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TAC 2013 Asian Team 鶴 (crane) TEAM THREAD

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 Message 361 of 457
24 May 2013 at 12:11pm | IP Logged 
Ok I know I have done the challenge a little bit early, but I have a really busy week next week and I wanted to
make sure I got it done. The challenge was great this month and I really enjoyed it. I went with 50 new Chinese
words and put them into sentences, although obviously some sentences contain more than one new word. What
would be most helpful would be if anyone could point out my mistakes so that I can understand where I went
wrong! I struggled with a few of the sentences, and in others I don't if I am using the words in the right context.
I have also included the translations of what I was trying to say. Here they are:

1. 因为我们不合适就我跟她斗争 - Because we are different, we fight.
2. 你有没有补充资料 - Do you have any additional resources?
3. 我的太太吃椰子不断地 - My wife eats coconut continuously.
4. 我不平因为他们控诉我是贼 - I am indignant because they accused me of being a thief.
5. 不论你去或者不去,我还是要去. Whether you go or not, I am still going.
6. 你可能冷冻咸肉吗?Is it possible to freeze bacon?
7. 我要去提款机取钱因为我想买一个身份证. I need to go to an ATM to withdrawn money because I want to buy an ID
8. 昨天我搬家了,现在我想布置我新的房间. Yesterday I moved house, now I want to decorate my new room.
9. 过一会我跟我的太太去电影院看一部电影. Later on I am going to the cinema with my wife to watch a movie.
10. 今天的汇率怎么样?How is today's exchange rate?
11. 我看妖魔的时候就我很怕. When I see a demon I am scared.
12. 可口可乐是我的最喜爱的汽水. Coke is my favourite soda.
13. 有朝一日我想开始养一些鸭子. One day I want to start raising ducks.
14. 在哪有一个很美的瀑布. There is a beautiful waterfall there.
15. 我必要去商店因为在我心的家还没有漂白水, 擦碗布,簸箕等等. I have to go to the store because at my new house
we still don't have bleach, a dishcloth, a dust pan etc.
16. 平时在厨房有菜板和果汁机. Normally a kitchen has a chopping board and a blender.
17. 从这去加油站多少公里? How many Km is it from here to the petrol station?
18. 最初我不明白可是现在我了解了. At first I didn't understand, but now I do.
19. 我从来没有去菲律宾可是我去过马来西亚了. I've never been to the Philippines, but I have been to Malaysia.
20. 便你很有名就我还没是你的男朋友! Even if you were really famous, I still wouldn't be your boyfriend! Really
unsure about how to translate this one into Chinese!
21. 我很了不起因为今天是第一次他自己开卡车. I am really impressed because today is the first time that he has
driven a truck by himself.
22. 我的孩子士兵所以他去战争在外国了. My child is a soldier and so he went to war in a foreign country.
23. 中国人用筷子吃可是英国人用叉子和刀. Chinese people use chopsticks to eat, but British people use a knife and
24. 我没有现金因为我买一头鲸鱼了! I have no cash because I bought a whale!
25. 我不可能避免公共汽车撞我了因为我晕倒了! I couldn't avoid the bus hitting me because I had passed out!
26. 昨天我醒的时候我的太太命令我去买牙膏因为 我的口很臭! Yesterday when I woke up, my wife ordered me to go
and buy some toothpaste because my mouth stank!
27. 大概我要报名学中文课因为我中文的本领不太 好! Maybe I will sign up for Chinese class because my Chinese
ability is not so good!
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 Message 362 of 457
29 May 2013 at 9:37pm | IP Logged 
Well done! Interesting bunch of sentences you wrote!

By the way, you can never really complete the challenge too early ;)
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 Message 363 of 457
31 May 2013 at 2:51am | IP Logged 
I finished the May Challenge early this morning when I put up my most recent batch of sentences on Lang-8.

It would take me too long to type them all, so I hope we're on the honor system.

I didn't follow the guidelines exactly, because some of my sentences were based on grammar points, and others were based on vocab. There were just over 50 for the month.

The majority were corrected by my teacher. A large batch of the sentences were for the -더니 construction, which I found really hard. It's a bit like -는데 but it has the retrospective -더 and there are some rules that are hard to get a handle on. In addition, the 았/었더니 is similar but has another set of rules. In class we received a handout going over the rules and providing examples, we worked on it in class and for homework, and I also consulted all my other grammar books and googled to find natural examples "in the wild." I have now written many, many -더니 sentences and it's starting to come into focus but I don't really have a full grasp of it.

I also did a batch of sentences for Lang-8 that used different grammatical constructions for expressing regret. I was mostly trying to figure out if they could be used interchangeably. There are several: -ㄹ 걸요; 얐/었어야 했는데; 았더라면; -다 보니. There are probably others, but those are the ones I tried.

Other notable sentences included a batch of sentences dedicated to exploring vocab for understanding, realizing, thinking, recalling, etc. and another batch for seeing, staring, gazing, peering, etc.

