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Another 日本語 Journal

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Bilingual Triglot
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4613 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 241 of 256
12 December 2015 at 1:31am | IP Logged 
W/E 2015-11-15 40h41m

Audio:       14:10
Vocab:       00:35
Reading:     11:26
Grammar:     01:43
Video:       12:47

W/E 2015-11-22 30h26m

Audio:       08:56
Vocab:       00:26
Reading:     11:03
Grammar:     02:24
Video:       07:37

W/E 2015-11-29 37h42m

Audio:       14:12
Vocab:       00:35
Reading:     13:31
Grammar:     01:58
Video:       07:26

W/E 2015-12-06 44h32m

Audio:       22:22
Vocab:       00:23
Reading:     09:58
Grammar:     03:15
Video:       08:34

I've been too busy to update, so that's a month's worth of statistics in one go.

This was the month leading up to the JLPT N2 exam. I tried to get in as much intensive reading as I could, mostly exam-focussed stuff
from 新完全マスター. I also tried to watch more than I had been doing in the recent past: a few series, ふるさと再生 日本の昔ばなし and some
intensive watching of ミス・パイロット.

There were a few mock exams too along with some post-mock-exam analysis. In fact the analysis often takes much longer than the exam

This last month of more exam-focussed work certainly helped but probably not enough.

Still, there's always next time!

I now need to decide how I should go about preparing for the next part of my 日本語 旅立ち. I know I need to be able to read much more
quickly and with greater understanding. I now have another 16 novels to help with that. I also need to hear much more Japanese, and so I
think I'll put greater focus on watching native materials. Perhaps I'll try having something from crunchyroll playing in the background
at work too.

I've arranged to have three of the N1 新完全マスター books head my way for Christmas, so I'm certainly committing to more Japanese next
year (even if there is no TAC, as seems to be increasingly likely).

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Bilingual Triglot
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4613 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 242 of 256
31 December 2015 at 5:58pm | IP Logged 
W/E 2015-12-13 35h58m

Audio:       15:49
Vocab:       00:26
Reading:     11:15
Grammar:     01:51
Video:       06:37

W/E 2015-12-20 30h38m

Audio:       10:04
Vocab:       00:29
Reading:     10:08
Grammar:     02:24
Video:       07:33

W/E 2015-12-27 28h12m                                                       

Audio:       10:19
Vocab:       00:02
Reading:     08:08
Grammar:     02:25
Video:       07:18

I've been a little remiss with my updates lately.

I've tried to put more time into Japanese drama and reading lately. For the first two weeks of this update I
was trying to emphasise reading. I'm up to about p100 of 新完全マスター N2 読解. I hope to get to finish the book
by the end of January or thereabouts. For this first pass through I'm looking up vocabulary as required and
adding it to Anki (although without activating it yet).

I'm still working through ミス・パイロット intensively but I've also started to re-watch episodes of ふるさと再生 日
本の昔ばなし intensively too. (I've caught up with the broadcast schedule so there's only one new episode per
week). ふるさと再生 日本の昔ばなし is a little easier to watch intensively than ミス・パイロット. Instead of one 45m
episode, it is one ~24m episode but each one consists of three standalone tales. The level seems to vary quite
a bit: sometimes I can understand a lot and sometimes I have to go over things half a dozen times to get the
gist of what is being said.

I'm still slowly reading through うたかた intensively, but my current reading focus is on the 読解 book.

My tutorials don't resume until the 11th of January, so I'll only be dipping into みんなの日本語中級 II
sporadically between now and then. The layout seems a bit different to book I, so that's something else to get
used to I guess.

The three N1 新完全マスター books I asked for for Christmas have turned up but I expect that it will be a good
few months before I begin to tackle those: I have plenty of other material to keep me busy before I move on to
N1 material.

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Bilingual Triglot
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4613 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 243 of 256
05 January 2016 at 11:05pm | IP Logged 
W/E 2016-01-03 21h58m

Audio:       06:23
Vocab:       00:28
Reading:     07:32
Grammar:     00:58
Video:       06:37

As it's the week after Christmas, not that much got done. As there was no commute, there wasn't much audio happening: mostly just when I went for a walk in
the evening.

