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Ezy Ryder’s endeavor (TAC’14-15 旅立ち、鵲、東亞)

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Ezy Ryder
Senior Member
Joined 4293 days ago

284 posts - 387 votes 
Speaks: Polish*, English
Studies: Mandarin, Japanese

 Message 57 of 144
22 February 2014 at 10:38am | IP Logged 
JP: 毎日50語言葉を足すことはつまらないね (読んで、調べて、トラ
ンプに足すの過程)。 CorePLUSを使ってみたかったが、 雑誌に基づいたんだ。 ちょっと
探して、 小説に基づいた見出し語頻度辞典を見つけた 。 もっとも頻繁の言葉のテキスト割
合を推算し た (下にある) あいにく、 人や所の名前がも含められたから精度はよく な
い。 ちょっと当てが外れるよ。 ラノベのページでわかった言葉の割合を数え て、 94%だ
った。 さ、ライトノベルんだかな:)

EN: Adding 50 words a day to Anki (the process of reading, looking words up, and adding them
to the deck) has been getting more and more tiring. I've considered using corePlus, since it has
~25,000 words sorted by frequency, but IIRC, the corpus consisted of newspapers. After a bit
of google'ing I found a ~89,000 lemma frequency list. I calculated the total number of words in
the corpus (which consisted of novels, so something a tad more interesting to me) - 18,928,215
words. Then I counted cumulative text coverage. Sadly, the corpus includes proper nouns, so
it's inaccurate, but maybe still it will be interesting to someone, what I got was:
I'm a bit disappointed by the inaccuracy. I just checked the percentage of known words in a
light-novel page, and it was 94%. It was a light-novel though :)

Edited by Ezy Ryder on 27 February 2014 at 7:30pm

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Ezy Ryder
Senior Member
Joined 4293 days ago

284 posts - 387 votes 
Speaks: Polish*, English
Studies: Mandarin, Japanese

 Message 58 of 144
27 February 2014 at 8:00pm | IP Logged 
JP: 日本語-7.000語。 せっかく突破そう事だ。 勉強はスムーズに行われる。 (アン
キやって) 40分間に250-280見直しと50語が新単語を学ぶ。 今日魔法剣士で読解を測っ
て、 新単語を足した。 まず、 単に1ページを読んだ。 大きな上達を見なかった。 要旨だ
けぐらい。そして、 他のページで分かった言葉の割合を測った-84 .8%だ。 ラノベの頃か
ら上達ない。 逆だ。 だけど、 ちょっともう珍しい言葉あったし。 例えば: 「喫水」や
「竜骨」。 幾つか単語の意味(時々読み方も)が察せた 。 たとえば:「横板」や「商
船」。 幾つか思わず察さなかった。 例えば:「山形」や「平底」。 さ、次の千語へ!

EN: Japanese-7.000 words. Finally another milestone. Studying goes rather smoothly
now. I do about 250-280 reviews and 50 new words in ~40 minutes (just doing Anki). Today I
checked how much I understand from the Witcher. First, I read one page. Haven't seen much
improvement. I get just the gist. Then, I calculated the percentage of understood words in
another page - 84.8%. No improvement since the Light Novel. Quite the opposite. It has some
more rare vocabulary though. Like "draught" or "keel". I could guess the meaning (and
sometimes also reading) of some of the words, like "sideboard" or "merchant ship". Some
though, despite being simple, I didn't guess, like "mountain-shaped" and "flat-bottomed". So, to
the next thousand!

EDIT: 40秒間->40分間

Edited by Ezy Ryder on 28 February 2014 at 1:32pm

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Senior Member
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 Message 59 of 144
28 February 2014 at 1:06am | IP Logged 
I think you wrote 40秒間 when you meant 40分間. It happens to me all the time. :)

Ezy Riderさんはす~ごい勉強に なりましたね。私も アンキをだいたい使ってますけど、イライラ されるから 40分間使うのが絶対にできません! 一日20分間で100単語ぐらいしか しません。小説にもイライラされるから、 この頃あまり読みません。Ezy Riderさん、偉いですね!
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Ezy Ryder
Senior Member
Joined 4293 days ago

284 posts - 387 votes 
Speaks: Polish*, English
Studies: Mandarin, Japanese

 Message 60 of 144
09 March 2014 at 11:00am | IP Logged 
JP: また修飾した。 日本語能力試験のリストは有用な語彙を持っ てないし。 読んで足すこ
とは遅いし。 小説から生じた頻度リストは退屈だったし。 今、 ヨミちゃんを使ってみる。
小説をアンキで読んで、 2つクリックも新単語が足せるんだ。 中央ボタンを押しつつ欲し
い言葉にマウスを置いて、 欲しい定義(や書き方)を選ぶ。 それより文が足すことは可能
だと読んだ、 けど僕のトランプでめったに例文を使わない よ。 現実で小説を読んで足す事
の速度は、 ~1.83分/言葉。 ヨミちゃんでもって0.95分/言葉。 新単語をタイプしたり、 調
べたり、 カードを作ったりしなくてもいい、 や小説を読むことは面白いから、 (もう)続

