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 Message 153 of 314
29 January 2015 at 10:31pm | IP Logged 
It was fun reading all your introductions! Mine is pretty late, but I guess I still made it before the deadline ;) I kind of got a bit too talkative... I don't like to start writing in Korean, but once I'm at it it's hard to stop :D

사실 또다른 자기소개를 쓸까 말까 잠깐 망설이었어요. 지난 번에 썼던 자기소개보다 능숙한 글을 쓸 수 있을지 몰라서 그래요. 그런데 안해 보면 알 수 없다고 하잖아요. 딱 그 속담 때문에 도전할 결심을 했어요.

To be honest, I was hesitant whether I should or shouldn't write another self-introcution. That's because I'm not sure that I'll be able to write a more skilled introduction than the one I wrote last time. But we say that you can't know if you don't try, right? I made up my mind to take the challenge exactly because of that saying.

돌이켜 보니 이 게시판에 가입한 지 시간이 많이 흘렀고 흐른 만큼 내 생활이 많이 달라졌어요. 그때 대학생 시절이었는데 제 전공이던 영문학보다 한국어 공부가 훨씬 재미있었어요. 언어 공부에 대해서의 지식은 적어서 그런지 그때 제 한국어 실력은 자랑할 만한 정도로 여겼어요. 더 많이 배워서야 제 한국어 실력이 얼마나 부족한지 깨달을 수 있었어요.

Looking back, a lot of time has passed since I registered on this forum and as much as the time has passed, my life has changed. Back then I was a university student and Korean study was much more fun than my major in English literature. Maybe because I didn't have much knowledge about language study back then I considered my Korean skills as something to brag about. I had to learn a lot more to realise how much they are lacking.

이런 얘기는 좀 재미없죠? 공부에 대한 부분을 얼른 끝낼게요. 한국어를 시작한 지 딱 5년 됐어요. 제가 요즘 가장 선호하는 공부방법은 독서예요. 이번 4월에 TOPIK 6급을 합격할 꿈이 있어서 그때까지 열심히 공부하려고 해요. 끝.

This kind of talk is a bit boring, isn't it? I'll quickly finish the part about studying. It's exactly 5 years since I started Korean. The study method I prefer the most these days is reading. Because I dream of passing TOPIK level 6 this April, I plan to study diligently until then. The end.

이 글이 개인적인 정보 없이 자기소개를 부를 만한 글은 아니겠죠. 문화유산인 라인강 유역에 사는 독일인이에요. 지난 11월에 취직했는데 요즘 회사일이 너무 바빠서 신입원이어도 상관없이 벌써 초과 근무를 습관적으로 하게 됐어요. 그래도 한국인들의 야근 문화랑 비교해 보면 아마도 아무것도 아닐 거예요. 제가 취미가 너무 많아요. 당연히 언어공부를 괭장히 즐겨요. 또 음악을 좋아하긴 하는데 요즘 악기를 연주할 시간이 너무 부족해요. 아무튼 원래도 열심히 연습하는 스타일이 아니었어요. 어렸을 떄 운동을 완전히 싫어했지만 대학생 시절에 건강을 지키기 위해 요가를 시작했어요. 또 동양 무용, 이른바 배춤을 2년동안 연습해 왔아요. 춤이나 운동재능이 전혀 없더라도 신기하게도 운동할수록 재미있어지는 것 같아요.

I guess this piece of writing is not worthy of being called a self-introduction without some personal information, right? I'm a German living in the Rhein valley area, which is a world heritage site. I started working in November, but because the office is very busy these days, I already got to work overtime habitually, although I'm still a newbie. But compared to the Korean culture of working late into the night, I guess it's not worth mentioning. I have too many hobbies. Of course I totally enjoy learning languages. I also like music, but these days I have too little time to play my instruments. Anyway, I was never the type to practice diligently. When I was a kid, I absolutely hated sports, but when I studied at university I started doing yoga to stay healthy. I've also been practicing oriental dance, or belly dance as it's often called, for two years. Athough I have no talent whatsoever for dancing or sports, exercising seems to become more and more fun the more I do it.

너무 많이 썼죠? 그럼 이만 끝낼게요. 앞으로 잘 부탁드려요. 우리 팀 화이팅!

I wrote far too much, didn't I? So I'll wrap it up here. Please take care of me (Korean saying :)). Go team!
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Bilingual Diglot
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 Message 154 of 314
30 January 2015 at 3:02am | IP Logged 
I loved your intro, druckfehler :) It's always wonderful to know more about each other.
Now my own intro seems to be lacking, compared to yours.
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Bilingual Diglot
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 Message 155 of 314
31 January 2015 at 5:37am | IP Logged 
Thank you all for posting your intros to the thread. I'm trying to make a list of all the
January participants, so if anyone has yet to post an intro in the TL, go right ahead! We
still have a day left.

