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What Expug is doing in 2015 (TAC n more)

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Joined 5113 days ago

3335 posts - 4349 votes 
Speaks: Portuguese*, Norwegian, French, English, Italian, Papiamento
Studies: Mandarin, Georgian, Russian

 Message 81 of 364
13 February 2015 at 8:41pm | IP Logged 
Today was a good day with the Georgian Newspaper Reader. I tried my best to pay attention to most of the vocabulary. I feel less resistent to getting back to old textbooks now, at least the intermediate ones, because I went through them when I was still a beginner and so I didn't reach the intermediate stage after them.

And now I know the past subjunctive in Italian, at least at a basic level. It is quite similar to Portuguese, with the -sse endings, instead of the preferable -ra in Spanish (which in Portuguese is another tense, hence the confusion). Recognizing similar patterns really speed up the process. All you have to do is apply what you know, paying attention to morphology only. People that claim all languages are equally hard at all levels really forget that the shortcuts within language families may happen in all levels. For every language I have to learn a differen way of expressing the subjunctive or its equivalent, and Italian was the first one for which I found a correspondence in terms of both usage and morphology. Everytime I write a more complex sentence in a language, I have to remember which 'option' that language made for the subjunctive, whether the subjunctive in another tense, an indicative tense (which one of these), a serial verb construction...It is really tricky because it is a topic that diverges even within language families and with languages (for example, the Balkan Sprachbund x Croatian), so this point alone allows me to think of Italian as much easier.

I had the best day with watching Kuxnya in Georgian! I could understand almost everything that was being said in real-time, associating sound and meaning! When the machine translation of the Russian is shaky, I can even use the Georgian audio to bring sense to it.I hope this series keeps having new episodes, transcripts and dubbings! Maybe in the future I can even find another series like this, it is definitely the way to finally improve my Georgian. I found dubbed Georgian for Последний из Магикян and for Два отца и два сына, for example. Now I have to find Russian subtitles for them, which seems so hard. Serpent or via Diva, care to help? ;-D Both series seem new and funny. I really like to watch full-HD videos at Youtube.

I am wanderlusting for Greek again. Studying Turkish just reinforces the impression that the land-and-sea strip from the Adriatic Sea to the Caspian Sea is my favorite in the world.

Ich habe lange nichts auf Deutsch geschrieben. Ich muss ein bisschen Deutsch üben, weil ich in April nach Deutschland fliege. Vorgestern habe ich meine ganze Routine auf Norwegisch beschrieben, aber niemand hat meinen Text korrigiert. Ich weiss also noch nicht vie wiele und welche Fehler ich gemacht habe. Könnte ich dasselbe auf Deutsch schreiben? Vieleicht. Mein Norwegisch ist besser als mein Deutsch. Ich würde mehrere Wörter nachschlagen müssen, wenn ich mich entscheiden würde, denselben Text auf Deutsch niederzuschreiben. Check it at italki

Writing paragraphs like the one above take me no more than 20 minutes now, at least in my stronger languages. Like I said yesterday, I was really in the mood to write in French, but German can't be neglected. Now that i'm checking italki's history, I realize I'm not writing as much as I expected. In the case of my weaker languages, I prefer to leave the 'correction day' for studying the corrected text instead of writing more in another language. Sometimes there won't be time, and writing for the sake of practicing in a hurry can only bring to the overrepetitive metalinguistical texts about one's learning process. At least I can think of dialogues now, but I need to find subjects not so hard that I can write texts about them in my weaker languages, too.

Pour ce qui concerne le français, je crois pouvoir écrire ce log-ci entièrement en français, même s'il y aura davantage d'erreurs de grammaire. Mais pour les autres langues ça serait toujours difficile, même pour le norvégien. Je crains que le norvégien n'aie pas encore le vocabulaire necessaire pour parler des concepts spécifiques de la routine des polyglottes. C'est le même cas du géorgien. Je serai contraint à inventer des mots pour exprimers nos concepts htlaliens. Ce n'est pas le cas du portugais ou bien du français, parce qu'ils ont une racine gréco-romaine commune pour les mots de la science comportementale.

