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 Message 801 of 3959
30 April 2009 at 9:26pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
One tiny little thing more: during a search for something else (the Lozanov method) I accidentally hit upon a youtube-clip with the wellknown linguist Claude Piron, who among other things extoll the virtues of Esperanto. But I have other plans for this evening, - Esperanto will have to wait.

ESP: La svisa lingvisto Claude Piron estas tre konata en la Esperanto-movado, precipe la literara lernolibro "Gerda malaperis" cxiu esperantisto versxajne konas. Mi havas gxin kun vortlisto, sed gxi ne plaxis al mi. Mi devas cxiam atenti de ne intermiksi Claude Piron kaj Pierre Janton.

Eble vi scias de la TV novagxoj, ke Nederlando staras sub sxoko: Hodiaux estas Regina Tago en Nederlando kaj krimulo per automobilo volis fari atentaton sur la regxina familio en Apeldoorn, sed trafis aliajn inocentajn homojn, el kiuj 4 personoj mortis. Mia nederlanda amiko estis tute sxokita. La novagjoj pri tio cxiam elsendas la TV programo "Nederland 1" kaj mi nur ricevas "Nederland 2", sed mi malmulte pri tio vidis en Germana TV "Tagesschau".


Edited by Fasulye on 30 April 2009 at 9:28pm

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 Message 802 of 3959
30 April 2009 at 9:59pm | IP Logged 

Fasulye (DU): the rules for Dutch 'er' er complex, but now she has learnt them. Her Dutch is on a native level.

< No, this is not true. I learned the grammar rules for the usage of the Dutch word "er" at the University of Bonn in the years around 1982-1984. In that time I had to work through a lot of excercises concerning the word "er."

"sahde kahve" = "schwarzer Kaffee"

< It's spelled "sade kahve".

Fasulye (GER/PLATT): a quote from a Low German song book from the area around the lower part of the Rhine, - rather exotic!

< LOL, good comment!

Fasulye (FR): has not eaten much Spanish food, but like to read about food in different languages

< In rare moments I like to cook Spanish food as well.

Fasulye (FR/DU): has to focus on French now, and she takes pronunciation exercises and -perfection more seriously than me, suggesting that poor people have to work and rich people just can learn pronunciation while travelling around the world

< Poor people have to work harder on pronounciation, because they cannot travel. They have to compensate this lack of application in real life.


Edited by Fasulye on 30 April 2009 at 10:04pm

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 Message 803 of 3959
30 April 2009 at 10:15pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
"One tiny little thing more: during a search for something else (the Lozanov method) I accidentally hit upon a youtube-clip with the wellknown linguist Claude Piron, who among other things extoll the virtues of Esperanto. But I have other plans for this evening, - Esperanto will have to wait."

Haha, - esperanto non volis atendi. Mi auskultis tondo (?) kun Williamo Shattnero, - bedaŭrinde non inteleĝis multe. La Kurso kun Profesoro Esperanto estas plej komprenibla por mi. Tia babilejo estas bone, pro tio ke parlas tre malrapide. Kaj tiu knabo evidente estas 'native speaker'!. Mi ankaŭ trovis paĝon kun multaj registradoj de forpasinta profesoro Piron, sed tiam volis auskulti tiojn, devis laŭaserte elŝuti programeto Quicktime, kaj tiam faris tiun, la mia programo de viro advertis min ke la programeto estus infektito kaj mi non povis instali tion; sekve non povis auskulta la registradojn de sinjoro Prion, nur legi tiojn. Almenaŭ mi lernis vorton utilan, kion ne oni trovas in mian vortarojn: elŝuti (download).


