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Bilingual Triglot
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United Kingdom
Joined 4613 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 137 of 256
27 September 2013 at 12:13am | IP Logged 
2013-09-22 32h39m

Audio:    18:59
Vocab:     9:52
Reading:   0:13
Grammar:   3:35

Just a brief update. Everything is going smoothly. RTK and memrise are up to date.
I've managed to SRS as far as lesson 41 of JPOD101 LI S1, although the intensive
listening is still back at #15 or so.

Memrise reviews are about 25m/day so the rate at which it is throwing vocab at me is
decreasing: I'm usually at the 75% correct mark now on most 15 word sessions. I've put
some of the resulting time into grammar reviews.

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Bilingual Triglot
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United Kingdom
Joined 4613 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 138 of 256
01 October 2013 at 12:18am | IP Logged 
W/E 2013-09-29 26h09m

Audio:   15:22
Vocab:    3:45
Reading: 1:13
Grammar: 5:49

I've managed to SRS all the way to lesson 50 of JPOD101 S1, so I should be able to get
the last 5 lessons done before the end of September. I'd intended to both SRS and
intensively listen to ~15 lessons and I've already done that. I'll probably go over
those first few lessons one more time briefly and then work on intensive listening and
shadowing for the rest of the series. I've also noticed that this series, unlike most
of the others, doesn't have separate dialog-only tracks, so I'll have to fire up
audacity and chop out the dialog myself.

I've also managed to complete electronic grammar notes for all but 4 chapters of Minna
no Nihongo II. I should be able to get those last 4 out of the way next week, and then
I'll start to use these to revise grammar somewhat more rigorously.

RTK is up to date (well, I neglected it over the past few days but I've just caught up
relatively painlessly). Memrise is taking 15-20 mins per day now quite consistently.

I managed to get two more units of A Homestay in Japan read intensively. I keep
forgetting kanji so I need to read and re-read this story quite a bit more. As the time
I need to spend on memrise seems to have peaked, I should be able to spend more time on

I did go back briefly to one ofthe JLPT 3 listening tests and it did seem to be easier
this time around. I don't know if that's just because I've sat N4 and so my brain
"knows" it should be able to cope with this or whether I've done a lot of JPOD101
intermediate listening lessons lately and so I'm becoming used to the vocabulary and
structures. I'm not sure I care: it's becoming better and that's all that matters :-)

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Bilingual Triglot
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4613 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 139 of 256
15 October 2013 at 9:03pm | IP Logged 
W/E 2013-10-06 28h38m

Audio:    15:34
Vocab:     7:17
Reading:   1:46
Grammar:   4:01

W/E 2013-10-13 25h21m

Grammar: 12:21
Vocab:     5:04
Reading:   3:37
Grammar:   4:19

Over the last two weeks I've managed to finish making notes on the Minna no Nihongo
books from about lesson 13 to the end. The earlier lessons are mostly very basic s oI'm
not sure that I'll bother with those. I'm going to go through the All About Particles
book and do the same thing, but only for the more common particles for now.

I've managed to finish re-reading A Homestay In Japan. I'll give it a third pass soon:
this time I'll make a note of all of the kanji vocabulary as not all of it seems to
have stuck so far.

The memrise N3 course currently seems to be under control at less than 20m per day. So
I've started to work through the Anki decks again. By last Sunday I'd managed to catch
up on all the decks, although I have cut down the new cards to a dribble for now.

I've switched the audio during commutes over to just the dialogue tracks from the
JPOD101 Lower Intermediate lessons. I had to make my own for the first 35 or so lessons
of season 1, but I think it's well worth the effort. I still need to get further
through the intensive listening as I can notice a considerable difference bewteen the
lessons I have donw this for and those that I have not yet tackled.

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Bilingual Triglot
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United Kingdom
Joined 4613 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 140 of 256
22 October 2013 at 12:50am | IP Logged 
W/E 2013-10-13 30h23m

Audio:     14:49
Vocab:      4:41
Reading:    4:27
Grammar:    6:26

I've mostly been listening to dialogue tracks (pure Japanese, no English) during the
commute. So far this has gone quite well: I think my comprehension is improving. Either
that or I've heard them so much I've simply memorised them :-)

I've kept up RTK and memrise but now I've put some effort into Anki and I've caught
that up too. So now I'm back up to date with everything.

I'm continuing to make notes on the grammar. As Minna no Nihongo is virtually done now,
I've started to work on All About Particles. In addition I've managed to get listen
intensively to one dialog track each day. I've also started to go through A Homestay in
Japan and building a set of kanji vocabulary that I need to internalise.

Now I just need to find a few spare moments to get going on みんなの日本語 中級 I!

Edited by dampingwire on 28 October 2013 at 3:11pm

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Bilingual Triglot
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4613 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 141 of 256
28 October 2013 at 3:20pm | IP Logged 
W/E 2013-10-27 31:41

Audio: 14:27
Vocab:   5:32
Reading: 6:21
Grammar: 5:21

I've managed to keep up the intensive listening that I've been doing and I'm up to
lesson #37 now. During my commute now I've switched to listening to just the lower
intermediate dialogue tracks and I've noticed that I'm able to follow quite a bit more

I've also finished the last of the grammar notes on the material covered by みんなの日本語
初級 I & II. I think I'll do the same thing for All About Particles, at least for the
particles that I've come across up to now. Then I'll get started on the 日本語総まとめ N3
文法 book.

I've also been going through A Homestay in Japan again, this time I've read each unit
and produced a list of new kanji vocabulary for each unit. I'm halfway through so far.
the idea is to make sure that I can recognise all the vocabulary when I come to go
through this book with my tutor in a few weeks.

