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Another 日本語 Journal

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Bilingual Triglot
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United Kingdom
Joined 4613 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 177 of 256
30 June 2014 at 7:36pm | IP Logged 
W/E 2014-06-29 38h18m

Audio:    13:47
Vocab:     1:54
Reading:   8:42
Grammar: 13:13
Video:     0:43

The JLPT looms so I'm back to the books for a bit. I've been working through 日本語総まと
め N3 文法 again, this time covering the "day 7" exercises as well as the per day/lesson
ones. I'm pleased to find that the "rebuild this sentence" questions aren't as bad as
they used to be. This time though I'm probably getting 80% of them right. There are
still some areas where I'm weak, but mostly things are much better than before.

I've also been covering as many mock tests as I can. I've done the 3 that came with my
tutor's book. I have another book with two more, of which I've done one. I also have
the official JLPT mock test, which I'll tackle tonight and tomorrow. The mock tests
take about 2 hours to get through, but the real time investment comes when I go through
in detail to pick out where I'm going wrong. That takes about 3 hours or more for the
grammar paper. Hopefully it will all help on Sunday.

I'm still keeping the audio going during the commute. I've also kept RTK and Anki up to
date. I have slightly expanded my anki decks slightly as I've added any new vocabulary
from mock tests and activated all of that: probably 150 new words.

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Bilingual Triglot
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4613 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 178 of 256
10 July 2014 at 12:46am | IP Logged 
W/E 2014-07-06 41h17m

Audio:   18:25
Vocab:    3:02
Reading: 7:45
Grammar: 9:22
Video:    2:43

S:C Books: book: 37 pages, film: 11h28m

Although I managed to fit in 41 hours of Japanese this week, most of that was about an
extra hour of revision most days plus a rather long Sunday that included about 6 hours
of listening to Japanese while travelling plus about 2-1/2 hours of Japanese

I managed to get through most of the NHK News headline articles on most days. I sat and
then analysed a few more mock tests during the week. I also polished off the last of
the 日本語総まとめ N3 文法 revision.

I also started to work through Harry Potter 1. I have since found a number of short
graded-reader style stories on the net, so I'll be working through those before I
resume Harry Potter.

Now that N3 is out of the way, I'm trying to put together a study plan for N2. It never
ends, does it :-)

Edited by dampingwire on 10 July 2014 at 12:48am

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Bilingual Triglot
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4613 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 179 of 256
21 July 2014 at 6:05pm | IP Logged 
W/E 2014-07-13 29h13m

Audio:   11:26
Vocab:    4:24
Reading: 6:00
Grammar: 2:33
Video:    4:50

W/E 2014-07-20 33h15m

Audio: 10:36
Vocab:   6:14
Reading: 6:03
Grammar: 4:12
Video:   6:10

Over the last two weeks I've started top get back into the swing of working with

The audio during the commute is still going strong. I did try the Harry Potter 1
audiobook for a while, but I'm back to the JPOD101 LI dialogues, as I think I get more
out of those.

I'm keeping RTK and my anki kanji deck up to date, but I've started to activate the N2
words in my vocabulary deck. Rather than try to keep up with the reviews, I'm just
going to limit myself to however much I feel like doing. I think I'll keep going like
this until I've activate all the N2 vocabulary and then I'll get the reviews under

I'm back to working through みんなの日本語中級 with my tutor, although I'm also throwing
in a piece of translation each week too.

For reading I've been working through some online graded readers, plus a bit of NHK

For drama and anime I've started watching 天地人 – this is one of those NHK 大河 drama
series, with ~ 47 45m episodes. I'm also watching ふたつのスピカ, which is definitely much
further towards the "understandable" part of the spectrum.

I've made a gentle start with 日本語総まとめ N2 文法. Some of it is stuff that I've
already covered under N3 and some ofit is stuff that's simply not mentioned in the
master index in DOAJG. Luckily the internet has helped out with everything so far.

I've also started to work through Kanji in Context. I've started a new KIC anki deck,
where I record each kanji, its RTK keyword, its readings and a stroke-order diagram (I
found an anki extension to supply these). For each uni I'm also going through the
sentences and adding all the unknown vocabulary to Anki, although I've not yet started
to activate any of this. The first ~300 or so kanji should be fairly straightforward so
I'm really just priming the pump before turning on the stream of new knowledge once
there's enough in there for me to sink my teeth into.

I've decided to stop counting news and audiobooks for the SC. I'll worry about
adjusting my totals to remove those at a later stage. (I know it's not necessary, but
if I'm going to challenge myself, then I need to be OK with what I'm counting :-)).

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Bilingual Triglot
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4613 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 180 of 256
30 July 2014 at 6:01pm | IP Logged 
W/E 2014-07-27 18h34m

Audio:   1:26
Vocab:   4:42
Reading: 5:51
Grammar: 2:11
Video:   4:24

SC Books: book: 63 pages, film: 4h24m

SC "strict" excess: 130 pages + 72h.

The second half of this week was spent in Lago di Garda so only a limited amount
of study time was available then and only a limited amount of study material (basically
one Japanese novel and the 日本語総まとめ N2 文法 book).

On Monday and Tuesday I managed some drama and anime and activated a few hundred N2
vocabulary items in Anki. The rest of the week was spent reading (extensively, since I
had no reliable internet access) or working through the grammar book.

In the SC thread I worked out that if I'm
going to try for the strict version of the challenge then I need to lose 192 pages and
72h33m. There's no way to tweet negatively, so instead I'll just tweet a lower amount
for reading and watching and keep track privately of how much I need to still lose to
restore the stats to the position that they should be. I'll still tweet at least one
book or film's worth to keep my streak (assuming I have done that much).

