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 Message 929 of 3959
31 May 2009 at 10:56pm | IP Logged 
FR: Je suis desolé de ne pas avoir repondu plus vite, mais j'étais en Barcelone pour une semaine (Une destination populaire apparement.).

NL: Jar-ptitsa, ik woon in het oosten van Vlaanderen, in Limburg, dus bij ons was het weer een beetje beter. Als je naar de kust gaat moet je trouwens zeker je fiets meenemen. De polders zijn een zeer mooie plaats om te fietsen, West-Vlaanderen heeft ook een fietsroutenetwerk. Op de site Fietsnet kan je op voorhand je route uitstippelen. Enkel de nummertjes opschrijven en je kan zo de fiets op.

En: Fasulye, it's a common mistake to make. Even many native speakers have trouble with the C/K-spelling. When in doubt about the spelling of a certain word you can always look in "Het Groene Boekje", the official word-list of Dutch language. You can find an online version here.
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 Message 930 of 3959
01 June 2009 at 9:56pm | IP Logged 
IC: Við höfdum á vinnustaðinu mínu faglegt og felagslegt samkomulag, sem tók heila dagin*. Eg hef á veginu heimleiðis lesið nokkur frægtu draupar á fornislenzku frá Codex Regius: Vafþrúðnismál, For Skirnis, Lokasenna, Þrymskviðan og ödra. Eg ér þó dauþtrettur og vil ekki skríve meirri hér í nótt.


Vafþrúðnismál: Oðinn hefur heyrdt, að sé alsvinna jötunn Vafþrúdnir og ætlar nu að heimsækja hín, jafnvel þó kona hans Frigg hegsa ekki það sé góð hugmynd. Vaf og Oðinn freista orðspeki, og Oðinn sigrar bara af því að hann spyrjar, hvað hann sjálfur segði í eyra syni sín Balders, og aðeins Oðinn sjálfur kynni víta þess.

For Skirnis: Freyr, son Niarðar, hefur setsk í seti Oðinns Hliðskjálf og seð fagra mær Gými, sem er af Jötunna ætt. Hann sendir Skirni að ræða við födur meyjar, og það verður honum dýrkeypt!

Lokasenna: Loki gerir gýs á öðrum gúðunum, og þeir hengar honum í syns sins görnu undir orm sem dreypar eitur - þár verður hann að liggja tíl Ragnaroks.

I have been to job based a pep-talk-day followed by some eating.This didn't leave time for learning languages, apart from the one hour trip home from our neighbourtown Viborg where I managed to read a series of tales from a famous medieval manuscript from Iceland, called Codex Regius. But to be honest, I'm too tired now to write something more detailed about these tales.

EDIT: and apparently also too tired to spell properly. Things corrected now - at least in the English version.

Vafthrudnir's talk: Odin has heard that there is a giant ('jætte') named Vafthrudnir who quite literally knows everything and now he's going to question him (though his wife isn't too happy about that idea). At the end Odin win, but only because he asks what he himself whispered in the ear of his dead son Balder. A cunning tactic, but maybe not quite ethical.

Skirnis: The fertility god Frej has secretly been sitting in Odin's seat, from where you can see the whole world, and now he has spotted a fair maiden and his hormones are raging. He sends his servant Skirnir to make a deal with the father (it turns out that both chick and pop are giants), and Frej has to pay through the nose for that girl - including his trusted sword, which he will sorely miss at Ragnarok.

Lokisenna: the untrustworthy god Loke has unwisely taken to taunt all the other gods, and they don't like it. He escapes and turns into a salmon, but eventually is caught, and then the gods ties him with his (unnamed) son's intestines and put him under a perpetually venom-spewing snake. He will have to stay there until Ragnarok, where he somehow gets free and come sailing to the battlefield in the ship Naglfar, which is made of dead men's nails and manned by dead corpses.

These and other sinister poems are collectively know as the 'Poetic Edda'. The single looming masterpiece is Völaspá, but it is not part of the antology I used. I will however make a few comments on it before leaving for Reykjavík in June.

EDIT: this was written friday 30/5, but I moved things around to get the content list for May at the top of the page.

Edited by Iversen on 07 June 2009 at 9:20pm

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 Message 931 of 3959
01 June 2009 at 10:21pm | IP Logged 
Welcome back, Iversen!

I have just checked my quotes of your summary of May 2009, they are all OK.

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 932 of 3959
01 June 2009 at 10:34pm | IP Logged 

I have not been far away this Whitsun, only visited my mother and all her television channels including Arte. However we mostly watched Animal and some programs on Phoenix.

