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 Message 113 of 204
29 January 2013 at 3:34am | IP Logged 
What an interesting activity! I like the way there's - even with only a handful of posts so far - such variety in the
songs we choose. And even with my song, Le Chant des partisans, here are links to two radically different

Yves Montand version: Montand
Zebda's version, called "Motivé":

Zebda's version is the one I first heard, during the course of one of the "Service Protestant" podcasts:
post 78

Wikipedia article, with French lyrics, English translation, and an English translation to fit the melody.
Chant_des_Partisans. Some background: "The
Chant des Partisans was the most popular song of the Free French and French Resistance during World War
II....After the war the Chant des Partisans was so popular, it was proposed as a new national anthem for

Zebda is a group whose songs focus on social justice issues, and their cover "Motivé" focuses on that aspect of
the lyrics (omitting the second verse, with its references to killing).

Italicized lines are the original lyrics, from Wikipedia. Words/phrases in square brackets are one I had trouble
with. My translation's not literal - I've occasionally adapted the text to improve the English.

Le chant des partisans /The partisan's song.

Ami, entends-tu le vol noir des corbeaux sur nos plaines ?
Friends, do you hear the black flight of crows over our plains?

Ami, entends-tu les cris sourds du pays qu'on enchaîne ?
Friends, do you hear [deafened] cries of countries enchained?

Ohé partisans, ouvriers et paysans, c'est l'alarme !
O-hey partisans, workers and farmers, here's the signal

Ce soir l'ennemi connaîtra le prix du sang et des larmes.
Tonight the enemy will know the price of blood and tears.

Montez de la mine, descendez des collines, camarades,
Climb to the [mines] and descend the valleys, comrades,

Sortez de la paille les fusils, la mitraille, les grenades ;
Let the rifles, machine guns and grenades [come out of the hay];

Ohé les tueurs, à la balle et au couteau tuez vite !
O-hey, killers - [to the bullet and knife for a quick kill.]

Ohé saboteur, attention à ton fardeau, dynamite ...
O-hey, saboteurs, mind your burden, it's dynamite...

C'est nous qui brisons les barreaux des prisons, pour nos frères,
It's we who break the prison bars for our brothers,

La haine à nos trousses, et la faim qui nous pousse, la misère.
[Hatred on our tails/at our back], and hunger driving us, [misery/poverty].

Il y a des pays où les gens au creux des lits font des rêves
[There are lands where men, in the hollow of their beds, dream. ]

Ici, nous, vois-tu, nous on marche et nous on tue, nous on crève.
Here we, you see, - we walk, and we kill, and we die.

Ici chacun sait ce qu'il veut, ce qu'il fait, quand il passe ;
Here each person knows what he wants, what he does, [when it happens.]

Ami, si tu tombes, un ami sort de l'ombre à ta place.
Friends, if you fall, another [will] come from the shadows to take your place.

Demain du sang noir séchera au grand soleil sur les routes,
Tomorrow, dark (black) blood will dry on the roads under a full sun,

Chantez, compagnons, dans la nuit la liberté nous écoute.
Sing, companions, [in the night we hear freedom]*.

Sifflez sometimes used instead of Chantez,
and then the final lyrics are replaced with whistling

Ami, entends-tu les cris sourds du pays qu'on enchaîne ?
Friends, do you hear [deafened] cries of countries enchained?

Ami, entends-tu le vol noir des corbeaux sur nos plaines ?
Friends, do you hear the black flight of crows over our plains?

*I was quite off base with this; see the Wikipedia translation: "freedom listens to us".

Other notes, from what seems to be a college paper (author unknown) at   
College Claude Monet.

- "vol noir" refers to the Stukas, the German planes
- "les corbeaux" refers to the occupying German soldiers.

Edited by songlines on 29 January 2013 at 4:18am

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 Message 114 of 204
29 January 2013 at 11:13am | IP Logged 
songlines wrote:
What an interesting activity! I like the way there's - even with only a handful of posts so far - such variety in the songs we choose. And even with my song, Le Chant des partisans, here are links to two radically different treatments:

Yves Montand version: Montand
Zebda's version, called "Motivé":

Zebda's version is the one I first heard, during the course of one of the "Service Protestant" podcasts:
post 78

Nice. I attended a Zebda concert around 2001 or so. Lots of fun :-)
I still have the Motivés audiocassette somewhere in my hometown.
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Korea, South
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 Message 115 of 204
29 January 2013 at 2:19pm | IP Logged 
I'm not really good enough for this but I'll give it a try. I've chosen a pretty well
known and simple song. Still not easy for me but my second choice was way too hard.