This challenge got me posting on Lang-8 finally. I ended up submitted 15 sentences to Lang-8, a few at a time, and got some helpful feedback. Another 36 sentences were corrected by my teacher over the course of the month.

It's good practice to write them out, but I need to practice using them. And maybe I should write 50 of a single grammar point and try to get to the point where I can spit them out instead of agonizing over each one. It can take me an hour to write 5 sentences trying to get everything perfect.

Good exercise, thank you druckfehler.
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 Message 364 of 457
31 May 2013 at 7:42pm | IP Logged 
This is my report regarding the May challenge. Overall I can say it was half successful. I studied a lot of Korean grammar, both new constructions and old ones, but I only wrote 13 sentences because my main priority is to learn grammar passively. These sentences have been corrected on Haru Korean:

1) 언제 만나시겠습니까? - When would you like to meet?
2) 일어나서 아침 드시겠습니까? - Would you like some breakfast now that you woke up?
3) 빵 좀 사 주시겠어요? - Would you buy some bread for me please?
4) 불 좀 꺼 주시겠어요? - Would you turn off the light please?
5) 시크릿가든은 진짜 재미있는 드라마니까 보라고 했어요. - I told them to watch 'Secret Garden' because it's a great drama.
6) 사진을 찍지 말라고 했어요. - They told me not to take any pictures.
7) 10분만 더 기다리라고 했는데 아직 안 왔어요. - She told me to wait for 10 more minutes but she still hasn't come.
8) 선생님께서 나한테 주신 책을 오늘까지 읽으라고 하셨어요. - My teacher told me to read the book that she gave me by today.
9) 자전거를 탈 줄 모를 리가 없어요. - It's impossible that he doesn't know how to ride a bike.
10) 저는 미국에 가면 적어도 1달은 거기에서 보내고 싶어요. - When I finally go to the US I want to spend at least a month there.
11) 네 텔레비전은 진짜 크구나. - Your TV is really big.
12) 방 청소한 후에 뭐 할까요? - I wonder what to do after cleaning my room.
13) 여름에 일한 적 없어요. - I've never worked during summer.

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 Message 365 of 457
04 June 2013 at 1:06pm | IP Logged 

I finished the May challenge too... but it was the wrong challenge :(
I thought we just needed to learn 50 words, not write sentences with them :P
I just put the list of words here. I am going to work on
the sentences during the rest of this month.

PS: My definition of "learning a word" was: being able to recognize it in a text without
a dictionary a couple of times.

Edited by maurelio1234 on 04 June 2013 at 1:09pm

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 Message 366 of 457
07 June 2013 at 11:47am | IP Logged 
When is the June challenge going up?
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 Message 367 of 457
07 June 2013 at 2:49pm | IP Logged 
js6426, my Chinese is still 很差 but i think i see a couple mistakes in your sentences. The best thing to do would be to put them on Lang-8 and have native speakers correct them.
1. I think 斗争 is more like "struggle", as in fighting with a purpose. Also, i don't think 就 makes sense here. There's another word 打架 which means to get into a physical fight with someone, maybe it can also be used in the sense of to argue? Otherwise, there's 争吵 which means to argue with someone.
2. I've always seen 补充 as meaning "supplementary" or "to supplement". For example, 补充你的学习, to supplement your studies. I don't know if you can use it as you did, maybe use 别的? And 资料 i think is closer to "data, information". 资源 might be the word you're looking for (but i could be wrong).
3. 我的太太不断地吃椰子. 不断地 comes before the verb.
4. I think 控诉 just means to accuse someone as in decide to take them to court. Here i think it'd be better just to use 说. I'm not sure about the usage of 不平, i don't know that word.
5. I think you need to use 还是 (不论你去还是不去). 不论 is often used with question words: 不论你是谁,我都不会告诉你 (No matter who you are, i'm not going to tell you) 不论你在哪儿,我也会在那儿 (I'll go wherever you go).
6. I'd use 能 instead of 可能: 能不能冷冻咸肉?
7. I don't see any issue here, though i think instead of 个 you could use 一张身份证.
8. Looks ok to me, but i'd never seen 布置 before :)
9. Looks fine to me :)
10. Looks ok, more common might be the question 今天(的)汇率是多少? What is today's exchange rate?
11. Instead of 就我, which sounds kinda like 只有我很怕 (only i get scared) i'd say 我就很怕.

Sorry for not going through the rest and please take my comments with a grain of salt as i'm still a beginner in Chinese, too. I'd recommend putting them up on Lang-8 or italki or some place for native speakers to check :)
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 Message 368 of 457
07 June 2013 at 4:11pm | IP Logged 
Sorry for being so late! I'll put up the June Challenge over the weekend. I've thought about making it a 2 months challenge because we're already a week into this month now. Would that be okay?

I'm glad you got something out of the May challenge :) I wasn't able to complete it this time, but at least I finally learned how to use the 으니까 pattern.

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