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 Message 2545 of 3959
11 August 2011 at 11:23pm | IP Logged 
DUT: Ik heb bezocht de sites van de dierentuinen die ik heb bezocht in Nederland (Burgers in Arnhem, Amersfoort, Artis in Amsterdam en Blijdorp in Rotterdam), maar ik vond geen enkel diereninventaris.

GER: Danach versuchte ich mit dem Kölner Zoo, und ja, da gab es war eine Liste (wie auch in Krefeld). Und Duisburg? Selbstverständlich! Doch danach ging alles schief: nur Geburten in Rheine, nur ausgewählte Tiere in Dortmund, und ehrlich gesagt niederländische Zustände in Wuppertal. In Münster Allwetterzoo gab es nur eine Übersichtskarte, obwohl mit viele Tiernamen, und die Osnabrückener behaupteten, daß sie eine ganze Enzyklopädie auf ihrer Heimseite hätten, aber die ich konnte ich gar nicht finden. Hagenbeck hat eine Liste, obwohl mann dort jeden Buchstab einzeln nachschlagen muß.

ENG: Right now I'm watching Q, the quiz with Stephen Fry which I already have recommended here. But today I didn't learn much, except that there is a beetle or something which is the rightful carrier of the name 'platypus'. What then should we call the poor monotremian platypus which everyone call platypus?

SCO: Afore that ah tak then tae a show frae the Apollo theatre, an the last carle tae blether - a man called Boyles - had a Scottis (Glaswegion) accent - whilk isnae the same as a jonick no-compromise Scots leid as ah wid had liked tae hear. Ah wis stil an on richt blithe wit this talk as ah disnae hear mickle Scots the day.

The quote of the day: if God didn't mean us to eat animals, why did he then build them out of meat?

Edited by Iversen on 12 August 2011 at 9:20am

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 Message 2546 of 3959
12 August 2011 at 3:16am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
The quote of the day: if God didn't mean us to eat animals, why did he then build them out of meat?

Or in the words of Homer Simpson: If God didn't want us to eat animals, then why'd he make them so tasty?
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 Message 2547 of 3959
12 August 2011 at 5:27am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
DUT: Ik heb bezocht de sites van de dierentuinen die ik heb bezocht in Nederland (Burgers in Arnhem, Amersfoort, Artis in Amsterdam en Blijdorp in Rotterdam), maar ik vond geen enkel diereninventaris.

NL: Bedankt, dat je voor mij mee hebt gezocht! Ik had me de plattegrond van de dierentuin Artis in Amsterdam uitgeprint met vele dierennamen, maar die zijn allemaal onscherp en dus niet leesbaar.

De Allwetterzoo in Münster heeft webpagina's in het Nederlands en ook een plattegrond in het Nederlands die ik me heb uitgeprint, maar deze dieren zijn mij al bekend, die hoef ik niet meer te leren.

Dan zal ik toch de dieren uit Kopenhagen en Krefeld die ik belangrijk vind om bij naam te kennen in mijn Duits-NL en Deens-NL woordenboeken moeten controlleren, zover ik de namen in het Nederlands niet weet of ik twijfels heb.


Edited by Fasulye on 12 August 2011 at 5:34am

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 Message 2548 of 3959
12 August 2011 at 5:44am | IP Logged 

DE: Der Zoo Osnabrück hat ein alphabetisches Tierverzeichnis, das unter dem Namen "Zoobewohner" zu finden ist. Hier ist der Link:

Zoobewohner des Zoos Osnabrück

Hier ist das Tierinventar mit biologischen Gruppen und Einteilungen des Zoos Osnabrück genannt "ZooWisO":

Zoo Wissen Online des Zoos Osnabrück


Edited by Fasulye on 12 August 2011 at 5:54am

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2549 of 3959
12 August 2011 at 9:56am | IP Logged 
Dann war es doch wahr, daß Osnabrück Zoo ein ganzes Lexicon mit ihren allen Tieren hat - sehr schön. Gute Leute dort...

.. aber wie heißen sie eigentlich? Osnabrücker oder Osnabrückener? Ich habe mich dies gefragt und versuchte somit eine autoritative Quelle zu finden. Wikipedia hat mehrere Artikel über 'Friedensstadt Osnabrück' (so genannt weil der Westphälische Frieden hier zum Teil herausgehandelt wurde, und weil es so schön klingt), aber dort habe ich nichts gefunden - es wird nur von der "Einwohner Osnabrücks" gesprochen. Und hat mir auch nicht weiter geholfen. Wo kann man eigentlich eine komplette Liste von Namen von Stadtbewohner finden? Oder heißen sie alle nur -(e)r in Deutschland? In Dänemark gibt es Städte, deren Einwohner alte Namen tragen, die man nicht ohne weiter raten kann. Z.b. Ribe: ripenser, Randers: randrusianer, Skive: skibonit ... selbst ich, ein eingeborener Däne, kenne nicht alle diese Namen, die oft auf alte Lateinische Namensformen zurückzuführen sind. Ja, wenn ich ein solches Wort bereits kenne, steht es sicher im Wörterbuch, aber ich möchte eine Liste.

