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 Message 3641 of 3959
02 July 2014 at 7:31pm | IP Logged 
The main problem with Romanian is to know when there is an infix and when there isn't, and unfortunately this kind of information can't be consensed to just one sheet of paper.

PLATT: Ik heff in Berlin die grote Laden Doosmann besöökt üm een Paar Bööken to köpen, te'n Bispeel een Kort en Bündig un een sachts groter Wöörbook op Serbisch , aver ik heff nix funnen. Ik heff een paar önner Bööken koopt, un de grotste was die "Neues hochdeutsc-plattdeutsches Wörterbuch" (Hinstorff), aver dit is vöör die mäkelborg-vorpommers Mondart schrieven, un dat meeste wat ik anners lees op Platt is op een nöörder Mondart, z.B. die vün Sleswig-Holsteen of Bremen. Un die Rechtschrieven vün mien nie Wöörbook is bannig ünnerscheedig vün de Sass wat op Wikipedia un in mien oole Sass Wöörbook. Bi Vörbill in dit Satz: "Wi wïern grå' nå Hus kåmen, dan füng dat an to rägen". Wat op 'Sassisch' ehr wöör sodannig schreeven: "Wi wöör graad no Huus komen, dünn fing't an to regen". Platt is wiss keen eenheetlich Sprook, aver ik dink dat ik sal versöken ehr as Sass to schrieven - aver dit gelüngt nich alltiet. Wenn ik een woord uut de nie Renate Hermann-Winter sal bruken, moet ik dat woll översetten, opschoon ik dann keen "å" schrieven dörf. Wat voor en Deens as mi een bannig trurig rutkumst wöör.

GER: In Berlin habe ich ettliche dänische "Illusteret Videnskab" gegen "Max Planck Forschung" auf Deutsch mit Fasulye getauscht. Ich hätte ein etwas trockenen Blatt mit viele Artikeln über obskure wissenschaftiche Details mit Schwerpunkt in der Physik, wo Herr Planck einst arbeitete, erwartet.* Aber es gab tatsächlich mehr Artikel über gesellschaftliche Themen als über Physik. Zum Beispiel von no. 3. 2012: "Eine neue Arena für die Wissenschaft", wo C.Bird und D.Carr - bitte sich die Herkunft ihrer Namen merken! - über Autorenrechte und die steigende Publikationskosten diskutieren und dabei auf andere Kanäle hinzuweisen. Das Problem ist, daß "peer reviewed magazines" are expensive to run (and even more expensive to buy), and th ... sorry, back to German..Grr.. Also diese Blätter sind sehr teuer zu machen und noch teurer zu kaufen, so war's, und sie stellen einen Engpass bei der Veröffentlichung von wissenschaftliger Ergebnisse dar. Es wird darum Versuche gemacht dieses Problem zu beseitigen ohne auf der akribische Kontrolle durch Kollegen ganz zu versichten, und das Zauberwort dafür ist "Open access policy", wo Beitraggeber verlangen, daß von ihnen gestützte Ergebnisse so publiziert werden, daß man sie kostenlos lesen kann - eventuell nach einer Zeit, wo ein Kommerzieller Verleger die exclusiven Rechte besitzt. Darüber hinaus ist es natürlich möglich auf der Dienste dieser Verleger ganz zu verzichten und direkt im Internet zu publizieren, aber es ist ja bekanntlich notwendig für Wissenschaftsleute in 'seriözen' Zeitschriften zu publizieren um von ihren Kollegen, darunter solche Kollegen die in Einstellungsausschüssen sitzen, ernst genommen zu werden.

* es ist mir immer eine Vergnügung, die möglichkeit voll auszunützen das Verbum eines deutschen Satzes bis ganz am Ende des jeweiligen Satzes nach unzählige andere eingeschobenen Satzteilen zu schieben. Wo wäre das sonst möglich?

Edited by Iversen on 03 July 2014 at 11:20am

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 Message 3642 of 3959
03 July 2014 at 7:45pm | IP Logged 

Was ich an dieser Zeitschrift besonders mag, ist die Vielfalt der naturwissenschafltlichen Disziplinen die durch die Max Planck - Institute vertreten werden. Außerdem finde ich es toll, dass einzelne Wissenschaftler / innen sowohl mit ihrem Karriereverlauf als auch mit ihrem Fachgebiet vorgestellt werden. Das finde ich sehr spannend, wie wissenschaftliche Karrieren verlaufen und wie die Leute in oft multidisziplinären Teams zusammenarbeiten. Solche Schwerpunkte habe ich in "Bild der Wissenschaft" nicht so gefunden. Ich lese diese Zeitschrift schon seit 2011 im Abonnement (das für Leute, die in Deutschland wohnen, gratis ist).


