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LanguageSponge TAC 2012 Freutsch + Latin

 Language Learning Forum : Language Learning Log Post Reply
11 messages over 2 pages: 1 2  Next >>
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 5709 days ago

1197 posts - 1487 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, French
Studies: Welsh, Russian, Japanese, Slovenian, Greek, Italian

 Message 1 of 11
30 December 2011 at 11:54am | IP Logged 
Part One: Introduction

Freunde, amis, amici! Welcome to my new Language Log for the 2012 Total Annihilation
Challenge! I warn you now that this first post is ridiculously long, even by my own
standards, so the very best of luck to anyone aiming to get through the entire thing.
Much of what is written here is for my own reference, to keep me motivated.
This is my second year participating in the TAC; my log for 2011 can be found
As per my focus languages of 2011, I will again be focusing on French and German, with
particular emphasis on French this time. The main languages of this log will be French
and German, only switching to English when I reply to a comment written in English, and
to be honest, I would much prefer to see as little English in this log as possible,
besides this first post, fairly obviously. Therefore, I would be very grateful if
you could write to me here predominantly in French or German.

-My focuses for this year, as I’ve said above, are going to be French and German.

-As a side project, I will be brushing the dust off my old Latin books and attempting
to resurrect something of my Latin. I intended just to use it to help me cool down
after a day of French, German and the CELTA course that I’ll be doing between mid-
January and the end of March. Now however, I have bigger plans for it, as I want to
eventually be able to read some of the works of Roman historians in the original, in
conjunction with my ever-growing passion for the history of the Roman Empire.

Part Two: Current Levels

All of my levels are self-estimated. I am not even that familiar with the scale used
here to estimate levels, so don’t be surprised if through reading my log you find my
level to be a bit under- or overestimated. I know very well where my faults are and I
will have them rectified by the end of the challenge.

German – Generally this is probably somewhere around the C1 mark. I can’t
identify consciously whether any of the four skills are weaker than any of the others.


I spend a fair bit of time reading German. I’ve just finished reading the first two
Harry Potter books auf Deutsch.They were not in any way challenging, in fact I
got through them only marginally slower than I would in English and understood it
almost as well; I only read them for fun. I read news articles on the German part of
Yahoo and often read Wikipedia pages. I have brought quite a few newspapers back from
Austria and have also bought a few non-fiction books which I will read through over the
year. My aim this year is to read more of anything I can get my hands on. I am pretty
well versed in formal German so I will read fiction and try to get into poetry. Mainly
I want to expand my vocabulary, but this is becoming more and more difficult as I learn
more because I’m not sure what else to learn.

My writing is pretty strong and I don’t have any difficulty expressing my thoughts.
Rather than translating my English thoughts, I think in German and as a result, I
sometimes have trouble rendering my German thoughts in English. I often write emails in
German, both formal and informal, but I very rarely do any kind of creative or essay
writing. These are two things I plan to engage in this year. Shorter pieces I will post
on Lang-8 in hope of correction, and any essays that I produce will be given to some
German friends I keep in contact with. I have written a list of topics, which at the
moment is floating around the forty questions mark, so I don’t get stuck for things to
write about this year. It will expand rapidly once I sit down and add some recent
thoughts to it.

I spent countless hours listening to German during my time in Austria. I have no
difficulty understanding spoken German so long as I’m not spoken to in dialect. I had
fun using the dialectal words I learnt while I was in Austria. I listen to German music
quite a lot and listen to the news on ZDF. I also watch films with German dubbing or

My spoken German is of a high standard and as my recent six week stay in Austria showed
me, I usually understand everything that’s said to me as long as it’s in Hochdeutsch. I
sometimes wonder whether what I say sounds entirely natural, especially when put on the
spot, but those occasions are thankfully pretty few and far between. The only way I can
see to deal with those is iron them out over time. As far as speaking German goes, when
I am at home in England, I only speak German to myself and occasionally with my
girlfriend. This is more than enough to keep it up but I hope to use it a lot more on
trips and potentially after my CELTA course.