Congratulations with your new video on Youtube. The level of your voice is lower than that of your (anonymous) interviewer, but in spite of this I understood just about everything you said - and you said many relevant and useful things, not least about doing something daily and doing different things. In fact I understood more of the Esperanto sections than expected, - after all I have read very little in that language and only listened to it 2-3 times.

Edited by Iversen on 08 August 2009 at 7:41pm

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 Message 933 of 3959
02 June 2009 at 10:59pm | IP Logged 
IC: Mit nema af íslenska heldur áfram. Þetta tungumál er frægt fyrir margir málvenjubundinnu tjáningar, og eg mun gefa framboð sumir fordæmi með afarbókstavlegt þýðing. Við sjáum í orðabok Iðunnar Íslensk-Ensk undir 'koma' tjáningar sem tíl dæmis ..

Komdu þér út: come thou thy out! (get out!)
Koma sér af stað: come oneself off place (get going)
Það kom á mig: That came at me (I was surprised/taken aback)
Koma orðum að einhverju: Come words to somebody (find words for something)
Koma einhverjum af sér: Come somebody off oneself (get rid of somebody)
Koma eitthvað í lag: Come something in layer (get fixed)
Mér kom það ekki til hugar: Me came that not to mind (I didn't dream of that)

SW: Min nästa resa blir faktiskt längre än jag först hade planerat - inte 3 men 6 nätter. Jag har nämligen valt att flyga till Reykjavik från Kastrup (Köpenhamns flygplats), men då tittade jag på kortet och på min kalender och upptäckte att det skulle vara möjligt att åka till Köpenhamn via södra Sverige. Der går en färja i sommarsemestret från Grenå till Varberg (som har en interessant medeltida fästning), og från Varberg till Malmö kommer jag at åka IC-tåk, og äntliken kan man åka från Malmö til Kastrup över den stora nya Öresundsbron. Jag åker dock direkt hem efter Islandsresan. Detta giver mig också tilfället att testa min svenska, - men bara till svenskar som inte förstår engelska. Det skulle vara onaturligt att tala dålig svenska med svenskar som faktiskt förstår danska - de finnas faktiskt. Men svenskare som inte bryr sig att förstå danska förtjänar att få sitt eget språk maltrakterat.


I have watched television from several countries tonight, but the only thing that really stuck out was a program on National Geographic about the situation that will occur in 250 million years from now when all the continents once again have formed one single landmass, a new Pangaea like the one in Perm. It was even suggested that the lava flows that killed off most animals and plants at the end of the Permian were a natural consequence of the movements of the crust, which implies that the same thing will happen again next time. But I'm long dead by then, so it can't be my problem. At least we were spared the ususal nonsense about mankind having to leave Earth collectively to find a new abode in space - mankind will also be dead as a dodo in June 250.002.009.

My intensive study of Icelandic continues. This language is famous for its many idiomatic expressions, and to exemplify this I have given some examples with hyperliteral translation above.

Apart from that: I have extended my travel plans. I am flying to Reykjavik from Kastrup airport at Copenhagen, but after a peek at the map and my calender I have decided to travel through Southern Sweden. There is a ferry from Grenå til Varberg (where there is a medieval castle), and there is a train from Varberg to Malmö, and from Malmö I can travel by train directly over the new big Oresundsbridge to Kastrup. However I return directly back home from Kastrup after my stay in Iceland.
I am going to try out my Swedish, but only on Swedes who don't understand Danish - they deserve to have their own language murdered.

Edited by Iversen on 03 June 2009 at 12:39am

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 Message 934 of 3959
02 June 2009 at 11:43pm | IP Logged 
SUMMARY IN English: Just telling Iversen that his Swedish is great and that nobody will have any problems communicating with him while he travels through Sweden. Scandinavians have a bad habit of being very drunk when visiting each others countries, particularly the Swedes that go to Denmark, unfortunately... (due to the extreme differences in price and availability of alcohol between DK and SE).

Some Danes, possibly Iversen too ? have a negative impression of Swedes for this reason.

So I am sure Iversen will be pleasantly surprised to see sober civilised Swedes that are happy to meet a Dane and who will be impressed by his knowledge of Swedish. :

Hei Iversen!
Vilken intressant tråd!

iversen wrote:
Det skulle vara onaturligt att tala dålig svenska med svenskar som faktiskt förstår danska - de finnas faktiskt. Men svenskare som inte bryr sig att förstå danska förtjänar att få sitt eget språk maltrakterat.

Jag håller med dig. Svenskar och danskar bör försöka förstå varandra. Man skall absolut försöka. Själv vill jag absolut inte tala engelska med danskar! Om jag hade mer med Danmark att göra så skulle jag lära mig dansk stavning och vokabulär. Men just nu bor jag i (hemska) England, så det är inte aktuellt.