Now this led me thinking: we discuss our learning process almost entirely in English. I wish I could use the same terms we commonly use here at HTLAL, such as extensive x intensive reading, burnout, flow, parallel reading, double subtitles, transparent x opaque languages but in other languages, at least the Romance ones.

EDIT: A friend corrected the German paragraph after it was published.

Edited by Expugnator on 13 February 2015 at 9:03pm

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Joined 5113 days ago

3335 posts - 4349 votes 
Speaks: Portuguese*, Norwegian, French, English, Italian, Papiamento
Studies: Mandarin, Georgian, Russian

 Message 82 of 364
18 February 2015 at 11:38pm | IP Logged 
Carnival is officially over. I still have Wednesday off from work and so I am studying, though I am not sure I will manage to do everything planned today. I went to the countryside, partied and still managed to read a bit. Nothing for the SC, though. Once again I admit the SC discourages me from reading in my usual desktop study routine, because whatever I read apart from that will have to be logged separately and then combined; sad but true. So I ended up starting Babel No More, which I find really fascinating. Quite interesting to see even the greatest polyglots have their struggles and their shortcomings. It is also important to see the world of polyglottery described from an (almost) outsider. That allows us to resist the verge towards a cult.

I finished my whole Italian Duolingo tree yesterday. Quite a sense of accomplishment! If time allows, I'm going to start my 7-lessons a day for Assimil Italian, as that's what I do when I'm a false beginner in a language (I might be a B2 passively). I want to work on Assimil Perfectionnement before I travel in March 31st, so I really have to work hard. I believe that will be enough for me to feel like 'speaking' Italian, given my background. Italian was the first language I really became interested at, even if it was Norwegian that made me feel like becoming a polyglot. So, it's nice to finally reconcile with my origins somehow. Well, we'll see what comes from an accelerated approach to beginner's Assimil.

I'm reading a short collection of short essays called 3 ord, 5 penner. It is free at . I really like the style of the stories, they're also suited for beginners, but not dumbed down at all; it's just that they deal with somewhat universal topics. I can understand about 97% of what I read in those stories, which is once again encouraging.

My February Norwegian Challenge was corrected at italki. It was such a comprehensive and useful correction that I recommend other learners to check it out. Advanced topics not covered by the textbooks I used are addressed. I believe I have to keep getting back to this correction in order to improve my writing.

My French paragraph from Friday, corrected:

Pour ce qui concerne le français, je crois pouvoir écrire ce log-ci entièrement en français, même s'il y aura davantage d'erreurs de grammaire. Mais pour les autres langues ça serait toujours difficile, même pour le norvégien. Je crains que le norvégien n'aie pas encore le vocabulaire nécessaire pour parler des concepts spécifiques de la routine des polyglottes. C'est pareil pour le géorgien. Je serai contraint à inventer des mots pour exprimer nos concepts htlaliens. Ce n'est pas le cas du portugais ou bien du français, parce qu'ils ont une racine greco-romane commune pour les mots de la science comportementale.

The discussion reminded me of the 3 quotes by Homer Simpson for succeeding at work, now in French:

1. Couvrez-moi.
2. Bravo, patron, super idée!
3. C'était comme ça quand je suis arrivé."

It was a good day for reading German today. I barely missed long sentences. Only a few words each paragraph instead. Didn't have to resort that often to reading full paragraphs in L1 in order to understand them.

So, I started Assimil Italian with the Brazilian edition of Le nouveau Italien sans peine. It has longer lessons in the beginning, which is enough for my needs. Maybe I won't do the older and the newer versions and will go straight to Perfectionnement. Anyway, as a result to working on 7 lessons a day, I will have less time for Turkish, Kuxnhya etc. But there's a trip involved, so I shouldn't regret it. Duolingo did great for activating my Italian, and I find the first lessons easy to translate from L1 into L2, I mean, easier than I usually do in Assimil.

One Italian doubt: how often and at what register is the expletive ce used in sentences like 'Ce l'hai una sigaretta?', 'Non ce l'ho'? My French background would expect a 'ne' instead.

