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Iversen’s Multiconfused Log (see p.1!)

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 1418 of 3959
19 October 2009 at 2:15am | IP Logged 
I doubt that it was a server error. My guess is that someone would remove one offending post and accidentally scrapped the whole thread, and by suspending the possibility of deleting posts except through the moderating mechanism our Administrator seems to indicate that he has the same suspicion. But nevermind, you have got you thread again, and I am even more glad that I have been backing up at least my own parts of this log and some of my posts in other threads.

Bortset fra det: jeg har (igen) været i København.
Away-seen from that: I have (again) been in Copenhagen

Egentlig skulle jeg have overværet et bestyrelsesmøde i min rejseklub,
Really should have over-been (=attended) a board-meeting in my travelclub,

men jeg havde taget fejl af tidspunktet og mødte op en time for tidligt.
but I had token error of timepointThe and met up an hour for early.

Naturligvis var der ingen, og jeg vidste ikke hvor og hvornår det ellers skulle være,
Naturally was there noone, and I knew not where and when it otherwise should be,

og så opgav jeg. I stedet besøgte jeg en rejsemesse i Øksnehallen*,
and so gave-up I. In steadThe visited I a travel-fair i Oxen-hallThe

*øxen: same word as 'oxen' in English, but not an active word in Danish any more - except in the name of this building

og det gik der fire timer med.
and that went there four hours with

Der var repræsentanter for forskellige rejsebureauer, men også for turistbureauer,
There were representatives for different travelbureaus, but also for touristbureaus,

og på deres stande var der heldigvis en del herboende udlændinge.
and on their stands were there luckilywise a part (=several) here-living outlanders.

Så jeg fik snakket lidt italiensk og en hel del spansk,
So I got talked (a) little Italian and a whole part Spanish,

- jeg spurgte en dame om noget med færger mellem de Kanariske øer,
- I ask a dame (=woman) about something with ferries between the Canarian (=Canary) islands,

og hun bad om at få spørgsmålet gentaget på engelsk.
and she ask about to have questionThe repeated on English.

Nul putte*, - jeg benyttede selvfølgelig chancen til at spørge på spansk,
No honey - I used selfflollowly (=of course) chanceThe to to ask on Spanish,
* Nul putte = ikke ud af stedet (not out of the place) = absolutely no

og så lyste* hun op
and then lighted she up,
*lyse op = become visibly happy (like a bulb being switched on)

hun var åbenbart også træt af at skulle snakke engelsk med alle og enhver.
she was openly also tired of to should babble English with all and everybody.

På den græske stand var der en pige som kun havde været i Danmark i 9 måneder,
On the Greek stand was there a girl who only had been in Daenmark in 9 months,

men hun talte allerede næsten uden accent
but she spoke already almost without accent

- og hun lyste op da jeg komplimenterede hende for hendes danske.
- and she lighted up when I complimented her for her Danish.

Så jeg har gjort mindst to damer glade i dag.
So I have done (at) least two ladies happy today.

Grækerne blev til gengæld meget forbavsede
GreeksThe became to gain-validity (=on the other hand) very surprised

da jeg sagde at jeg næsten kunne læse deres sprog, -
when I said that I almost could read their language, -

og beviste det ved at læse et par linjer op fra en af deres brochurer
and proved it by to read a couple lines up from one of their folders

og oversætte den til dansk. Det komplimenterede de mig for,
and translate it into Danish. That complimented they me for,

og så var det min tur til at lyse op som en elektrisk pære..
and then was it my turn to to light up as an electric bulb.

Jeg nåede dog ikke at snakke græsk,
I reached though not to speak speak Greek (=However I didn't have time to speak Greek),

for der var rigtigt mange andre gæster bag mig.
because there were truly many other guests behind me.

Det var helt sikkert sjovere at gå på rejsemesse end at overvære det bestyrelsesmøde,
It was wholly surely funnier to go on travelfair than to attend the board-meeting

som jeg kom for tidligt til.
which I came too early to.

