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Iversen’s Multiconfused Log (see p.1!)

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 Message 945 of 3959
07 June 2009 at 2:51am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
Jar-ptitsa wrote:
Iversen wrote:
At least we were spared the ususal nonsense about mankind having to leave Earth collectively to find a new abode in space - mankind will also be dead as a dodo in June 250.002.009.

This is inaccurate: on which day in June 250.002.009 exactly ? LOL!!!!!!!!!! hahahah.

It is accurate enough, - our species will be extinct already from the first day in 250.002.009 (and probably long before)

I made a joke, because this date was so ridiculous and it was funny that you wrote 'June" LOL!! What you think of those spellchecker's suggestions? Bye, until next week maybe the 14 June approximately.
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 Message 946 of 3959
07 June 2009 at 3:03am | IP Logged 
The spell checkers in Word can be ordered to recognize certain words, and I definitely would add my own name and that of other frequent communication partners. The most common distorsion of "Iversen" by far is *Iverson. But that's a Swedish ending, - in Danish and Norwegian the ending is -sen. Once that has been dealt with, my name shouldn't be too difficult to spell.

The joke about 250.002.009 isn't just a joke, - I have seen too many programs about the fate of the Earth where it somehow was assumed that NASA would exist and have enough rockets to send billions of people out in space.
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 Message 947 of 3959
07 June 2009 at 9:55am | IP Logged 

EN: I had some multilingual communication on You Tube with my polyglot collegues there, so I was a bit absent from the forum the last days. Today is the European election in Germany and I am working as a volunteer in a polling station. And I had to vote... So this will not be a weekend of language learning.

I don't understand those polyglots, who are only focused on languages. Of course Iversen is different and I myself also find it very important to develop my other interests as well. This weekend I made an investment in my hobby of natural sciences and bought the newest astronomy magazine "Sterne und Weltraum" (which is not really cheap, it costs 7,90 EUR), a book called "Naturwissenschaften" which presents questions and answers of different natural sciences and a book with the title "Die kürzeste Geschichte allen Lebens, eine Reportage über 13,7 Milliarden Jahre Werden und Vergehen" written by the here wellknown Harald Lesch, who was born in 1960 and is professor for theoretical astrophysics at the university of Munich, and another co-author.

At the weekends I am often busy with my letter correspondence, very traditional snail mail, but this hobby has a lot to do with foreign languages and by corresponding for many years I could develop real good friendships. All my penfriends live in Europe and they write in different foreign languages. Only one of my penfriends writes in German.

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 Message 948 of 3959
07 June 2009 at 6:44pm | IP Logged 
I have of course watched TV today, but maybe not the most logical programs from a language learning perspective: a lot about Japanese Gardens in Danish and English, - but I can't write about it in Japanese which would have been the logical choice. But ...

FR: ... juste dans ce moment j'ai commencé à regarder une émission de "History Channel" qui est normalement une chaîne Anglophone, - mais j'écris ceci en Français parce qu'il a eu un monsieur qui a parlé Français. Ce qui le rend si rafraîchant, ce qu'on a laissé le son original - et même sans sous-titres. C'est difficile à voir pour qui on a fait ce programme, IT perché ora si parla Italiano, e anche qui qui senza concessioni alle persone non-poliglote. Infatti l'italiano è una scelta logico qui perché si tratta di Pompei, e si discuta la cultura dei Romani. EN The English presenter has just said that the Pompeians would write everywhere and about anything, from calculations to denunciations of corruption. FR Le monsieur français explique juste maintenant que les peintures de banquets opulents ne representaient pas la vie ordinaire même des riches, et les romains étaient pas si licentieux qu'on a cru. Or, les jeux des gladiateurs étaient si possible ancore plus sanglants qu'on a su avant - et la société romaine avait aussi ses 'hooligans' avant l'invention du foot. EN: There were also some more gradual developments in the public morale, such as the introduction of the 'couple' as the center of family life instead of just the Pater Familias and his subordinates of the republican periode ...DE .. Und jetzt bin ich wirklich überrascht, weil gerade jetzt erklärt ein deutscher Archäologe die Gladiatorenkämpfe ... auf Deutsch! Ich weiß wirklich nicht wo dieser Sender sein Publikum sehe, weil in dieser einer Sendung habe ich Latein, Italienisch, Französisch, Deutsch und Englisch gehört. So möchte ich persönlich immer Fern gucken (oder vielleicht mit Untertiteln), aber ich weiß nicht wieviele Otto Normalbürger eine solche Sendung folgen kann. Ich habe diesen Sender nur digital und ich habe dort meist Englisch gehört, darum habe ich es vielleicht untergeschätzt.

Gut zu sehen daß Fasulye noch hier schreibt. Die Europawahlen nehmen viele Kräfte in Bezug, besonders wenn man sich freiwillig meldet ihnen zu überwachen. Persönlich habe ich aber nur meine Stimme abgegeben - Zeitverbrauch max. 5 Minuten - und danach habe ich fast drei Stunden herumspaziert, weil es so schönes Wetter ist heute.

