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 Message 3017 of 3959
29 August 2012 at 9:33pm | IP Logged 
Bente Elsworth in TYS quotes "mun" from "mund", "kist" from "kiste", and "garth" from

(and in northern English: "dale" from "dal" and "beck" from "bæk".

(not to mention placenames ending in -by and streets with names like -gate from

But I assumed those to be just a small selection of possibly many others.

On the other hand, if there had been hundreds, they would have presumably been very
noticeable to you, unless time has altered them out of recognition.

May be of interest:

(of the Scots words listed there next to the Danish, I'd only recognise or guess a very
small number!).

Edited by montmorency on 29 August 2012 at 9:40pm

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 Message 3018 of 3959
30 August 2012 at 11:29pm | IP Logged 
I don't trust my instinct when it comes to remembering which of the Scots word in the Scots-Danish list from the article I actually have seen or heard - I might project my Danish into Scots. But there is another possibility than loaning from the vikings, namely the one suggested by this quote:

The Danish words, like the Scots words, have a common Germanic ancestor as does Anglo-Saxon but the fact that these words exist in parallel in Scots and Danish in the present day while their English equivalents where they did once exist do not exist now, points to the divergent paths these languages have followed.

To follow up on this possibility one would have to check whether those words also existed in in Anglosaxon, but although it's beyond my resources to do this.

Btw. in the French list in the same article I noticed "braw" (French "brave") - this word also exist in Danish ('brav'), but is probably a loanword there (as in German, according to my old Duden's Etymologisches Wörterbuch). So just finding the same word in Danish and Scots would not in itself prove that it had been borrowed from Old Norse.

Edited by Iversen on 02 September 2012 at 9:50pm

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 Message 3019 of 3959
02 September 2012 at 11:27pm | IP Logged 
RU: Я провел большую часть половины выходные красивший дома моей матери белого (это - половина ее подарок на день рождения. Крщесить остальную часть будет другая половина). Но между ними и в поезде я изучал русскую статью Википедии о эдиакарского фауны.

FR: D'ailleurs, en écrivant ceci j'écoute un documentaire en français sur la génèse de notre planète sur Youtube. TRès dramatique ... peut-être un peu trop, surtout ..

EN: ... compared to the stone-dry, ultrasober lecture on the Burgess Shale whose first part I listened to earlier this evening ..

NO: .. bare avbrutt av en film om nordligt dyreliv på norsk TV - det nærmeste jeg har vært å forholde meg til dagens fauna siden jeg fant et myrebo i soklen til min mors hus i morges.

EN: One thing I noted while looking up things about the Cambrian Explosion and the Burgess Shale (a biotope from the mid Cambrian preserved in a site in British Columbia, but like the Ediacaran almost all its lifeforms died out without leaving any descendants) was the number of videos which purported to describe any explosive development in biology as some kind of refutation of Darwin - apparently there is some faction of closet creationists who grudgingly accept that Jahve didn't create the Earth and its life during one week in the year 4004 minus, but who find that the explosion some 529.995.996 years earlier was too sudden to be natural. The simple answer is of course that the notion of evolution has evolved since Darwin, and now it does allow for sudden explosions. Besides Darwin couldn't possible predict the evolution of genetics - he did his job, and others have contributed to the evolution of the notion of evolution which continues to this day.

But back to the Russian article and the so-called Ediacaran fauna, which roughly came into existence after 'the Snowball Earth episode' (650 mio years BC ) and petered out when the Cambrian animal life exploded with trilobites and other hardshelled animals around 540 mio. years BC.

RU: Там было некоторое замешательство по поводу названия этого периода, и русские ученые оно называют иногда еще "вендский" период. Название "эдиакарского период" основан на открытии, сделанном в Австралии. В статье содержится список результатов, которые были проигнорированы или ошибочно относят к кембрия. Но когда С.Б. Мизрой нашел отличную сохранившиеся окаменелости в "Mistaken Point" в Ньюфаундленде в 1967 году, положил ся конец дискуссия. Фундамент дикой природы в период были ковры из сине-зеленых водорослей, которые формируются строматолиты. Наверху жили примитивные плоские или трубчатые животных без твердые части тела, и только благодаря очень особых обстоятельствах тонкого вулканического пепла сохранились подробные впечатления в Ньюфаундленде. "Mistaken Point" (= ошибочные пункт) должен быть переименован!

For a short overview of the Ediacarian critters see here. For a quite palatable lecture, although split in multiple parts in a playlist, please listen to Phoebe Cohen here.

SP: Y para una revisión de la historia temprana de la Tierra en español ver aquí - y agradecemos a Youtube por haber abierto la ventana a toneladas de videos que de otra manera habrían permanecido ocultos y olvidados y perdidos para la humanidad.