EN: Yet another method modification. The JLPT wordlists lacked useful words. Adding words
from books was slow. Adding words from frequency lists generated from books was boring. So
now, I'm gibing Yomichan a try. I can add a new word directly to my deck with just two clicks,
while reading the book in Anki. I only need to hover the mouse over the word I lack, and choose
a definition (and writing) I want. I've read that adding sentences is also possible, but I rarely add
example sentences to my deck. Adding new vocab from reading books (in reality) was taking
~1.86 minutes per word. Yomichan requires only ~0.95 minutes per word. It's easier to persist,
because I don't have to type the word, look it up, and make the card. Plus, reading keeps me
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Ezy Ryder
Senior Member
Joined 4293 days ago

284 posts - 387 votes 
Speaks: Polish*, English
Studies: Mandarin, Japanese

 Message 61 of 144
30 March 2014 at 5:34pm | IP Logged 
JP:日本語-8000語。 さ、 初めは千語を20日間で学びたかったのに、 結局一ヶ月を懸
かったやろう。 最悪ことは単語帳を準備するのだ。 さらに一枚カード時間の制限を四秒間
に設定し、 しげしげ半分の時間に復習(320枚)と新規(50枚) の暗記のことが出来る。 インテ
ンシブリーディングは、 ラノベの116頁だ。 上達は、 まだ不満足。
英語は、 近頃「船にいる男の人の三人」 を読みだした。第一課で、 約98%理解だった
(日本語でもそれだけわかりたい)。 それどころか、 「You rang, M’lord?]と
「Blackadder] で聞き取りは理想じゃなかった。 だって「Frasier],[Three’s company],
[That Mitchell and Webb look]などでいい(「Zero punctuation]さえで)。

EN:Japanese-8000 words. So, at first I hoped to be able to get through a 1000 new
words in ~20 days. But apparently it took a month. The worst thing is preparing the deck. After
further lowering the time per card limit to 4 seconds, I often can get through 320 reviews and 50
new cards in about half an hour. As for intensive reading, I've gotten through 116 pages (in
toto). The progress I've made still isn't enough.
I'd like to talk briefly about English now. As of late, I've started reading "Three men in a boat",
getting ~98% comprehension in the first chapter (I'd like to understand this much in
Japanese...). However, when watching "You rang, M'lord" and "Blackadder", my listening
comprehension could be improved. Which is odd, because when I watch "Frasier", "Three's
Company", "That Mitchell and Webb look", etc. it's just fine (even "Zero punctuation").
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Ezy Ryder
Senior Member
Joined 4293 days ago

284 posts - 387 votes 
Speaks: Polish*, English
Studies: Mandarin, Japanese

 Message 62 of 144
27 April 2014 at 9:34pm | IP Logged 
JP: 日本語-9000語。 さ、 ちょっと長引っちゃったらしい。 また遅延。 ともあれ。
最近見知らぬ単語はもう少し稀になってそう だ。 半月で、 1ページによく弱三語言葉があ
る。 最近届かれた 「走ることについて語るときに僕の語ること 」 にも。 魔法剣士ゲラル
トには最も-五語。 勿論上達を意味する、 けど単語帳の準備ようにもっと読まなきゃ、 す
なわち、 もっと時間を懸かってる。 んで最近よく新単語を足さなかったりしてた 。 遅延

「ずっと別のことには」、 僕の本命だ。 統計:
読解割合 (勉強しなかった一枚頁にわかった言葉数 / 総言葉数)
簡単なページに来たかも? 後でアニメ字幕の読解を調べてみたい。 この数字は高すぎそう
英語において。もうすぐポーランド語授業 (むしろ文章授業) ように 「闇の奥」 を読ん
でと言いつかれた。 もちろん、 底本は英語でと聞いた、 すぐ決定した。 底本を読もとし
ようと思った。 今、 十枚頁を読んだ (97.8%-5773/5857語)。 ちょっと 「ボートの三人
男」 を早めたくなった。 これは僕の初めての英語本だから。

EN: Japanese-9000 words. So, again, it took longer than I hoped. Anyhow, unknown
words seem to become more
rare. On a typical page of Hantsuki, there are less than 3. Same for "What I talk about, when I
talk about running" (which got delivered recently). The Witcher seems to be the most difficult
(perhaps because of the genre), having about 5 (checked on just one page though).
"And now for something completely different." My favorite, statistics that is.
Text coverage (# of understood words/# of words in total)
What I talk about...-(232/234)
The Witcher-97%(173/178)
Have I chosen simple pages? I'll later check Anime subtitles, the numbers seem to be too high.
Regarding English. Recently I was told to read "Heart of Darkness" for my Polish class (or
rather literature class). The moment I heard the original is in English, it was decided. I'll read it
in English. Read ten pages as of now (97.8%-5773/5857). Though I'm kind of tempted to read
Three Men in a Boat quicker. That'll be my first book in English.

