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Winner TAC 2012
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 Message 2753 of 3959
08 January 2012 at 9:15am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
GE: Dabei habe ich deutsches Fern geguckt. Zuerst eine Sendung über eine Reise zur neuen deutschen Antarktis-Station Neumeier III (Teil des Alfred-Wegener-Institutes, benannt nach dem Mann, der als erster die Kontinentalverschiebung beschrieb - und dafür ausgelacht wurde).

DE: Fernsehberichte über die deutschen Neumaier-Stationen des Altfed-Wegener-Instituts in der Antarktis interessieren mich persönlich auch sehr. Das ist Naturwissenschaft pur und es ist auch interessant, wie die Wissenschaftler dort leben und forschen. Zu diesem Thema habe ich ein Buch gelesen: Nora Graser, Kalte Füße inklusive, Mein Jahr in der Antarktis, 2008. Nora Graser ist eine junge Physikerin, die ein ganzes Jahr auf der Neumaier-Station (der Alten wohl noch!) in der Antarktis gelebt und gearbeitet hat. Das Buch hatte ich nur zufällig im Bahnhofskiosk gefunden, aber es hat sich für mich sehr gelohnt es zu kaufen und zu lesen!


Edited by Fasulye on 11 January 2012 at 10:05pm

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 Message 2754 of 3959
08 January 2012 at 5:14pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
PORT: As piranhas são muite bem conhecidas aqui - tem piranhas em todo acuário aqui porque tão praça à gente ficar um pouco assustadas. Mas eu sabia que as piranheiras não tinham nada a ver com as piranhas. Estou contento por não ter cometido erros graves em minhas conjecturas.

Uma pergunta: se pôde dizer "manauara/o" també de coisas o somente de homens?

Além do peixe, o termo "piranha" é usado de forma pejorativa, para se referir a certas mulheres.

Sim, "manauara" também pode sem usado em relação a qualquer coisa ligada a Manaus e já vi gente de lá usar o termo assim.

Nunca vi alguém usar "manauaro". É como "carioca", não existe "carioco". Você usa "o carioca" ou "a carioca", se quiser distinguir gênero.
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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2755 of 3959
09 January 2012 at 2:40am | IP Logged 
POR: No fato, eu nunca vi a palavra *Carioca - é sempre "Carioca". A propósito, queria ver a etimología de "carioca" - e segundo a Wikipedia, há duas possibilidades:

"Carioca (do tupi kari (homem branco) + oka (casa), "casa de homem branco") é o gentílico do município do Rio de Janeiro, no Brasil. Outra hipótese sobre a origem da palavra, no entanto, diz que ela viria dos termos tupis kariîó ("índio carijó") e oka ("casa"), significando "casa de índio carijó."

Platt: Ik hef dit vörmittag een Lüttje Bit Platt höört - Frühschoppen op NDR. Se hebben meestendeels över Musiek snackt, un de Moderator hett een Musikus froogt of het'm egal wöör op Engels of Platt te singen. Er het seggt dat sien Publikum möch liever Platt hören ... woneem kriggt so'n singer so'n Publiek?? En achterna hett er segt dat "Engels is ja ook nich annars as een plattdüütsch Dialekt". Aver dan is Platt jo ook blots en Friese Dialekt föör Bueren en Schipper en Lüü die de bookstaav "y" nich so veel wie die Friesen könen lieden.

NO (mix): Seinere såg eg på NRK1 eit turistprogram frå Noreg for nordmenn, og vi besøkte blant annet Høyanger der det ei gong var ei livlig gymnastikktradisjon. Ein Tell Teigen hadde etter det som er opplyst - som vane å stillle fem eller seks stoler oppå hverandre kvarandra, og så sto han på hovudet på toppa - uten sikkerhetsnett. Uh, jeg gleymte å si at under stola plaserte han ikkje fire, men TRE flasker - bare for å gjøre det farlegere og vanskelegere. Helt dustete mann, etter mening mi, men by hans ble smittet med hans serpregete tilbøyelegheit for fysiske øvelser. Nå er han forlengst daud, og bya hans er glemt.