Edited by Fasulye on 03 July 2014 at 7:46pm

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 Message 3643 of 3959
04 July 2014 at 11:19am | IP Logged 
IT: Ieri sera ebbe Raiuno la gentilezza di offrire uno dei suoi pochi programmi interessanti, cioè SuperQuark. E questa volta si discutava la taglia fisica di Carlomagno. Il suo primo biografo Einhard scrisse che Carlo Magno era alto 7 piedi (circa 2.10 m), ma studi del suo scheletro ha dato una lunghezza di 1,92 m, e più tardi si ha trovato una altezza di soltanto 1.84 m. Altri ricercatori hanno misurato le corazze medievali e hanno scoperto che il loro vettori erano inaspettatamente grandi, e dunque Carlo forse non protrusse come un faro sopra i suoi compagni ben nutriti. Ma sono certamente tutti questi erano almeno una testa più alti dei contadini poveri e affamati ordinarie del regno. E anche del padre di Carlo, detto Peppino il Breve.

SER: После сам видела РТС Сателит из Србије: видео крај Днвник Kултуру, потом школски екскурзију до националног парка Уватс (са крстарења на реци са меандара и крстарење у пећини), и коначно нешто да се попне на Монт Еверест. Моји речник студије иде напред непрекидно напредује: ја сада достигао до Н.

SCO: A hae leukid at me tele yestreen and thare Raiuno showed ane o its few guid programs: SuperQuark, an ane o its themes wis the lenth o Charlemagne. Einhard kythed that the greet man wis 7 fit long (that is aboot 2.10 meter meisured wi ordinarie human feet), but some o his bones hae been kept preserved in a box, and the meisurements airt at a mere 1.92 or mebbe juist 1.84 meters, an than he wouldnae be muckle heicher than the wellfed men aboot him - but shuirly heicher than the avarage puir paisant (and heicher than his ain dad, wha wis ken as Peppin the Short). An thereafter ah leukid at Serbian televeesion.

GER: Ein freier Wissenschaftsmagazin auf Papier? Ich bin baff!

Edited by Iversen on 04 July 2014 at 11:26am

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 3644 of 3959
06 July 2014 at 11:08pm | IP Logged 
FR: Ce matin j'ai regardé un documentaire sur la mort the César et les batailles suivantes sur DR2 (une chaine danoise). Ce qui était extraordinaire à ce film, c'est que j'ai vu un film français sur une chaine danoise avec des soutitres en danois, une speakerine parlant en anglais, avec des experts qui parlaient français ou Italian et des 'romains' parlant en latin. Malheureusement je n'ai pas vu le début du programme, et la première chose que j'aie vu était par conséquent la première bataille à Philippi entre Brutus + Cassius (meurtriers de César et protagonistes de la république) et Marcus Aurelius + Octavianus (deux des trois membres du deuxième triumvirat - Lepidus était absent).

FR: Pugna res confusa fuit. In re militari Cassius certe melior erat quam Brutus, et de militibus universaliter admiratus erat. Sed dum aciem copias Antonii copiam fecerunt copiis Cassii, et eventus incertus erat, sed Cassius non sciebat quid fecit Brutus, et credebat cladem imminentem esset. Tunc Cassius abiecto animo sibi mortem conscivit. Copias Bruti tamen castram Octaviani interdum occupaverat, et etiam aliquo republicani propere pugnaverunt: in pugna navale classis triumvirorum omnino de classe republicanii confricta est. Cleopatra re vera classem auxiliariam miserat, sed de tempestate coacta est Alexandriam volvere. Et sine classe exercitus triumvirorum haud satis commeatum recipere posset. Brutus nunc solus dux erat, sed milites suis ultionem petebant proximam, et coactus est proelium facere. Tamen dum proelio exercitus suus protritus est, et ipse in montes fugit, ubi quam "ultimus republicanus" sua manu perit.      

ENG: Of course I have also done other things today, like watching TV in a number of languages, and I have continued my Serbian vocabulary project. However unlike the period just before Berlin I now also try to do other things in Serbian (and Croatian), like watching TV and studying texts. One of these was studying a text about the glagolitic alphabet, which once was used all over Balkan, but later was confined to the coastal regions before it finally went out of use. OK, I don't need to learn it, but it is part of the story of the Southern Slavic languages. However there is one thing about this article which puzzles me, namely the use of "вријеме" instead of "време" and "вијек" instead of "век" (there are more similar examples in the text). These features are as far as I know characteristic of some coastal dialects (or languages?) which collectively are known as Ijekavian, but I had not expected to find them in an allegedly Serbian text written with Cyrillic letters. However it seems that there also is a Ijekavian 'pocket' known as the "Eastern Herzegovinian dialect", and it is spoken by a large population stretching from Eastern Bosnia-Herzegovina into Serbia - so maybe that's where the author comes from.