As it so happens I've done enough reading that I can probably get my book status to the
right position in a week or two.

So this week rather than tweeting the numbers above I'll tweet 1 page read which means
I now need to lose 130 pages. I'll also tweet 3h51m, losing 33m, which makes my watched
deficit an easy to manage 72h.

Edited by dampingwire on 30 July 2014 at 6:24pm

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Bilingual Triglot
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4613 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 181 of 256
05 August 2014 at 12:04am | IP Logged 
W/E 2014-08-03 31h30m

Audio:    4:57
Vocab:    3:41
Reading: 12:57
Grammar: 4:56
Video:    4:59

SC Books: book: 140 pages but 10 tweeted, film: 4h59m but 1h59m tweeted

SC "strict" excess: 0 pages + 69h.

The first two days this week was spent in Lago di Garda so only a little grammar
and quite a lot of reading was done.

Since returning I've managed to finish my first "real" Japanese book (うたかた/サンクチュアリ)
and I've got back into the swing of watching anime and J-drama.

I've also managed to catch up my Anki kanji deck and begun to activate more N2 words
for the vocabulary deck. I've yet to tackle RTK, so there's a 400+ entry review
waiting for me there I think.

As I've managed a lot of reading, I've been able to correct my SC reading so that it now
reflects the reality of a strict challenge. I seem to have upset the bot somehow as my
reading chart has vanished (although the tweeted number of pages does show up properly).
I've still got 69 hours of watching to correct and that's going to take some time. I
suppose that shows that the time I've spent listening to Japanese audio during the
commute really does build up quite quickly.

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Bilingual Triglot
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4613 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 182 of 256
11 August 2014 at 9:48pm | IP Logged 
W/E 2014-08-10 21h47m

Audio:    8:56
Vocab:    4:19
Reading: 1:27
Grammar: 1:03
Video:    6:02

SC Books: book: 4 pages, film: 6h02m but 2h02m tweeted

SC "strict" excess: 0 pages + 65h.

A lot of time has gone into catching up at work and family and a wedding to attend at the weekend,
so the time for study has been a little limited this week.

I've caught up RTK and kept the anki Kanji deck going. I'm still activating vocabulary
in the Vocab deck: 1197 still to go.

In contrast to last week I've done almost no real reading this week. There's always been something else
to get sorted first and the new book is somewhat tougher. I'll just have tio make more of an effort
this week.

I think I am beginning to understand a little more when watching anime without subs (currently
ブルージェンダー and 名探偵ホームズ) but N2 still isn't looking like a breeze at this stage!

I'm getting through 日本語総まとめ N2 文法 slowly: I expect that I'll have reached the end in a few
weeks. Rather than repeating it immediately I think I'm going to tackle 新完全マスター N2 文法 as
that will force me to read more.

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Bilingual Triglot
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4613 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 183 of 256
18 August 2014 at 11:15pm | IP Logged 
W/E 2014-08-17 40h26m

Audio:   10:40
Vocab:    9:39
Reading: 4:37
Grammar: 5:39
Video:    9:28

SC Books: book: 8 pages, film: 9h28m but 1h58mm tweeted

SC "strict" excess: 0 pages + 57.5h.

I managed to make good use of otherwise spare time this week and thereby got quite a lot of viewing

RTK is up to date and the anki Kanji deck is too. I've pushed through to the end of activating the N2
vocabulary in the Vocab deck. I've now set it to suspend mercilessly so that I don't keep seeing words
that won't easily stick. I'll go through the suspended words in a few months when the dust settles.
Right now anki would like me to review ~3000 words in this deck. I'll stick to ~30m/day and let
suspension deal with the problem words.

I spent my reading time this week looking through for a more suitable book to read. I settled on ほのかの
ひかり because I managed to read the first few pages and understand what was going on. Admittedly this
was with a dictionary, but that approach didn't help much with 彩雲国物語! Hopefully my reading will begin
to pick up over the newt few days.

I still have the last few days worth of 日本語総まとめ N2 文法 to polish off before moving to 新完全マスター.
I'm still going through みんなの日本語中級 with my tutor at a much more leisurely pace (covering all the
exercises and discussing the presented text etc.) so hopefully nothing will be left out overall.

Looking back I've managed to fit in quite a lot of Japanese native video material. I'll hope to keep
this up in the coming weeks.

The only minor wrinkle in my master plan is that I've not yet managed to do any proper shadowing,
even though it's in my August goals. I really will
try to at least make a start on shadowing this week (although I've probably left it too late to actually
meet the goal).

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Bilingual Triglot
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4613 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 184 of 256
25 August 2014 at 12:45pm | IP Logged 
W/E 2014-08-24 36h08m

Audio:   11:09
Vocab:    3:30
Reading: 9:51
Grammar: 4:31
Video:    7:07

SC Books: book: 52 pages, film: 7h07m but 1:37m tweeted

SC "strict" excess: 0 pages + 52h.

RTK is still up to date and the anki Kanji deck is too. My vocab deck is now set to suspend quite quickly; I have some
2700 words left to review before thing settle down.

ほのかなひかり has proved to be much easier to read so I've managed to put a reasonable amount into reading this week.

I've finished with 日本語総まとめ N2 文法. I've had a brief introductory look at 新完全マスター. I've not started it in
earnest yet; I read through the introduction and tried to make sense of the first grammar point (際). I was already
familiar with it so it all made sense.

I've still not made a start on shadowing. However, as I don't really have any further time available and there's
nothing I would rather not have done to make room for shadowing, it's just going to have to wait, goal or no goal.

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