Shortly before noon I had the pleasure of hearing a rare sample of Low German at NDR, in the form of a program with a misleading High German name: Frühschoppen. According to Wikipedia "Frühschoppen is a traditional, German and Austrian equivalent of brunch, i.e. a combined breakfast and lunch normally eaten in the mid- to late morning". Maybe, but I prefer listening to it.

Later I watched a tourist program for Norwegians at NRK1. The TV team visited a town named Høyanger, which once was a hotbed of gymnastical and other suspect activities, allegedly inspired by a citizen which according to eyewitness mostly walked around in his house on his hands. He also had a propensity for putting five or six chairs on top on each other, and them he stood on one hand at the top ... without any security net or other security arrangements. Oh, and then the bottom chair stood on not four, but three empty bottles just to add a little extra twist to this exercise. And this rare affliction spread to other people, but not all could live up to their idol. Nowadays the town has sunk back into complete and utter oblivion.

Edited by Iversen on 09 January 2012 at 11:07am

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Winner TAC 2012
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 Message 2756 of 3959
09 January 2012 at 2:05pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
Platt: Ik hef dit vörmittag een Lüttje Bit Platt höört - Frühschoppen op NDR. Se hebben meestendeels över Musiek snackt, un de Moderator hett een Musikus froogt of het'm egal wöör op Engels of Platt te singen. Er het seggt dat sien Publikum möch liever Platt hören ... woneem kriggt so'n singer so'n Publiek?? En achterna hett er segt dat "Engels is ja ook nich annars as een plattdüütsch Dialekt". Aver dan is Platt jo ook blots en Friese Dialekt föör Bueren en Schipper en Lüü die de bookstaav "y" nich so veel wie die Friesen könen lieden.

NL: Leuk om te lezen zoiets! Ik kan dit schriftelijke Plattdüütsch zonder vertaling 100 % begrijpen vanwege zijn taalverwandtschap met het Nederlands.


Edited by Fasulye on 11 January 2012 at 10:06pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2757 of 3959
10 January 2012 at 1:30am | IP Logged 
FR: Ce soir j'ai regardé la télévision française - un programme de TV5 qui a duré environ 45 minutes. Une des choses qui m'a agaçé chez TV5 est que chaque fois que j'ai vu quelque chose qui aie paru vraiment intéressante il s'est avéré que sa durée était de 4 minutes ou moins. Cette fois il y avait par exception un programme avec une durée raisonnable, et merci pour cela. Le programme décrivait l'île de la Réunion dans l'océan Indien, avec des détails sur tous les biothopes de cet île volcanique. Je savais déjà que certain pentes sur l'île reçoivent tant de pluie que Le Livre des Records de Guinness l'a mentionnée. Mais je ne savait pas qu'il y a des éruptions avec des coules de lave environ chaque neuf mois.

NO: Eg har også titta på svensk tv, som viste ei program frå Noreg om norsk geologi tilbake til dannelsa av dei eldste knoller, som tilsynelatende ligger på Hardangervidda nær Finse (eller sir man "på" Finse??). De er omtrent 500 millioner år gamla og frå kambrium, og den gong var Finse et tropiskt badested ved ein kyst sør for ekvator (og det var inge jarnbanstasjon ennå). Men seinere sejlete Noreg norrpå og dunkete sammen med Grønland og området ble dekket av lava fra nydannete vulkaner. Resten av Noreg dukket først opp for ca. 50 millioner år siden, og bare da ble det naturlig å bygge Bergensbanen. Eg har kjørt på den i 1974, 1984 og 2001, og i 1984 kjørte eg med Granvinbanan, som nu er forsvunnet likesom trilobitene (og Valdresbana til Fagernes, som eg nådde at taka 1967). I 2001 kørte eg med Flåmbana, men den finns ennå...

BA I: Saya juga telah membuat daftar kata dalam bahasa Indonesia. Kalau tidak akan berjadi terlalu eurosentris!

I have watched a splendid TV program about Réunion, the French island in the Indian Ocean - and for once an interesting program on TV5 lasted more than 4 minutes. I have also watched a Norwegian program about the geological history of the country back to the Cambrian, where Finse was a lovely beach resort somewhere to the South of the Equator - though with a distinct lack of guests since life hadn't conquered the terra firma yet. Later Norway travelled Northwards and collided with Greenland, so that a layer of lava from a bunch of new volcanoes covered the whole area in between (and at the same time something deposited the Norwegian oil fields - and now the Norwegians just have to wait 50 mio years more to see their oil money seep out of the safe).