Edited by Iversen on 03 September 2012 at 1:14pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 3020 of 3959
04 September 2012 at 12:13am | IP Logged 
AF: Ek het die eerste lesse in Teach Yourself Afrikaans op die bus thuis en terwyl ek in 'n pizzeria wag. Ek verstaan ​​byna alles, maar verwag 'n paar nuttige uitdrukkings in te samel.

I have read the first lessons in TY Afrikaans on my home back from my job and while I waited in a pizzeria. Besides I have recorded the speech for a video about my old paintings from I began to paint in the 60s until I produced my first surrealistic painting in 1975 with an epilogue about "Huset", a cultural institution in Århus which was closed at the instigation of the (ir)responsible 'rådmand' ... who by some sick turn of fate now has become minister for culture in our present radical government. And a former mayor changed the name of Århus into AAAAAAAAAArrrrrhus and soon after left the town to become minister for Europe in that same government. But to be true: I had stopped painting years before because I rarely could find a free table for my canvases, so I can't blame Elbæk for blocking my career as a surrealistic amateur painter.

I have decided to revive the past in a series of videos about those paintings, and insofar there is some justification for speaking in other languages I'll do it. But the first video is 'only' in English and Danish. I did the recording at my office after closing hours to avoid interruptions from my neighbour, but when I had recorded my own part I discovered that I had forgotten to bring along most of the relevant picture files.

Edited by Iversen on 04 September 2012 at 9:06am

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 3021 of 3959
04 September 2012 at 1:46pm | IP Logged 
DA: Maleri-video nr. 1 er nu lagt op på Youtube, men den er 'kun' på engelsk og dansk, som denne gang er blandet så man er nødt til at se det hele (eller droppe det hele, hvilket henved 7 milliarder mennesker på denne planet under alle omstændigheder vil gøre).

I have now uploadet my first video to Youtube about my paintings. It covers the time from I got my first artist's kit until I had painted, split and reassembled my first surrealistic painting. In between I had painted mixed junk, all Danish birds, a large croc and the main geological epochs from the Cambrian to the Holocene (the Ediacaran wasn't invented yet). I didn't see any useful pretext for speaking other languages than English (with some irritating errors) and Danish. But this time they are mixed so that you can't just listen to the first or the second half. And in some of the upcoming videos there will be paintings that point in other directions on the linguistical world map.

Edited by Iversen on 04 September 2012 at 1:50pm

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 Message 3022 of 3959
04 September 2012 at 11:33pm | IP Logged 
RU: У меня только один экземпляр журнала Geo на русском языке, и я прочитал все это поверхностно. Но есть еще многое узнать, поэтому я выбираю иногда одну статью и изучить его интенсивно. Сегодня я изучала только начало статьи о платье бурановской бабушки, но там было слишком много новых слов, так что вместо этого я выбрал статью о солнечной энергии.

IR: Bhí mhaith liom a léamh teacs na hÉireann ina dhiaidh sin, ach rinné me léirmheas níos mó ná 100 focal ó liosta focal in ionad.

I already have read my sole issue of the Russian GEO, but I still get a lot out of studying or restudying single articles. I first chose one about the folk costume of a Buranovskian (or Utmurskian) grandma, but that was quite hard, so I switched to something easier, namely an article about solar energy. Afterwards I had planned to read some Irish, but instead I ended up repeating more than 100 Irish words from a wordlist.

And of course I also watched TV:

FR: D'abord j'ai regardé la première partie d'une série sur Napoleon I, où l'on a décrit sa vie jusqu'à la fin de la Directoire. Pendant ce temp il a eu des chances extraordinaires pour se faire remarquer, et il les a pleinement utilisées. Par example il était officier (soubriqué comme "capitaine canon" par ses supérieurs) durant la campagne contre la ville royaliste de Toulon, qui avait le support de la flotte anglaise. Mais son chef, le géneral Carteaux, était un peintre raté sans la moindre idée de la guerre, et ainsi c'est Napoléon qui a formulé la stratégie qui menait à la capitulation de la ville. Et c'est History Channel qui a montré ce programme, mais heureusement en français.

NO: Deretter såg eg to naturprogram fra Norge på norsk - og ettersom den første var om ei tur gjennom Hardangervidda, høyrde vi myket prat på de lokale dialekt der. Vi fekk desuten "utsikt i bøtte og spand" fra Himmelstigen, Munketrappene og båten på Sørfjorden. Etterpå var det film om polarnatur.

IT: Finalmente Raiuna mi ha sorpresa ... si potrebbe quasi dire "in modo subdolo". Per qualche settimane Raiuno ci ha viziati con Super Quark al giovedi. Ma oggi è solo martedì, e ciò nonostante hanno trasmesso il programma. C'erano tra altro apporti sul trattamento di insonnia con elettricità e su un nuovo museo sotterraneo a Roma sotto il Palazzo Valentini.

