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 Message 2689 of 3959
23 November 2011 at 1:08pm | IP Logged 
It just struck me that there might be a few readers who can't follow the argument in a preceding post because of the quotes in Romanian, so here are the hyperliteral translations of all those quotes:

NB: the a-word: will arbitrarily be translated (or rather marked) as [ofThe]. I also write "him's Fermat" etc. because the proper rendering into English would be something like "him Fermat's" and not "his Fermat" ... nobody owned the famous amateur mathematician. And postclitic "The" is of course the postclitic definite article, which will be put on an adjective which stand before a noun, but otherwise on the noun itself - and it has its own special gender, number and case forms..

Note also that some quotes lack the usual diacritics - the Romanians tend to drop their own special letters in favour of English ones when writing on the internet.

(1) conform teoremei lui Pitagora
accordingto theorem-the-of him-s Pythagoras
(1) forma lor generală
form-the their-s general

(5) nu am fost niciodata la vrun concet de-al lui mi-asi dori sa-l intalnesc in realitate
not I-am been never in any (vre+un) concept (concept?) of-[ofThe] him's (to-)me might want to-him meet in reality
(I have never thought about meeting him in reality)
(3) un rezumat al cărţii i-ar face să condamne pe loc romanul
A summary [ofThe] book-the him-would make that condemn-he in-(the)-spot book-the
(3) oameni prinşi într-un joc al conştiinţei
people caught in-a play [the-of] conscienceThe's

(5) Nr. telefon alui justin biber     
Number telefon [the-of](genitive) Justin Bieber

(6) Primii locuitori ai satului au fost românii de viata nemeseasca din Ardeal,
Firste-the inhabitants [the-of] hamlet-the have been Romanians of life gentile (?) of Ardeal

(1) o idee mai veche a lui Sophie Germain
An idea more old [ofThe] him's Sophie Germain
(1) o demonstrație completă a teoremei.
A demonstration complete [ofThe] theoreme-the's

(1) o mulțime finită de contra-exemple la marea teoremă a lui Fermat.     
A multitude limited of counterexamples in big-the theorem [ofThe] him's Fermat.
(2) Conform Teoremei a II-a a lui Kirchoff
Accordingto theorem-the's him's Kirchoff
(3) Paradoxal, ultima ispită a lui Hristos
Paradoxal(ly), last-the temptation [the-of] him's Christ
(4) El este mâna stângă a lui Dumnezeu
He is hand left [ofThe] him's MasterGod
(4) Marea teoremă a lui Fermat
Big-the theorem [ofThe] him's Fermat
(6) care îsi parasesc bastina din cauza politicii antiromânesti a princepelui Transilvaniei Stefan Bathorej.
.. who to-them leave homeland-the from causes political antiromanian [ofThe] princeThe's Transylvania's Stefan Bathory.
(6) Dupa 1613 stabilirea pe teritoriul satului a alogenilor de origine leseasca,
After 1613 stability-the on territory village-the's [the-of] 'allogenes' (the inborn ones) of origin Iesi-an
(7) Nici* eu nu pot suporta folosirea incorecta a lui decat    
Noteven I not can support use-the incorrect [the-of] him's "decat"**
*nici un= not one
** decît = except
(7) s-a mai observat tot în aceeaşi regiune folosirea abuzivă a lui "după" în loc de "de pe"    
one-has never observed atall in this region use-the abusive [ofThe] him's "după"* in place of "of in"
* după = after

(4) Într-unul din întortocheatele coridoare ale Sanctuarului stă un băiat
In-one-the of convoluted corridors [ofThe] sanctuaryThe's is/stand a boy
(7) dupa noile standarde ale limbii romane
after new-the standards [ofThe] language-the's romanian

(8) Un var de-al meu sau un var de-ai mei?
A relative* of-[ofThe] my(singular) or a relative of-[ofThe](genitive) my(plural)
* văr

(8) Teoretic sună mai bine să spui: "un văr de-al meu", însă varianta corectă este a 2-a: "un văr de-ai mei", explicată după logica "un văr dintre ai mei".
Teoretical sounds more good that I-say: "…", however variant correct is second-the: (…), explained after logic-the "a relative between [ofThe] my(plural)"

(8) Un var de-ai mei, bineinteles. Suna gresit un var de-al meu, nu te zgarie la ureche? "DE" este prescurtarea de la dintre, asadar expresia completa suna: un var dintre ai mei. Cum sa spui un var dintre al meu?
"A relative of-[ofThe](genitive) my(plural)", wellunderstood (=of course). Sounds wrong "A relative of-[ofThe](genitive) my(singular)", not thee grate(-it) in ears? "de (=of)" is abbreviation-the of in "dintre (=between)", thus expressionThe complete sounds: a relative between [the-of] my(plural).

