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Via Diva
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1109 posts - 1427 votes 
Speaks: Russian*, English
Studies: German, Italian, French, Swedish, Esperanto, Czech, Greek

 Message 17 of 812
28 April 2013 at 1:55pm | IP Logged 
tarvos, на концертах он дурачка из себя строит :) Если человек в 23 года написал альбом My Arms, Your Hearse, то он по определению может быть смешным, когда ему надо и вполне нормальным в оставшееся время.
А вообще я о музыке долго могу болтать, в том числе и на английском, иначе бы долго я на не продержалась бы))
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Via Diva
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1109 posts - 1427 votes 
Speaks: Russian*, English
Studies: German, Italian, French, Swedish, Esperanto, Czech, Greek

 Message 18 of 812
11 August 2013 at 4:30pm | IP Logged 
11th of August
Ok, it's been a while since I wrote in here.
Things became a little bit different since I've got a smartphone. Of course, it makes you even more technical addicted, but it also could help you. When all expected things are set and you need to find something new, you can (accidentally, hehe) found something really useful.
For example, here's screenshot:

In the first row you can see folder (with English apps) and three apps which I can use for learning German. I do know that and is originally desktop projects, but I haven't knew anything about them before I found these apps.
In the row below there are program for audiobooks, which help me to listen to:
Harry Potter (read by Stephen Fry, books 5,6,7)
Pride and Prejudice
Eugen Onegin (read by Stephen Fry and because of Harry Potter)
Jamaica Inn (radio drama)
Of couse, I could've listen to all of it from my notebook, but I failed to listen to Harry Potter (completed the first book only), I gave up LR of "Joseph Focshe", forgot about German Rosetta Stone...
Somehow things became easier with that smatrphone. I'm watching Dexter (started recently, but intensively, hehe) and now while waiting for new episodes I'm reading the original books in English (completed nearly 44% of the first one).
I don't think that I'll read that fast, but I have something else in my planes. For example, in a few days ago I watched Brirish-Italian series Zen (2011) and I really liked it. Unfortunately, the series was shut down despite all public interest. All that we have now - books. And I think they weren't even translated into Russian, but that's not matter anything at all because I've already downloaded originals to my phone.
Even famous Swype can save a lot of your nerves! The app Duolingo allows you to use your own keyboard while typing the answer. If I don't remember how to write long German word properly I can switch to German Swype and (with high probability) my problem will be solved.
I do not say that there is only good in "mobile learning". That Duolingo app became too hard for me because of rules without explanation, but I also think that I was too lasy while doing exercises :)
If you see too much of spelling mistakes - I was writting from notebook without spellchecker and without Swype :)

Music while typing: Savatage - Dead Winter Dead
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Via Diva
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1109 posts - 1427 votes 
Speaks: Russian*, English
Studies: German, Italian, French, Swedish, Esperanto, Czech, Greek

 Message 19 of 812
12 August 2013 at 5:27pm | IP Logged 
12th of August
Today I've tried to read book about German grammar. It called "Deutsche Grammatik mit menschlichem Antlitz" and written by quite famous (in Russia) German language philologist Ilya Frank. In the beginning of the book you can read following poem:
Dieses Büchlein, wie leichte Lektüre geschrieben,
Werden Sie auf einmal lesen und lieben.
Aber nachher, um alles ganz gut zu verstehen,
Lesen Sie es bitte noch einmal - oder zehn.

Well, I had tried to read it several times but every time something was wrong. I can tell you the number of the last read page - 113 (of 220). Plus, I need to confess that I've read most part of it without paying enough attention.
I think this book could be very, very helpful if you know basic grammar.
But this is not suitable for beginners like me.
Tomorrow I will try Michel Thomas for the second time (first attempt did happen when I haven't had smartphone which makes audiobooks/ podcasts much more easier for me to listen) but I'm not sure that this is exactly what I need, I remember that accent was driving me insane...
Anyway, I still think that the most hard thing for me is start. If I'll fail Thomas once more, I could try something else (I have enough material downloaded from torrents).
Meanwhile in some other part of my empty head English words are matching into something artistic and this is kinda scary for me. Here's the text 1622527187418
As I wrote there, I need the opinion of its usefullness, not the corrections. I write art texts occasionally, but, as I said in my profile on, I never managed to finish something decent. Apparently the attempts in English should me even more desperate for me, but since I consider myself as a quite insane and impulsive person... you never knew where is the point.
I'll be glad to see ANY feedback. You can even insult me, but if you'll explain this I'll be allright. I'm a very honest person myself and I like honesty from the others :)

Music while typing: Angizia - Es ist Leidenschaft.

