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 Message 113 of 420
25 December 2011 at 9:43am | IP Logged 
Serpent wrote:
cathrynm wrote:

yes, kuitenkaan is the negative form of kuitenkin. anyway, however etc.
teollisuus=industry. saab is important for the industry.

edit: and eivät päässeet is the past form.

And thanks.
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 Message 114 of 420
25 December 2011 at 11:36pm | IP Logged 
Kotkassa on alkanut Thor Liberty laivan lastaaminen.
On Kotka (island) the ship Thor Liberty is beginning to load cargo.

Räjähdysaineet pakataan turvallisesti laivan kontteihin.
Explosive are being safely stowed in the ship's containers.

viranomainen=puplic officials
Viranomaiset haluavat hävittää rikkinäiset pakkaukset, joissa on räjähteitä.
Public officials wish to destroy broken packages, which are explosive.

Ohjukset on siirretty pois Kotkan räjähdelaivasta.
Missiles are being transferred away from the explosive-transporting ship in Kotka.

Ohjukset on siirretty puolustusvoimien varastoon.
Missiles are being transerred to the defense force's stockpile.

kauemmas=further away
Myös laiva on siirretty kauemmas satamasta.
Also, the ship is being moved further away from the harbor.

Laivasta on puhuttu uutisissa viime päivinä.
This has been reported about the ship in the news recently.

Ohjuksia ja räjähteitä kuljetti laiva, jonka nimi on Thor Liberty.
Missiles and explosives were transported by ship, which is named the Thor Liberty

Laivasta löytyi 69 Patriot-ohjusta.
On the ship were found 69 Patriot missiles.

Viranomaiset pysäyttivät laivan viime viikolla.
Public officials intercepted the boat last week.

Laiva on lähtenyt Saksasta, ja se oli matkalla Etelä-Koreaan.
The boat had left from Germany, and it was traveling to South Korea.

Poliisi sanoo, että laiva saa jatkaa matkaa, kun räjähteet on hyvin pakattu.
Police say that the boat may continue traveling, if the explosives are well-packed.

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 Message 115 of 420
26 December 2011 at 4:47am | IP Logged 
isku=attack (pl ssa)
Syyrian pommi-iskuissa on kuollut ihmisiä.
Byrian bomb attacks have killed people.

Syyrian pääkaupungissa Damaskoksessa tapahtui kaksi pommi-iskua.
In the Syrian capital Damascus, two bombings occurred.

Pommi-iskuissa kuoli sotilaita ja siviilejä.
The bomb attacks killed soldiers and civilians.

Syyrian televisio kertoo, että iskuissa kuoli 40 ihmistä ja noin sata ihmistä loukkaantui.
Syrian television says, that the attacks killed 40 people and wounded about 100 people.

tokikohta=military base
Pommit oli piilotettu autoihin ja ne räjähtivät lähellä tukikohtaa, jossa on turvallisuusjoukkoja.
The bombs were were hidden in cars and they exploded a near military base, which is a security center.

itsemurhaisku=suicide attacks
Iskut olivat itsemurhaiskuja.
The attacks were suicide attacks.

Syyrian televisio sanoo, että tekijät ovat terroristeja.
Syrian television says that the perpetrators are terrorists.

järjestö=organization (ILL)
Terroristeilla on ehkä yhteyksiä al-Qaida terroristijärjestöön.
Terrorists are possibly connected to the Al Qaeda terrorist organization.

Tämä oli ensimmäinen kerta, kun Syyriassa oli pommi-isku maaliskuun kansannousun jälkeen.
This was the first instance in Syria of a bomb attack since the March uprising.
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 Message 116 of 420
26 December 2011 at 7:30am | IP Logged 
(This stuff is from my class textbook, so it's a little geeky, I'm afraid)

諸兄=しょけい=dear friends
読者諸兄の中には経済問題には詳しい方がた くさんいらっしゃると思いますが、服の色と 景気には密接な関係があるという事をご存じ でしょうか。
Among my dear readers, I'm sure everyone is fully aware of the recession, however, does everyone know about the relationship between clothing color and the economic situation?

以前、ある研究所が長年にわたって調査して きたデータを拝見したことがあります。
I have up to now in the laboratory, humbly examined years of data.s

それは、 服の色と日本の景気の関係性を調 べたデータでした。
This was data investigating the relationship between the color of clothing and the economic conditions of Japan.

街を歩いている人の中で、黒い服を着ている 人の出現率 (全身真っ黒でなくても、 1枚でも黒い服 を着ている人の割合)が高い時は不景気であ り、低い時は好景気であるいというものです 。
Among pedestrians the city, when the black clothes wearing percentage was high there was a recession, (Even if he entire body wasn't completely black, the percentage of at at least one piece of black clothing), when the percentage was low, economic times were good.

(I think this is that weird thing about past tense in Japanese, that you talk about the past, and then you go to present tense for talking about the past -- I vaguely remember reading about this.

私は昨年2月のこのコーナーで、「今年は不 景気だから黒が流行る」と書きましたが、  見事昨年の秋冬ファッションは「黒」に占領 されたぐらいの勢いで流行していました。
Back in last February, in my corner I wrote [because of the recession this year, black is popular], and with last year's beautiful fall-winter fashion black came in to popularity with a powerful momentum.

実際に昨年の秋冬は心理的な不景気感のピー クだったのではないでしょうか。
In reality, wasn't last year's fall-winter not the peak of the feelings of economic gloom?

