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Via Diva
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1109 posts - 1427 votes 
Speaks: Russian*, English
Studies: German, Italian, French, Swedish, Esperanto, Czech, Greek

 Message 793 of 812
04 August 2015 at 5:22am | IP Logged 
Nothing evaluates your progress as good as trying to write sentences from words you've learned in Memrise.
Yeah, I am exaggerating, yet still. This

took me 15 minutes and extensive use of wikitionary. Which makes me think that I should throw the old textbook away. I sat with it for 25 minutes yesterday, I've learned that there are diphthongs, that consonants deafen even fore often than in
Russian, looked at three verbs, tried to do the reading exercise - I wonder whether I am ever going to read good enough and not think of Russian - but then the next task was to insert the right forms of verbs into the sentences and I knew I was
exhausted. Sometimes I think these books were written for geniuses - but probably I just need to concentrate. Frankly, yesterday wasn't a good day for studies for various reasons, and probably I am being too harsh, but I just don't know anymore. I
need something like Michel Thomas, but I never saw a course for Czech, so gotta cope without that.
I also wonder when the hell would Czech vocabulary stop to make me roar with laughter. Czech hospod means pub, and the closest words in Russian are господин (mister) and господь (god). Or, horký, which sounds like Russian
bitter, but means hot.

Yet some things look like sort of forgotten past for Russian. Remember the example with to order and to forbid? I tweeted this:
Russian zakazat' means to order, Czech zakázat means to forbid. However! "Vam put' zakazan" in Russian means "You can't do that"

The response was that among the words for to order in Czech are these: poručit, nakázat. So... in Russian nakazat' means to punish, poruchit' means to delegate.

Maybe we should all just learn Slovio? xD
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Via Diva
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Speaks: Russian*, English
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 Message 794 of 812
06 August 2015 at 5:06am | IP Logged 
Lazy day again yesterday, but considering that I spend most of it at my grandparents I guess it's fine. After all, I did the daily goal in Memrise, even with less mistakes (which I mostly have because I do stuff before thinking) than usual, listened to some
music (it's still hours and hours of listening, so maybe "some" is an understatement), L-Red a chapter - which gets easier even though I it doesn't help with my feelings towards the reader, which are either slightly negative or neutral at best.
And to hell with the old textbook. I got Čeština expres 1 and 2, more modern self-teaching textbook, two guides from some Belarusian university (it's said that there is a load of mistakes, but I need an overview of grammar like in Deutsche Grammatik
mit menschlichem Antlitz
, or in that book on French grammar with hilarious comments to example sentences, which were so funny I shared some screenshots - btw there is the same kind of book for Italian, so if your Russian is good and you want to look at a
language's grammar from Russian POV, PM me and I'll give you directions). I even got another recommendation from the source that started all this adventure, but considering that I listened to one certain live version of Kometa, I should've figured it out by
myself, haha.
By the way, I don't remember having shared the example of my... let's be honest, not beautiful, but just neat Czech handwriting (click the pic for FHD):

Today I have some things to do, tomorrow some other plans intervene... I really have no idea when will I start to study normally, haha. But do I even need to do anything normally? :)
P.S. German is not forgotten. A bit of chatting yesterday, a long message which I was bound to count as writing for 6WC... and, of course, singing, hehe. Don't worry, I won't try to throw the recordings or stupid ideas for monthly challenges again.
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Via Diva
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Joined 4181 days ago

1109 posts - 1427 votes 
Speaks: Russian*, English
Studies: German, Italian, French, Swedish, Esperanto, Czech, Greek

 Message 795 of 812
06 August 2015 at 2:47pm | IP Logged 
Eh I didn't ask for a trouble of liking a song which is not just in Czech, but in its dialect... but, well, if I listen carefully, remember the little bits of Ukrainian which I know (година), I should actually be able to understand this song without
troubles. I just should learn to pay attention. Anyway, here's a bit too literal translation of it into Russian (I put it in translit Russian, so that everyone could see the similarity):

Darmo sa ty trápíš můj milý synečku,
Zrja ty gorjuesh', moj milyj synochek,
nenosím já tebe, nenosím v srdéčku,
Ne nesu ja tebja, ne nesu v serdechke,
přece tvoja nebudu, ani jednu hodinu…
Tochno ja ne budu tvoja, ni na odin chas…

