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 Message 121 of 420
27 December 2011 at 9:33pm | IP Logged 
tuomita->judge, hear
Etiopiassa oikeus on tuominnut kaksi (2) ruotsalaista vankilaan 11 vuodeksi.
In Ethiopia a judge has sentenced two Swedes to 11 years in jail.

laiton->laittomasti=illegally (POS MAN)
Oikeus määräsi miehet vankilaan, koska he tulivat maahan laittomasti ja auttoivat terroristeja.
The judge ordered the men to jail because they came to the country illegally and helpped terrorists.

Toimittaja Martin Schibbye ja valokuvaaja Johan Persson saivat tuomionsa tiistaina.
Journalist Martin Schibbye and photographer Jason Persson received the judgement Tuesday.

Ruotsalaismiehet sanovat, että he eivät auttaneet terroristeja.
The Seedish men said that they weren't helping terrorists.

Miehet kertovat, että he tekivät terroristeista reportaasia.
The main said that they were reporting on the terrorists.

Ruotsalaiset kuitenkin myöntävät, että he olivat Etiopiassa ilman lupaa.
However the Swedes admit that they were in Ethiopia without permission.

Ruotsin hallitus on vaatinut, että miehet pääsevät vapaaksi.
The Swedish government is asking that the men go free.

Ruotsin Journalistiliitto sanoo, että miesten tuomio on poliittinen.
The Swedish Journalist union says that the men's judgement is political.
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 Message 122 of 420
27 December 2011 at 11:50pm | IP Logged 
怒りは、喜びや悲しみと同じように、人間の 基本的な感情として、その働きやメカニズム が研究されてきた。
Anger, just like joy and sadness, the basic human emotion -- it's function and mechanism has been researched.

最近では、人間の健康を害するものという観 点からも捉えられるようになってきている。
Recently, researches have seized the perspective of research into anger as it pertains to damage to human health.

例えば、怒りと心臓病の関係について検討し た研究によれば、高血圧を伴う心臓病の患者 には怒りやすい性格の人が多いという傾向が あるそうだ。
For example, according to research investigating the relationship between anger and heart disease, it seems there's a tendency for heart patients who also have high blood pressure have a personality type that angers easily.

また、怒りという感情が神経や免疫システム に影響を与え、それが心臓病になるリスクを 高めているのではないかという報告もある。
Again, angry feelings have an effect on nerves and the immune system, so there are even reports on whether or not an angry temperament increases the risk of heart disease.

怒りと健康の関係が注目されるようになった のは、病気に対する社会の考え方が変わって きたからだろう。
Perhaps the relationship between anger and health, was noticed when we started to think differently about society in relation to illness.

高齢化により、社会全体で負担する医療費の 問題もばかにならなくなってきた。
More than aging, the burden on the entire society of medical costs might become exceptionally high.

患者個人だけではなく、国や保険会社が負担 する医療費も増えてきたのだ。
And it's not just about the individual patient, for the country and its insurance companies the burden of medical costs has risen.

これを抑えるためには、病気を予防すること が一番である。
In order to deal with this, prevention of illness is of the utmost importance.

食事や睡眠といった生活習慣に気を配ること で病気を予防することはよく知られているが 、 現代ではさらに、様々な研究結果から、 個人の性格や考え方の傾向といった心理的要 因も健康に影響することがわかってきた。
Even if we are well aware of the need to pay attention to diet and sleeping habits with regard to illness prevention, according to various research results these days we must also begin to understand the tendency of the individual's personality and way of thinking to influence psychological causes and what influence this has on human health.

こうして、心理学や医学の分野において、怒 りという感情と健康の関連性を考えるように なってきたのである。
As a result, regarding psychology and medial science, we are becoming aware of the the relationship between angry feelings and health.

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 Message 123 of 420
27 December 2011 at 11:52pm | IP Logged 
Hmm, I'm not seeing the corruption lately.   Was something fixed with this website?   I don't think I've had any corruption at all this last month with Japanese.
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 Message 124 of 420
28 December 2011 at 3:09am | IP Logged 
This seems to be in all of your translations so I'll mention it. You won't really find forms directly equivalent to "weren't helping" or "is asking" in selkouutiset or other simplified texts since they're quite complicated.

teki/ei tehnyt = did/didn't do
on tehnyt/ei ole tehnyt = has done/hasn't done

make sure not to break that down into verb+participle while translating:)
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 Message 125 of 420
28 December 2011 at 3:26am | IP Logged 
Okay, yeah that makes sense. Thanks.
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 Message 126 of 420
28 December 2011 at 4:53am | IP Logged 
Urheiluohjelmat ovat alkaneet YLE Puheessa.
Sports programs have begun on YLE Puhe.

Tiistaina kanavalla oli ensimmäistä kertaa Urheiluilta, jossa seurattiin jääkiekon SM-liigaa.
Tuesday on the channel were the first rehearsals of Urlheiluilta (Sports Evening), which were showing Ice hockey's SM-league.

kierros->kierrokset = round
Ensi vuonna kaikki jääkiekkokierrokset ovat YLE Puheessa.
In the first year all the ice hockey rounds are on YLE Puhe.

Aikaisemmin suorat urheilulähetykset olivat Radio Suomessa.
Previously direct sports broadcasts were on Radio Suomi.

löytyä=be found
Ensi vuonna esimerkiksi olympialaiset löytyvät YLE Puheesta.
In the first year, for example, the Olympics are found on YLE Puhe.

parata->paranee=get well
Samalla kanavan kuuluvuus paranee, eli YLE Puhetta voi kuunnella koko Suomessa.
At the same time the channel's signal strength is fixed, so YLE Puhe could be heard all over Finland.

Radio Suomi ei jätä urheilua kokonaan.
Radio Suomi didn't quit sports entirely.

Radio Suomi kokoaa urheilutulokset yhteen Urheiluradiossa, joka kuullaan monta kertaa päivässä.
Radio Suomi collects sports results with Urheiluradio (Sports Radio), which is heard many times daily.
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Russian Federation
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 Message 127 of 420
28 December 2011 at 5:10am | IP Logged 
cathrynm wrote:

kierros->kierrokset = round
Ensi vuonna kaikki jääkiekkokierrokset ovat YLE Puheessa.
In the first year all the ice hockey rounds are on YLE Puhe.
here ensi vuonna means next year:) you're going to see this a lot in the coming days!
and kierros here means smth like matchday, you know, these week 1, week 2... week N of the season...

cathrynm wrote:
Radio Suomi ei jätä urheilua kokonaan.
Radio Suomi didn't quit sports entirely.
more like "won't quit", it's still 2011 so they're still the main radio broadcaster.

cathrynm wrote:
Radio Suomi kokoaa urheilutulokset yhteen Urheiluradiossa, joka kuullaan monta kertaa päivässä.
Radio Suomi collects sports results with Urheiluradio (Sports Radio), which is heard many times daily.

i suppose urheiluradio is a programme on Radio Suomi? That's simply where they collect all the results and list them, many times daily.
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United States
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 Message 128 of 420
28 December 2011 at 7:40am | IP Logged 
Ooh, yeah ensi vuonna, first/next. that is a little confusing.

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