Pink Martini - SYmpathique

Ma chambre a la forme d'une cage
Le soleil passe son bras par la fenêtre
Les chasseurs à ma porte
Comme les petits soldats
Qui veulent me prendre

Je ne veux pas travailler
Je ne veux pas déjeuner
Je veux seulement oublier
Et puis je fume

My bedroom has the shape of a cage
The sun passes his arm (rays?) in/through the window
The bellboys at my door
Like small soldiers
Who want to take me (away)

I don't want to work
I don't want lunch
I only want to forget
And then I smoke
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 Message 116 of 204
29 January 2013 at 9:32pm | IP Logged 
Me too I try to chose something easy...My choice is Mari Trini "Yo no soy was", the first strophe:

Yo no soy esa

que tu te imaginas 

una señorita 

tranquila y sencilla

que un dia abandonas 

y siempre perdona 

esa niña 

esa no soy yo

I am not a kind of girl you imagine:
calm and simple girl who say only "yes" and "no"
who will forgive if you abandon one day...
That's not me...

Edited by Anya on 29 January 2013 at 9:34pm

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TAC 2010 Winner
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 Message 117 of 204
30 January 2013 at 8:40pm | IP Logged 
What a great little challenge for the team. Some differing styles. Marcia Baila is a
real nostalgic classic in France and has a great clip to go with it by Les Rita

I'll choose something from them too. I won't try translating the lyrics myself but I
will copy-paste a very literal somewhat bizarre translation. The music clip is really

Les Rita Mitsouko

Les Amants

Si Mrs mouillait
Dans la nuit
En rêvant de son homme
Alors elle s'enroulait
Dans les draps
Délestée de son sommeil.
Dans les heures pales du matin
Elle espérait ses formes
Comme il était allé pêcher
Sur la mer...

Les amants le font de coeur
Parce que l'union fait la force
Et leurs traits s'unifieront
Jusqu'à se ressembler.

Pour le pire et le meilleur
Jusqu'à y crever leurs forces
Ils marchent sans sourciller
D'un pas irrégulier

Monsieur se glissait
Dans la nuit
Pour aller chercher des hommes
Des types langoureux
Sur le port où les marins fument
Et dégorgent leur amour...

Les amants le font de coeur
Parce que l'union fait la force
Et leurs traits s'unifieront
Jusqu'` se ressembler
Pour le pire et le meilleur
Jusqu'à y crever leurs forces
Ils marchent sans sourciller
D'un pas irrégulier


The Lovers
If Mrs Sevigne
In the night
Dreamt of her husband
Well she curled up
Under the covers,
Removing the ballast from her sleep.
In the small hours of the morning,
She hoped her shapes
As if he had come to fish
In the sea...

Lovers are the well of the heart
Because the union uses force
And their traits will unify
In order that they resemble one another

For the worst and for the best,
In order that they puncture their forces,
They walk without overtaking one another,
With an irregular stap

Monsieur escapes
In the night
To go and find men
The languid type
On the port where the sailors smoke
And disgorge their love

Lovers are the well of the heart,
Because the union uses force
And their traits unify
In order that they resemble one another
For the worst and for the best
In order that they puncture their forces
They walk without overtaking one another,
With an irregular step.

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 Message 118 of 204
31 January 2013 at 12:20pm | IP Logged 
I'll join in the fun and translate a song by one of my favourite bands, Alcest. Like most of their songs, it's about another world, and it has some nice imagery that's pretty hard to translate nicely without losing the meaning.

Là où naissent les couleurs nouvelles

J'ai toujours vécu ici pourtant
Tel un étranger errant
Sur cette terre, esseulé,
En perpétuel détachement,
J'entends en moi l'appel d'un autre univers
Qui résonne amèrement.

Les yeux rivés vers le ciel,
Portant le fardeau de mon corps,
Je perçois ma demeure
Perdue dans les nuées.
Trop de pesanteur ici, de bras obstinés
Retenant les esprits voyageurs
Sur le point de s'échapper.

D'ici bas je perçois ma demeure,
Ces prairies éternelles
Perdues dans les nuées.
Là où naissent les couleurs nouvelles,
Là où mon coeur et mon âme sont restés.

I've always lived here, yet
As a wandering stranger
On this earth, forlorn,
In perpetual detachment.
I hear in me the call of another universe,
bitterly resonating.*

Eyes riveted towards the sky,
Carrying the burden of my body,
I make out my home,**
Lost in the clouds.
Too much weight here, of stubborn arms,
holding back travelling spirits,
[that are] about to break free.

From down here I make out my home,**
These everlasting meadows,
Lost in the clouds.
Where the new colours are born,
where I left my heart and my soul.***

*: If anyone can come up with a better translation of this, I'm all ears...
**: I think by "demeure" he means the place where he feels that he really belongs and would be at home. The general theme of his lyrics is of feeling like he belongs in this fantasy world and not the real one.
***: "Where my heart and my soul remained" would be a more literal translation.
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 Message 119 of 204
01 February 2013 at 1:06am | IP Logged 
I'm sorry. I've been a terrible team mate. Life has conspired against me and I simply haven't kept up with your logs. I tried, and thought that pushing myself to would be good, but I've failed. I'm going to have to leave the team. I'm sorry.

