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Super Polyglot
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9078 posts - 16473 votes 
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 Message 3809 of 3959
26 January 2015 at 2:10pm | IP Logged 
It seems like .epub is the most logical format, even though it has to be converted for use on Kindle and a viewer is necessary for use on ordinary computers. I'll just think a little more about places where it can be uploaded AND replaced in case of blatant errors that must be corrected, and if I find such a place I can publish the link in a suitable place here at HTLAL.

Yesterday I continued my studies with some more wordlists, a bit of Greek and the article about dinosaurs in Indonesian. But that article was irritating because the author was a creationist who simply ignored simple facts - as when he categorically stated that no dinosaur species were known that demonstrated any evolutionary processes. Nonsense, there are lots of evolutionary lines - actually it is surprising how well the evolution can be documented given the minuscule likelihood that a given individual is preserved after its death. However my most 'different' activity was a return to Icelandic, which I haven't studied since before Christmas. And the topic was of course the dish called "Hákarl", which consists of fermented shark meat with a pungent stench of ammonia.

It can be made either from Grey (or Greenland) shark or from basking shark, and one curious detail is that the first ("havkal" in Danish) according to Wikipedia is the one really called "hákarl" in Icelandic, whereas the basking shark ("brugde" in Danish) is called "beinhákarl" (or "barði"). As for the culinary qualities of the dish it seems only to be comparable to the "surströmming" of the Swedes, which is sold in tins that never should be opened indoors. If you do, the stench will never leave the house, and you'll have to burn it down to the ground. This article puts the surströmming at place one amoung the 18 most revolting foods in the world. For your information: the renowned Asian fruit called durian may stink like a mixture of vomit and poo, but its taste is rather bland - it is however not suitable for use in icecream. I know because I tried it.

Well, as I said the topic was Hákarl as a dish, but I ended up studying the Icelandic article about the Grey shark instead.

IC: Það er hægt að gleyma litlum tungumálum eins og Íslendskum, en í gærkvöldi endaðist eyðimerkugangan mín á rúmsjó með Wikipediu sinnin grein um líf og veiði hakarlsins. Ég ætlaði raunverulegt að finna eitthvað um viðurstyggilega máltíð "hákarl" - samanstendur af rótinn hákarl eða beinhákarl í gengum ferli kallað kæsing. Þetta ferli virkar ekki á bony fiskur, aðeins á hákörlum vegna þess að hákarls kjöt inniheldur þvagi (!) sem nota er "til að viðhalda osmósuþrýstingi í blóði á sama róli og í sjóvatni". Og áfram: "Við kæsingu fer af stað gerjun af völdum gerla sem framleiða ensím sem brjóta efnin niður í ammóníak (og svolítið vetni), en það er rokgjarnt og rýkur því að mestu úr kösinni þannig að vefurinn sem eftir er verður ætur. Sagnorðið að kæsa er skylt germönskum orðum fyrir ost (...), en lyktin af kæstum mat er ekki ósvipuð lyktinn af sterkum osti." Íslendingar voru mjög léleg í fortíðinni, en nú er þeir höfu náð betri efnahag, skil ég ekki að þeir samt borða þessa vöru. Það verður að bregðast eins óg mannipróf í frumstæðum samfélögum. Sama hugarfar finna meðal fólk sem keyra inn í vegg og sýnir atburðinn á Youtube.

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Super Polyglot
Joined 6559 days ago

9078 posts - 16473 votes 
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Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian
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 Message 3810 of 3959
29 January 2015 at 10:09pm | IP Logged 
I have now made an e-book in the epub format (using calibre), and even though the ebook format in some situations baffles me (for instance by putting text besides pictures that filled a whole pagewidth in Word) the thing can be read. Maybe the job could have been done better, but not by me.

However I have still not found out where to put it. The sites that also host the file generally demand that the book has been accepted by at least one public library (and presumably a library in the USA), which may be fine for old literature that has escaped the copyright prison and become public domain, but not fine for me and my little newborn. Sites that are open for new material mostly expect people to have the books stored somewhere else, so essentially they are just glorified link lists. Fine, but not quite enough. A lot of sites are mainly geared towards selfpublishing (of the kind where you can order a book on paper and get it send - so they think in economical terms), and others have totally unacceptable conditions - like Wikibooks which expects authors to allow others to edit their books at will. I found one list of 50 sites offering free ebooks, but I didn't find anything that just would accept a book, put it on a searchable list and permit people to download it. It is a jungle out there...

Apart from proofreading I have spent the last couple of evenings on the usual things like wordlists, intensive text studies and small translation exercises. And TV watching of course. Right now I'm watching a program in English - something about 'medusoids' which are primitive cyborgs based on a silicone structure infested with cells from a rat heart, and those critters are swimming around in a bowl of water. I suppose the next thing will be that such halfway artificial creatures will be jumping around on one leg while playing bagpipe and drums and farting. And after the bagpipoids the smart men in the white coats may start massproducing entities that can learn languages fast than me and Google Translate. 100 Krebses in an hour...