I also wanted to see how many of us participated in the Tadoku challenge, if any. If so,
let me know what your twitter name is so I can check the website, and post our names and

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 Message 156 of 314
31 January 2015 at 1:58pm | IP Logged 
まあ~ 日本語で 自己紹介を しようかな。 実は、 もう何回か 書いたこと はあるので Druckfehlerのようにちょっと 普通の自己紹介より いろいろ について 話そうと思ってるんです。 もう七年間 ぐらい日
本語 を勉強してきたよ。 最初はそんなに 好きになるなんて 想像できなかった。 初めて日本語を 聞いたときは 中学校 の時だった。 もう十年以上が 立ってるよ。 その時は まだ英語しか ちょっと知らなくて
言語に全然興味 なんか持ってなかった。 でもどうしてか もう覚えてない のに日本語に 興味を持つ になって 勉強をし始まった。

Well, I guess I should do my self-introduction in Japanese. To tell you the truth, as I've written many self-introduction, I thought I'd do a rather different
introduction compared to the usual one and talk about different stuff. It's already been 7 years that I've been studying Japanese. At first, I never thought I'd
come to like it this much. The first time I heard some Japanese was in middle school. It's been more than ten years. At that time, I only knew a bit of English
and had not interest whatsoever for languages. But, although I don't remember why, I started liking Japanese.

最近はね。 考えてみると 日本語はもうようやく 日常的になったよ。 毎日に日本語を聞いたり 読んだり 話したり しないとなんか 不便になるよ。 それなのに、 今を書いてる ことを見えるように 間違いは残っ
てる でしょ。 まあ~ しょうがないよね。 少なくとも、 ちょっとだけ 上達したんじゃないかな

Nowadays, I've thought about it and Japanese has finally become a (real) part of my life. If I don't listen, read nor speak Japanese everyday, I become unease.
And yet, as you can see from what I'm writing, there are still some mistakes left. Well, I guess this can't be helped. At least I've become better I guess.

とにかく、 今回は 俺が好きなこと について書こうと 思ってる。俺の 知り合いから よく聞かれてることは 「言語以外に何が好きなの?」。 実はあんまり ないんじゃない? 言語を学ぶことだけで 嬉しくなる。
ま~オッケー、 ちょっと嘘だよ。 学んだ言語を 使うことで 嬉しくなるよ。 でも、ほかの 好きなものは いろいろあるんじゃないか?

Anyway, this time I'd like to talk about what I like. I often get asked by my acquaintance "What do you like besides languages? Actually, there's not much I
think. Just studying languages makes me happy. Well, Okay, that's a bit of a lie. I get happy by using the languages I've learned. But aren't there other things
that I like?

まずはスキーでしょう。 俺は一歳の時から 毎年スキー場に 一回か二回に 行ってるよ。 もう自分の 両足よりスキーのほうが 自然的な感じがするよ。 (足に特別な病気が あるので早く疲れるし あんまり力
が入らないけど スキーをするたびに そんな病気がなくなる 気がする)。 俺の両親から 「キャノンボール」と呼ばれる。 それは俺がいつも 曲がらなくて まっすぐ行くからだ。 モーグルがあっても まっすぐ行

First there's skiing. Since I was one-year old, I've been going once or twice a year. Now I feel more at ease on skis than on my own two feet. (I've got a special
sickness that makes my legs get tired quickly and have less strength in them but as I ski, it feels like it disappears). My parents call me a "cannonball" That's
because I always go straight and do not makes turns. Even when there are moguls, I go straight.

他の 好きなことは トランペットを吹くことだ。 子供の時から 15年間ぐらい 勉強したけどもう辞めた。 もう嫌だという 感じでやめる わけじゃなくてただ 時間がなくてちょっと 恥ずかしいと思うになった。

I also like playing the Trumpet. I've studied it about 15 years since I was a kid but I've stopped now. It's not because I don't like it anymore, it is just that
I don't have the time and it makes me ashamed (of trying now).

後は、 中国にいたとき にサルサを 踊り始まった。 4ヶ月毎週1-2回 練習したのに まだ全然 ダメみたいけど、 ちゃんと 仕事を始まったら (まずは見つからなきゃ いけないね) その場にまた はじめよ
うと 思ってる。

Then, when I was in China, I started dancing Salsa. I went practice once or twice a week but I'm still horrible at it. But when I'll start my job (I need to find
one first), I plan on starting again there.