Edited by Iversen on 05 September 2012 at 11:24am

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 Message 3023 of 3959
07 September 2012 at 8:52pm | IP Logged 
LAT Videotaenia secunda de picturis meis nunc ad Youtubem transferta est, et ego hoc in Latinam scribo quia pars eae in Latine sermone dicta est - de pictura "Monumentum vanitatis Naiae" verbum est quam ego ut donum Naiae puellae pinxit, et nescio causam, sed cum texta in lingva Latina ornata est. Quasi omniae picturae meae in ordine superrealistae in institutione de arte populi "Casa" ('Huset danice lingva) Arosiensis factae sunt inter anno 1975 et anno 1996.

Number two video about my paintings has been uploadet to Youtube, and its theme is the splendid institution 'Huset in Århus (The House), where ordinary amateur artists and artisans could come and make their things. I painted my surrealistic paintings there between 1975 and 1996, where I gave up trying to find free space on a table for my canvases, but I continued to visit the place until 2008, where the supposedly responsable for culture in Århus, a certain 'rådmand' (councillor), proposed to kill off this breeding place for unwanted artistic activity among ordinary people. Soon after he left Århus, but the last news is that he has popped up again as minister for culture in our radical government, where he has come up with a plan to kill three cultural institutions in Eastern Jutland. And in Copenhagen? Well, a museum which so far has had free admission may have to charge an admission fee, but a number of money guzzlers with almost no visitors are left in peace. Sometimes politics stinks, and that's why we sholdn't discuss it.

Edited by Iversen on 09 September 2012 at 1:28pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 3024 of 3959
09 September 2012 at 1:49pm | IP Logged 
Malerivideo nr. 3 er i kassen, og den handler om Århus. Der er billeder som forestiller vores festuge og en lokal avis (som vist har eksisteret siden 1700tallet), men det meste handler om Århushistorierne, der florerede i sidste del af 70erne. De afløste tildels Molbohistorierne, der ellers var den foretrukne genre når man ville skildre andre menneskers dumhed, men ovre i Snylterkøbing har folk ikke meget forstand på geografi - og så henlagde man disse korte, ofte epigrammatisk affattede småhistorier til landets næststørste by Århus, som selv den mest uvidende kjøwenhavner i det mindste burde have hørt om. Vi der levede i orkanens øje tog det stille og roligt, for vi vidste i det mindste at der ikke var noget sandt i historierne (lige bortset fra... og her følger en lang række af tåbeligheder, som imidlertid ikke er værre end dem som andre byer også kan opvise), og som alle epidemier ebbede også denne bølge med tiden ud.

Video no 3 is in the box, and its main theme is Århus (and not Aarhus, even though our former mayor did his best to destroy the name of our town). There are paintings which portray our "Århus Festival Week" and the newspaper "Aarhus* Stiftstidende", but half the time is spent on the socalled "Århushistorier". Up to 1976 or 1977 the traditional genre for claims of utter stupidity in our Danish compatriots was the socalled 'molbohistorier' (after the peninsula "Mols"). But those in Copenhagen don't know a thing about geography, so a certain Vagn Simonsen substituted Århus for the totally unknown peninsula "Mols" - and then people told århushistorier for a year or so.

* the Aa in "Aarhus stiftstidende" is historically correct - "å" was introduced in 1948 (and what a spplendid idea that was!) - but the newspaper dates back to 1794, where it was founded under the name "Kongelig allernaadigst privilegerede Aarhuus Stifts Adresse-Contoirs Tidender". It got its present name in 1931 - and even in my time I have seen it spelt "Aarhuus Stiftstidende" (in gothic letters). A 'stift' is actually the geographical domain of a bishop, and it is subdivided in 'provstier' and 'sogne'. Until the administrative reform in 1973 towns were "byer" (with a mayor a"borgmester" and a "byråd"), but in the countryside the lowest secular administrative unity was a "sogn", and it was governed by a 'sognerådsformand' and a 'sogneråd', whose members affectionately were known as 'sognerødder' (way shorter than 'sognerådsmedlemmer'). Their collegues in the towns were called 'byrødder'.

I have a lot of things to to at my job (even today Sunday I have some work related tasks), and these videos rob me of much of the time I should have used for my language studies. But at least I'll soon get to paintings which are easier to comment in other languages. All in all the series will end up at around 24 videos or so. The only good thing about this is that I can't make a similar series about my musical compositions because I haven't got a corps of instrumentalists at my disposal and I can't play the stuff myself anymore.

Edited by Iversen on 09 September 2012 at 2:13pm

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