I have today produced a new set of printouts in Romanian, and one source in particular had an impressive number of interesting short articles with scientific topics (and diacritics): Most of those I fetched for the current collection have astronomical themes with the moons of Saturn as their focal point: the surface of Enceladus, oxygene detected near Dione, places with a theoretical chance for life (Encelados, Titan) - and also an article about Jupiter's largest moon Ganymede for good measure. However to get some contrast I also grabbed several excerpts from the homepage, which has two main themes: 1) healthy life (read vegetables) and 2) Montessori kindergartens. Weird combination..

Edited by Iversen on 29 January 2015 at 10:24pm

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 Message 3811 of 3959
29 January 2015 at 11:27pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:

However I have still not found out where to put it.

What about They also host recent free books, not only out of copyright
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Super Polyglot
Joined 6559 days ago

9078 posts - 16473 votes 
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 Message 3812 of 3959
30 January 2015 at 9:55am | IP Logged 
According to the descriptions on Google it might a solution, but right now it won't even open om the two machines I have tried. But I'll try again later.

Apart from that, ...

SE: Осим тога: јуче транскрибује и студирао сам неке чланке из магазина Ер Србије, укључујући ону о "Турбо фолк" (Turbo folk) и њиховим омиљеним клубовима. Није било да сам отишао о мени током боравка у граду, дакле не сам срећом срео никога од њих. Животиње у Беозоо био више мирнији.

Yesterday evening - after my battle with Calibre (which among other things insisted on using the picture on my front page on a new frontpage entirely without text) - I transcribed some articles from Air Serbia's magazine from the original Latinitsa to Tschirilitsa, including some about a wild bunch named the 'turbo folk' which apparently haunts certain nightclubs in Beograd. I just visited the zoo..

Edited by Iversen on 30 January 2015 at 10:24am

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Super Polyglot
Joined 6559 days ago

9078 posts - 16473 votes 
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Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian
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 Message 3813 of 3959
01 February 2015 at 7:54pm | IP Logged 
ESP: Mi ĉi semajnfino interalie legis artikolon de Libera Folio: "Kongresa universitato ne havas prelegantojn" de 11. Februaro 2014. Dum la Universala Kongreso en Bonaero en julio 2014 ĝi estis planita konduki serion de prelegoj en la kadro de Internacia Kongresa Universitato, sed nur kvin prelegojn proponiĝis - normale estas dudeko de proponoj, del kiuj oni elektas duonon. Mi ne scias se venis sufiĉaj proponoj antaŭ la Kongreso, sed kiel malĉefa efekto de ĉi-tiu malĝoja artikolo mi akiris kelkajn bonajn referencojn al materialo en Esperanto pri aliaj temoj ol Esperanto kaj la movado - speciale al reta kino Vimeo. Tie mi trovis, interalie, filmon sur la granda dana lingvisto Otto Jespersen kaj alian filmon sur la Vikingoj.

I have found a number of films in Esperanto at, and this may help to solve the eternel problem with this language: finding interesting materials about other things than the language and the movement that supports it. I'm fairly sure that Esperanto will be an important language at the upcoming Polyglot gathering in Berlin as it was last year, but this time I want to be ready for the experience. The article that lead me to Vimeo mentioned the organisation IKU, Internacia Kongresa Universitato, which wanted to present its usual gamut of lectures during the Internation Congress in Buenos Aires last year - but at the end of the time limit it had only received five proposals against the normal twenty or so (from which it seems that half actually will be used). I don't know whether IKU could present a full program in July - I wasn't there.

Edited by Iversen on 02 February 2015 at 12:13am

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United Kingdom
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 Message 3814 of 3959
01 February 2015 at 8:24pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
ESP: Mi ĉi semajnfino interalie legis prelegantojn">artikolon de Libera Folio: "Kongresa universitato ne havas prelegantojn" de 11. Februaro 2014. Dum la Universala
Kongreso en Bonaero en julio 2014 ĝi estis planita konduki serion de prelegoj en la kadro de Internacia Kongresa Universitato, sed
nur kvin prelegojn proponiĝis - normale estas dudeko de proponoj, del kiuj oni elektas duonon. Mi ne scias se venis sufiĉaj proponoj
antaŭ la Kongreso, sed kiel malĉefa efekto de ĉi-tiu malĝoja artikolo mi akiris kelkajn bonajn referencojn al materialo en Esperanto
pri aliaj temoj ol Esperanto kaj la movado - speciale al reta kino Vimeo. Tie mi trovis,
interalie, filmon sur la granda dana lingvisto Otto Jespersen kaj alian filmon sur la