あっ、 っつか、 ほかの 好きなものは あるけど韓国 と関係があるので 韓国語の自己紹介 で書こうと 思ってる。

Ah, Right, there's another thing that I like but since it's related to Korea, I'll talk about it in my Self-introduction in Korean.

じゃあ~ 終わりに しようかな? また簡単な 言葉しか使ってないし 難しい文法も 使ってないけど 言葉を探すのが 嫌でそうなった。 とにかく、 今年もよろしくね !みんな頑張ろうよ!

Well, Let's finish here. Again, I've only used simple words and no difficult grammar patterns, but it's just because I don't like looking up words. Anyway, Take
care of me! Good luck everybody!

NB: I'll put a self-intro in Korean later today or tomorrow:)
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 Message 157 of 314
31 January 2015 at 3:15pm | IP Logged 
Hello, I know it is very much in the last minute, but here it is. My painfully short
introduction, short since I don't know much Japanese, yet! Here goes:


I am Maria, and I love Japanese.

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 Message 158 of 314
31 January 2015 at 5:15pm | IP Logged 
druckfehler: I'm glad I read the intro in your thread first and didn't realize you had a
bilingual version posted here. That forced me to read through it in Korean with a popup
dictionary instead of taking the lazy way out.

Sooniye: Did you intentionally put 日本人 (Japanese people) there or did you perhaps mean
日本語 (the Japanese language) instead? The English could be taken either way, so I wasn't
sure if it needed a correction or if you meant it the way it was written.
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Bilingual Diglot
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 Message 159 of 314
31 January 2015 at 11:17pm | IP Logged 
@Sooniye: Were you referring to the Japanese language or the Japanese people, when you
said "私は日本人が大好きです" ? If you meant the language, then it's 日本語。But if you
meant the people, then I think it's ok. Also, a better way to word it would be:

私はマリア (です), そして日本語が好きです。
そしてsounds more natural to use in that context than と。 There are also other ways to say
this, but I don't want to confuse you.

Thanks for taking the time to post your intro. I am aware of how painful that can be in
the early stages.
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 Message 160 of 314
01 February 2015 at 12:04am | IP Logged 
English-only text in order to make a proper introduction…you don't want me to say just "Hello my name is…", right? :P Because that's pretty much my level at the moment.

I studied Japanese for about 9 months during my last high school year. I needed some extra credits and when I saw a Japanese course I didn't think twice about taking it. I was always fascinated by foreign cultures and have been a huge anime/manga fan ever since I was kid. The course was great, but in four hours per week we could only cover the alphabets and the main grammar points, as well as doing some workshops dedicated to Japanese culture.

After leaving high school I wanted to continue studying Japanese and for a while I thought about attending a university of Asian languages. I eventually opted for another university, hoping to find a language course in my city. I was indeed able to find a course…too bad it was very expensive. With my university fees being already high I had to put my Japanese studies aside (no HTAL back then ;)). This year I finally decided to start studying Japanese again. I haven't fixed any specific goal for now since I have to focus on two other languages, my only aim is to study regularly and be able to understand simple videos by the end of the year.

@Woodsei: organising my French self-study plan was easy since it’s a Romance language like Italian so I know which elements will be tricky and can plan ahead to learn grammar or do other form of “traditional study” and enjoy the language reading books or watching films at the same time. I’m a bit lost when it comes to Japanese, though since that’s a completely different language so your comments are being extremely useful. Thank you so much again!

Woodsei wrote:
If I choose courses, I prefer the Assimil approach rather than the traditional grammar approach, because it gives you what you need to get there, and the method itself can be adapted to how you use native material.

That’s how I see it. I don't want to stuck my head in grammar books right from the start. I prefer to get the basics of grammar first, use native material, and deal with the more advanced grammar topics later. If I relied exclusively on grammar study right from the start it would be too daunting for me to learn any foreign language.

Woodsei wrote:
What I mean is, translations, no matter how good they are,
can never really capture the subtle nuances of the native language.

Being a translator I know that all too well! Unless you are translating very simple sentences there’s always a little something that cannot be perfectly translated in the other language.

Woodsei wrote:
It also gives you the various politeness levels in a very
comprehensive manner that doesn't feel like an afterthought. Many dialogues have
combined politeness levels, which mirror real content. I haven't seen it done that
well or that naturally in any other course..

Yes I know about the different levels, and that’s not something I saw in other courses I skimmed…which is quite unfortunate since real-life situations in Japan make heavy use of these levels. It’s good to see that Jpod is a resource that's is actually worth the money you pay for.

Oh, by the way feel free to address me by my real name, Sofia. It’s weird being called by my nickname. I think the last time it happened was when I joined my first forums…as a teenager XD

Edited by suzukaze on 01 February 2015 at 12:34am

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