Copak sobě myslíš má milá panenko,
Pochemu ty tak myslish', moja milaja panenka,
vždyť ty jsi to moje rozmilé srdénko
Na samom dele ty est' moe dorogoe serdechko
a ty musíš býti má, lebo mi tě Pán Bůh dá…
I ty dolzhna byt' moej, libo mne tebja Gospod' Bog dast…

A já sa udělám malú veveričkú
A ja sebja sdelaju maloj belochkoj
a já ti uskočím z dubu na jedličku,
I ja ot tebja uskachu s duba na sosenku,
přece tvoja nebudu, ani jednu hodinu…
Tochno ja ne budu tvoja, ni na odin chas…

A já chovám doma takú sekérečku,
A ja derzhu doma takoj toporchik,
ona mi podetne dúbek i jedličku
On mne podrubit dubok i sosenku
a ty musíš býti má, lebo mi tě Pán Bůh dá…
I ty dolzhna byt' moej, libo mne tebja Gospod' Bog dast…

A já sa udělám tú malú rybičkú
A ja sebja prevrashhu v maluju rybochku
a já ti uplynu preč po Dunajíčku,
I ja uplyvu ot tebja proch' po Dunaju,
přece tvoja nebudu, ani jednu hodinu…
Tochno ja ne budu tvoja, ni na odin chas…

A já chovám doma takovú udičku,
A ja derzhu doma takuju udochku,
co na ni ulovím kdejakú rybičku
Chto s nej ulovlju mnogo rybok,
a ty přece budeš má, lebo mi tě Pán Bůh dá…
I ty tochno budesh' moja, libo mne tebja Gospod' Bog dast…

A já sa udělám tú velikú vranú
A ja sebja prevrashhu v bol'shuju voronu
a já ti uletím na Uherskú stranu,
I ja ot tebja ulechu na vengerskuju storonu,
přece tvoja nebudu, ani jednu hodinu…
Tochno ja ne budu tvoja, ni na odin chas…

A já chovám doma starodávnú kušu,
A ja derzhu doma starodavnij arbalet,
co ona vystřelí všeckým vranám dušu
On vyb'et vsjakim voronam dushu
a ty musíš býti má, lebo mi tě Pán Bůh dá…
I ty dolzhna byt' moej, libo mne tebja Gospod' Bog dast…

A já sa udělám hvězdičkú na nebi
A ja sdelaju sebja zvjozdochkoj na nebe
a já budu lidem svítiti na nebi,
I ja budu ljudjam svetit' na nebe
přece tvoja nebudu, ani jednu hodinu…
Tochno ja ne budu tvoja, ni na odin chas…

A sú u nás doma takoví hvězdáři,
A est' u nas doma takie zvezdochjoty,
co vypočítajú hvězdičky na nebi
Chto poschitajut zvjozdochki na nebe
a ty musíš býti má, lebo mi tě Pán Bůh dá…
I ty dolzhna byt' moej, libo mne tebja Gospod' Bog dast…

(I used the English translation from there to help)
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Via Diva
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1109 posts - 1427 votes 
Speaks: Russian*, English
Studies: German, Italian, French, Swedish, Esperanto, Czech, Greek

 Message 796 of 812
06 August 2015 at 8:57pm | IP Logged 
I guess, this was unavoidable.

I am not satisfied with that. But I was awake before 6 AM, and it's past midnight. I won't be harsh on myself :)
Lost thread while L-Ring multiple times. Can't say whether these are faults of translations (don't forget that I use the official Russian trasnlation, which I am not a big fan of). Gotta activate the learned vocabulary. And study some grammar. Most probably not
tomorrow, though. Eh, if only I wasn't so lazy.
Almost no German. Die Sprache lebt aber noch.
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Via Diva
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Joined 4181 days ago

1109 posts - 1427 votes 
Speaks: Russian*, English
Studies: German, Italian, French, Swedish, Esperanto, Czech, Greek