In case it entertains someone, however, here is my contribution to the monthly challenge. I've gone for one of the songs in the original French Les Mis. It's especially fun knowing the English version so well, so you can see how the translation was done. I've picked A La Volonté Du Peuple (which becomes Do You Hear The People Sing?) because the version of Demain (One Day More) on the concept album is really disappointing. It's on Youtube here:

A la volonté du peuple
Et à la santé du progrès,
Remplis ton cœur d'un vin rebelle
Et à demain, ami fidèle.
Nous voulons faire la lumière
Malgré le masque de la nuit
Pour illuminer notre terre
Et changer la vie.

Il faut gagner à la guerre
Notre sillon à labourer,
Déblayer la misère
Pour les blonds épis de la paix
Qui danseront de joie
Au grand vent de la liberté.

A la volonté du peuple,
Je fais don de ma volonté.
S'il faut mourir pour elle,
Moi je veux être le premier,
Le premier nom gravé
Au marbre du monument d'espoir.

By the will of the people
And for the health of progress (?)
Fill your heart with rebel wine
And until tomorrow, faithful friend
We want to make light
Despite the mask of the night
To light up our Earth
And change the world (?)

We must win the war
To plough our furrow
Clear out poverty
For the blond cobs of peace
Who will dance for joy
In the great wind of freedom

By the will of the people
I make a gift of my will
If death is necessary for it - slightly tricky to phrase I found
I want to be the first
The first name engraved
On the marble of the monument of hope

Again, I'm sorry I have to leave. Best of luck to you all this year.
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United States
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 Message 120 of 204
03 February 2013 at 5:26pm | IP Logged 
LittleBoy wrote:
I'm sorry. I've been a terrible team mate. Life has conspired against me and I simply haven't kept up with your logs. I tried, and thought that pushing myself to would be good, but I've failed. I'm going to have to leave the team. I'm sorry..

It's kinda early to admit defeat. I had a horrible January, but there are eleven months left of the year. You are welcome to stay, if you want to. :)

This is one of my favorite songs in Spanish, by one of my favorite artists. Laura Pausini is actually an Italian singer, but she sings in Italian and Spanish (and French, English and Portuguese, I believe). Most of her CDs have a Spanish and Italian version.

An easier-to-read version in color is here.

Yo Canto (I Sing)
(Laura Pausini)

La niebla que se posa en la mañana
The fog that settles in the morning
Las piedras de un camino en la colina
The stones in a path on the hill
El ave que se elevará
The bird that will rise
El alba que nos llegará
The dawn that will come to us
La nieve que se fundirá corriendo al mar
The snow that will melt, running to the sea

La almohada aun caliente guarda vida
The pillow, still warm, harbours life
Inciertos pasos lentos de una niña
Uncertain, slow steps of a girl
Los pasos de serenidad
The steps of serenity
La mano que se extenderá
The hand that will be extended
La espera de felicidad
The expectation of happiness
por esto y por lo que vendrá
For this and for what will come

Yo canto
I sing
Tranquilamente canto
Peacefully, I sing
La voz en fiesta y canto

The voice in celebration and I sing
La banda en fiesta y canto
The band in celebration and I sing
Corriendo al viento
Running into the wind, I sing

I sing
La vida entera canto
My entire life, I sing
La primavera canto
The spring, I sing
Rezando también canto
Praying, too, I sing
Alguien me escuchará
Someone will listen to me
Quiero cantarle
I want to sing it
Siempre cantarle
always sing it

El aroma del café en la cocina
The aroma of coffee in the kitchen
La casa que se llena de alegría
The house that fills with happiness
El ascensor que no va
The lift that does not work
El amor a mi cuidad
The love for my city
La gente que sonreirá son de mi calle
The people that will smile are in my street

Las ramas que se cruzan hacia el cielo
The branches that cross towards the sky
Un viejo que camina en solitario
An old man that walks alone
El verano que nos dejará
The summer that will leave us
El trigo que madurará
The wheat that will ripen
La mano que lo acogerá
The hand that will receive it
por esto y por lo que será
For this and for what will be

Yo canto
I sing
Tranquilamente canto
Peacefully I sing
La voz en fiesta y canto
My voice in celebration, I sing
La banda en fiesta y canto
The band in celebration, and I sing
Corriendo al viento
Running into the wind

I sing
La vida entera canto
My entire life I sing
La primavera y canto
The spring, I sing
Rezando también canto
Praying, too, I sing
Alguien me escuchará
Someone will listen to me
Quiero cantarle
I want to sing it
Siempre cantarle
always sing it
sing it

La voz en fiesta y canto
my voice in celebration and I sing
La vida entera y canto corriendo al viento
my entire life, I sing, running into the wind

I sing
Yo canto
I sing
La vida entera canto
My entire life, I sing
Yo canto alguien me escuchará
I sing, someone will hear me
Alguien me escuchará
someone will hear me
Alguien me escuchará
someone will hear me

Any corrections are welcome. :)

If anyone know how to transfer the HTML from to here, please let me know. The tags don't match up for some reason.

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