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Joined 4226 days ago

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 Message 33 of 101
08 March 2013 at 12:49pm | IP Logged 
Yeah RTK3 introduces a handful of new primitive elements, but very few. At the start it
also introduces some Kanji which act as primitives because they appear so frequently.
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Studies: Japanese

 Message 34 of 101
08 March 2013 at 6:22pm | IP Logged 
Ah, I see. Thank you. I haven't really looked into RTK3 too much. I certainly do want to study a few of the kanji there
as well, because things like 嬉しい are apparently only introduced in the third book. We'll see, the German version is
supposed to be released this month.
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Studies: Japanese

 Message 35 of 101
10 March 2013 at 5:21pm | IP Logged 
I have reached the half point in RTK *__*
Well, for me at least. I spent all of yesterday deleting the cards from my deck that are included in neither JALUP
mod, nor the RTK lite deck. There are 1797 facts in my RTK deck now. However, I will add 200-something cards
from RTK3 + cards from the supplement once I am done with RTK.

Due to being sick I am having a hard time reading Yotsuba. The scans I have are rather small and reading the
furigana can be really tiring for me. I have been feeling sick, literally, after reading only a few pages and I think it
might be because I need to focus too hard to read the small furigana. That hasn't really been a problem before so
I think it is due to feeling sick in general. I have been reading quite a few blog entries because I can zoom in on
them without the characters getting blurry.

I have been listening to Japanesepod101 while commuting to and from class and I have noticed that my grammar
might not be as weak as I had thought. I am currently going through the Lower Intermediate series and I have
studied a lot of the grammar points presented before. However, there are still some episodes I don't understand
because there is too much new stuff for me. It is really mostly vocab. I am often lost without the pdf and can't
follow the conversation because I am lacking the vocab. Because of that I seem to get stressed or something like
that, because as soon as I hit a few words I don't understand the whole dialogue turns into just "random noise"
and I have trouble getting back into the mindset where it is ok not to understand every word.

Once I am done with RTK and have more time I want to start creating my own Japanesepod Anki deck. I really like
that during the Lower Intermediate season, the vocab and grammar is explained in Japanese. I think once I have
studied more vocab through Core I will be able to move on to J-J sentences. However, right now I just really really
need to work on vocab. I hope through Core and native material I will be able to get more words to stick and
therefore, be able to focus more on grammar.
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Joined 6058 days ago

120 posts - 133 votes 
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Studies: Japanese

 Message 36 of 101
12 March 2013 at 2:50pm | IP Logged 
I thought it was today, but it seems like tomorrow will be the day my RTK deck turns 30 days.
I cannot believe it has almost been a month of daily reviews. I am really proud of myself because I haven't missed
a day of reviews and I have this urge to finish all of my reviews quickly. What I get from that is that it is true what
people say: after about 21 days you develop a habit.

Now I feel like I HAVE to review in the morning either before I leave or while I am on the train. Even if it is just for
a little bit I cannot help reviewing. However, adding new stories still feels more like a chore rather than anything
else. I honestly don't know why because I mostly just copy the stories from RevTK and just capitalize the
primitives and remove the keyword. This seems to be the main reason why I cannot do more than 30 kanji a day.
I just cannot be bothered with adding more keywords. I really wish I knew why that is because I know they are

Recently it also feels like I have learned a lot of kanji. When I look at a text I know quite a few of them, or rather, I
should know. I am feeling kind of how I felt a while ago when I would see a kanji and KNOW I had seen it but just
couldn't think of the meaning. Having reached the point where I know that through repetition I WILL be able to
know the meaning once it has really learned the kanji, I am trying not to stress to much about it. But it is hard,
because it makes me feel like it is not working as well as it should. I guess it is just a phase and I have to get over
that. After all, according to my calculations I will be done with RTK1 in a mere 27 days. I never would have
dreamt that this would be possible.