Esperanto didn't want to wait. First I listened to professor Piron on Youtube, then I continued to listen to other Esperantean clips there. I didn't understand much of a clip from a black-and-white film with somebody called Shattner, but there were other - mostly humorous and/or pedagogical - clips in Esperanto, which were more accomodating. They were however all rather short. I then returned to feu professor Piron's page, hoping to find something more substantial. However I got a message that I needed to install a Quicktime driver, and when I downloaded it I was warned by my virus program that the file was infected. So I just read something, leaving Esperanto as a spoken language to the future. A propos the future, - one of the clips on the internet showed a little boy who was learning Esperanto, so now there presumably is at least one native speaker of that language in the world. What more do you need?

For once I didn't watch television, so I only knew about the assassination attempt against the Dutch royal family from Fasulye's post above. I'll try to find a suitable news broadcast in Dutch through the internet.

Edited by Iversen on 01 May 2009 at 2:26am

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 Message 804 of 3959
30 April 2009 at 10:32pm | IP Logged 

ESP: Tiuj Esperanto teatragxoj estas pli tauxgaj por 5-jaraj infanoj ol por mi. La usona viro normale parolas Esperanton (ne rapide, ne malrapide), tiel ankaux la homoj dum Esperanto-renkontigxoj parolas. Tio estas tre realista. Usono havas procentuale nur malmulte da esperantistoj. La Esperanto bebo estas tre cxarma. Tiel bone gxi komprenas Esperanton kiel denaskan lingvon! Mi ne sciis, ke ekzistas Esperanto-videoj sur You Tube.


Edited by Fasulye on 30 April 2009 at 10:37pm

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 Message 805 of 3959
30 April 2009 at 10:57pm | IP Logged 

NL: Iversen, je moet maar eens naar het NOS-journaal kijken. Dat kan op Ik heb het van nog geen land in West-Europa gehoord, dat iemand een aanslag op een koninklijke familie wilde plegen. Dat is voor de eerste keer, dat er zoiets gebeurt.


In zo'n geval is het interessant om te weten te komen hoe de Nederlanders zelf ermee omgaan en het proberen te verwerken. De Duiste TV brengt alleen maar de feiten en verder kom je niets te weten. Daarom wil ik zelf ook nog het NOS-journaal op internet bekijken.

Edited by Fasulye on 01 May 2009 at 10:19am

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 Message 806 of 3959
30 April 2009 at 11:19pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
Jar-Ptitsa (SP): back again after her Easter pause, and Fasulye and I are still discussing. She has
visited a Spanish lady and made Spanish food

it's not completely correct: I didn't visit a Spanish lady, btu she's a student who's Spanish but she living a year
(approximatley) in Belgium and she works in the house where I was during those days in april. I hope that she will
be there in the summer when i have to live one month there (every year since two years, this year it will be the 3rd).

Ja, wat in Apeldoorn is gebuurd is erg triest. Ik kan naar de foto's niet kijken want dat is zo verschrikkelijk wanneer
zulke onschuldige mensen op zo'n manier gwond of gedood worden. Het lijkt me iets zoals een schietpartij in de
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 Message 807 of 3959
30 April 2009 at 11:33pm | IP Logged 
Kaze de via nescio, du aliaj filmfontoj en Esperanto estas kaj
Bjalistoka Televido (

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 Message 808 of 3959
02 May 2009 at 10:05pm | IP Logged 
NL: Ik heb mijn komend interview vandaag volledig met vragen en antwoorden overgetypt. Dus zover ben ik voorbereid voor eind mei, wanneer wij een eerste proefopname willen maken. Ik moest wat vragen bedenken, maar het idee zal zijn, dat andere mensen vragen stellen, zodoende kunnen het in principe meerdere inteviews worden.

FR: Je suis tres active avec mon nouveau audio-cours de français, c'est un trainig intensif de la prononciation (contre un accent allemand!), ça fonctionne comme dans un laboratoire de langue et ça me plait beaucoup. La semaine prochaine sera ma premiere semaine au nouveau travail ça pourrait etre fatigant et probabilment je n'aurai pas tant de temps pour ce forum-la.


Edited by Fasulye on 02 May 2009 at 10:09pm

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