French – My situation with French is a bit more complicated than German, though
I have every intention of annihilating the problem by the end of this year’s
TAC. My French reading and writing capabilities are not too far removed from my German,
I am more than capable of correcting people accurately; it is in my listening
comprehension and my speaking that my true difficulties lie. I did French for a long
time in school and as a result, my grammar and my general feel for the language are
both very strong, but my French suffers from four years of no use whatsoever, from
which it still hasn’t quite made a full recovery. I need to spend this year rectifying
that. You will see my plan to do this in Part Three. Overall I would estimate my French
to be B2, and it will be C1 by the end of the year once I have chipped away at the
listening and speaking problems.


My reading is strong in French, put simply, and I attribute this to knowing how the
grammar all fits together, for the most part. It is however held back by three basic
things, which are all easy to sort out. Firstly, I am not entirely comfortable
with the past historic, although I can, in 90% of cases, work it out from context if I
don’t know the form already. This first problem will be rectified quite easily,
especially considering I intend to write essays in French over the year, so I will need
to actually use the past historic in my own writing. I was assured when I was in school
that I’d never have to actually use it, so I never bothered to consciously learn the
forms. This is a bit odd as many people in my class went on to study French at uni.
There, lecturers prefer the use of the simple past (otherwise known as the past
historic) in place of the passé compose, presumably for the formality factor. Using the
simple past actively in essays will surely cement the forms in my mind. My second
problem is that my reading speed is a little underwhelming, but then, it is in English.
I swear sometimes that I can read faster in German than in English. This will improve
as I read over the year. My last problem is that I tend to stick to reading material
that yes, I enjoy very much, but does not serve to advance my French anymore, such as
Astérix. I am therefore going to discount any time that I spend reading Astérix from my
total studying time, as I don’t acquire much in the way of new vocabulary or structures
from it.


My French writing is pretty accurate and I can write about many different topics, both
simple and complicated in nature. My vocabulary sometimes lets me down though so this
is one area that I intend to work on during the challenge. I don’t have very much
difficulty expressing my thoughts in French although I sometimes have trouble sounding
natural. Saying that, I sent a letter to my girlfriend’s mother in French and German
(she’s a French teacher) on Christmas Day and she said there weren’t any problems with
it. As with German, I’ve written a list of topics for Lang-8 which I will follow. I
haven’t used Lang-8 in a while, and the reason I don’t use it is that I find it
difficult to know what to write about. I will likely write a separate list of essay
topics to follow as well. I might end up translating some of my old history essays.


My listening skills were once pretty good but now they’re quite rusty in comparison to
a few years ago. I swear that I also have a bit of a hearing problem, although this is
probably psychological. I have a plan to sort this out, as you will see in the next
section. At present, I am able to watch films, getting the gist and quite a lot more, I
listen to any French music I find and listen to the news. However none of this is
effortless anymore as it once was, relatively, and sometimes it can be quite a
struggle. I plan to quit being a wimp this year and sort this out once and for all.


I still have problems speaking sometimes. On the very rare occasion, I will clam up and
not say very much. Those occasions really do have to stop, and I know once I sort out
my confidence (I can do it, I know I can), no-one will be able to shut me up, just like
in German. I sometimes speak French with my girlfriend, who is from Belgium, and she is
very supportive. She and her family were my main motivation for relearning it at the
beginning, but now I have other reasons to keep me going. My speaking ability will
improve as my listening comprehension and vocabulary improve.


I did Latin a few years ago but I haven’t touched it in about as long a time. I won’t
even begin to measure it using conventional measuring scales as I never did speak it
beyond reading to myself. I didn’t write it very often although I did make a very
conscious effort to remember everything grammar-related that I could. I had particular
fun writing out noun declensions and writing out simple sentences when I was studying
it. I will be using this as my wind-down at the end of the day. This may be replaced at
some point during the year with something I want to take more seriously, more about the
candidates for that is to come later on.

Part Three: Goals and an attempted methodology

I have written a study plan for all three of my languages which will be printed out and
kept on my desk. They are reasonably ambitious but I don’t see the sense in aiming low
this early on. Aim for the skies and if you don’t quite get there, you’ve still
accomplished something worthwhile.


