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PMs TAC 2015 crazy? French course mission

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 Message 25 of 451
21 January 2014 at 1:31am | IP Logged 
Jeffers wrote:
Wow! I'm looking forward to hearing how the AF exam goes.

Bonjour Jeffers,

Comme je le vois maintenant si je ne réussis pas à l'examen, après ça je saurai clairement où je suis
exactement avec mon français. Alors, à mon avis, particulièrement puisque j'ai l'habitude de ne pas étudier
très efficace, c'est mieux si je le passer que j'attends, encore plus de temps. Néanmoins, je vais essayer de
réussir à l'examen, bien sûr!

Hey Jeffers,

As I see it now if I don't succeed in passing the exam, after that I will clearly know where I am (at) exactly with
my French. Well in my opinion, particularly since I have a habit of not studying very efficiently, it's better that I
sit the exam than to wait longer. Nevertheless, I'm going to try to pass the exam, of course!


Edited by PeterMollenburg on 01 February 2014 at 3:57am

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 Message 26 of 451
26 January 2014 at 10:46pm | IP Logged 

Heures d'etudes 2014
Date:          26/01/14
Hrs,min:       C85,26 + A24,30 + L3,30
Jours:           26     
C = Cours
A = Audio seulement
L = Lecture
Les semaines
1ère:      C23 + A7 + L1
2ème:     C21,05 + A2,45 + L2,30
3ème:     C20,13 + A4,30
4ème:     C21,08 + A10.15     
Assimil NFWE L66
FIA: L14
Fluenz: niveau 3, L11
FSA MF niveau 1: L4
Hugo: revu
Linguaphone All talk: CD11
Hier puisque j'ai du conduire beaucoup de kilomètres en voiture, j'ai entendu toutes les leçons d'Assimil de la
première leçon à la 54ème leçon quand je suis rentré chez moi le soir. J'ai beaucoup utilisé le bouton pause
pendant le tour (vous devez savoir que j'ai une télécommande, alors, je n'ai pas du regarder l'écran de la
chaîne. J'ai répété toutes les conversations et tous les exercices aussi. C'était très utile pour améliorer ma
du vocabulaire et renforcer ce vocabulaire en même temps de ces leçons.

Edited by PeterMollenburg on 28 January 2014 at 9:59am

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 Message 27 of 451
01 February 2014 at 12:10am | IP Logged 
janvier: (hrs,min)   C101,41 + A27,50 + L3,30
C = Cours (Courses)
A = Audio seulement (Audio only- ie on its own without texts)
L = Lecture (Reading)

Edited by PeterMollenburg on 01 February 2014 at 3:51am

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 Message 28 of 451
03 February 2014 at 10:23pm | IP Logged 

Je ne comprends pas totalement le concept du 6wc puisque nous faisons déjà le TAC,
alors j'essayerai tout simplement de faire plus d'heures d'études que j'ai fais en
janvier, février est composé de moins de jours et çela me gardera mon attention puisque
j'ai commencé le mois de février un peu lentement :). Janvier j'ai fait 101 heures
d'études de mes cours de français, février je vais essayer atteindre 140 heures, je
sais que j'aurai du mal à faire ça, mais je vais essayer quand meme. Si je peux faire
entre 101 et 140 heures ça sera très bon pour moi.

I don't really totally understand the concept of the 6wc when already doing the TAC,
thus I will simply try to do more hours of study than I did in January, Feb has less
days and this will keep me on my toes as i've started Feb a little slow :) Jan I did
101hrs study of my courses, Feb i'm aiming to better that, i'm going to attempt to
reach 140 hrs in Feb, but know this is not likely to happen but i'll try. Getting
somewhere between the 101 for Jan and the rediculous (140) would be a pretty decent
accomplishment for me.

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 Message 29 of 451
14 February 2014 at 11:11pm | IP Logged 
Le mois de février semble mal débuter pour nous deux. Moi je viens de déménager et donc
je n'ai pas eu beaucoup de temps pour étudier mes langues, mais je vais essayer de me
ratrapper et de pousser mes études encore plus que ces quelques derniers mois!
Honnêtement, les défis comme le Tadoku et le 6wc me conviennent moins ces temps-ci. Je
n'ai simplement plus envie de compter toutes les heures que je passe à étudier ou
toutes les pages que je lis tous les jours.

En tout cas, j'espère que tout se passe bien pour toi en ce moment et que tu
t'approches des 140 heures d'études que tu t'étais fixées comme objectif.

The month of February seems to be starting poorly for the both of us. I just moved and
therefore haven't had much time to do any studying, but I'm going to try to catch up
with all this lost time and push my studies further than these past few months!
Honestly, challenges like tadoku and the 6wc appeal to me less than they used to. I
just don't feel like counting my hours of study or the pages I read every day.