Edited by Ezy Ryder on 27 April 2014 at 9:36pm

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Ezy Ryder
Senior Member
Joined 4293 days ago

284 posts - 387 votes 
Speaks: Polish*, English
Studies: Mandarin, Japanese

 Message 63 of 144
13 May 2014 at 9:45pm | IP Logged 
I've been considering stopping to SRS. Again. At least for vocab. 2 hours of preparation is just
too much for me. I've tried to lower the target to 40 words a day, but it's still too much. I'm not
sure what to do. I've learnt English (I hope that to a good level) without any form of SRS, not
even paper flashcards. However, I'm not sure whether I could repeat these results with
Japanese. SRS allows me to remember words which occur rather rarely, which means that to
get a sufficient number of separate encounters for the same amount of vocabulary (6-20
according to some studies), I'd need a lot of input. For the last few years I've been spending so
much time with English, that I'm not sure I could recreate that amount with Japanese. And of
course seeing a word a few times won't be enough, I'll also have to guess/infer what it means.

I guess, I could just spend the time I've used to prepare the deck, to read or listen. I hope that
would be more pleasant. At the moment, I appreciate what SRS offers, yet dread it. I enjoyed
reading a book even with vocabulary half the size of my current one, so right now, it should be
even easier...

But I won't stop using SRS altogether. I've started to learn to write Kanji (had a whim to become
literate), the last two weeks. I'm not rushing it, just 10 characters a day - should be enough to
get through all Jouyou characters by the end of the year. I only learn Kanji I can't write, and
know a word they're used in. So, if I can write it without any study (being prompted with
"definitions" and readings), I just delete the note. If I see a Kanji I don't know, I suspend it. The
deck I'm using is sorted by number of strokes, I'm currently at the 6-stroke ones, and should be
able to write at least 244 (over half of which I didn't need to study). I'm also gonna use it for
Na'vi vocabulary, since there's just not enough materials for extensive reading to be... extensive.
I'm currently adding words from "Vur Raluä", a ~4500 words original short story, and I've got
prepared a translation of George R.R. Martin's "The lonely songs of Laren Dorr" - "Sìrol Larenä
Tor," another ~5500 words.

PS.: I may translate this post to Japanese later, if I feel like it.
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Ezy Ryder
Senior Member
Joined 4293 days ago

284 posts - 387 votes 
Speaks: Polish*, English
Studies: Mandarin, Japanese

 Message 64 of 144
21 May 2014 at 2:02pm | IP Logged 
日本語:第二の本。 『半分の月がのぼる空2』 を読み終わった。 ネタバレ無し語ろ
うとしたい。 さ、 第一巻はもっと好きだった、 なのにごく面白かった。 今回芥川龍之介
の変わりに、 寧ろ『銀河鉄道の夜』 を参照してた(しかも、 引用してた)。 (もっと厚い)第
三巻を楽しみにしてる。 でも今日たぶんもう少し『走ること…』に集 中したい。 これを読
みつつ、 面白い文型を見つけた、 例えば: 「エネルギーさえ残ってはいない」。 とく
に、 この「は」のこと。 それより、 有用な格言: 「口で言うのは簡単なんだよな」。 ど
うにかポーランド語の勉強者がこちらに迷っ たら、 ポーランド語のバーションは 「łatwo
powiedzieć (trudniej zrobić)」。

Japanese: 2nd book. I’ve finished reading „Sky of the rising half-moon 2.” Let’s try to talk
about it, without any spoilers. So, even though I liked the first volume better, it was still quite
interesting. This time, as opposed to Ryuunosuke Akutagawa, there were more references
(and quotes) to “Night on the Galactic Railroad.” I’m looking forward to the third (thicker)
volume. But today, I’d like to focus more on “What I talk about…”. I’ve found an interesting
sentence patter while reading it: e.g., “エネルギーさえ残ってはいない.” The „は” in particular.
Also, one usefull saying: „口で言うのは簡単なんだよな” („easier said, than done”). In case
some Polish learner strayed here somehow, the Polish version is „ łatwo powiedzieć (trudniej

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