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Iversen’s Multiconfused Log (see p.1!)

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Winner TAC 2012
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 Message 1169 of 3959
30 July 2009 at 9:25pm | IP Logged 
Check-up of your monthly summary for July 2009

There is only a minor detail of one of my quotes, which is not correct: I watch "Nederland 2" via cable TV, not via internet.

All the rest is quoted correctly.

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Super Polyglot
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Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian
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 Message 1170 of 3959
30 July 2009 at 9:27pm | IP Logged 
OK, I'll correct it
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Super Polyglot
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Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian
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 Message 1171 of 3959
02 August 2009 at 5:31pm | IP Logged 
As I have mentioned earlier I'm going to the Balkan peninsula in the near future, starting in Bucureşti and leaving from Tirana. OK, have a look at the map: what's in between those two? Serbia. So I'll prepare a little bit of Serbian so that I won't have to speak English or German all the time while I'm there. I have spent this weekend in the company of my family, which meant that I haven't had much time for language studies, but I did find some silent moments to study one of the hitherto unused items on my book shelves, namely "Serbian - an Essential Grammar" (by Lila Hammond, Routledge). It is somewhat confusing to work with a book that uses two alfabeths for its target language: Cyrillic and Roman. I only care about the Cyrillic version because that's the normal one for Serbian (like Roman for Croatian) - every time I read a word or expression to the left I see something in Roman to the right, and every time I expect to find a translation, but no - it is some uncomprehensiblegobledigable. And it takes me a couple of seconds to realise that it is exactly the same thing as before, just in another alphabet. And then I usually understand it, because I recognize a lot of the words from either Russian or (in some cases) Romanian. Besides the grammar seems to have a lot in common with the Russian grammar: cases, aspect and a perfect based on some kind of old participle that has lost its auxiliary verb. I intend to work my way through a lot of bilingual text, hypertranslating some passages, read the remainder of my grammar book, do some wordlists and maybe listen to some Serbian internet TV later into the process, - then time will show how far I get.

Edited by Iversen on 05 August 2009 at 12:41am

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Super Polyglot
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Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian
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 Message 1172 of 3959
04 August 2009 at 11:18am | IP Logged 
I have been busy 'publishing' the latest issue of the magazine of my travel club on our home page, so I have not had much time for language studies - and this evening I'll have to spend even more time on that homepage due to an influx of new members.

The following section should have been in Serbian, but bear with me - I'm not quite there yet!

Most of my limited study time has been spent on the bilingual printouts in Serbian - GoogleDanish I made yesterday. As you all know Google is versatile, but not very correct, so it is like reading the original text with some hints here and there. It wouldn't help to use GoggleEnglish instead of GoogleDanish, - I did try it out. But I found that when Google gave up my small Serbian-Italian normally also failed to provide translations, so in the end I just bulldozed through the whole thing. And it doesn't seem too difficult, - I'm fairly sure that I can read the language at the end of the month, and then I can get some more precise ideas about the sound of the language when I get down there - so far I just try to avoid making it sound like Russian. I also stick to Cyrillic sources in order to avoid casual interference from Croatian, and I found a page from a Serbian TV-station with lots of short and easy snippets about scientific themes - just the kind of material I prefer.

One of them however was a disaster, because it lead me astray into Anglophone territory. As you know alternating current, wireless communication and lots of other things were invented by a towering genius called Nikola Tesla, though other more mercantile minds often got the honors. It turns out that Tesla was born in Smiljan in the Lika region in Serbia. Then I found a complete 200-page biography about him, and all my study plans went up in smoke...

Edited by Iversen on 04 August 2009 at 9:52pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 1173 of 3959
04 August 2009 at 11:13pm | IP Logged 
I should have worked on the homepage of my travel club, but I decided to learn languages instead, so when I came back home from work ...

ROM: .. după ce am revenit de muncă am citit primul nişte note de călătorie de New York, găsite la sitiul Dar nu este aşa de amuzant, pentru că se poate avea bere pretutindeni ... dar numai Budweiser (şi nu Budweiser Urquell, - numai Bud American). Pentru băutori de bere acest lucru e un tragediu, pentru mine nu-i important deoarece eu nu beau zoale. De asemenea, cred că eu nu aş sta în afara sediului CNNs privând admirativ pe clădiri - mai repede voi admira Muzeul Istoriei Naturala sau Muzeul Metropolitan.

GR: Έπειτα μια λιστά των λεξεων ροσικών, και τότε διάβασα κάτι για του Tesla (με τη βοήθεια της μετάφρασης στα δανικά-υκούνγκλε = 'Google-Danish'), αλλά στη συνέχεια συγκρóντρωνα την προσοχή μας στην Ελληνική γλώσσα. Μπορείτε να αγοράζουν φτηνά βιβλία για όλες τις Ελληνικές αργίες, και κατά την τελευταία μου επίσκεψη στην Αθήνα αγόρασα ένα βιβλίo για την πόλη Αθήνα - και τώρα έχω αρχίσει να το διαβάσω. Ορισμένες σελίδες αντίγραφω, άλλοι απλά γρήγορα διαβάζω. Ελπίζω θα τον ολοκληρωθεί σε περίπου μία εβδομάδα, και τότε θα δούμε αν μπορώ να επισκεφθούν την Ελλάδα στον αυτό το ταξίδι - αλλιώς θα υπάρχει άλλη ευκαιρία. Αλλά δεν επισκέπτομαι ξανά την Αθήνα για πολλά χρόνια, επειδή αυτή την πόλη έχω επισκεφθεί πρόσφατα.