Edited by Via Diva on 12 August 2013 at 5:31pm

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Via Diva
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Joined 4181 days ago

1109 posts - 1427 votes 
Speaks: Russian*, English
Studies: German, Italian, French, Swedish, Esperanto, Czech, Greek

 Message 20 of 812
13 August 2013 at 6:49pm | IP Logged 
13th of August
I’m finally writing post in Word which means (forgot s in the end – corrected by Word ) that I’m slowly starting to realize how important these things are.
As I’ve told before, I’m an (typed just a first, got corrected to an, I’m really surprised O_o) honest man (woman, hehe), and I hate lying to anybody. I hate all lies. Hence, I couldn’t possibly lie in here, in the place, which is created to tell other people about your progress or absence of progress (even if they doesn’t care, hehe).
I tried Michel Thomas today just as I planned yesterday. I passed 1.8 CDs of first level and think I got to go further. It isn’t that simple as Thomas is explaining since English Is not the language I perfectly know, but it is something. I stopped today because I started missing something in second half of CD2. Well, I hate time questions in English and this is not gonna be simple in German too, I think. I didn’t even understand “um” in sentence “Um wie viel Uhr wollen Sie…”. Though it was very simple thing to check (as I did in Google Almighty Translate) I thought that I’m pushing something too big for me to handle.
I like the way of his lessons anyway. I don’t know how he explained genders and all stuff about them (it’s bloody important because I hate gender guessing even in Russian – yes, we can mess with that too) but I hope that I’ll stay on his method long enough to hear it. Accent is horrible, but if I’ll ever get too upset about that I just record my f*cking pronunciation and that’ll help me to remember that things could be even worse, hehe.
Downloading Harry Potter in German right now, still choosing between LR and L2. I have understand about 90-95% of English audiobook even without text, I do know Russian text quite well (not by heart, which is sad, hehe), so the only problem I’m aware of L2 is right following. But I will know about this problem only if I’ll try L2 first.
I could possibly be stopped by Lost (watched pilot just about an (typed an without Word tips, hehe) hour ago), but since I informed you about my further actions… I have no choice :)
P.S. my profile in Lang-8
P.P.S. if anyone wants to read my blog about Formula 1 (in Russian), I’ll gladly and proudly share link. It’s a great opportunity to find out how psycho I am :)
Music while typing: Iron Maiden – Dance of Death
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Via Diva
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1109 posts - 1427 votes 
Speaks: Russian*, English
Studies: German, Italian, French, Swedish, Esperanto, Czech, Greek

 Message 21 of 812
14 August 2013 at 5:30pm | IP Logged 
14th of August, part 1
I'm going to L2 (or LR, if L2'll turn to failure) Harry Potter in German just as I've told yesterday.
I listened to Michel Thomas today. I'm already starting to miss something (didn't quite heard part about questions and directions, therefore, didn't catch the differece between "wo" and "wohin") but I think that this is not a tragedy. In the ending I turn Google Almighty Translate again and started ro check some words and phrases - I know, I know that I should not do this, but how can I hold myself? I do not believe in my listening skills at all and I was really surprised when I found out that "busy" means "beschäftigt" instead of "geschäftigt".
Anyway, that's not the target we're following in Thomas' method, eh? I finally started figure out verbs forms and their changing. I've listened to 1.2 CD (3 CD in total) and already discovered:
1) I can mess with "wollen" and "werden" just as English speakers usually do just because I'm trying to learn German on English base
2) You should not be afraid of verb forms + absence of Present Progressive is just awesome ^_^
3) I even can understand their jokes about common mistakes and whatever :)
P.S. Ich weiß nicht. Ich bin Dumme aber selbst Dumme können Deutsch sprehen. Warum ich muss nicht probieren? Und erzählen Sie mir nicht, dass es keine dummen Menschen in Deutschland, Österreich, etc..
P.P.S. The last sentence made by Google Almighty Translate, seems right to me :)
Music while typing: Savatage - One Child
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Via Diva
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1109 posts - 1427 votes 
Speaks: Russian*, English
Studies: German, Italian, French, Swedish, Esperanto, Czech, Greek