* Hamburgenser? Hannoveraner? Bremenit?? FrankfurterAnDerOderianer???


and just to get us 'globalized' again: Fasulye wants to learn animal names in a number of languages, including Danish, but only animals which she knows and have seen, and in practice that means domestic animals plus zoo animals (except weird little birds). So I gave her a link to the animal list of Copenhagen Zoo and soon after the corresponding list for her local zoo in Krefeld. Then she tried in vain to find the list for Burgers zoo (named after a man named Burgers - not a cult place for Burger King) - no list. OK, I made a slightly more comprehensive search and found no list at all for any zoo in the Netherlands, whereas roughly half the zoo homepages in Germany had one. Fasulye found a list (nay, a lexicon!) from Osnabrück, a German town which has adopted the name "Friedenssstadt" (peace town) because it was one of the places where the treaty that ended the thirty year war was negotiated, and then I came to think about a general problem: how do you know what the inhabitants of a given town are called? Those living in old towns often have names in Denmark that go all the way back to the Medieval times and which show sound changes partly based on Latin versions of the town names, and you could expect the same in other countries. Or maybe for instance the Germans don't cling to such aberrant names? I know that the adjectival form of Osnabrück is "Osnabrücker" so in all likelihood the inhabitants of that place are called the same, but you really can't know until you have checked it out.

Edited by Iversen on 12 August 2011 at 2:11pm

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 Message 2550 of 3959
12 August 2011 at 12:03pm | IP Logged 

DE: Ja, das ist manchmal schwierig mit den Einwohnern von deutschen Städten! Ich würde die Einwohner von Osnabrück "Osnabrücker" nennen und ich weiß sicher, dass die Einwohner von Münster "Münsteraner" genannt werden, denn in dieser Stadt habe ich mal gewohnt! Die Einwohner von Hannover heißen "Hannoveraner", auch das weiß ich sicher. Es gibt keine feste Regel zum Bilden dieser Bezeichnungen, sondern man muss die Begriffe im Einzelfall lernen.


Edited by Fasulye on 12 August 2011 at 12:45pm

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 Message 2551 of 3959
13 August 2011 at 3:02am | IP Logged 
POR: Faz tempo que eu escrevi aqui na lingua Portuguêsa aqui, mas agora eu encontrei um tópico adequado. Ao trabalhar eu costumo ouvir música na YouTube (embora que eu não entendo como eles podem evitar problemas com as leis de direito autoral!) e minha mais recente descoberta é um brasileiro chamado Antônio Carlos Gomes (1836 — 1896), quem algumas pessoas vêen como o primeiro compositor clássico de América Latina. Havia estudiado composição na Italia, e não há nada folclorica brasileira no música da abertura à opera "O Guarany" - fora do nome da opera.Parece que ele foi principalmente compositor de ópera, e isso significa que a mayoria da sua produção é irrelevante para mim pessoalmente. Mas ele foi, evidentemente, um dos principais fornecedores para a casa de ópera mundialmente famosa de Manaus, uma cidade situada no meio da selva amazônica, que foi muito rico em 1800, através da produção de borracha natural.

Um fato curioso: a sua primeira opera "Se sa minga" estava basada num libreto no dialeto milanês de Antonio Scalvin.

Antes que eu ouvi este peça eu acabei sômente de ouvir algumas peças de Mozart Camargo Guarnieri - todo o resto dà música clássica do Brasil foi aparentemente escrita por Heitor Villa-Lobos. E não pode ser ... que um país tão grande não hagués nenhuma produção propria de música clássica - enquanto existe infinitas quantidades de música popular. Agora eu penso sobretudo sobre resto da música que não lhe sucedia exportar a Europa.

I haven't written in Portuguese here for some time, so let me use the occasion to mention the allegedly first classical Latinamerican composer, a certain Gomez who wrote operas for the splendid opera house in Manaús. The overture which I link to above is from an opera called "The Guarany" - Guarany is a native Indian language, so presumably there is or was a tribe called by that name, but I don't know the plot of the opera. And it doesn't matter as my taste goes in the direction of instrumental music. But now that I found senhor Gomez I just wonder whether there are other forgotten classical composers from Brazil - until now I had only heard a few minutes by a certain Mozart Camargue plus of course lots of music by Heitor Villa-Lobos, who is the one and only Brasilian composer who is regularly played in Europe.

Edited by Iversen on 13 August 2011 at 3:24pm

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 Message 2552 of 3959
13 August 2011 at 1:11pm | IP Logged 
Eu não sou um grande conhecedor de música clássica (ou "música erudita", como preferem os entusiastas brasileiros, para incluir outros períodos além do clássico: barroco, rococó, romântico, modernista, etc...) mas posso recomendar outros 2 compositores brasileiros: Francisco Mignone e Marlos Nobre.

Quanto à opera O Guarani, o enredo é baseado no livro homônimo de José de Alencar. Este livro é leitura obrigatória nas escolas brasileiras, e é frequentemente abordado nos exames de admissão das universidades públicas (vestibular). Esta abertura que você escutou é o tema de abertura do programa de rádio governamental "A Voz do Brasil". Esse programa é transmitido obrigatoriamente por todas as emissoras de rádio desde 1935. Por isso, praticamente todos os brasileiros estão enjoados dessa música :)

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