The memrise N3 course if fully up to date and requires only about 10 minutes of
maintenance each day. I'll make a start on the kanji side of this soon. Anki is fully
up to date too. It's currently taking ~30m each day. I've started to learn more
vocabulary there too but I'm currently restricting myself to that which I've entered
from the lessons to which I've been intensively listening.

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Bilingual Triglot
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4613 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 142 of 256
07 November 2013 at 12:07am | IP Logged 
W/E 2013-11-03 28h59m

Audio:     10:53
Vocab:     12:27
Reading:    2:19
Grammar:    3:20

My intensive listening has reached lesson 44. Once I finish season 1 I think I'll
review the lessons and try and pick off those bits that didn't stick first time around.

I'm still working my way through new grammar points. I still have a few pertinent
particles from the All About Particles book to get through. Then I think I'll work
through the bits of DOBJG that I can see on scribd. After that I'll start on Nihongo
Sou Matome.

I have a list of kanji vocabulary for A Homestay in Japan. I still need to read through
the final five units. Then I'm going to go through again with a notebook by my side and
no computer (hence no dictionary) and I'll note down everything that I don't understand
and all vocabulary that I don't remember.

Memrise and Anki are both up to date. I have 150 sentences still to review but I'm
happy to leave those trickling in at 5 new ones/day for the moment. I have over 600
vocabulary items to learn and I think I'll probably custom study some of those most
days. I'm going to aim for an average of 20/day, say 140/week, so I should have seen
all of them by Christmas.

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Bilingual Triglot
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4613 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 143 of 256
15 November 2013 at 8:59pm | IP Logged 
W/E 2013-11-10 32h45m

Audio: 16:10
Vocab:   9:19
Reading: 1:14
Grammar: 6:02

I decided to go back and read (not work) through the Oxford Japanese Grammar & Verbs
book that I picked up last year. I remember finding it quite tough going almost 18
months ago, but thsi time around there were very few grammar points that I didn't at
least recognise. At some point I think I'll go through and systematically mine it for
vocabulary and sentences.

I'm planning to work through another 600 vocabulary items in Anki for TAC this month. I
was going to aim for ~30/day but, given an apparent inability to drive Anki properly, I
actually added 339 this week. So far the reviews haven't been too horrendous.

I also plan to finish intensive listening of the remaining LI S1 tracks and all 26 of
the S2 ones. By the end of this week I'd finished S1 and managed the first 4 of S2.

I've finished making electronic notes of MNN I & II and I've gone over the first 15
chapters this week. It's all very straightforward stuff so mostly this has been a check
that my notes make sense.

I did listen to a few Upper Intermediate lessons and I did find them tough but the
actual dialogues didn't seem that bad. The few grammar points that I've looked at were
new but not excessively complicated. The lessons seemed tough, I think, mostly because
the presenters discussion is very much "Japanese with an occasional English snippet". I
might try working through one lesson dialogue thoroughly later on once I'm done with LI

I've reached Unit 16 in my intensive reading of A Homestay in Japan. I've also prepared
a list of kanji vocabulary that I need to print off and study in the next week or so.

Inspired by the consistency thread, I decided to try and make notes on one new grammar
point per day. I'm using All About Particles or Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar as
the mood takes me on any given day. I've prepared a list of all the DOBJG headwords
and, looking down the list, it looks like a good 80% of them are already covered (at
least to some extent) by my existing notes based on MNN and AAP. Given the reputation
that the DO*JG series has, that's quite pleasing.

I'm still listening to the JPOD101 LI dialogues (all six seasons) during the commute to
and from work. They cycle round completely in about 2 days so I've heard each of them
multiple times now. There are some which are now clear as day and some which are still
quite vague and woolly. But generally things seem much better than they were even just
a few months ago.

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Bilingual Triglot
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4613 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 144 of 256
25 November 2013 at 2:43pm | IP Logged 
W/E 2013-11-17 33h35m

Audio:    15:24
Vocab:    12:58
Reading:   0:00
Grammar:   5:13

W/E 2013-11-24 26h43m

Audio:     12:31
Vocab:      9:03
Reading:    1:01
Grammar:    4:08

Two weeks worth of updates this time.

I've reached (and completed) lesson #23 in my intensive listening plan so I should be
able to complete season 2 in the next few days, which was one of my goals for
November. As I keep listening to the LI dialogues during my commute they are becoming
easier and easier to understand. I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I've been missing
so much until now that it's quite a pleasant surprise to find that all that listening
did help after all.

I've put most of the kanji vocabulary from A Homestay in Japan into Anki and I'm
staring to activate it. I should be starting to work through this book in my tutorials
from this week, so it'll be interesting to see exactly how much I'm missing when

Memrise and Anki are being kept more or less up to date. I've not been doing memrise
every day as I seem to be able to catch up very quickly. Similarly I've let the Anki
sentences deck slip but I'll get that going again this week I hope.

I'm in two minds about how useful memrise is for kanji. What I'd like to be able to do
(optionally) is be presented with English translation and have time to write out the
kanji on paper before entering the kana and using IME to make the kanji. That way I can
check whether I do remember the kanji rather than the kana. As it stands there's just
not enough time to do this before it shows me the kanji anyway. I suppose I could
minimize the browser and then maximise it again when I've written the kanji, but that's
a bit of a palaver. My kanji deck will provide me with plenty of kanji->meaning
drilling, so it's really something->kanji that I'd like to get out of memrise.

I've reviewd MNN (again) as far as chapter 32. I may not get through all of the rest
before the end of the month. But I'll keep going into December if necessary as it's
still a helpful refresher.

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