SP: ¿Cuántos saben qué está el peligro más grande de las Islas Canarias? No, no es time share, quemaduras o intoxicación general por alcohol. El peligro mas grande debe ser el hecho que hay una grieta en el volcán Cumbre Vieja* en La Palma, y que todo un lado del volcán en principio puede caigar en el mar a cada momento. ¡Si eso ocurre, habrá un tsunami que será peor que el tsunami reciente en el Sudeste de Asia!

By the way: do you know that the worst threath from the Canary Island is? No, not timeshare, not sunburn nor general drunkenness. The most sinister secret is that there is a rift through the volcano Cumbre Vieja on La Palma, and that one side of it could potentially slide into the sea at any moment. If that happens, then the result is expected to be a tsunami that will even worse than the recent one in Southeast Asia.

* corrected

Edited by Iversen on 19 October 2009 at 12:54pm

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 Message 1419 of 3959
19 October 2009 at 3:34am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
The most sinister secret of Tenerife is that there is a rift through the volcano Teide, and that one side of it could potentially slide into the sea at any moment. If that happens, then the result is expected to be a tsunami that will even worse than the recent one in Southeast Asia.

The potentially massive tsunami from the Canaries is normally associated with the island of La Palma, not Tenerife.
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 Message 1420 of 3959
19 October 2009 at 6:49am | IP Logged 
Thanks for the report from Köbenhavn with the Danish hyperliterals. I am soooooo(!) proud that - by using my Danish-German dictionary - I could understand the small dialogue in the Danish thread in the Multi Lounge. I will try out my Danish there more often - Danish I can even use in the very beginning. For Turkish I needed a very long time of regular study before I could take part in an easy written conversation.


Edited by Fasulye on 19 October 2009 at 11:34am

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 1421 of 3959
19 October 2009 at 9:56am | IP Logged 
tommus wrote:
The potentially massive tsunami from the Canaries is normally associated with the island of La Palma, not Tenerife.

Thank you. Of course you are right, - even the link I gave confirms that it is Cumbre Vieja on La Palma that has that rift. But in the few seconds that passed from I had read the text on Wikipedia until I was writing the passage in Spanish I had forgotten its name and just substituted the name of the much more wellknown volcano on Tenerife. Methinks senility sets in early.

Edited by Iversen on 19 October 2009 at 12:51pm

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Super Polyglot
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Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian
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 Message 1423 of 3959
19 October 2009 at 1:32pm | IP Logged 
SP: Hasta ahora no he visitado las Islas Canarias (aparte de unas paradas), pero las islas están muy populares entre mis compatriotas como destinación invernal. Mi madre ha visitado Gran Canaria y Tenerife, y yo puedo estudiar sus fotos y postales. Pero tarde o temprano quiero hacer un viaje allá abajo, porque hay varios lugares que yo también queria ver (por ejemplo el Loro Parque de Tenerife, por caro que sea). Mi problema es que detesto sin reservas las cosas que la majoría de los visitantes cercan: las playas, la música y una excusa para emborracharse cada noche. Por tanto yo debo evitar los viajes combinados. Además no quiero visitar sólo una sola isla - es por eso que yo quería saber algo acerca de los enlaces de transbordador entre las islas. Y quiero también vivir en un lugar - o lugares - donde no tengo que escuchar el Aleman y el Danés e el Inglés durante todo el día. Para mi no se trata unicamente de comprar un paquete completo y irme - tengo que deliberar. Y en el entretanto, el volcán de La Palma podria en principio caer en el agua.

I have not visited the Canary Islands (apart from a few stopovers), but the islands are very popular among my compatriots as a winter destination. My mother has visited Gran Canaria and Tenerife, and I can study her pictures and postcards. But sooner or later I have to take a trip down there because there are several places that I want to see (e.g. Loro Parque, - I like zoos). My problem is I vitriolically hate the majority of the things that most visitors seek: beaches, loud music and an pitiful excuse to get drunk every night. So for such trip I can't just buy a standard package holiday, and furthermore I do not want to visit only one island. That's why I wanted to ask about the ferry links between the islands at the fair. And I also would prefer to stay in a place where I don't hear German and Danish and English around me all day. And while I ponder how to do it the volcano on La Palma could in principle decide to fall into the water.

Edited by Iversen on 19 October 2009 at 1:42pm

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