I kept RTK and Anki going, and I made an attempt to kick start grammar consolidation by going back to 日本語総まとめN3文法. I reviewed Week 1 Days 1-6 on Saturday
and then a few hours later tried the exercises. I think I'll try to get into a rhythm of reading through a week's worth of grammar points on one day and then
trying the question on the next day, perhaps doing a day of 復習 on the third day. 日本語総まとめ is really quite short, and it's N3 so it should mostly be in my
head already. If that works out OK then perhaps I'll carry on and review 新完全マスター N3 文法 too.

I've joined TAC 2016 for Japanese and German (my log is here).
I will have to sit down soon and come up with a plan (or even two plans!).

I finished watching the mini-series サキ. I was watching with subtitles but overall the language seemed fairly simple, so I think I'll try reviewing it
intensively once I finish with ミス・パイロット.

I'm also determined to start reading a few NHK News articles on a daily basis (or as near to that as I can manage). This week I did manage 8 articles but that
was a big binge on Wednesday plus a few on Saturday. I want to spread it out a bit more and try to make it a (good) habit rather than a target.
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Bilingual Triglot
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4613 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 244 of 256
20 January 2016 at 9:43pm | IP Logged 
W/E 2016-01-10 33h34m                                            

Audio:        13:39
Vocab:        00:15
Reading:      09:15
Grammar:      04:24
Video:        06:01

W/E 2016-01-17 36h54m

Audio:        15:19
Vocab:        00:00
Reading:      12:44
Grammar:      03:59
Video:        04:52

I've managed to finish watching 天皇の料理番. I found it to be an interesting little story, so I'll probably watch it
again without subtitles soon. I've caught up with ふるさと再生 日本の昔ばなし so I'm down to one episode a week (hen I
remember to watch it).

I'm making slow progress through うたかた, mostly because there's just not that much time spare to read it. I've
been supplementing that with NHK News and I've managed to read at least two articles on 7 days over this fortnight.
That's not quite the number of days that I was aiming for, but at least it's a start.

I'm steadily working through the exercises in 日本語総まとめ N3 文法 and I expect to have a bunch of revision target
grammar points in another week or so at most.

Work with 新完全マスター N2 読解 has been very spotty: basically I fit it in when I can. Now that I'm trying to get
through some German too, that cuts down the number of opportunities during the week.

I've decided to go back to JPOD101 Upper Intermediate and start each session from Lesson 1. That way I'll repeat
the first 3 - 5 lessons (depending on the how long the commute takes) twice a day. I did think that I'd get really
bored after a few days, but so far it's been OK. I'm finding new nuggets in the lesson commentary each time
through. I've found some time to listen to the first lesson intensively again: I think I need one more intensive
pass to try and get every last word.

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Bilingual Triglot
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4613 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 245 of 256
26 January 2016 at 10:19pm | IP Logged 
W/E 2016-01-24 24h34m

Audio:        9:53
Vocab:        00:23
Reading:      10:23
Grammar:      03:08
Video:        00:47

This is the first week where I've used half the commute consistently for German. That's obviously cut down the amount of Japanese audio that I have consumed.

I did manage to read NHK News on five separate days, so that's finally getting under way.

On the grammar front, I finished the final exercises from 日本語総まとめ N3 文法. I need to go over the incorrect responses and draw up a grammar revision list, but in
the meantime I'll probably begin to tackle 新完全マスター N3 文法; that is a much bulkier book though, so it will be a long term piece of work. I also think I need to
spend more time with みんなの日本語中級 II to maximise the benefit from my tutorials. Not quite sure what's going to have to drop off the work list though.

My reading of うたかた is quite sporadic now. I have no set time that I can dedicate to it, so it sometimes seems to get forgotten.

The other thing that dropped off the radar this week has been Japanese drama. I think I'll find myself another series to watch and make sure that I have something
available for late in the evening when I'm too tired to read or study but I'm OK to watch something.