The first seven lessons were alright. I could do some sort of L-R by first reading L1 while listening and reading L2 next. I also did the exercises mentally comfortably, so I'm not considering writing them down by now. What I liked the most was the fact there were fewer notes than usual and they weren't that long. I hope this remains. The book was indeed adapted for Brazilians, so only the most important info is brought up through notes. On the other hand, I realized that with 105 lessons it will take me three weeks to finish the book while all that I have is six weeks before my trip. So I will try to do more than seven lessons starting tomorrow. 14 would be a stretch, but I should aim for it and for 10 minimum, which would mean doing the remaining 98 lessons in two weeks.

Edited by Expugnator on 18 February 2015 at 11:39pm

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Senior Member
Joined 5113 days ago

3335 posts - 4349 votes 
Speaks: Portuguese*, Norwegian, French, English, Italian, Papiamento
Studies: Mandarin, Georgian, Russian

 Message 83 of 364
19 February 2015 at 9:41pm | IP Logged 
Looks like a lot of resources will be over next week, such as the Estonian Blog posts I'm reading and Linguaphone Russian. Today's Linguaphone lesson was pretty straightforward and I learned quite a bit about visiting the doctor. I had the impression it was shorter than usual, too.

It was also a productive text with the Georgian Newspaper Reader, which I'm reviewing. I quickly read the text in Georgian while searching for the audio and for the copy in the tablet, which I open at the page of the translation. Then I played the audio while reading the translation and noticed I was already familiar with the Georgian text, I mean, more than expected at such situations.

Another good day at reading Georgian. If I keep this rhythm, I will be able to read more freely and complete my half-challenge. I also understood quite a bit from the series Shua Qalaqshi, even laughed a bit.

No time for doing more than the usual 7 Assimil Italian lessons. I had to solve urgent matters still regarding my cancelled trip to Buenos Aires. Will have to go to the office tomorrow again, hope it won't damage my study time once again. Btw, I noticed a decrease in my ability to understand Le Trône de Fer. Don't know how and why it happened. Maybe after a few days I will recover the level I was at.
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Virgin Islands
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Speaks: English*, Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian Creole, Creole (French)

 Message 84 of 364
20 February 2015 at 2:37am | IP Logged 
I got this via twitter today and thought I'd share it with you. Pensava em você e a bela língua que está aprendendo.

@frugaltraveler (NY Times travel writer) wrote:
How cool is the #Georgian alphabet, especially as seen on an Underwood typewriter? @OldTbilisi

Edited by iguanamon on 20 February 2015 at 2:49am

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Joined 5113 days ago

3335 posts - 4349 votes 
Speaks: Portuguese*, Norwegian, French, English, Italian, Papiamento
Studies: Mandarin, Georgian, Russian

 Message 85 of 364
20 February 2015 at 7:47pm | IP Logged 
Bela imagem, meu amigo! E obrigado por dar as caras por aqui.

Today I got very tired again. I had to get back to the office where I am dealing with the trial involving my cancelled trip to BsAs and will have to get back there on Thursday. I still could work on everything but my attention was shaky. The highest moment of the day was reading extensively in German and at least getting the gist despite the mental exhaustion.
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Joined 5113 days ago

3335 posts - 4349 votes 
Speaks: Portuguese*, Norwegian, French, English, Italian, Papiamento
Studies: Mandarin, Georgian, Russian

 Message 86 of 364
23 February 2015 at 10:26pm | IP Logged 
It was a productive weekend. I watched a nice French film, Le Carton. It is funny and it was perhaps my best one without subtitles so far. I did miss some longer periods but I could follow the story closely. I was intending to watch "La Famille Bélier" after taking a look at the French charts and figuring out about the singer Louane (doesn't this name sound rather gospel? Reminds me of louange). I tried to find it no matter what, then I was told it wasn't released in DVD yet, not after getting a few bogus versions. I joined the IRC channel I usually join for French and asked about the film, then people answered and told me it was a recent movie, then we discussed other stuff and then I was asked if I was French or Quebécois, and I found it nice to read that. I chatted so colloquially and freely that the language felt really natural to me. By the way, I also checked the local Alliance Française's website and it turns out DELF/DALF will take place in Juny with subscriptions up to middle April. I don't know if it's time, I don't even know what to try - the logical attempt would be a B2, but it would be too comfortable. Maybe it's too soon for me to learn specific exam skills as well. I should probably go there and ask for a placement test.

