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SwedenRegistered users can see my Skype Name
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4250 posts - 5711 votes 
Speaks: Swedish*, English
Studies: German, Spanish, Russian, Dutch, Mandarin, Esperanto, Irish, French
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 Message 33 of 129
17 September 2014 at 12:58am | IP Logged 
Elenia wrote:
I find that SVT in particular can sometimes be a little creative with their subtitling.

Because of time limit reasons, many subtitles only present the basic information (or rather, the most important information). The "reading speed" dictates how long the subtitles are shown, and therefore everything isn't translated.

"Textningskonventioner skiljer sig mellan olika länder och språkområden, främst vad gäller liggtider (den tid då texten syns i bild). I Skandinavien har public service-bolagen i samarbete med tittarorganisationer länge arbetat för att hitta normer för liggtider baserade på läshastighet. Man har därför inriktat sig på att så elegant som möjligt redigera undertextningen så att publiken både hinner läsa textremsorna och titta på filmen eller tv-programmet. I länder med svagare undertextningstradition finns en ängslighet beträffande redigering; där är uppfattningen den att allt måste översättas för att publiken inte ska gå miste om något. Men i själva verket tyder allt på att publiken i sådana fall missar själva filmen, eftersom blicken hela tiden måste "jaga" de snabbt växlande textremsorna för att inte missa något."
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 3803 days ago

239 posts - 327 votes 
Speaks: English*, French
Studies: German, Swedish, Esperanto

 Message 34 of 129
17 September 2014 at 1:58am | IP Logged 
jeff_lindqvist wrote:
Because of time limit reasons, many subtitles only present the
basic information (or rather, the most important information). The "reading speed"
dictates how long the subtitles are shown, and therefore everything isn't translated.

Ahh, very sensible. Of course it can sometimes be frustrating if there is a word I missed
that isn't in the subtitles, or which is changed in the subtitles, but for the most part
it doesn't really affect my understanding. In some cases, it makes me work a little
harder to decode what I've heard, as I can't just rely on the subtitles.
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 3803 days ago

239 posts - 327 votes 
Speaks: English*, French
Studies: German, Swedish, Esperanto

 Message 35 of 129
25 September 2014 at 10:53am | IP Logged 
I'm back at uni, which means that my study of German and Swedish has dropped to almost
nothing, while French is back with a vengeance.

I have about 40-45 pages of French reading which absolutely must be done before next
week Tuesday, as well as translation homework and a résumé that must be written on an
article from Le Figaro.

In addition to this, I have several pages of English reading to get through, and
Plato's Phaedrus to read and understand. Unsurprisingly, after using my brain so
much after such a long break, I am far too tied and headachey at the end of each day to
tackle my other languages. Even Anki reviews are too much. Hopefully, however, I'll
adjust to the workload soon, and be able to schedule in a little time daily to look at
either German or Swedish.

A boon is the Fabulo app that">Chris13 recommended to me. I do a
little of it most days. The vocabulary is pretty simple so far, but it provides drills
and basic sentence building exercises to keep me doing at least a little in Swedish.
The German version of the app is not as good, but it is helping up my vocabulary a
little bit, so it also has it's uses.


This has been an update! Now, back to André Breton and his 'Manifest du surréalisme.
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 3803 days ago

239 posts - 327 votes 
Speaks: English*, French
Studies: German, Swedish, Esperanto

 Message 36 of 129
26 September 2014 at 2:43pm | IP Logged 
I've started a new Anki Deck for French, into which I will put new interesting
vocabulary and (if I ever get round to it) grammar drills from the many French grammar
books that I have bought and never opened.

I have a couple more pages of surrealism to get to today, and I should really read some
more of Manon Lescaut as I'm to have finished the first part by Tuesday.


Something exciting is that I've finally managed to open an .srt file, thanks to a post
in another thread. I've just spent a little while going through the subtitle file for
Solsidan and removing the time stamps. I'll spend a little more time making it easier
for me to read, and then add translations where needed.

I'm so happy as I can work intensively on future episodes without having to pause and
manually write down every word I don't know.
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 3803 days ago

239 posts - 327 votes 
Speaks: English*, French
Studies: German, Swedish, Esperanto

 Message 37 of 129
27 September 2014 at 11:56am | IP Logged 
Yesterday, I wrote that I was looking forward to studying future episodes of Solsidan
now that I had finally worked out how to create useable transcripts. Oh, I was young,
and foolish.