Edited by Iversen on 06 July 2014 at 11:50pm

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 Message 3645 of 3959
07 July 2014 at 5:00pm | IP Logged 
"вријеме" and "време" illustrate one of the differences between the two major variants of
the language. There are Serbs using both of these variants, and both can be represented
in Cyrillic as well as Latin characters. For current examples of the "вријеме" case, you
might consult materials from the Republika Srpska -- jekavian pronunciation, Cyrillic
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 Message 3646 of 3959
08 July 2014 at 9:26am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:

PLATT: Ik heff in Berlin die grote Laden Doosmann besöökt üm een Paar Bööken to köpen, te'n Bispeel een Kort en Bündig un een sachts groter Wöörbook op Serbisch , aver ik heff nix funnen.

Iversen, curious as I am, I had a look on the Pons website to see which languages they offer, but no Serbian, only Croatian.
Langenscheidt offers a dictionary, 30.000 headwords (ISBN: 978-3-468-18336-2), but that's about the only thing I could find for Serbian by the German publishing houses I usually check for language learning materials (Pons, Langenscheidt, Buske, Harrassowitz, Reichert). For the BMSC languages, if they list them at all, they seem to set themselves at Croatian.

p.s. I love it when you write in Platt or Scotts, reading it feels exactly like my first contact with Lëtzebuergesch, somehow familiar but not completely transparent. :)

Edited by Mani on 08 July 2014 at 11:57am

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 Message 3647 of 3959
08 July 2014 at 9:51am | IP Logged 
Seljak basically confirms my conclusion, namely that the text represent a language variant which thrives in a region stretching from Bosnia-Herzegovina into Serbia. Most of the materials I see in Cyrillic are in an Ekavian dialect (or in Macedonaian/Bulgarian) - but I suppose this doesnt necesssarily reflect the dialect the authors actually speak.

As for the limited choice of Serbian dictionaries I might try to find an English-Serbian one and order it through the internet, but I think I'll wait to Novi Sad to see what they have got there. The two dictionaries I have got now are not big enough, but they cover my basic needs - not least because their overlap is suprisingly small. The Italian<->Serbian one (which I bought in Milano right beside the Duomo) only has 8000 words, and being small and thick it is not ideal to handle, but it seems fairly levelheaded in its choice of words. The main problem is that it has shown me some troubling lacunes in my Italian vocabulary. The English<->Serbian has 12.000 words, and it's the one I use for my ongoing wholesale mopping-up operation, but it is weird in several respects: 1) you have to turn the whole book around to change direction, and 2) the choice of proper names is beyond idiotic. What has Buzz Aldrin to do in a English-Serbian dictionary??? Besides the font chosen is quite problematic: п and н are almost imposible to distinguish because the horisontal lines are so thin that you hardly can see them. I bought this dictionary in Beograd and it is clearly intended for Serbians. This means that it isn't marked whether verbs are perfective or imperfective so in this respect I have to rely on rules of thumb known from Russian where my main dictionary always takes care to mark this distinction.

IT: I prossimi giorni la mia lettura sul bus dal lavoro sarà una guida a Delfi nella lingua Italiana. Infatto avevo scelto questo libro come lettura di notte, ma quando io mi stendo nel mio letto, lo faccio per dormire, non per leggere. E perché in Italiano? OK, perché quando visitai Delfi qualche anni fa, il mio greco era così miserabile che avevo bisogno di una traduzione a portata di mano quando studiavo mia guida lingua greca alla famosa area di rovine. Ma in Grecia a normale che si può comprare le guide in edizioni parallelle di varie lingua. E sarebbe troppo banale comprare una versione inglese o tedesco quando si può comprare libri in russo o Italiano. In base allo stesso criterio ho evidentemente comprato il mio guida al Vaticano nella lingua olandese. L'italiano sarebbe troppo banale.

GR: Σήμερα η ελληνική μου είναι πολύ καλύτερη. Χθες το βράδυ έχω μελετήσει μια δίγλωσση έκδοση ενός κειμένου με δώδεκα διηγήματα για τη γειτονιά της Πλάκας στην Αθήνα, και μόνο κοίταξε πάνω προς τα δεξιά λιγοστές φορές. Αλλά δεν μιλάω πολύ την γλώσσα.

Edited by Iversen on 09 July 2014 at 11:54am

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 Message 3648 of 3959
10 July 2014 at 12:51pm | IP Logged 
IT: Il mio libro Italiano era finito dopo un solo giorno, ove stavo leggendo nel'autobus e mangiavo in un ristorante, nienti di più. Certo, la seconda metà del libro è piena di immagini, ma comunque ... La prossima collezione di testi per uso nel famoso bus-a-casa-dal-mio-lavoro è in islandese - per lo più testi tratti da Spero che essa sia un poco più durevole.

Edited by Iversen on 10 July 2014 at 12:54pm

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