EN: Let me return to the theme of the Japanese gardens. The first program - 80 minutes long - described the process of converting a Japanese garden 10 km north of my hometown Århus into a REALLY Japanese garden. The owner, who is a local businessman, didn't really fancy the garden he had established, and then he took a big decision: he decided to spend approx. 2 million € on hiring a genuine Japanese garden architect and a whole crew of genuine Japanese gardeners to weed out all the 'Europeanisms' that spoilt the impression. It has been very enlightening to hear precisely what errors the original garden had. For instance there was a red bridge, but apparently there aren't red bridges in Japanese gardens, - this spurious invention is a mix of having bridges in Japanese gardens belonging to the gentry and having brightly red porticos and other structures in Shinto temples. And I would add: those red bridges I have seen in the far East were not in Japan, but elsewhere, as for instance in the center of Hanoi. Another error: the waterfall fell straight from the top of a rock, but the Japanese crew changed it so that the water now falls from among two rocks and flows through a maze of smaller stones. The original trees survived (with some new expensive additions, bought in Oldenburg, Germany), but were pruned so that they fitted the available space better - and they are not supposed to grow bigger from now on. There were a lot of such details, but the end result definitely must be that I visit this garden as soon as possible after my return from Iceland. It is strange that I haven't noticed this place before.

Right now the History Channel is showing a program about the garden of Monet, but alas: in pure unmitigated English - FR pas un mot en Français.

Et maintenant, une demiheure plus tard, il y a une émission concernant la Pucelle Jeanne (Jeanne d'Arc), et on parle Anglais. Du moins on a employé une dame qui parle Anglais avec un accent Français, mais c'est pas du tout la même chose. C'est vraiment de l'ironie: les Anglais d'antan ont brulé Jeanne, et maintenant on la force à parler Anglais!

Edited by Iversen on 07 June 2009 at 9:01pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 949 of 3959
07 June 2009 at 7:34pm | IP Logged 
I forgot to mention that this inconspicuous and very discrete log within the last 5 minutes has passed ..

100.000 readers !!!!!!!!!!

(frankly, I had not expected that to happen before the end of August or something like that - now I can fly to Iceland with a sense of triumph)
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 Message 950 of 3959
07 June 2009 at 8:13pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
I forgot to mention that this inconspicuous and very discrete log within the last 5 minutes has passed ..

100.000 readers !!!!!!!!!!

(frankly, I had not expected that to happen before the end of August or something like that - now I can fly to Iceland with a sense of triumph)

WOW, Iversen!

This happend much earlier, than all of us had expected. Congrats for creating this fascinating log.

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 Message 951 of 3959
08 June 2009 at 4:24pm | IP Logged 
hej då

Jag skrivar dette på den svensk-ägda Stena färje från Grenå i Danmark til Varberg i Sverige, ock detta vil säga att jag från och med nu prövar att tänka endast på svenska ock om möjligt också prata på svenska, unntaket när jag talar danska til svenskarne för att testa deras språkkunskaper. Men jag anländer först till Varberg om 2½ timme, och färjpersonnalet förstår självklart danska - de ser jo oss jävla danskare varje dag. De har också just set några danskare spela fotboll, men det är inte mitt fel att de vann över det svenska lag - det är förmodligen bäst att inte tala om det ämnet just nu. Apropos kölhaling, jag har noterat mig at Pirat partiet i Sverige har fått ett mandat i Bruxelles, - det är dock inte krut och kulor och enbenede sörövere med en papegöje på axeln, men ett allvarligt forsög på göra överträdelse av upphovsrättslagene i EU lagligt. Detta kommer knappast att hända med EU-bureaukraternes hjälp.


Right now I'm sitting on the (Swedish-owned) ferry between Grenå in Denmark and Varberg i Sverige. I'm already now trying to think in Swedish, - or rather, I did until I had to supply this summary in English of the text above. So now the whole thing is spoiled. When I get over there I will as promised try out my Swedish on those Swedes that don't understand Danish, - however here on the ferry every member of the crew understands Danish, after all they see us every day. I have a feeling that some Swedes would have preferred not to see a certain group of Danes play football ('soccer') a couple of days ago, - they lost and as I have understood the situation, that defeat sent them out of the qualification rounds for the VM (or is it the EM, - I really don't care, I don't watch football - but maybe it is best not to discuss this theme with the Swedes right now, especially not in Swedish). Apart from that I watched some Swedish TV yesterday. The Swedes have sent one member of the 'Pirate party' to the European Parliament. This guy isn't the proverbial onelegged seaman with a parrot on the shoulder, but a serious parlamentarian who will try to make transgressions of the copyright laws legal - somehow I can't see that happen with the help of the Eurocrates.

Edited by Iversen on 08 June 2009 at 4:56pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 952 of 3959
09 June 2009 at 12:56pm | IP Logged 
Jag är nu nu i Varberg, ock jag har redan besökt Fästningen med Länsmuseet. Här förvarer man Bockstensmannen från 1100-tallets Sverige, en mördat man funnet i en mosse med 3 spikor genom kroppan fastan som en Transsylvansk vampyr. Hans klädnad er fullständigt bevaret, og det har varet möjligt at rekonstruera en model av honom. Just nu står jag vid en snabbdator på Stadsbiblioteket ock har endast 10 minutter (inte nog til at retta skrivfel!). Jag har läst nogra kapitel av en bok om den stora svenska upptäcktsresande Sven Hedin, og nu vil jag fråga i en bokhandel om den går at köpas. Mitt tåk til Malmö går om en timma.
Hej då.


I'm In Varberg now, a town with a castle with a museum where there is a man from 1100, preserved with all his clothing. Right now I'm standing at a 10-minut PC in the town library. I've been reading about Sven Hedin who more or less discovered the whole of Central Asia around 1900

Edited by Iversen on 15 June 2009 at 7:44am

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