I looked, and was only able to find the subtitles for about four episodes, all of which
were from season four save the subs file for the pilot. How can this be? I'm debating
downloading the files and studying the episodes anyway, in the hopes that other
episodes will pop up if I check regularly, but it's just not the same.



School appears to have rekindled my interest in French, and I worked on French
vocabulary and grammar well into this morning. I also managed to finish reading through
the selected passages of André Breton's Manifeste du surréalism which was, if
I'm honest, a little ideologically terrifying in places. However, it was a very
interesting read, and one day I might even read the whole thing in full.

I've also read more of Manon Lescaut. The only thing pushing me forward with
this book is the fact that it's required reading and I really, really want to do well
this year. I only have twenty pages left until the end of the first part, so that is a
small blessing. I aim to read ten pages tomorrow and ten on Monday.



As usual, German is being neglected by me. Was it I who said that I wanted to be
somewhere around A2-B1 German by this time next year? Yes, yes, it definitely was. I
know I won't get anywhere with my current pathetic display, and so I'm determined to do
at least a page of reading today, and hopefully I will do a few exercises in my poor
abandoned coursebook, too.
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 3803 days ago

239 posts - 327 votes 
Speaks: English*, French
Studies: German, Swedish, Esperanto

 Message 38 of 129
28 September 2014 at 7:27pm | IP Logged 

German! Finally, German. German is very difficult :'( the method I applied in the early
stages of Swedish (learning by sheer brute force, pretty much) is not doing so well
here. I have managed to decipher a page and a bit of Alles Sense!, but it has
been very slow going. I much prefer reading through it extensively and occasionally
grabbing hold of some meaning, but that is not a very effective way of doing things.
I'm looking forward to any little breakthrough I can get, but I guess I have a lot more
studying to do before I get there.



I set myself some grammar to do, but I have only done two exercises. The first one went
tolerably well, the second was awful. I find my main problem with grammar is not
actually learning the rules, but remembering and applying them. I can learn rules for a
test or something of that nature, however when I speak French 'in the wild' the rule
flies out of my head. Worse than that is the fact that I know that there is a rule I'm
meant to be applying! The knowledge that there is some grammar that I am probably
messing up (or will probably mess up, as the case may be) confuses me so thoroughly
that I can barely get a coherent sentence out. Suddenly, things that would have
otherwise come easily to me become an impossible task.

This was part of the problem with the exercises I had to do today. Some of them I found
fairly easy to decode, however others became suddenly very difficult because I was
trying to apply a rule rather than speak naturally.



Finally, Swedish. I have done no Swedish today, but I will do some anki reps later.

I have also planned a trip to Sweden in early December, and will hopefully book tickets
tomorrow. It would also be nice to spend a day or so in Copenhagen, as I'll be flying
to Copenhagen, and as I have a friend who lives there.
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FinlandRegistered users can see my Skype Name
Joined 3998 days ago

53 posts - 64 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Swedish, Finnish

 Message 39 of 129
12 October 2014 at 5:34pm | IP Logged 
A December spent in Sweden and Denmark sounds absolutely wondrous! I hope you managed to book your tickets okay. I also hope your studies are progressing well, noticed you've been about as absent as I have, so figured I'd give a friendly bump in the hope of your resurfacing. :)

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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 3803 days ago

239 posts - 327 votes 
Speaks: English*, French
Studies: German, Swedish, Esperanto

 Message 40 of 129
13 October 2014 at 7:24pm | IP Logged 
@Chris13 thank you! Hello and welcome back to us both :) I've booked my tickets. I'll
only be gone a week, but I'm looking forward to it immensely. I've also planned an
evening out with my friend in Copenhagen, so fingers crossed all goes to plan. How are
your studies going? Hope you're getting back into the swing of things :D

Things are less simple on the language front: school seems to be swallowing all of my
energy, leaving little to nothing for my non+academic languages. I'm working much more
actively on my French now, although that is kind of a given, as I study it. Most of the
Swedish exposure I get is through Anki and occasional Swedish messages to/from my

I have asked my German friend to send me one message in German every day. Actually, I
asked her to only message me in German, but she objected. So we've settled (sort of) on
one German message a day, which I then have to go through and understand. I reply in
English right now, because my active vocabulary is still limited to maybe ten words :/
She also proposed the idea of us reading together in German, which I am looking forward
Something fun: as she visited me yesterday, I asked her to speak to me in German rather
than send me a message. She told me about how she spent her Saturday, and amazingly I
understood most of what she said. It was definitely all guesswork, but it still felt

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