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Joined 5410 days ago

772 posts - 1474 votes 
Speaks: English*, Japanese, German, Russian
Studies: Georgian

 Message 321 of 431
11 April 2012 at 2:34am | IP Logged 
Expugnator wrote:
Tixhiidon, when writing Georgian, do you do Georgian normal, cursive, ligated handwriting or do you write it as if it were printed letters?

Mostly the latter, I think. My Georgian teachers told me that, apart from ჯ, it's fine to write all letters just as they are printed, in contrast to Russian, for example. They also said that Georgians tend to develop their own idiosyncratic styles of handwriting, making it very difficult in some cases to read what people have written, even for Georgians themselves.

I have difficulties with ლ. I never seem to be able to form the three arches neatly and evenly, but when I reduce it to a single arch, as many Georgians do, I can't make it out when I read back what I've written. ჰ is difficult for me too - I guess Roman alphabet users are just not used to drawing three curves. Fortunately, though, ჰ doesn't turn up all that often.

Having said all that, my main foreign language is Japanese, and after 16 years my written Japanese still looks like that of a five year old, so I can't complain about Georgian too much!
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Studies: Georgian

 Message 322 of 431
12 April 2012 at 3:02am | IP Logged 
One hundred thousand views!! Thanks for following my log all this time guys.

I've just been reading through kottoler.ello's Портфель log and I'm hugely impressed at his efforts to write
long passages in Russian. He's been receiving a lot of help from some Russian members of the forum, and
I'm sure his Russian must be improving rapidly.

So I think it's time for me to stop resting on my laurels and being pathetically lazy and get back to writing
some proper Georgian sentences. There's plenty to write about, even if only the inanities of my everyday life,
and no excuse not to!

Except that my family are still here and in about half an hour I'm going to pick up my new dog... But I will be
starting this new regime from next week, scout's honour!
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Studies: Georgian

 Message 323 of 431
16 April 2012 at 2:49am | IP Logged 
Always a man of my word, here's my attempt at writing a substantial amount of text in
Georgian. It's just a summary of the events of the last two weeks and, as always tends
to happen when I write in foreign languages I am not yet very good at, it is all
terribly twee and childish. But it'll do for now.

So now I just have to sit back and let swarms of Georgians fly to the site, eager to
provide corrections, comments, encouragement, invitations to their homes in Tbilisi,
offers of marriage, and so on. Or, as is more likely to be the case, even just a
couple of lines from Murdoc would be great.

როგორც დაგპირდით უკანასკნელ ფოსტში, დავწერ რამდენიმე წინადადებს ქართულად.
ბოლო ორი კვირის განმავლობაში ძალიან დაკავებული ვიყავი იმიტომ, რომ ჩემი დედა და
მისი და იყო ჩემთან ტოკიოში სასტუმრად. რა თქმა უნდა ისინი ვერ ლაპარაკობენ
იაპონულად და მარტო ვერაფერი ვერ აკეთებენ, ამოტომ ყველგან ერთად უნდა
წავსულიყავით. კარგი დრო გავატარეთ ერთად და ჩემი ოჯახის ნახვა ძალიან სასიამოვნო
იყო, მაგრამ, სიმართლე რომ ითქვას, ჩემ ჩვეულებრივ წყნარ ცხოვრებაში დაბრუნებაც

მიუხედავად ამისა, ბოლო დღეები სულ არ იყო წყნარი. პირიქით, ჩემი წყნარი ცხოვრება
მთლად დაინგრა! ამის მიზეზი არის ჩამოსვლა ჩემი ოჯახის ყველაზე ახალი წევრი სამი
დღის წინ. ამ ბლოგის რეგულარულ მკითხველებს ალბათ ახსოვთ რომ ჩემი ძაღლი
წამწუხაროდ გარდაიცვალა შარშანდელ თებერვალში. მას მერე ხშირად ვფიქრობდი იმაზე,
თუ ნამდვილად მინდა ახალი ძაღლი. ძაღლთან ერთად ცხოვრება ძალიან სასიამოვნო და
სასაცილოა, მაგრამ ძაღლი დიდი პასუხისგებლობაა და თავისუფალი მოძრაობა ძნელია
ძაღლის პატრონისათვის.

