getting some language-
related stuff done. But still, I really am looking forward to the 20th so that
everything is done and all I'll have left will be finding a job and writing my thesis.

All I've done in the last month is :
Korean: Read a bit more than 50 pages of the book I'm reading with Druckfehler. I've
also watched the Korean version of Liar Game (which was rather different from the
Japanese version but still awesome).
Japanese: Pretty much nothing but I started again reading my book and listening to the
news this weekend.
Chinese: Literally nothing... I need to work on that.

Here's what I hope to do this month:
- Finish 나는 나를 파괴할 권리가 있다.
- Finish ノルウェイの森(上)
- Read 1 丁丁.
- Watch at least 2 Japanese movies
- Watch at least 1 Korean drama
- Watch at least 5-10 episodes of a Chinese drama
- Listen to at least 3 TTMIK lessons
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FranceRegistered users can see my Skype Name
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Speaks: French*, EnglishB2, EnglishC2, Spanish, Japanese
Studies: Korean, Norwegian, Mandarin

 Message 168 of 203
07 January 2015 at 11:44pm | IP Logged 
So here comes a TAC 2014 Analysis followed by my objectives for this coming year (both
written on the 31st in the train)

Overall: This year was not such a good objective-wise. I pretty much failed all
my objectives for each language. However, I won't say this was a bad year either. I
learnt a lot for each of my
languages but also related to my "addiction" to languages. My objective toward
languages has changed and I now realize I cannot learn everything "perfectly" or not
to the same extent at least.
I guess I've been brought back from that land of dreams I was in (although I was
telling myself I wasn't). I'll get to that later in this post but first let's go
through each language.
Just to give a warning, there will be an overall focus in 2015 which is already
someone else's here on HTLAL ;)

Well I didn't read as much as I wanted nor did I pass the JLPT N1 but my understanding
of written news has gotten somewhat better. This is probably thanks to the fact that
for a few months at
the beginning of the year I read NHK's easy news followed by the article on which it
was based, thus increasing my understanding of the original article and seeing unknown
words pop up a few
times in sentences built differently.
One enormous downside during this year is that my speaking skills have drastically
diminished. During my time in China I almost didn't use it except for a few skypes or
talks with a friend
translator and this last semester, I just spoke a few evenings here and there with the
japanese at school.
On the other hand, one good thing is that I finally started doing some translations.
While irregular and mostly "customer complain" translations, this helped me dwelve
deeper in the
understanding of some forms and also made me realize I should also do some work on my
native language French as I sometimes ended up with a translation in English without
being able to figure
out the French version.

Each year gets sadder and sadder it seems. I didn't reach any goal again and I still
feel stuck on that plateau without a way out.
The upside was meeting Druckfehler in Korea this summer. Her Korean skills are very
impressive and taking into account the fact that we started Korean around the same
time, my Korean felt
horrible. However conversing with her all in Korean and now reading a book at the same
time help me see a place where I could be. This will be seen in my objectives for this
year later though.

I didn't reach any objective, but gosh was this a good first semester for Mandarin. I
didn't really realize it at the time but my Mandarin skills improved greatly (at least
the writing and
reading skills). Indeed, although I haven't done anything (shame on me) for the past
2-3 months in Chinese, I have talked to a few Chinese friends here and there all in
Mandarin and using a
dictionnary was mostly useless.
The downside however was realizing that Mandarin is not a priority. This doesn't mean
that I don't like it or won't study it anymore, just that my objectives will be lower
from now on.
I got many books and textbooks in Shanghai and realized afterwards this, but at least
I can enjoy this language with less pressure.

Well that didn't happen. I did study a few lessons and added them to anki which I
continued up until now, but putting them in Anki made me become lazy (as I have grown
to dislike doing that a
few years ago already). Thus this will have to change for 2015.

I totally stopped the language. Not that I don't like it, just that I don't feel the
"need" to learn it anymore. I may get back to it later but not yet. I do really like
the sound of it so if
anybody's got any recommendation for a TV show or movie to watch, please do share :)

I didn't really work on it but here's the funny thing. I kinda got a British accent
from my colleagues I had from 08/13 to 02/14. It then kinda started to fade away in
Shanghai but started
coming back after coming back to school and hearing regularly some british people
around. One thing stuck is the pronunciation of the word "can't" which now feels
difficult to pronounce the
American way whilst I used to have a more American accent a while back.

Well I didn't do much Indonesian (just bits here and there) and about one hour and a
half of Tagalog but not much more. Except that I did learn the Serbian style Cyrilic
alphabet for the
Polyglot Conference and some words along.

Edited by yuhakko on 07 January 2015 at 11:46pm

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