I've been keeping Anki going. I have, however, let RTK drop for most of the week, and then caught up in two large splurges over the weekend. I think I'll probably
switch RTK to every other day - that way I can probably still cover it properly over lunchtime without rushing.

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Bilingual Triglot
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4613 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 246 of 256
05 February 2016 at 7:15pm | IP Logged 
W/E 2016-01-31 34h07m

Audio:        12:49
Vocab:        00:28
Reading:      14:41
Grammar:      03:51
Video:        02:18

Again I managed to read NHK News on 5 separate days. I did also manage to read a little うたかた whilst also managing a few pages of 新完全マ
スター N2 読解. In future I think I'm going to work through to the end of 新完全マスター N2 読解 before I read any further into うたか: that way
I can feel I'm making progress with something.

I managed a bit more drama this week, but it's still not enough I don't think.

I need to find more time and I think that Anki is probably going to be where I find it.
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Bilingual Triglot
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4613 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 247 of 256
08 February 2016 at 11:35pm | IP Logged 
W/E 2016-02-07 33h21m

Audio:        09:24
Vocab:        00:22
Reading:      15:00
Grammar:      05:00
Video:        03:35

I've made a little bit of progress with 新完全マスター N2 読解 but then I hit a
succession of tougher passages
around p130. So I'm going to go back and re-do those, taking them much more slowly.

On a more positive note, I did manage to read NHK News 5 times this week.

The amount of drama I've watched has improved, but not by a lot. Still needs more
work here.

I found more example sentences (DOxJG this time, and I think I have a spreadsheet
with the sentences from KIC
somewhere too) so I've decided to let my Kanji deck lie fallow for a while. Instead
I'll be working on the
sentences to see whether that helps me to retain vocabulary more effectively.

Edited by dampingwire on 03 March 2016 at 12:20am

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Bilingual Triglot
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4613 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 248 of 256
03 March 2016 at 12:37am | IP Logged 
W/E 2016-02-14 35h04m

Audio:        08:08
Vocab:        00:25
Reading:      12:56
Grammar:      03:54
Video:        09:41

W/E 2016-02-21 35h12m

Audio:        10:14
Vocab:        00:21
Reading:      11:58
Grammar:      03:54
Video:        08:45

W/E 2016-02-28 33h52m

Audio:        08:50
Vocab:        00:14
Reading:      11:45
Grammar:      02:58
Video:        10:05

So another delayed update. Overall I've pushed both watching drama and sentence work in Anki.
Grammar study and reading are what's lost out over the last few weeks. My weekly tutorial
keeps the grammar ticking over. I'm managing to read NHK News most days and I'm also reading
lost of isolated sentences in Anki, but I've not managed to do any real reading for a week
or so. I'll try to balance that out soon.

My Anki vocab deck is still drifting away. In its place I've activated over 1000 sentences
from a DOBJG deck. I now need to work on getting that deck manageable again. I'm doing that
by reviewing ~200 sentences per day. I'm clicking Good or Easy on 90%+ of them. As the later
ones in the queue have had to wait for days before I get around to them, they mostly immediately
jump into the middle of next week for the next review. Hopefully, once I get past this initial
phase, that should leave me mostly with sentences that have new vocabulary or which use some
point of grammar that I missed first time around. I'm also adding 10 new sentences from iKnow
each day and I'll continue to do so as long as the additional review load stays below 200
sentences per day.

I'm also going through the records I've kept of the exrcises I've done in 日本語総まとめ N3 文法.
I'm compiling a list of those grammar points that I didn't know well enough to avoid making errors.
I'll do the same for 新完全マスター N3 文法, but my progress through that review has stalled because
of the drama + Anki load.

I've been watching a drama called ドラゴン桜. I thought I'd found it online without subs, but it
turns out to have Italian subs. Luckily I've found some Japanese subs to go with it, so I
expect that I'll go through it in detail in the same way that I did with ミス・パイロット. This
one is set in a school, so the language will be quite different.

Finally, as things are fairly quiet here at HTLAL, I'm going to mirror future posts to this log
over at the alternate forum.

Edited by dampingwire on 03 March 2016 at 3:06pm

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