Edited by Iversen on 23 November 2011 at 7:53pm

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Joined 5130 days ago

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 Message 2690 of 3959
23 November 2011 at 4:09pm | IP Logged 
Daca prin corect intelegi varianta cea mai frecvent utilizata de vorbitorii nativi,
atunci "un văr de-al meu" este corect. N-am auzit pe nimeni sa foloseasca varianta cu
"de-ai mei".

Oricum gramatica nu tine intotdeanua pasul cu limba. Exista multe exprimari corecte dpdv
gramatical dar care suna prost unui vorbitor nativ. Probabil de la un anumit nivel
incolo trebuie sa te bazezi mai mult pe ureche decat pe reguli.

Oricum, e interesant sa vad ca invatza cineva Romana :)

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 Message 2691 of 3959
23 November 2011 at 4:21pm | IP Logged 
ESP: Morgaux (jauxde) mi vizitos mian Esperanto-grupon kaj tie prezentos la koregitan version de via Esperanto-eseo pri la Universala Kongreso. Dum la tago de la lasta renkontigxo en oktobro mi estis malsana kaj devis pro tio malanonci mian iradon al la Esperanto-grupo. Je mia bedauxro, cxar mi ricevis la informon, ke lastfoje venis gasto el Francio.

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 Message 2692 of 3959
25 November 2011 at 2:47am | IP Logged 
ESP: Mi nun pluiris leginta la Tolkien-an libron ĝis post la kronado de Aragorno. Resume la hobbitoj hodiau nur devas haltigi la modernigon de lian provincon por Saruman, kaj poste ni estos pretas sendi la plimulto de la protagonistoj al iuj mita loko preter la maro. Parenteze: mi aĉetis ĉartovojaĉon al Tenerifo, sed mi dubas ke iu skribos libron pri kiu!

Samtempe mi estas auskultinda la mian kasedajn sonbendojn kun musika de Ralfo Vaughan-Williamso - alia elstara nenova brito.

LAT: Heri scansorium meum subito agere desivi, et ergo hodie novum emere debui. Anno domino MMXI scansoria plerumque quam apparati conjuncti scansorium-impressorium-macchina photocopia facta sunt, et nihilominus ego macchinam scansorium dedicatam emi quia experientae meae macchinarum plurafunctionalium non praecipue bonae sunt. Hoc scansorium meum tertium est, et forsitan rescandam photocartulas meas antiquissimas quia cum scansorium meum primum non effectumo moireo de rastribus effecto obsistere potebam. Etiam negativa scandere possum, et fortasse ad antiquissimis photographiis meis rubescentibus valeret hoc efficere. Heu, summa spe est aliquid com scansorio efficere, sed hodie mihi maximam parte tempus perdebant eum cistis eximere, programmationes installare et usum ei explorare. Et ratio bancaria mea contraxit.

I have now read the third volume of Tolkien until after the crowning ceremony of Aragorn. Now I just have to let the hobbits stop the senseless modernization of the Shire instigated by Saruman (why does that fellah and his trusty Wormtongue remind me of modern town planners and marketing people?), and after that we can send most of the protagonists of the book far away to some mythical island beyond the oceans.

Somewhat related to this, I'm right now halfways done listening through all my cassettes with music of another great old Brit, Ralph Vaughan-Williams.

Yesterday my scanner stopped functioning. I didn't know what to do about it so now I have bought a new one. They all want us to spend money to kickstart our economies so now I have done my share. Besides unpacking, installing and studying this new wonder of the world has cost me a lot of time this evening - not to speak about the expense. But I see forward to rescanning some of my oldest postcards and maybe the negatives of some of those early photos who lost their green and blue colours behind a reddish glow which reminds me of the athmosphere of Venus. My new scanner is a one-function thing - I have bad experiences with the scanning options of multifunction machines.   

Edited by Iversen on 25 November 2011 at 2:55am

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2693 of 3959
27 November 2011 at 8:54pm | IP Logged 
ESP: Frodo kaj Gandalf kaj la elfoj nun estas irintaj al la mitaj insuloj en la okcidenta maro, kaj mi devos legi ion alian.