Anyway, I hope that all's well with you and that you're getting closer to 140 hours of
study, like you said.
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 Message 30 of 451
15 February 2014 at 11:59am | IP Logged 
Sizen wrote:
Le mois de février semble mal débuter pour nous deux. Moi je viens de
déménager et donc
je n'ai pas eu beaucoup de temps pour étudier mes langues, mais je vais essayer de me
ratrapper et de pousser mes études encore plus que ces quelques derniers mois!
Honnêtement, les défis comme le Tadoku et le 6wc me conviennent moins ces temps-ci. Je
n'ai simplement plus envie de compter toutes les heures que je passe à étudier ou
toutes les pages que je lis tous les jours.

En tout cas, j'espère que tout se passe bien pour toi en ce moment et que tu
t'approches des 140 heures d'études que tu t'étais fixées comme objectif.

The month of February seems to be starting poorly for the both of us. I just moved and
therefore haven't had much time to do any studying, but I'm going to try to catch up
with all this lost time and push my studies further than these past few months!
Honestly, challenges like tadoku and the 6wc appeal to me less than they used to. I
just don't feel like counting my hours of study or the pages I read every day.

Anyway, I hope that all's well with you and that you're getting closer to 140 hours of
study, like you said.

Merci Sizen,

J'espère que tout ira bien pour toi aussi avec tes études :)

Oui je n'ai pas commencé le mois de février aussi bien que le mois de janvier. Mais en
réalité maintenant je ne me sens pas très mal. En fait, je me sens très bien, parce que
j'ai essayé d'étudier tous les jours, et j'ai fais ça, presque, je crois. Un ou deux
jours au maximum je n'ai pas étudié (je ne suis pas certain parce que je sais qu'il a
avait des jours où j'ai seulement écouté les CD audio dans ma voiture et je n'ai pas
utilisé mes cours au bureau). D'ailleurs, ces jours-là n'était pas parce que j'étais
paresseux, sinon j'ai essayé d'étudier mais je n'ai pas eu le temps. En tous cas je
suis heureux, maintenant j'ai l'habitude d'essayer d'étudier tous les jours. J'ai aussi
commencé encore de faire du vélo deux ou trois fois par semaine. Alors on doit garder
la santé.

Je ne vais pas atteindre mon but pour ce mois. Mais je suis heureux. Je suis certain
que cette année je vais réaliser mon rêve à réussir aux examens en français, si je ne
réussis pas à l'examen en mars, je réussirai en novembre. Je vais continuer à étudier a
chaque moment que je peux.

Et ce mois j'ai décidé aussi de compter toutes mes heures ensemble (avant pour moi
c'était seulement les heures avec les cours que j'utilisais que je trouvais
importantes, mais je comptais les autres heures aussi). Ça c'est mieux pour atteindre
plusieurs heures ;) Non, en réalité j'ai réalisé que toutes les heures m'aident je

Bonne chance Sizen !
Bonne chance à nous !
Bonne chance à tous !

------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------
I hope that all goes well with your studies as well :)
yes I didn't start the month of February as well as the month of January. But in
reality I don't feel very bad. In fact I feel very good, because I tried to study every
day, and I did, almost I believe. One or two days maximum I didn't study (I'm not sure
because I know there were days when I only listened to audio CDs in my car and didn't
use my courses in the office. What's more, those days were not due to being lazy but
rather I tried to study but didn't have the time. At any rate I'm happy, now i'm in the
habit of trying to study every day. I also started cycling again two or three times a
week. One should like after one's health.

I'm not going to reach my goal for this month. But i'm happy. I'm certain that this
year i'm going to realise my dream of succeeding in the French exams, if I don't
succeed in the exam in March, I will succeed in November. I'm going to continue to
study at every moment I can.

Et ce mois j'ai décidé aussi de compter toutes mes heures ensemble (avant pour moi
c'était seulement les heures avec les cours que j'utilisais que je trouvais
importantes, mais je comptais les autres heures aussi). Ça c'est mieux pour atteindre
plusieurs heures ;) Non, en réalité j'ai réalisé que toutes les heures m'aident je

And this month I decided also to count all my hours together (before for me I found
only the hours with the courses I used were important, but i counted the other hours
too). This way it's better for doing more hours ;) No, in reality I realised that all
the hours help me I believe....

Good luck Sizen,
Good luck to us,
Good luck to all!

sorry the translation could be better but i find it a little tedious when time is
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 Message 31 of 451
21 February 2014 at 2:26am | IP Logged 
This is a copy of a post i've just made in another thread relating to my study methods and reluctance to use
native materials:
emk wrote:

The reason I'm pushing you so hard is that your stated goal is to reach C1 by next summer. That implies you
want to be working comfortably with native, university-level materials and using your French in professional
contexts. While I absolutely believe this goal is possible, it's still quite aggressive. FSI students certainly do it,
but even their more successful graduates positives-the-negatives.html">tend to find the pace quite challenging.

And this is why I encouraged you to upgrade some of your courses and to start experimenting with native
materials. You certainly could add some native materials to your schedule—they're not nearly so hard as
many people think—and with any luck, they'd really help you build your vocabulary and improve your listening

Hi emk, hi everyone else,

I thought it appropriate now to add an update....