I read some two pages from the book in Russian I keep at home. Then I did some Memrise, revisiting my long forgotten HSK 5 deck. It turns out I still find Memrise a chore. I watered the first lessons and could remember or figure out most of the characters, but as I went further some words looked as if I had never studied them. I'am aware that this close, explicit learning is important and bring its fruits, but I can't commit to a daily browsing of over 40 cards. I will keep watering a few words whenever I feel like doing it, but I can't have that task assigned to me on a daily basis again, sorry. I know I would be making more progress but I just can't take it as a part of my day. It is all very slow and tiresome.

I was anxious about finishing reading the Estonian Blog, even read a few posts at the weekend, only to realize there is a tumblr following it. Well, I will read more tumblers each day, because they are shorter than blog posts, so I hope I can soon get back to studying actual Estonian again. It seems I have forgot/not retained most of what I've studied in the previous good textbooks. So yes, I'm having the same problems with Estonian as with Georgian.

And this brings us to the first topic of the day. I'm really unhappy about my achievements. I've been learning Georgian for 3 years and I'm at a shaky B1 at most. I still haven't reached fluency in Norwegian. My Chinese is stuck and I'm unable to read simple texts. My Russian now seems to be going better than the other languages but still slowly. I'm systematically failing to retain what I learn and to reach my main goals of reading comfortably in my languages. I believe if this year I don't come up with a new readable language, after 4 years of intensive studies, the whole thing will be a waste of time. Sorry for the rant, but 4 years is enough to have a bachelor here in Brazil. I still don't think I would be able to find 'better' ways of occupying my time during idle times all day long here - other activities would be more tiresome than studying languages. Besides, I am learning a lot through reading books in my TL's, for example, my main reading happens in French and in German now. So it is not an entire waste of time, but it is indeed a waste of energy and hope. I don't want to lose my faith in learning any non-Romance-Germanic language but it is a dream that doesn't seem to get closer. I really don't know what I am doing wrong. I am practicing active skills but it only brings me so far as to get better at small talk. I'm reading in parallel and progress seem to be of 10% more comprehension over a year, which isn't much.

One lesson to go for Linguaphone Russian. Will decide tomorrow what I am doing next. I am a bit sick of Linguaphone right now, even if the ideal sequel would be Linguaphone 1991 edition. I would like to keep working on a resource with audio. Ideally, I should move on to podcasts right after my textbook stage. There are still good textbooks awaiting, though, like Modern Russian Grammar by Routdledge. I've already used the German equivalent when my German was much better than my Russian is now, so I am reluctant to start it while I'm still at a perennial pre-intermediate stage. I have good options in terms of readers with shorter texts, although with no audio, and these will keep me busy while keeping the SC going as well.

I believe much of my fatigue lately has to do with the air-conditioning not set up properly. It is as much cold inside as it is outside and we're wasting water and energy with this device turned on. When I come back from lunch, I can't concentrate the way I was before. As a result, it's been a tiresome day for reading. I couldn't line up sequences of paragraphs with good understanding in Georgian, though I noticed a subtle improvement while reading paragraphs all in Georgian. I have mixed feelings about German: the topic was quite abstract and I would have trouble even in my native language. It eventually got better but I'm still far from 'reading fluency'.

On the other hand, it was a positive day for Russian video. I could understand and predict several sentences in the dialogues. Not so bad at reading either, though more tiresome. Then I got better at understanding French from Le trône de fer again, after a good time watching a native film yesterday.

Turkish keeps amazing me etimologically. Olive is zeytin, Portuguese azeitona. I'm mostly dabbling now, because all that is left in Le turc tout de suite are lessons with thematic wordlists and cultural explanations.

More on etimological amazements: asilo is for old people in Portuguese and for children in Italian.
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Joined 5113 days ago

3335 posts - 4349 votes 
Speaks: Portuguese*, Norwegian, French, English, Italian, Papiamento
Studies: Mandarin, Georgian, Russian

 Message 87 of 364
24 February 2015 at 10:20pm | IP Logged 

Accomplished Language Textbook: Linguaphone Russian (1961)

This is my second Linguaphone, the first being the Norwegian one. I like this one a lot. It focus less on vocabulary-killer lists and works rather as a reader. Needless to say the learning curve is steep and not suitable for a beginner, but at my shaky early B1 the book came in handy. The thematic vocabulary is presented in context, which made it easier to follow and choose to focus on the most important words within each theme. I checked the 1990 edition and it is a good textbook, but it's too similar to the 1961 edition, only more enhanced, with translation, comments, notes etc. So I'm going for Russian fairy tales in parallel texts instead. As the name says, it is Russian-English and so I'm counting half pages for the SC.