საბოლოოდ გადაწყვეტილება მივიღე როცა ჩემმა ერთმა მეგობარმა შემთავაზა თავისი
ძაღლის ერთი ლეკვი. უარის თქმა ხომ შეუძლებელია :) შედეგოდ ჩემი ახალი ლეკვი
ჩამოვიდა ჩემთან გასულ კვირის ხუთშაბათს. მას ჯუნო ჰქვია, ოქროსფერი ბეწვი აქვს, და
მისი ჯიშია სალუკი, როგორც ჩემი წინა
ძაღლი. ორი კვირის შვებულება მივიღე სამსახურიდან რომ დავიწყო მისი წვრთნა. ამ
მომენტში ჩემს გვერდით სძინავს და ამიტომ მოვახერხე დამეწერა ეს ფოსტი, მაგრამ
როგორც კი იღვიძებს, კვლავ დაკავებული ვიქნები.

დასკვნის სახით შეიძლება ითქვას რომ ამ წლის აპრილი განსაკუთრებული და
არაჩვეულებრივი თვე არის ჩემთვის.

EDITED later the same day after realizing that in the middle of all this Georgian I
implied that a human friend of mine had miraculously given birth to a litter of
puppies. Now corrected to indicate that it was her dog, not her, who produced the

Edited by TixhiiDon on 16 April 2012 at 3:21pm

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United States
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Studies: Hungarian, Vietnamese, Modern Hebrew, Norwegian, Persian, Arabic (Written)

 Message 324 of 431
16 April 2012 at 5:30am | IP Logged 
TD - I have no idea what any of that says but I must acknowledge that Georgian script has to be THE coolest looking
script on earth! :-) Really enjoy the log!
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Studies: Georgian

 Message 325 of 431
16 April 2012 at 8:09am | IP Logged 
Yeah, it's pretty cool. Piece of cake to learn too. Go on, treat yourself, it'll only take a day and a half, I
promise! Thanks for the message.
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Joined 5112 days ago

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Speaks: Portuguese*, Norwegian, French, English, Italian, Papiamento
Studies: Mandarin, Georgian, Russian

 Message 326 of 431
16 April 2012 at 4:40pm | IP Logged 
Way to go, Tixhiidon! Would it be too much to ask for an English translation? =D
I'm giving it a try anyway, I'm far from being able to read any texts.
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United States
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Studies: Hungarian, Vietnamese, Modern Hebrew, Norwegian, Persian, Arabic (Written)

 Message 327 of 431
16 April 2012 at 10:17pm | IP Logged 
So TD and Expugnator...

I was trying to decide on a language to tackle for the next 6 week challenge in May. I was thinking of learning
something totally different than what I've attempted in the past. Something totally out of the box so to speak.    I
was thinking of Armenian or Georgian. Now I am committing to Georgian.   Why on earth would I want to learn
this obscure language of some 4 million people 1/2 way around the world from me?!   

The script, obviously is a huge draw; it is absolutely beautiful. I have always wanted to go to Georgia and while it
doesn't appear that I will get there anytime soon, it seems that I can live vicariously through Georgian internet
TV. ;-) The learning materials for Georgian seem to be much, much better than the materials for Armenian
(which are oddly non-existent!). But the really cool thing about Georgian is that there seem to be a handful of
you here that are absolutely passionate for it! It is like an exclusive, secret club that you have going on here! It
seems challenging , but fun.

So my question is, if you were starting from scratch all over again, how would you do it?
My rough plan is
1. learn the alphabet
2. learn the alphabet
3. learn the alphabet
4. One lesson of the book2 program a day & try to commit to memory
5. The DLI 200 Hour Fam. Course. I just ordered it from the e-bay guy. It seems like a good introduction.
Once I have gotten through this, I'll attack ...
6. Aronson's book. It seems like this is a little more advanced and comprehensive than the DLI intro.

Beginner's Georgian? Any thoughts?
Thanks guys!
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Joined 5410 days ago

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Studies: Georgian

 Message 328 of 431
16 April 2012 at 11:56pm | IP Logged 
Welcome aboard liddy! 2012 is becoming a great year for Georgian on HTLAL.

I started with Byki. I found it to be a nice way to learn the alphabet along with some
basic vocab. I actually ended up buying the deluxe version and going quite far with
it. I think it's a great, highly underrated programme.

I've been impressed with Expug's posts about book2. It also seems really good.

Most people, including myself, have found Dodona Kiziria's "Beginner's Georgian" to be
the best way to start out on grammar, listening, and reading. It's a teach-yourself
textbook of the type everyone is familiar with, and the dialogues are so well written.
It stops about halfway through the grammar though, so you need to go to Aronson or
Hewitt for the complicated stuff.

წარმატებებს გისურვებ! ("I wish you success!")

Expug, a translation would just make it boring for you! How about giving me a
translation? ;)

Edited by TixhiiDon on 17 April 2012 at 12:00am

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