I want to write five Lang-8 posts in German per week, as well as one essay on a
topic I’ll choose at the beginning of the week. I will post my shorter posts, which
tend to be between 250 and 400 words long, on Lang-8 and will have the extended writing
corrected by a German native friend, who has been offering to do this for me for years.
I imagine the essays will be anywhere between 2000 and 4000 words long, depending on
how well I know the topic.

At least three full German news programmes per week

Thirty new words or expressions per day


So, my listening and speaking are weak, as I have stated above. So I’ll rectify this
problem by listening to at least 500 hours of French over the course of the
. This will be through a mixture of French films, music, stories and watching
the news or any documentaries I find. I initially wanted to aim for 1000 hours, but I
know that after my CELTA course finishes I won’t be able to study to my heart’s
content. If I manage to reach my 500 hours early, then I can consider any extra I do
bonus points. I also don’t want to aim too high because I succumbed to burn out for a
bit last year, but that may have been to do with my hospitalisations. Better to be safe
than sorry.

As well as my goal for listening, I want to carry on reading to expand my vocabulary.
I’ll read Wikipedia in French, read stories such as a favourite that my girlfriend’s
mother gave me, called La peste noire. I will also read non-fiction such as a
book I bought about the coral and species of fish found in and around the Red Sea. I’ll
also read the news and I’ll look into French poetry. Also I’ll probably play computer
games in French although I don’t know how much this will figure into it, although it
definitely will to at least a small degree.

I’ll also write at least 5 Lang-8 posts per week on various topics. My Lang-8
posts tend to be between 250 and 400 words long. I will also banish my fear of extended
writing and compose one essay per week on a topic I’ll decide on around the Monday
mark. The essays, as for German, will probably be between 2000 and 4000 words long,
although I expect they’ll tend towards the lower end of that scale towards the
beginning of the year and get longer. I also want to learn 30 new words per day.

In terms of speaking, I want to just get to a point where I can talk and not feel self-


My goal for Latin is simple. I want to finish both main volumes of Lingua Latina per
se illustrata
by the end of the year and perhaps begin reading some of the material
in the Latina Library. I’ll keep a notebook of new words and write sentences to drill
in words that escape me. As my approach is naturally quite strictly centred around
grammar, I will really make sure I hammer home noun declensions, cases with verbs and
prepositions and make sure I can conjugate verbs in all the tenses properly. My doing
Latin is mainly for fun, but it’s also partly in support of my keen interest in the
history of the Roman Empire.

Part Four: Potential for Wanderlust

The main reason that I am doing Latin is for something to help me wind down after a few
hours of studying French and German every day. I wanted this to be something that
would, in all likelihood, remain nothing more than a fun wind-down at the end of
the day. As the year wears on though, I may replace this with something more serious,
and the candidates for this are as follows:

-Modern Greek
-An as yet unknown language

Dutch nearly came on the TAC Adventure with me this year, but she stayed behind because
she knows I love her sister, German, very much, and thought it’d be selfish to come
along too. I’ve known Greek’s ancestor, Attic, for a long time and we get along very
well, so I may want to get to know Greek a bit better, too. Italian is the native
language of my father’s family, and I will have to get to know her properly one day.
That, in all likelihood, will be a job for the TAC of 2013. Russian and I have known
each other a long time and I was sad to leave her after graduation in June, but I had
to devote more time and attention to my true love of German.

The as yet unknown language is for a special reason. After my CELTA course is finished,
I will be applying for jobs teaching English abroad and as yet, I don’t know where I’ll
end up. If I don’t go to a country the language of which I don’t already know, like
France, Germany or Austria, I will have to learn the language of the country I go to.
One of my massive interests outside of languages is scuba diving, so I may want to go
somewhere where I can dive – perhaps Indonesia or Thailand.