PS: some may have noticed that I am somewhat partial to the Scottish accent (and even more to the true Scottish leid), and I also like watching QI - if just BBC entertainment from my Danish cable TV provider would stop showing the same 12 shows or so again and again. Here the twain topics are combined.

For some reason I also searched Youtube through for clips in Napoletano, the dialect of Napule. I found a travesty of Harry Potter no.I, but it was slightly boring, so I continued the search. And while trying to stear clear of opera singers singing O Sole Mio and Torno a Surriente I found this smelly afffair, which however has the advantage that nobody sings in it. I have a vague feeling that the original was in French, or maybe it was Swahili - who cares?

Edited by Iversen on 08 February 2012 at 3:16pm

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 Message 2758 of 3959
10 January 2012 at 1:48am | IP Logged 
NO: Det er en betydningsforskjell mellom "på Finse" og "nær Finse" (= i nærheten av Finse).
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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2759 of 3959
11 January 2012 at 9:27pm | IP Logged 
I have ordered "Babel no More" a few minutes ago from (it shouldn't always be Amazon!), and because the shipping costs are zero above 500 DKK I also bought a Filippine dictionary, a Greenlandic grammar and a guide bok to Taiwan. So from somewhere next week I'm ready to discuss Erard's book here - and maybe make a video about it.

Speaking of videos, I have just recorded and uploaded a 27 minutes long lament about the dire prospects for Danish and the downwards spiral for foreign language education in Denmark and the total lack of interest in homestudy among the pedagogical expertise in this country.. The problem is not that Denmark has become almost bilingual, - after all I have become an accomplice to this by watching Anglophone documentaries on TV and writing in English here. The problem is that English is seen as 'smart' by marketing people, management aficionados and other people whose linguistical horizon doesn't extend beyond English, and that most Danes have lulled themselves into a polyanna state of naive optimism where they think that Danish simply can't disappear or be downgraded to a domestic lingo for backwards old people - I bet that the Hanseatic merchants around 1500 were just as optimistic concerning the fate of Low German, but then Luther translated the Bible into High German - and the rest is history.

It took me almost a quarter of an hour x 2 to explain this in first Danish, then English. But the recording went smoothly (I used a PC at my job, so my pesky neighbour couldn't spoil it like he did during the weekend).

Edited by Iversen on 11 January 2012 at 9:34pm

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Winner TAC 2012
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 Message 2760 of 3959
11 January 2012 at 11:03pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
Speaking of videos, I have just recorded and uploaded a 27 minutes long lament about the dire prospects for Danish and the downwards spiral for foreign language education in Denmark and the total lack of interest in homestudy among the pedagogical expertise in this country.. The problem is not that Denmark has become almost bilingual, - after all I have become an accomplice to this by watching Anglophone documentaries on TV and writing in English here. The problem is that English is seen as 'smart' by marketing people, management aficionados and other people whose linguistical horizon doesn't extend beyond English, and that most Danes have lulled themselves into a polyanna state of naive optimism where they think that Danish simply can't disappear or be downgraded to a domestic lingo for backwards old people - I bet that the Hanseatic merchants around 1500 were just as optimistic concerning the fate of Low German, but then Luther translated the Bible into High German - and the rest is history.

It took me almost a quarter of an hour x 2 to explain this in first Danish, then English. But the recording went smoothly (I used a PC at my job, so my pesky neighbour couldn't spoil it like he did during the weekend).

EN: I appreciate very much that in your latest video you speak so abundant in Danish this gave me the chance to assimilate the language. Form your Danish alsone I could understand what the topics were about only the fine details I could not grasp. I made progress in understanding Danish as it seems. This is due to my succesful Danish course in D. - even if your opinon on evening courses is so negative! You You Tube I reacted to your video in Danish. I hope that more learners of Danish will listen to this excellent video.

By the way: I have already read "Babel No More" (in one go!!!) and I am ready to discuss about this book.


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