今はどうかと言うと、キャルと言われる若い おしゃれコンシャスな女性達のファッション が明らかに変わってきました。
Now, if you ask me, the so-called 'gyaru', or young, fashion conscious young women's fashion obviously started to change.

黒が減って白やベージュ、白地に花柄プリン ト等、 黒ではない色が増えてきています。
Black decreased, and white, beige, and floral prints, that is colors other than black began to increase.

ギャルと不景気はあまり関係ないのではない かと思われる方も多いでしょうが、そうでも ないのです。
Are there so many ways to think of that there's no relationship between between the gyaru and the recession? I think there is a relationship.

(double negative -- err, there is a relationship, you know, whatever.)
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 Message 117 of 420
26 December 2011 at 9:33am | IP Logged 
Here's a few corrections for you. Hope you don't mind!

読者諸兄の中には経済問題には詳しい方がた くさんいらっしゃると思いますが
I'm sure there are many people among my readers who are well-versed in economic issues.

以前、ある研究所が長年にわたって調査して きたデータを拝見したことがあります。
In the past I have viewed data resulting from surveys conducted by a certain research
laboratory over a period of years.

ギャルと不景気はあまり関係ないのではない かと思われる方も多いでしょうが、そうでも ない
I'm sure many people believe there is little relation between "gyaru"s and recessions,
but in fact there is.

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 Message 118 of 420
27 December 2011 at 6:22am | IP Logged 
Kova myrsky on tehnyt paljon tuhoja Länsi- ja Etelä-Suomessa.
Harsh storms are causing massive destruction in west and east Finland.

pelastustyöntekijä=rescue worker
Pelastustyöntekijät ovat joutuneet tekemään paljon ylimääräistä työtä tuhojen takia.
Rescue workers must do much additional work because of the devastation.

irrottaa=to free
esimerkiksi=for instance
Myrsky on kaatanut paljon puita ja irrottanut esimerkiksi talojen kattoja.
Storms are washing away many trees, and detaching, for example, the roofs of houses.

Myrsky on haitannut joulun paluuliikennettä.
The storm is interrupting Christmas return traffic.

tapaninpäivä=boxing day
Tapaninpäivänä monet ihmiset tulevat takaisin kotiin, kun joulu loppuu.
On the day after Christmas many people return back home when Christmas ends.

vaikeus=trouble (ppl)
sähköjohto=power lines
Junilla on ollut vaikeuksia, koska myrsky on kaatanut puita junanratojen ja sähköjohtojen päälle.
Trains are in trouble because the storm is washing away trees onto the tracks and onto
electric power lines.

Myös jotkut maantiet ovat olleet poikki, kun tielle on kaatunut puita.
Also, some highways are blocked when there's a fallen tree on the road.

Myös laiva- ja lentoliikenteessä on ollut ongelmia.
Also boat and are traffic are disrupted.

Esimerkiksi laiva Tukholmasta Helsinkiin, on ollut monta tuntia myöhässä.
For example, the boat from Stolkholm to Helsinki is many hours late.
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 Message 119 of 420
27 December 2011 at 6:24am | IP Logged 
TixhiiDon wrote:
Here's a few corrections for you. Hope you don't mind!

Hey thanks. That's cool. .
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 Message 120 of 420
27 December 2011 at 11:28am | IP Logged 

日本の伝統なかにはたしかに議論をする習慣 がない。
Among Japanese traditions, it's certainly true that there's no custom of argument.

Japanese are poor at arguments.

だいたいみんな同じ意見になるのがいいと思 い、 意見の違う人は敵だとなりがちです。
Generally, I think it's good that everyone comes to about the same position, there's a tendency to turn those who disagree into enemies.

共同体=collective body
日本の共同体の伝統にはいい面と悪い面があ る。
On the mater of Japanese collective tradition, there's a good side and a bad side.

みんなが協力して同じ目的を追求するために 、自分だけを主長しないのはいいことでしょ う。
In order to for everyone to be together in pursuing the same objective, it's probably best if one's own self is not the chief thing.

他方では、どうしても意見の違う人が村八分 にされる。
Another thing, surely someone who has a different opinion would be ostracized.

意見の違う人を受け人を入れることがなかな かできない。
It's quite impossible to let in someone with a differing opinion.

そもそも=in the first place
それがもっと極端になると、意見を表明する こと自体がそもそもあまり望ましくないとい うことになります。
In a more extreme case, it becomes a situation where expressing an opinion, itself, becomes something no one wants to do.

As a result, there's no arguments.

If arguments happen, there's a powerful tendencies for people to become enemies or allies.

This is the bad side.

In European society, debates are frequent.

Even in the USA, they're more frequent than Japan.

あらゆる=every, all
This is apparent every where.

たとえば英国の放送局BBCが、政治問題に 限らず、 どういう問題でも座談会みたいな ことをするときには、みんな異なる意見をも ってかなり激しい論争をします。
For example, on the UK network, BBC, not only political issues, but in any kind of problem when a discussion occurs, everyone has a different opinion and an intense argument happens.

論争というのは相手を怒鳴りつけることでは なくて、自分の議論を展開して、これこれし かじかの理由でこう考えるという主張をする ことです。
Because of the discussions, opponents not only start to yell at each other, one's own argument develops, many and varied reasons are thought out and stated.

反対側のひともそう言って、お互いに根拠を 挙げて意見を戦わせる。
The people on the opposite side say such things, together both sides battle in providing a justification for their opinion.

日本のTVの座談会では、だいたいみんな同 じことを言うか、怒鳴りあうかどちらかにな る。
On Japanese TV round table discussions, everyone might say the same thing, or everyone might yell at each other, both things can happen.

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