Part Five: Other commitments

From mid-January to the end of March, I will be doing a CELTA course. It’s only two
days a week, which is really frustrating as I want it done much faster, but it can’t be
helped. I’m a worrier when it comes to my studies, especially when I’ve paid as much
money as I have to do the course, so I’ll be reading textbooks meticulously and trying
to stretch the creative side of my brain, which I haven’t used in years, for ways to
get my point across and keep the class engaged. My father has spent his entire
professional life doing presentations for high-pressure companies so knows how to keep
people engaged. The course is assessed through a mixture of coursework and assessed
classes which I have to teach, as far as I know completely on my own. I was given one
of the main texts for Christmas and am gradually working through it. The course
convenor has told me that it will be every bit as difficult as my degree (Russian,
Slovene and German), but I am a bit sceptical about that. We’ll see. While I was in
Austria, I helped my girlfriend, who is acting as a teaching assistant there in two
grammar schools, with her marking, which I found lots of fun. I’ll also be contributing
corrections on Lang-8 as a way to hone my correction and explanation skills. Any
correspondence or advice on this would also be fantastic

Part Six: Mini milestone

What better way to start the New Year than with a really good omen? I have dreamt in
French for the last two nights. It’s happened on quite a few occasions before but these
two occasions were both different for two reasons. Firstly, on all previous occasions,
I had been with my girlfriend around the time of the dreams, so it’s not particularly
surprising that I’d dream in French there occasionally. Secondly, on all previous
occasions, the dreams have taken place in my girlfriend’s grandmother’s dining room and
have pretty much all been along the same vein. These dreams weren’t very exciting in
terms of the content but were fantastic for the reasons mentioned above. The first was
about, of all things, my going to open a bank account after having Belgian waffles and
hot chocolate in a cafe. I don’t remember whether it was in France or Belgium. The
second was about going to the Grand-Place, but I don’t remember why. I find it odd
that German is a much bigger, more consistent part of my life and yet I still tend to
dream in French over German. Such is life!

Part Seven: End of first post

Well I guess that’s the end of my first post. Congratulations if you managed to make it
to the end. I’d like to say a hearty hello to all my team-mates over at Team Freutsch.
Officially, the challenge starts on New Year’s Day for me, but anything I do between
now and then will be posted here. At some point, if I get to grips with technology,
I’ll use graphs this year to record m progress. It’s a bit more visually motivating
than just writing words and numbers.

I wish you all the very best of luck this year and I’m sure we’ll all progress quite
nicely. Thanks for reading and I am very much looking forward to chipping away at
French and German.


Edited by LanguageSponge on 30 December 2011 at 11:56am

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Solfrid Cristin
Winner TAC 2011 & 2012
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Joined 5277 days ago

4143 posts - 8864 votes 
Speaks: Norwegian*, Spanish, Swedish, French, English, German, Italian
Studies: Russian

 Message 2 of 11
30 December 2011 at 12:54pm | IP Logged 
No problems getting through this, it was in fact quite entertaining! You do aim for the stars, but if anyone can do it, it must be you. 30 words a day - Wow! I am happy if I do 30 words a month. What is CELTA by the way, is it some sort of teaching course?

Et puisqe tu nous a demandé d'écrire en francais ou allemand, je vais faire un effort, même si je ne sais pas quelle langue me fais le plus peur d'écrire.

Französich habe ich seit 30 Jahre kaum geschrieben, und deutch habe ich so gut wie nie geschrieben. Ich soll dieses Jahr mehr Deutch lernen, desvegen sollte ich es villeicht nur wie eine sehr gute Gelegenheit mehr Deutch so schreiben andenken (anschauen ?).

Ich werde so wie so dein Blog lesen, es sieht interessant aus.

Vini, vidi... - eh no, can't say anything half meaningful in Latin, so I'll leave it there. Best of luck!!!

Edited by Solfrid Cristin on 30 December 2011 at 12:55pm

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Senior Member
Joined 4811 days ago

244 posts - 286 votes 
Speaks: Norwegian*, English
Studies: German, French

 Message 3 of 11
30 December 2011 at 4:10pm | IP Logged 
Good luck with your languagestudies !
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Joined 4975 days ago

200 posts - 228 votes 
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 Message 4 of 11
30 December 2011 at 5:50pm | IP Logged 
Bonne chance dans l'année prochaine, vous avez une bonne préparation, et quand vous decider de aprendre plus de néerlandais, je suis là pour vous aider. ;)

Ich werde Ihre Log folgen und ich bin sicher dass es mich inspieren sollte.
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Senior Member
Joined 5304 days ago

119 posts - 132 votes 
Speaks: English*, FrenchC1
Studies: German

 Message 5 of 11
31 December 2011 at 11:46am | IP Logged 
Bonne chance avec vos études.