Reading with the Georgian newspaper reader and from the book Angels and Demons in Chinese went well so far. I could really absorb a few words. I hope the trend keeps going for the rest of the activities.

I understood quite a bit from spoken Norwegian at today's Brødrene Dal episode. I'm starting to understand the full sentences while reading the sort of abridged Norwegia subtitles. Sounds nice. Maybe my next series won't have subtitles and I will already understand what's going on.

I expected Newspaper Chinese to be over today but there are two more lessons left. Well, at least I won't have to spend time deciding on another textbook follow-up today.

Still studying from the corrections I got for the Norwegian February Challenge. Yesterday I did the Russian Challenge and I am still trying to memorize a song, which is the Mandarin one. The Georgian one should be taken care of when I have a less stressful day this week. Did I forget any?

While watching 对对碰 - It Takes Two, I noticed I usually recognize all the characters and can follow the sentences just fine if I pause them. Won't abuse this, though, as ideally I should attempt to follow everything in real time.

It's been a more productive day and I start to feel I could be doing more for my weaker languages, that is, I could try to read more pages in Chinese, Georgian or Russian. When I finished Russian this feeling was even more evident. It's not the wiser thing to do, though, as I'm having an intense post-schedule activity with French video, Turkish dabbling and 14 lessons of Assimil Italian. I( have to keep checking, though. I am still affected by the environment here though it's cooler today and I feel more awake. I want to learn more words so you can read faster and thus be able to take more pages a day and so learn more and review more.

I'm really tired of 1 episode of Game of Thrones in French a day and I'm happy I'm going to finish Season 4 in a couple of weeks. I really don't feel that much interested in this series and I want to try French series next. Not to mention I won't watch that much French video once I've reached a comfortable number in the SC.

15 lessons from O novo Italiano sem esforço today. Currently at lesson 58. I don't know how I managed that. At one moment it just seemed to 'flow', though I believe that's not much effective for retaining the occasional new word and new grammatical formulation. The good news is that in 58 lessons I've covered a lot of situations I need for my trip, so after I finish this first Assimil I will probably relax and study the Perfectionnement in a more natural rhythm, trying to take the most out of it so my textbook stage for Italian won't last that long.

February Challenge done in Georgian. I wrote very little about the fact Georgia is montainous but has also beaches. Posted at italki and mirrored at lang-8 to increase my chances of getting corrections. I'm considering doing the output challenge in Georgian. 500 words almost each day is definitely a stretch. I can only join with one language, so, let's see:

French - I can practice French output outside of a challenge; for example, I've found a forum on Spirituality.
Norwegian - I doubt I will get constant corrections in Norwegian once people realize I'm really writing on a regular basis. Not much of a priority as well since I think I can already speak some Norwegian and I'm in no rush for writing.
German - a combination of the above. I can find the motivation for writing in German on my own, I have friends who can correct me and it's also not a priority.
Chinese - well, that comes to dispute with Georgian, but I think it would be even more of a stretch. I also want to talk more even though I have no idea of how to actually write Chinese texts.
Russian - not my priority for output now.

So, Georgian is seemingly the one that could benefit the most from such a challenge, as I have yet to assimilate the basic grammar patterns which I haven't after all the textbook study and massive input. I just don't know whether it is doable or will affect my activities in other languages, especially in this moment when I'm finally managing to write regularly in my target languages. Besides, I don't even know if I have the stamina to absorb all those corrections and work actively on them at the busy schedule I already have (that is to say, processing the corrections will take away more time from the output time for other languages). I have a few days to think. I'm tempted, indeed, and I've also realized Georgian is the best option.
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Joined 5113 days ago

3335 posts - 4349 votes 
Speaks: Portuguese*, Norwegian, French, English, Italian, Papiamento
Studies: Mandarin, Georgian, Russian

 Message 88 of 364
26 February 2015 at 1:25am | IP Logged 
Started the Russian Fairy Tales bilingual reader. It's nice to follow despite the unusual words typical of
fairy tales. I think it's going to be useful. It's not just another parallel reading, because I tend to read shorter
texts more intensively than novels.