I joined French 2ème in TAC 2014 and have been studying quite heavily since the beginning of the year....
with a lot of coursework. Anyway I've finally arrived at the conclusion that all others, particularly yourself emk
were trying to tell me all along- use native materials.... So being a course aficionado i've decided that from
this day forth i will alternate courses with reading, (with audio at times) i.e. every 2nd hour from here on i'll be
focusing on reading native materials. Obviously initially I'll be using easier graded materials (children's

I spent a little time last night reading your background in French acquisition emk, you seem to have come a
long way with far less 'dry study time' than myself, indicating once again, like the point of the article in the link
below states (someone here provided me with this link originally i'm sure), that using courses, textbooks etc
teaches you about the language (makes me think of a tourist viewing a culture from the outside), and that
only extensive reading & listening at appropriate graded levels can really give depth and enable one to
become an independent free manipulator of the language through assimilation via repeated exposure and
variations of language learnt initially in courses but then found in diverse native contexts repeatedly. I know I
know i'm stating exactly what everyone was telling me.... I guess I just wasn't ready yet to acknowledge it in
truth, and needed to fiddle about a bit longer until i was ready to move on. I knew the value in it, but just
wasn't ready.

PM (Steve)

Hope all is well with everyone and their language journeys are progressing nicely

This article is definitely worth reading for any language learner, I feel it provides a lot of clarity regarding the
importance of extensive reading and the value still to be held in doing the background coursework if that's
your cup of tea

Inescapable case for extensive

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 Message 32 of 451
26 February 2014 at 1:33am | IP Logged 
Okay so I posted this in another thread again but it's also very relevant here- it's on
the topic of using more native materials and me being fixated with completing courses:

You know when I read back over parts of this thread a few things come to mind.

Firstly what considerate advice everyone has provided me. Thank you. You all really do
speak from experience and provide me with really insightful information in terms of how
I should pursue my goals.

Also, I'm beginning to see how stubborn I was, and can you believe it, although i'm
loosening the reigns a little, I'm still a tad fixated on completing a lot of the
courses I own... But I'm working on breaking through my own barriers there.

Mind you I did take the smart decision to introduce reading. 1 hr coursework/ 1hr
reading in that kind of pattern. As for the reading I've taken someone's suggestion and
with the current book i'm reading (about vaccines btw) I'm only allowing myself to look
up one word per page. I read a page through, then read it a 2nd time and choose a word
to add to my flashcard deck. That's not the only reading material I have. I am also
beginning with childrens books in which I look up every word i don't know, as I figure
there should not be too many I don't know in children's books anyway, and thus the rate
of input should be kept relatively high.

I'm still reviewing Hugo French in 3 Months, as I worked harder in Assimil in
particular for some time, mind you i'm in the final readings of Hugo that follow the
final lesson/week. Once that's done with i'm not picking up another course to replace
it but will prob focus on finishing off Assimil NFWE (I'm currently juggling too many
courses- stating the obvious i know).

I've been watching more French movies but prob still could introduce more. I haven't
yet opted to get Canalsat up and running as financially i'm trying to avoid it at the
moment as it doesn't seem very cost effective as I barely have the time most days to
watch anything, i think i'll get more out of that in a few months, maybe 6 tops.

Anyway I'll continue to check back here and re-read old posts from time to time, as
it's giving me insight as I travel along the learning path (in more ways than one) and
find myself ready to accept/make incremental changes as suggested here.


In other breaking news, as for audio study I have completed Linguaphone's French all

I have commented on this course before. It's not terribly complicated in terms of
grammatical structures- ie verb conjugations etc. It's a good beginner's course and def
below my level, but on commutes it's served well to keep me in touch with French while
I'd otherwise be twiddling my thumbs. If you want to get a lot out of an audio based
course I recommend Michel Thomas and Pimsleur. They are much better at teaching you to
switch verb constructions rapidly (more normal natural conversation, albeit still
simplified somewhat). Nevertheless Linguaphone's French all talk does contain a lot of
different vocab compared to MT (all levels) and Pimsleur (I&II) and a somewhat
intriguing story. Paul Noble on the otherhand in my opinion is a simplified carbon copy
of MT (MT Masterclass is easily above Paul Noble's course). If you already own MT
unless you want to reinforce things already learned, Paul Noble is not worth getting.

Okay so that's not entirely true (twiddling my thumbs), I could listen to more native
material were I not listening to easy audio courses, and I have actually periodically
begun listening to native podcasts, but on the whole i'm currently content with courses
and have now moved on to Rocket French Premium... will let you know what I think of it.
So far it seems ok-ish but i'm still in early lessons. The man's accent (in English) is
completely weird. I cannot work out if he's spent time in NZ or not with a mixture of
English and sometimes almost Australian sounding syllables. His French accent is a bit
mediocre. The woman is a native French speaker, and sounds fine. So I just have to
ignore his shoddy pronunciation (in both languages).

à la prochaine
PM, aka Steve

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