 Message 22 of 812
14 August 2013 at 6:46pm | IP Logged 
14th of August, part 2
L2 is working. There were, howewer, some words which I didn't recognise even in English text, but I have not ever pretended that I know all 100% of text. Reader is good and that's only malkes the whole thing better.
If I'll ever will looking for some scenes, I could listen to it in Stephen Fry's reading first and then listen to German analogue.
Of course, there are always some translation problems: sometimes some words are just missing. And we're in Russia were suffering because of 's translation (just two examples would be enough: Longbotton = Dolgopups, Snape = Snagg - impossible to pronounce, hehe) but I think that I'll enjoy hearing Sirius Schwarz instead of Sirius Black (if they'll contunue to call him that way) :)
By the way, today I started Persuasion (just audio, no text at all). I know the story quite well and I'm just listening while relaxed - of course, I do not understand every single word (I'll never depend on my hearing anyway) but I'm able to catch enough to continue.
Actually, I did watch F1 race with English comments and I have another one in plans... I think it'll be useful, but, to be honest, my first target is to know what other people were thinking about that race (it was very, very dramatic and funny). I glad to think that I can use my English in practice and really get something useful because of it... because that's why I want to learn languages. I want using them. Hehe!
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Via Diva
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1109 posts - 1427 votes 
Speaks: Russian*, English
Studies: German, Italian, French, Swedish, Esperanto, Czech, Greek

 Message 23 of 812
15 August 2013 at 5:39pm | IP Logged 
15th of August
All my German today was Michel Thomas while I was washing up dishes (and lots of spoons, hehe). I went in awe when I heard about "wile" putting first verbs in the end of sentence. I suppose, "weil" is not the only one kicking-verbs word (Sprach sie ihren Liebsten an ob er es ihr steigen kann - oh, I'm not die hard Rammstein fan, but I like that sounding with "kann" in the end so much...) and I hope that list of these angry words is not very long, hehe.
Washing up and my usual lack of attention, probably, will make me to listen to CD4 once more, but I'm not sure about it. I totally missed the ending parts. maybe, that'll be all that I listen before further journey :)
I'm about to miss my LR of Harry Potter - not because I have no time or no wish - I'm just flowing with Jane Austen's Persuasion, totally relaxed (and getting 50-70% only, hehe), hardly found time to write something here. In the morning I was literally on vacation of foreign languages while listening to our stand-up comedian Mikhail Zadornov. I do not agree with him in way too many points but, as I usually do in these situations, I just do not think about it (hi, Stephen Fry and your wish to ban Sochi 2014).
Actually, his perfomances could be useful for those who honestly thinks that they LEARNED Russian, hehe :)

Music while typing: Rammstein - Rosenrot (I had to turn it on just to remember that "kann" in the end of sentence once more ^_^)
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Via Diva
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Joined 4181 days ago

1109 posts - 1427 votes 
Speaks: Russian*, English
Studies: German, Italian, French, Swedish, Esperanto, Czech, Greek

 Message 24 of 812
16 August 2013 at 3:42pm | IP Logged 
16th of August, probably part 1
I'm in some king on shock now. Just watched "Once" (2006). I'm not fond of fairy-tales and unfinished movies, but I'm in awe. I do not listen to indie-projects which is flooding the whole world now. But the very first song over there catch me.
As I've always told to everyone who tries to listen, I'm a quite impulsive one. I remember how I used to watch Inception (yeah, that one) every morning before school, skipping more than a half every time. Of course, it wasn't for long, but it was. And that kind of things always haunting me, making my life pretty funny. Just as funny as that log :D
Also I've finished Persuasion. Then I killed strong wish to watch Becoming Jane once again. Then I've re-listened CD4 of Michel Thomas. Only then I understood that I've alrady should know more kicking-verbs words. Ok, no memorizing. Just:
Ich lerne Deutsch weil ich jetzt die Zeit habe.
And I've just lied. I just want to learn German right now. Let's see what I'll be going a month later :)
I'm going to LR later, maybe. If I will have something else to say at the end of the day, I'll write part 2. Even if no one cares :)

Music while typing: Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova - Falling Slowly (predictable, hehe)

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