A propos le CELTA (que j'ai fait il y a quelques ans) je vous conseille le livre suivant.

Learner English: A Teacher's Guide to interference and other problems

Vous pouvez le trouver sur Google books.

C’est très intéressant de considérer les problèmes de l’anglais du point de vue de ceux qui l’apprennent en tant
langue étrangère. Chaque chapitre traite des problèmes d'interférence d’une langue maternelle. Je ne l’ai pas lu
entière mais le chapitre sur le français m’a été très utile.

Edited by Tournesol on 31 December 2011 at 1:58pm

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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 5709 days ago

1197 posts - 1487 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, French
Studies: Welsh, Russian, Japanese, Slovenian, Greek, Italian

 Message 6 of 11
03 January 2012 at 12:04pm | IP Logged 
Solfrid Cristin wrote:
No problems getting through this, it was in fact quite
entertaining! You do aim for the stars, but if anyone can do it, it must be you.
30 words a day - Wow! I am happy if I do 30 words a month. What is CELTA by the way, is
it some sort of teaching course?

Et puisqe tu nous a demandé d'écrire en francais ou allemand, je vais faire un effort,
même si je ne sais pas quelle langue me fais le plus peur d'écrire.

Französich habe ich seit 30 Jahre kaum geschrieben, und deutch habe ich so gut wie nie
geschrieben. Ich soll dieses Jahr mehr Deutch lernen, desvegen sollte ich es villeicht
nur wie eine sehr gute Gelegenheit mehr Deutch so schreiben andenken (anschauen ?).

Ich werde so wie so dein Blog lesen, es sieht interessant aus.

Vini, vidi... - eh no, can't say anything half meaningful in Latin, so I'll leave it
there. Best of luck!!!

Hello Solfrid Cristin, thanks for your message,

The way I see it, if I aim low, then it will be much more difficult for me to raise my
game later in the year. Aiming high now will mean that even if I don't quite reach my
goals, I will still have made alot of progress. CELTA is the teaching course that I
will be taking so that I can go abroad to teach English. It stands for Certificate in
English Language Teaching to Adults :] I hope that you find this log entertaining; I
myself am looking forward to doing little projects together with my team, as that will
add some variety to my studies.

Merci pour ton message, Solfrid. Je suis content que mon premier message t'aies plu. Je
ferai de mon mieux pour écrire dans mes langues. Mon français n'est pas aussi bon que
mon allemand alors je me concentre plus en français qu'en allemand.

Danke für deine Nachricht, Solfrid. Es freut mich, dass dir meine erste Nachricht
gefallen hat. Ich wäre dir sehr dankbar, wenn du mir auf Deutsch oder Französisch
schreiben würdest. Bis denn!

Bjorn, thanks for your message. I am looking forward to working with you in Team
Freutsch :)

ReQuest, danke für Ihre Nachricht. Ich freue mich darauf mit Ihnen dieses Jahr zu
arbeiten. Editiert - Ich danke Ihnen auch für Ihr Angebot, mir beim Niederländischen zu
lernen. Es tut mir Leid, dass ich diesen Teil Ihrer Nachricht übersehen habe :]

Tournesol, merci pour votre message et pour la recommandation. Le livre que vous m'avez
recommandé a l'air très utile. J'ai lu les critiques que j'ai trouvées sur Internet et
il est probable que je l'achèterai.


Edited by LanguageSponge on 03 January 2012 at 7:31pm

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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 5709 days ago

1197 posts - 1487 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, French
Studies: Welsh, Russian, Japanese, Slovenian, Greek, Italian

 Message 7 of 11
03 January 2012 at 8:06pm | IP Logged 
In diesem Beitrag beschreibe ich die Sachen, die ich in den vergangenen Tagen in meinen
Zielsprachen getan habe. Ich bin noch ein bisschen desorganisiert, da ich mich immer
noch an meinen neuen Plan gewöhne.

Dans ce message je vais décrire les choses que j'ai faites dans mes langues cibles
pendant les derniers jours. Je suis encore un peu désorganisé parce que je m'habitue
encore à mon nouveau plan.