Being at this point in RTK where I am know I can certainly see why people would quit around the half point mark.
While it feels good to be halfway done it also in a way feels like there is still so much more to learn. I don't know
if it is true or not or if that is just my observation from doing 30 kanji by day rather than going per lesson, but it
feels like there have been a lot more primitives introduces recently. Like I said, it could just be me, but it seems
like a learn have to learn something new in addition to the kanji I already know. Also, those silly synonyms. I can
really see why people would want to pull out their hair over them. I am not affected too much by it because my
deck is a bit different from the rest. I usually have the German story on the question and the German keyword +
Japanese compound side. (Plus dictionary definitions) Sometimes I also include the English keyword either
because the story seems to flow better in English or because the English helps me understand the meaning of the
German keyword better. Also, the English and German keywords use different meanings so I will either try to
work both of the definitions into the story or stick with the (seemingly) more common used meaning, usually the
German one.

Core is going really well. I really like doing the deck because it is a lot faster than doing RTK and I can do it on
the go. (I write out each kanji for RTK because I think it helps me visualize and remember it better) Because of
that I have also been adding quite a few additional card throughout the day because studying 10 new Core words
usually takes only about 5 minutes. Well, let's just say, because of that I had to do a 45 minute Core review today

Currently I have studied about over 440 cards. I am using the optimized Core deck and I am using the standard
settings, as in there is the Cloze-deleted Japanese sentence, vocab word + English sentence and picture on the
question side. Right now I just care about getting the word right, as in, knowing how to pronounce it. I haven't
really worried too much about the kanji, both in the word and in the sentence. However, I do want to change the
card style to kanji -> kana once I am done with RTK. I feel that right now it would be overkill to worry about
readings because I am only just halfway done with RTK.
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Joined 6058 days ago

120 posts - 133 votes 
Speaks: German*, English
Studies: Japanese

 Message 37 of 101
15 March 2013 at 1:34pm | IP Logged 
The Japanese TV streaming site doesn't seem to work anymore, or at least for me it doesn't. I only get a black
screen when I am trying to load a channel but it never actually seems to load. I have noticed that I do enjoy
having Japanese TV playing in the background though so I did a bit of digging and found something over at
d-addicts. The thread links two Japanese
sites that provide links to variety shows. I already tried out a few of them and they seem to be working. :D I just
hope that this time the sites won't disappear within a few days.

I am always encouraging my boyfriend to pick up Japanese as well. He is also very interested in the Japanese
culture and really likes anime. However, so far he hasn't really been motivated to study. He recently ordered
Genki 1 online and yesterday we have went over the first chapter together. He really liked it and so did I. :) I hope
that I can encourage him more and show him that it is possible to study Japanese while being a full-time student
and working part time. I know it won't be easy but I really noticed that there is a lot of "dead time" during the day
that I could use to study Japanese.

I recently obtained the JALUP navi file including the J-J sentence pack. Let's just say, J-J is still way to difficult for
me. However, I think that while working through Genki with my boyfriend I could pick up a few J-E sentences
along the way. Having the file really motivates me to study more. I usually hardly ever have anything playing in
the background when browsing the web, but seeing as I actually get points for doing so I have started to do it
more. What can I say, I LOVE competing and earning points. That is also one of the reasons I was so drawn to
Memrise. However, the fact that I could only study words in isolation really annoyed me.

I really enjoy watching Sharehouse no Koibito. Despite the fact that the plot is a bit meh, I love the fact that
I am able to understand so much without subs. I understand most of what is being talked about and if not I can
usually infer what is being said. I like the characters though, so that helps.

I also started watching Ghost Mama Sousaen last night. I remember catching an episode of the show when
I was in Japan and liking it. So far I almost at the end of episode one and I understand a lot, which is really great.
The story so far is really enjoyable, but then again, most of episode one has been setting up the scene and

Core has been going kind of meh as well. I never knew there were so many different reading for 下 and 上. The
optimized deck as all of those words right next to each other which is awful because I mix them up a lot. Maybe
it will get better after more reviews. I also noticed that there are some words used that I have neither heard nor
seen before. It could just be my imagination but it seems a bit odd seeing as I only doing Core2000 right now. So
far I have studied a bit over 500 kanji which makes me hopeful that I will finish at least the first 2000 relatively
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Joined 6058 days ago

120 posts - 133 votes 
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Studies: Japanese

 Message 38 of 101
21 March 2013 at 8:48pm | IP Logged 
Studying kanji seems to get harder and harder. I don't really know why but recently I don't feel as excited about
studying new words and I do my RTK reviews as one of the last things I do before I go to bad.