 Message 797 of 812
08 August 2015 at 12:29pm | IP Logged 
Week one is over, time to sum some things up:
+ I got a bit familiar with Czech
+ I have stuff to listen to
+ I regularly L-R Harry Potter and learn words in Memrise
- I don't know any grammar
- I am still not sure about the pronunciation and the like (ř!!!)
Some fancy data:
Total 6WC stats


Tags (including what I've done today so far)

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Via Diva
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Joined 4181 days ago

1109 posts - 1427 votes 
Speaks: Russian*, English
Studies: German, Italian, French, Swedish, Esperanto, Czech, Greek

 Message 798 of 812
09 August 2015 at 1:28pm | IP Logged 
So I gave up and decided to do some more or less formal studies - with the speakASAP course. Of course they are not ideal, but nothing is ever ideal, and their methods do work. I would even go for their
30 days language marathon, but they promise only A1 (do you remember my crazy ambitions? xD) and I don't think I should pay 50 Euro for something I can do on my own.
Well, not on my own, with your help too :)
Anyway, that's what the first lesson was about:

The problems/questions are, as following:
1) mixing up jsme and jsem
2) do people mostly say sem instead of jsem, sou instead of jsou and so on?
3) what's the difference between připravení and hotoví?
4) why are singular forms used with formal you? (jste vdaná, jste ženatý)

Apart from that I listened to some radio (Český rozhlas Plus) today, nearly died from laughter (there was a woman with literally cartoonish voice! Like Czech isn't funny enough without it). My phone is set up in Czech now, and I guess smazat isn't the
funniest false friend I am going to encounter there :)
And I L-R Herr aller Dinge again, it's gotten really interesting. This book is huge, though, I wonder when I'll be done, hehe.

Oh, I really don't know who reads my log on the original HTLAL, but thank you for going over 60000 views ^^
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 Message 799 of 812
09 August 2015 at 10:51pm | IP Logged 
I do - and you have more illustrations in this log than I have seen for a long time on HTLAL!
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Via Diva
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1109 posts - 1427 votes 
Speaks: Russian*, English
Studies: German, Italian, French, Swedish, Esperanto, Czech, Greek

 Message 800 of 812
10 August 2015 at 2:04pm | IP Logged 
*fangirl scream*
I actually used to have a lot of pictures in my log long ago. Why not to revive it now :)
I have to activate my Memrise vocabulary.
I have to activate my Memrise vocabulary.
I have to...
I have to drink more coffee.
As I approached the fridge to get some cookies in X time today, I stared at the table that has been hanging there over a year now:

I think it's time to find a replacement. Since the 2nd lesson of the speakASAP course is too damn short (so short that I forgot the stuff that was there already, haha), I can look at the lesson three and try to extract these five groups of Czech verbs which are discussed there (let's hope I'll learn the forms of to be and to have without having to hang a table on my fridge).
I am clearly bad at listening comprehension. From today's hour of listening to Český rozhlas Plus a lot of time was dedicated to some religious talk. Usually that rids me of calm and peace, but I was just fine by the end of that conversation. Probably because I didn't get a thing. I generally manage to get a vague idea - for example, that talk was followed by something about Croatia. No miracles, but it would be foolish to hope for something like this, eh?
I get quite a bit of explanations about Czech grammar, and I am starting to suspect that Czech sometimes mirrors Russian - not in the sense of two things being the same, but the opposite. If I get it right, Czech "a" works like Russian "i", and Russian "a" is Czech "i". Of course it's not as simple as I say, and I have to be much more advanced to really understand what's going on.
Like if that is not enough, do you remember smazat? Well, brace yourself...
mazat = mazat'
smazat - the opposite of smazat'
vymazat - the opposite of vymazat'
namazat (+ idiom meaning of to get drunk) = namazat' (without any idiom meanings)
promazat = promazat' (+ to miss, to hit the wrong spot)
pomazat = pomazat'
umazat ? can be the same as umazat', but frankly I am not sure we even use that often enough
zamazat = zamazat' (+ to cover/ mask something which is usually written)
rozmazat = razmazat' (+ idiom meaning of threat "я тебя по стенке размажу")
On the other hand, ještě works just like the Russian еще. I have got to calm down now xD

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