The Georgian Newspaper Reader is quite effective. I am aware I have yet to review the Georgian verbs to
finally read them, especially the overly irregular forms with multiple roots and those that look similar to them,
but at least now I'm understanding more from the Georgian sentence. I'm confident that I will be able to
review as far as it is necessary from whichever book and will retain a lot more this time.

A good day of reading Chinese, willing to read more, once again. I think my brain has tuned favorably to
Chinese again
, as I am also understanding more from the series.

Some SC stats: Mandarin video is at over 100 hours; French video is still at 71 hours, less than half, but I'm
ok with that. At 20 hours a week, it will be 130 by the end of May and thus I will be comfortable with finishing
it. Russian is at 68 hours btw, close to finishing a half challenge. Norwegian and Georgian aren't risky either,
but German is still at 35 hours. I'm not motivated to listen to more German right now. I have to find a suitable
series that would make me feel interested for watching over 10 minutes a day, either native or dubbed.

Finally another good day of Georgian reading. It helped that it was mostly dialogues and I could compare
original and translation in a way that actually helps me retain something. I'm starting to pay more attention to
verbal forms - how futures and aorists have preverbs and presents don't - so I can learn them on the go and
try to memorize the most important ones instead of just recognizing them. It's getting better with syntax
indeed, and I think much of it is due to my intensive work with the Georgian Newspaper Reader

It was not a bad day at German though I think it could be better by this time. I also finished watching
Nirgendwo in Afrika which has much non-German. Now I'm going to waycj a film called Rosenstraße. Once
again, it seems finding subtitles in German itself is the exception and not the rule (I haven't found them for
either film).

While doing Goethe-Verlag's tests on Italian today, I noticed I'm seeing a lot of words and usages that I've
also seen at the previous Assimil lessons, namely those that aren't Romance cognates. Call it synergy.

Just like with Mandarin, the Russian reading of today left me wanting more. Not the same with Norwegian
and German (more pages) or Georgian (more pages as well, but also harder a language and more annoying
a book). I really should keep going and hope in a few months I can absorb more text without getting
tired. Today was especially good in the sense that I could have focused moments in all of my readings and so
I did learn from them. If I managed to keep focused for at least half a page in each language, that means I
studied about the content of an Assimil lesson today. It wasn't entirely intensively but it was concentrated. If I
keep going this way I will definitely start to see results. I really saw much less events of wandering away
today. It helped that I did everything earlier because I didn't exercise in the morning and thus finished my
French reading early. Tomorrow is another critical day, as I have a meeting to attend (same old air company
issue) which will take 1h30-2h from my study time and so I want to leave to go there with everything in

A false friend: salire means to climb, rise, while sair means to go out in Portuguese. Venire - verrò;
vedere - vedrò; volere - vorrò. I still have trouble with the future.

Wrote a short dialogue in Norwegian. I was planning on writing more 'non-fiction', that is paragraphs with
longer statements, but it just came to mind.

- Er det regn?
- Nei, det er snø...Selvfølgelig er det regn! Ser du ikke at fortauet er våt?
- Jeg hadde ikke merket det til du sa det. Det var bare et kort sporsmål, du burde ikke vært så uhøflig...
- Jeg, uhøflig? Nei nei nei...Det er bare du som spører alltid dumme ting.
- Beklager, jeg skal ikke spørre deg hva som helst fra nå av.
- å...unnskyld. Jeg mente ikke å gjøre deg så opprørt.
- Jeg er ikke opprørt. Jeg har bare hadd en vanskelig uke og jeg håpte vi kunne snakke oftere.
- Fint. Jeg ser hva du mener. Hva vil du snakke om?
- Om været. Ser det ikke ut som det blir regn?

I've noticed lately that most Norwegian words come to mind naturally. I only have trouble at longer sentences,
even if it's rather straightforward after you've learned some syntax rules and considering you stick to the most
common conjunctions. This is something I should work on next. Maybe starting to write portions of my log in

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