French -

1st January 2012

90 minutes of listening. Listened to children's stories. Explained below.
10 pages of La peste noire
Read a long article on the Black Death in French.
30 new words, added to Anki

German -
30 minutes of listening to German music
30 new words, added to Anki

2nd January 2012


90 minutes of listening.
10 pages of La peste noire
30 new words, added to Anki


Read a few pages on the coral reefs in the Red Sea.
30 new words, again added to Anki

3rd January 2012


90 minutes of listening
10 pages of La peste noire
30 new words, added to Anki
Read a long article in French on the Hittites.


Comme vous voyez, je n'ai pas encore commencé à écrire mes messages sur Lang-8. Je veux
m'habituer à faire les autres choses plus importantes, par exemple l'écoute, avant de
commencer à écrire de nouveau. J'écoute les choses peut-être un peu plus faciles parce
que je comprends très bien les nouvelles, mais pas le langage parlé. Ma petite amie me
dit qu'il est probablement normal. Je trouve relativement facile de comprendre les
choses plus "compliquées".

Wie ihr sehen könnt, habe ich immer noch nicht angefangen, meine Nachrichten auf Lang-8
zu schreiben. Ich will mich auf die wichtigeren Sachen, zum Beispiel Hören,
konzentrieren, bevor ich anfange, wieder zu schreiben. Ich höre vielleicht einfachere
Sachen, weil ich die Nachrichten schon sehr gut verstehe, die Umgangsprache aber nicht.
Meine Freundin sagt, das sei vielleicht normal. Ich finde es relativ einfach, die
komplezierteren Sachen zu verstehen.

En ce moment j'écris un essaie sur les Hittites en français. Je m'intéresse beaucoup à
l'histoire ancienne.

Im Moment schreibe ich einen Aufsatz über die Hittites auf Französisch; ich
interessiere mich sehr für die antike Geschichte.

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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 5709 days ago

1197 posts - 1487 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, French
Studies: Welsh, Russian, Japanese, Slovenian, Greek, Italian

 Message 8 of 11
24 January 2012 at 1:50pm | IP Logged 
Dans les dernières semaines j'ai passé beaucoup de temps à lire et à étudier pour mon
cours de CELTA. Le cours me plaît beaucoup et mes connaissances de langues étrangères
m'aident beaucoup. Je n'ai pas beaucoup d'expérience en ce qui concerne les langues
alors j'ai écrit à quelques écoles tout près de chez moi. J'ai reçu une réponse d'une
des écoles et ils veulent que je dirige un club de russe. On a suggéré aussi que j'aide
leurs élèves d'allemand avec leur préparation pour leurs examens orals. J'aurai
quelques heures par semaine. Cela me tarde beaucoup. Dans les jours qui viennent je
vais essayer de faire un graphique pour montrer les heures que j'ai faites dans mes
études de langues. Le lundi, j'ai enseigné mon premier cours pour le cours de CELTA. Le
cours est allé très bien et je crois que tous ont appris quelque chose. Mon point
faible, c'est que je parle à voix basse et j'ai du mal à être impérieux.

In den vergangenen Wochen habe ich meine Zeit beim Lesen und Lernen für meinen CELTA-
Kurs verbracht. Der Kurs gefällt mir sehr und meine fremden Sprachkenntnisse helfen mir
sehr. Ich habe nicht so viel Lehrerfahrung für Sprachen, und deshalb habe ich an einige
Schulen geschrieben, die ganz in der Nähe von zu Hause; Ich habe eine Antwort von einer
der Schulen bekommen, und sie wollen, dass ich einen Russischklub leite und, dass ich
ihren SchülerInnen bei ihrer Vorbereitung auf ihre mündlichen Prüfungen helfe. Ich
werde einige Stunden pro Woche haben. Ich freue mich sehr darauf. In den kommenden
Tagen versuche ich eine graphische Darstellung der Stunden zu machen, die ich bei
meinen Sprachen verbracht habe. Am Montag habe ich meinen ersten Englischunterricht für
CELTA unterrichtet. Er lief sehr gut, und ich glaube, alle haben etwas gelernt. Meine
Schwäche liegt darin, dass ich eine zärtliche Stimme habe - durchsetzungsfähig zu sein
liegt mir überhaupt nicht im Blut.


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