It might be partially due to the fact that I have had to take the bus instead of the train for the past week for a
good chunk of my commute which doesn't really give me time to review kanji then. I have also had a pretty tough
week with family issues and university leaving me little time to concentrate on Japanese.

I have more or less given up on reading anything in Japanese because I just couldn't be bothered with doing so. I
do hope this will get better after tomorrow when I will be one a three week Easter break. There is still going to be
quite a bit of stuff to do but it should be alright.

I do love Core though and I am looking forward to the day when I can do only Core and just review RTK.I think it's
because I don't need a pen or paper to review and generally is A LOT faster than reviewing RTK. I don't think I am
burned out or anything because I still feel very motivated to study it just feels a lot harder recently.

Then again, I read that RTK does get harder after the half way point. I just need to timebox more efficiently
because once I start reviewing I actually really like it and do a lot more then I had intended. it is just that starting
takes such a long time, or rather, adding stories does. Then again I can really see how much I have accomplished.
I have only another 560 unseen kanji in my deck which means that I have studied over 2/3 of the kanji in my
deck. I am on frame ~1385 and I think I can do it. :) with more free time on my hands I will power through and
finish in a bit over two weeks. I can do this :D
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Joined 6058 days ago

120 posts - 133 votes 
Speaks: German*, English
Studies: Japanese

 Message 39 of 101
25 March 2013 at 5:51pm | IP Logged 
The Easter holidays have officially started and there is snow all over.
I don't have to do too much for college, or at least I have a bit more time left to get it done.

I do want to finish RTK as soon as possible though but it is getting harder and harder. I have added quite a lot of
stories to anki, and I am about 80 stories ahead of schedule which is nice. I also started to do my reviews first
and then later study and review new cards. This way I am a lot faster than before. I would love to be done with
RTK by the end of this week but I think I will burn out if I rush too much. (416 more to go!) so what I will do
instead is study 5 additional kanji over the course of the day every time I feel like it. I think that way it is easier to
not burn out.

I also changed my Core deck to go from the Japanese sentence to English translation and furigana. There are a
few cards I failed because of that because I didn't know the kanji. It does seem to help me with my reading speed
though which is really great and helpful. I do wonder whether I will learn the actual word in doing so though. As
in, will I be able to actively USE the word later on rather than just recognize it?

While Anki is still fun it does feel like a chore sometimes because I often feel unmotivated to do more in Japanese
because I feel drained. It is mostly because of adding the stories though seeing as reviews don't take me too
long. (usually a 1- 1 1/2 hours) I think once RTK is over I will finally have more time to do all the fun things. It
does really help though so I just need to push through. I can do it :)
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Joined 6058 days ago

120 posts - 133 votes 
Speaks: German*, English
Studies: Japanese

 Message 40 of 101
29 March 2013 at 11:16am | IP Logged 
Time boxing really really helps. I am down to 200 kanji I have to study before I am done with RTK1 and can move
on to the supplement. It is 11 am now and if I just study 10 new kanji per hour I will be able study 100 kanji per
day. I have been studying a bit over an hour in order to review my Core deck with 100 reviews, and my RTK deck
with 200 reviews due.

I noticed that I seem to prefer variety shows over dramas these days and I think it is because I feel like there
aren't any great dramas out there I haven't seen. you know, shows that make me want to continue watching. Saki
was a show like that, but I thought that I wouldn't be able to understand a whole lot so I decided to watch it with
subs. :X

I don't seem to have the same problem with variety shows, and I think it is because I don't expect to understand a
whole lot anyways. With dramas it is different because I think I will understand quite a bit and if I don't I get
easily frustrated. Now I just wish that they would stop airing baseball and air more interesting shows when I have
time to watch Japanese TV. pretty please? ^^

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