Din svenska är mycket bra, men lite "dansk" har smugit sig in.. :-) Det gör ingenting alls, allt är begripligt ändå. Ingen i Sverige kommer att ha några problem att förstå dig, särskilt inte i södra Sverige. Problemen uppstår endast egentligen med folk längre norrifrån, som är ovana vid danska och när dansken själv pratar fort och otydligt... Om båda parter försöker så är det inga problem!

Det är så trevligt att du lärt dig både svenska och isländska!

I don't really know what "maltrakterat" means - is it a Swedish word? It sounds vaguely familiary. I know what you are trying to say though and I think "misshandlat" might be a better word.

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 Message 935 of 3959
02 June 2009 at 11:55pm | IP Logged 
Jag hade faktiskt kontrollerat med Google att ordet "maltrakterat" fanns i enskilta svenska texter, men när en infödd svensk som Cordelia inte kännar ordet, är det bäst att inte använda det. Tack för de vänliga ord om mitt improviserade svenska.

"Namnet kan vara så maltrakterat att det inte låter sig känna igen" (citat

cordelia0507 wrote:
Scandinavians have a bad habit of being very drunk when visiting each others countries, particularly the Swedes that go to Denmark, unfortunately... Some Danes, possibly Iversen too ? have a negative impression of Swedes for this reason.

Not me, count me out. But even my sister has very negative thoughts about Swedes because she was laughed at by the Swedes when she visited the country as a small Danish-speaking girl in the late sixties. I just have negative thoughts about the Swedish press, which is even less trustworthy than the Danish one. And I don't understand how anybody can eat 'surströmming'.

Edited by Iversen on 04 June 2009 at 3:11pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 936 of 3959
03 June 2009 at 8:46pm | IP Logged 
IC: Eg hef nótað til að skrifa með ýmislegu stáfróf, en heimasiðan rúmar og önnuð gott, svo sem margmál-biblía. Þessi gerir mögulegt að skrifa samsiðu textar, og fýrir mál sem hefur fá ödru samsiðu textar (og fá tækifari að gera þessi sjálfur) er það mjög velkominn möguleiki. Islenski texti er auðlesinn, og í konungarbækurnar er sagnfræði sem ég gat lesið fyrir utan að finnast að eg hefi vakningarprédikari í stofunni mínni - og spámennini og vinnuveitindi þeirra eru svo óaðlaðandi að ég hætti ekki að snúast.

CAT: Peró hi ha també altres llengues en el món, per tot i que jo necesiti entrenyar el meu islandès per al meu pròxim viatje. Hi ha per exemple el català, i durant el meu viatge precedent vaig comprar una revista de història "Sàpiens". Per exemple he pogut llegir perqué Napoleó perdé la batalla de Waterloo. Napoleó va decidir d'aparèixer rere el flanc de Wellington i ha enviat el mariscal Grouchy amb 33.000 homens a perseguir els prussians, - peró els prussians es van escapolir i Wellington ha pogut retirar-se. Va ordenar - contra l'opinió dels seus mariscals - un atac frontal que ha fracassat lamentablement, amb gran pèrdua d'homens. I va posposar la batalla final perqué el sol era mollat, i endementres Blücher va arribar a l'escena amb més tropes prussianes al camp de Wellington. En aquest moment decisiu Napoleó va enganyar el seus, dient-los que els uniformes blaus en la distància eren els homes de Grouchy que venien a sòcorrer-los. Ha perdut la batalla, i principalment por els seus propis errors.


I have mostly used the keyboards of, but this homepage also contains a mecanism for making bilingual texts, though only based on the Bible. I'm not religious, but in a situation where I need some parallel texts this comes in handy, and the prophets (and their boss) are so vile and disgusting that there is no risk at all of getting converted. The good thing is that the Icelandic text is surprisingly easy to understand, - in fact I can almost read it without the help of the Danish version. Right now I'm concentrating on Icelandic, but I have prepared bilinguals with other language combinations for later use - mostly from the Books of Kings 1+2 which are the most colorful and bloody and entertaining.

In between I have found time to read a historical magazine "Sàpiens" which I bought in Barcelona - in fact one of the few magazines in Catalan I found, contrary to expectation. I have for instance read about the blunders Napoleon made before and during the battle at Waterloo. According to this article he could just as well have won, but wasted his soldiers on chasing spurious troops, ordering them into an unnecessary frontal attack, postponed the battle because of wet soil just long enough for Blücher to get his Prussian troops there, etc.. Napoleon had not lost his extreme selfconfidence, so he refused to listen to his leading officers, - but he had clearly lost the grip, and as everyone probably knows he ended up ignominously at St. Helena, where he may or may not have been poisoned.

Edited by Iversen on 04 June 2009 at 9:24am

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