GR: Eφερα Tolkien κατά τη διάρκεια επίσκεψης οικογένεια αυτό το Σαββατοκύριακο, αλλά, επιπλέον, του τουριστικό οδηγό μου στην Αθήνα, την οποία ήδη έχω αναφερθεί αρκετές φορές, επειδή το έχω χρησιμοποιούνται για εντατική μελέτη. Αυτή τη φορά το διάβασα, όμως, όπως ένα συνηθισμένο βιβλίο, και δεν ήταν πολύ δύσκολο - ίσως επειδή το λεξιλόγιο του τελικά είναι γνωστά. Ένα άλλο βιβλίο σε ένα διαφορετικό θέμα θα μπορούσε να είναι πιο δύσκολο.

I have finished Tolkien and sent the Elfs and Frodo and Gandalf away to that mythical island across the sea, and as far as I know nobody ever saw them again. Instead I have turned my attention to my Greek guidebook to Athens, which I have studied intensively. But it is my intention also to finish that one, so now I have started to read it extensively like a normal book. And it is going smoothly, maybe because I have learnt the specific vocabulary of guidebooks to Greek locations after one book about Rhodes, another about Delphoi and now this one about Athens. Time to find something different.

I have watched a fair amount of TV this weekend, including a series about paleontology. One thing was puzzling. They explained correctly that the larynx of a Neanderthaler was placed higher than that of H.Sapiens, and that the palate was flatter (as is that of Sapiens-babies). They mentioned the FoxP2 gene, but only as something which Sapiens possessed, and I faintly remember that this gene also has been found in Neanderthal samples. The generel conclusion was that the Neanderthalers didn't speak and we did, and that gave us a decisive advantage. However from the facts I have seen there is a reason to believe that the Neanderthalers could communicate in some kind of language, although they may have sounded like grown up babies due to the physiological differences I have mentioned above.   

IC: Ég hef líka horft sjónvarpsefni á TV5 frá Ísland (í framúrskarandi röð Thalassa). Það var margtalar reynsla: helstu tungumál var franska og viðkomandi einstaklingar töluðu annað hvort íslensku eða ensku, og undirtittlarna voru á rússnesku.

FR: J'ai aussi regardé un programme d'Islande dans la série de TV5 Thalassa (= "mer" en grec). C'était une expérience vraiment multilingue, la langue principale étant le français, les entretiens avec les Islandais en anglais ou islandais - et les soustitres en russe!

Edited by Iversen on 27 November 2011 at 9:26pm

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 Message 2694 of 3959
27 November 2011 at 9:04pm | IP Logged 
Iversen, why is your whole Greek/English/French text underlined? Some kind of bug?

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2695 of 3959
27 November 2011 at 9:10pm | IP Logged 
No - I just wrote [/GR] instead of [ /U]

Edited by Iversen on 27 November 2011 at 9:11pm

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 Message 2696 of 3959
30 November 2011 at 10:32pm | IP Logged 
Geografía del turismo.

En mi hotel parece que hay dos lenguas principales: el Español y el ... ¡¡Finlandés!! Hay también anuncios de una compañia holandés, però después de llegar aqui no he entendido ningun neerlandés. En las calles de la ciudad domina el Español y el Alemán, el que es problematico porqué tengo que hacer un esfuerzo para no cambiar mis pensamientos de modo español a modo alemán. He dos veces communicado directamente con turistas alemanes y esta lengua es contagiosa porque la conece demasiado bien. Però hay una lengua que no figura en la liste de idiomas molestos, a saber el inglés. En efecto hay mas turistas aqui que hablan ruso.

He visitado hoy el Loro Parque non sus orcas, delfines, simios y la mas grande collección de papagayos en el mundo. Se usted quiere oír otros idiomas que el Español un tal lugar es optimo. La misma cosa se puede decir del Jardin Botanico, salvo que un immenso grupo ruidoso de turistas franceses repentinamente invardieron mis lugar tranquilo de observación de papagayos.

¿Però donde están los Anglophonos? Talvez en la parte sur de la isla, donde hay una aterradora concentración de turistas chartér que no piensan en nada que bañar y ingerir bebidos alcohólicas. Però esto no explica porque toda Finlandia está ubicada en mi hotel en Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife. ¿Hasta ahora yo no sabia que los Finlandesos ne bebien licores?

Edited by Iversen on 30 November 2011 at 10:38pm

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