IT: Il mio ultimo compito questa sera - salvo dormire - è stato di leggere qualche testi dal bloggiatore Italiano PersonalitaConfusa, uno sul treno Eurostar, un'altro sugli aeroporti e ancora altri sui prezzi, sul papa Wojtyla e su non so ché. Se avesse anche scritto qualcosa sul atto di dormire io non potessi dormire tranquillo stanotte.


This evening I first read and copied one more Romanian travelogue from cotidianul, this time about New York. I have already mentioned the one about Egypt where the joke was that it was easier to get a waterpipe with funny grass than a beer in Cairo (though both probably are illegal). This one about New York was not quite as funny, maybe because you can get beer everywhere in New York. Maybe just Bud, but I don't care - I don't drink the stuff. Instead the author stood with awe outside the CNN headquarters. If it had been me I would have preferred to worship the Natural History Museum or the Metropolitan museum.

After that I made some Russian wordlists and reread a short article in Serbian about Tesla (with the help of a Google-Danish translation), but then I turned my attention towards the Greek language. During my last visit to Athens I bought one of the ubiquitous blue guidebooks, and I now train my Greek by reading it with the help of a dictionary, copying some parts and noting down new words and expressions. But even if I do get time for a visit to Greece during my next trip to the Balkans I won't revisit Athens, but maybe stay somewhere in Thrakia for a couple of days. Provided I can get from there to Tirana.

If I dare travel, it is. I have just read what the Italian blogger PersonalitaConfusa has written about the Eurostar train and some undefined airport...

Edited by Iversen on 05 August 2009 at 2:39pm

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Winner TAC 2012
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 Message 1174 of 3959
05 August 2009 at 3:06pm | IP Logged 
ESP: Mia nederlanda amiko havis du gravajn novagjojn por mi:

1. Li acxetos por mi novan komputilon, cxar tiu-cxi estas nun ege instabila. La lampo de la monitoro ne plu funkcias bone.

2. Li sciigis min, ke en la jaro 2011 la Universala Esperanto Kongreso (UK) okazos en Kopenhago, Danio. Tia kongreso estas cxiam en la fino de julio. Mia Esperanto-grupo en Düsseldorf jam volis pagi por mi la partoprenadon de la cxi-jara Universala Kongreso en Pollando, sed mi mem rifuzis tion, cxar mi estis timega vojagxi tutsole al lando, kies lingvon mi ne parolas. Mi ja havas ege malmultajn vojagxo-spertojn kaj mi sentas min pli sekura en landoj, kies lingvon mi mem kapablas paroli.

Pri Danio mi scias, ke preskaux cxiuj homoj parolas angle tie, do mi nun intencas partopreni la UK en Danio. Unue mi volas priparoli la temon kun mia Esperanto grupo je la fino de la monato auxgusto. Se mi denove ricevas oferton, mi volas kontakti mian danan gastfamilion el la jaro 2003.

Do unue mi devas atendi gxis mia Esperanto-grupo denove renkontigxos.


Edited by Fasulye on 05 August 2009 at 3:12pm

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United States
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 Message 1175 of 3959
05 August 2009 at 3:15pm | IP Logged 
Congratulations to Iversen & Co!

This TAC log is a fascinating read, and what is more, it is a world first in several ways. I look forward to its continuation.
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Super Polyglot
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Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian
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 Message 1176 of 3959
05 August 2009 at 5:54pm | IP Logged 
ESP: Mi ne skribis nenion ajn en Esperanto dum longa tempo, tiel estis bona esti devigita far ĝin de Fasulye. Sed kompatinda Fasulye, unua ŝi komputilo ekdormis, sed ĉi tiu ne estis granda problemo. Kaj hodiaŭ ŝi ekrano estas ŝajne morta, kiu estas granda problemo. Tiame ona ŝi devas instali novajn lingvojn, rekunmeti ŝin ligilojn kaj reinstali programojn ... kaj pagi novan komputilon, kompreneble. Tio ne estas iel ajn amuza!

Universala Kongreso de Esperanto 2011 la Kopenhago? Mi supozas ke vi devas esti membro per partoprendi. Kaj verŝajne ankaŭ povi paroli ĝin, kiu supozeble antauxsupozas ke vi uzas ĝin jam kelkfoje ĉiumonate. Estis malfacile trovi iun pri la kongreso sur Danaj ĉefpaĝoj, - mi devis serĉi pri ĝi la Esperanto per trovi konfirmon. Mi ankaŭ trovis noticon ke Madrid kredis, ke devus esti tie. Sed estas kongreso en Kubo en 2010, tiel du landoj tio parolas Hispane sinsekve verŝajne estis tro por la delegitoj.


Poor Fasulye. First her computer went to sleep, and now the screen has died for good. Not only it will cost money for a new machine, but reinstalling programs and languages and rescuing her link collection will be a hefty task.

Apparently the Esperantists at the world congress in Bialystok have decided that Copenhagen will be hosting the event in 2111 (with around 2000 participants). Madrid had hoped to have the honor of doing it, but the host in 2010 will be Havana, and two Hispanophone countries in a row was apparently too much for the internationally-minded delegates. I suppose that you have to be a member to attend, - and probably also to be fluent in the language, so writing one single post in a month here in a month probably isn't enough to qualify. But maybe Fasulye will there to represent the members of our distinguished forum.

Edited by Iversen on 05 August 2009 at 5:56pm

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