Ankaŭ mi ne scias ĉu finfine oni sukcesis trovi sufiĉe da prelegantoj. Tamen laŭ mia kompreno la nombro de ĉeestantoj ĉe tiu
kongreso estis tre malmulta kompare al aliaj lastatempaj kongresoj, do mi ne miras ke oni spertis problemojn trovi taŭgajn
prelegantojn. Laŭ Vikipedio partoprenis la eventon nur 706 homoj. La islandan kongreson partoprenis 1034 kaj la vjetnamian kongreson
partoprenis 866, malgraŭ tio ke ambaŭ tiuj lokoj estas malfacile atingeblaj por eŭropaj Esperantistoj, do mi vere ne scias kial la
Bonaera kongreso estis tiom malalloga. Supozeble la ĉi-jara kongreso en Lillo estos pli sukcesa.
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Super Polyglot
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 Message 3815 of 3959
01 February 2015 at 11:51pm | IP Logged 
ESP: La venonta Universala Kongreso en Lille estos la 100a kongresa, kaj mi vere deziras partopreni, sed la tempo estas la plej nepraktika dum la tuta ano krom kristnasko, ĉar preskaŭ ĉiuj miaj kolegoj planas feriojn en la lasta semajno de julio. Kutime mi evitas meti miajn feriojn tie pro tio, sed ankaŭ ĉar la fluga kaj hotela prezoj estas tro altaj tiutempe. Kaj parenteze, mi vizitis Lille antaŭ kelkaj jaroj - sed mi nu vizitis la (liberan) bestoĝardenon, sed nenion el la muzeoj. Mi ŝatus viziti la urbon denove.

ENG:The coming Universal Esperanto congres in Lille (no. 100!) is unfortunately placed right at the end of July, where most of my collegues are on holiday and I usually have a nice peaceful time at the office - so I'm not sure that it would be popular to change the pattern here in 2015. The Polyglot Congress in New York in October is not in danger of colliding with any kind of holiday planning, so if I have to drop Lille it becomes more likely that I go to New York - there are also a fair number of other places on the American East Coast which I would like to visit, and I haven't been to the USA since 2005 so it's about time.

SP: Me sorprende que no había más esperantistas en Buenos Aires en 2014 - aunque está lejos de Europa y que cuesta mucho ir allí (Vietnam también está remoto). He visitado la ciudad una vez (en 2003): yo vivía en un hotel en la Calle Lavalle donde también había una deliciosa churrascaria y una heladería, así que quizá era bueno que yo no estaba allí más tiempo, pero yo tenía un montón de cosas que ver en la ciudad durante mi estancia. Y a diferencia de Reykjavíkur, Buenos Aires es tan grande que un congreso de esperantistas no podría posiblemente causar problemas con la capacidad hotelera.    

Edited by Iversen on 02 February 2015 at 10:15am

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 3816 of 3959
03 February 2015 at 9:18pm | IP Logged 
Today I had to go to another town for a meeting, and that left me with a couple of hours in a train. I used them on reading the Spanish magazine "Muy historia" from January 15, which had a special theme: long gone civilizations. And it was actually quite entertaining.

This evening I have done something totally different: in the thread about word frequencies I mentioned my old thesis with its syntax statistics, and I got the idea to try how it would be to do somethign similar, though on a far smaller scale: not 10.000 pages, but 6. However now I have a computer, so I grabbed "Oublier Palerme" by Edmonde Charles-Roux (one of my original corpus books), took some diecisions on the layout of the statistics, put them on sheet one of a spreadsheet and copied the relevant passages to sheet 2. Last time (in 1981) I made handwritten notes on paper of the most interesting finds, but didn't include each and every relevant construction - this time I did (only the relevant parts), but it wouldn't be feasible to do so for 10000 pages, even with the help of a computer and copy paste.

Doing such an exercise gives one a sense of the variety of constructions within some field, but you spend so much time on a few pages that you risk never finding the more exotic constructions, and the figures you find are rarely really surprising if you know a language well. And you have to know a language well to be able to analyse the constructions sufficiently correctly and consistently.

I also did one other thing: after checking a few other possibilities I have decided that the best place for a certain book is on a free homepage without much else .. well, I could put paintings and scans of music sheets and other old stuff there too, but the ebook places which also function as hotels (in the manner of Youtube for videos) are too annoying and fuzzy about who and what they accept in their sacred halls.

SP: Yá he mencionado la revista española con las civilizaciones perdidas. No es extraño que hay un artículo biográfico sobre Heinrich Schliemann y se menciona también sus excelentes conocimientos de idiomas extrañeros. Tuvo una infancia difícil. Desde que tenía 14 años de edad trabajó de las cinco a las once de la noche en una tienda de comestibles, però el trabajo casi destruió su salud. De manera que cuando tenía 20 años de edad, caminaba 200 kilometros a Hamburgo, donde llegó a bordo de una vieja tina que se hundió frente a los Países Bajos. Allí encontró un trabajo modesto pero - dadas las circunstancias - acceptable en una oficina. Y entonces empezó a aprender idiomas, empezando por Inglés. Más tarde, añadió el francés, portugués, Italiano y español - según los informes en 6 semanas por idioma. Y más tarde, seguieron el griego y otros idiomas que llegaron a su ventaja cuando se hizo rico y comenzó hallar ciudades míticas tal como Troya y Micenas. Pero eso es otra historia.

Johann Sebastian Bach tambien caminó centenares de kilometros a Hamburgo, però él solo quería entender tocar el muy estimado Sr. Reincken.

Edited by Iversen on 05 February 2015 at 9:29am

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