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Emme’s Small Steps - Team Sleipnir TAC’15

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 Message 249 of 360
25 December 2013 at 12:14am | IP Logged 
Thanks daegga for letting me know that I’m not the only one who finds this year’s Julkalender “ganska gullig”.
I finished watching it earlier today and I must say I truly enjoyed it, much more than I did last year and certainly more than I had any right to expect. (And from a linguistic point of view, I’m also pretty pleased by the ease in following it: sure, it’s a children’s programme, but still…. By the way, daegga, how do you find the language?)

Buon Natale a tutti!
Merry Christmas!
God Jul allihopa!
Frohe Weihnachten!

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 Message 250 of 360
25 December 2013 at 11:21pm | IP Logged 
Emme wrote:
And from a linguistic point of view, I’m also pretty pleased by the ease
in following it: sure, it’s a children’s programme, but still…. By the way, daegga, how
do you find the language?

I find the language cute :P
There are words I don't know, but getting the content is no problem. My listening
comprehension sucks, but there are closed captions, so it's ok.
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 Message 251 of 360
28 December 2013 at 4:33pm | IP Logged 

As usual 2013 offered some highlights and some low points, but overall I'm fairly happy about how it went. It was the first time I took part in a TAC and I must say that I've seen what a huge difference being in a team makes. It helped me an awful lot not only with consistency but also when I had to overcome the rough patches I met on the way. So thank you guys, being on Team MIR and Team Viking with you was a great experience and I look forward to repeating it next year. Luckily most members in both the new Russian and Scandinavian teams are veterans of MIR and Vikings so it will feel like being home.

Now for a more in-depth language progress recap:

My two focus languages were Swedish and Russian and these were actually the languages I studied most (which may seem obvious, but with a Wanderluster like me you can never tell!).

I was overambitious last January when I set out to reach CEFR A2 in Russian: I failed miserably at it. Assimil's Il nuovo russo senza sforzo was driving me crazy and I had to drop it. I tried other courses but once the systematic daily routine of Assimil was removed I lost focus, my studying became very chaotic and the obvious result was that the forward progress came to a standstill.

I think I've learned a lot from the experience, above all that I need to choose a softer, if slower, study path with not so steep a learning curve. I suppose I've already come across a less intense strategy quite serendipitously while trying to overcome the "50-page curse" in Swedish, and next year I might try to apply something similar for Russian. It will require some tweaking and planning ahead, but who knows, it might even work!

Swedish was the success story of 2013. I enjoyed it enormously and I think I've made some discernible progress even though I'm not very comfortable in assessing my level. Let's say that I no longer feel like a beginner and that "intermediate" is probably the label that best applies to me.

I've finally overcome the "50-page curse" (see above) which had been persecuting me for years. I've also enjoyed overdosing on Swedish native media, which is certainly a good thing. This autumn I also recovered a 5300+ items Swedish Anki deck from the laptop which died on me some 18 months ago. I'm still catching up with the backlog, but I'm happy that all the time it took me to create it was not lost. Moreover, losing the deck was such a damper that I stopped using Anki and creating new decks altogether for the best part of those 18 months but now that I've got it back I plan to add new words and keep my Swedish deck growing.

If Swedish was the success story of the year, German was the sad story of 2013. I did the bare minimum to keep it alive, but I couldn't even finish the mini-SuperChallenge I set up for myself. I look forward to finding out how the new official SuperChallenge will shape in the hope that I will be able to take part. As the fairly good 6WCs I've done this year have shown, I'm much better when I'm taking part in friendly competitions like those challenges.

Other languages
I'm quite proud to say that I kept Wanderlust under control this year and apart from my three big languages above, I did almost nothing in Japanese, French, Romanian, Chinese, and Latin. At the bottom of this post I'll be reporting the final updates for 2013 of intensive studying done in all my languages and an overall review of the mini-SuperChallenge.

Even though I'm writing a longer post to introduce my TAC '14 in a few days' time, here's just a tease of what I plan for next year. Swedish and Russian are back, of course, as is German hopefully with the new SuperChallenge. There's been a deafening silence about an advanced ESL TAC team, so I'm not sure there will be a team for that, but I still hope I can remain motivated enough to keep studying English actively even without a support group.

As I wrote above, I've been quite good this year at keeping Wanderlust at bay, but actually I've been itching to start a new language for a quite a while now. Chinese and Japanese are incredibly tempting (the latter even more so with both Josquin and FabricioCarraro studying it this year), but I think it wiser to start a long-postponed "easier" language like Spanish knowing that I can still dabble in more exotic languages later in the year if the urge gets irresistible.

If you think my plate is too full, especially with my dubious consistency record, you're probably right, but I like the new option that's available for the first time in TAC '14 to switch from active member to observer. I intend to make the most of it by keeping my options open. When I see how the year develops I can decide what to focus on and then probably change my mind again and again every couple of months or so. ;-)

Minutes studied in September-December (and in 2013):

Swedish: 1935 (5575)
Russian: 340 (4610)
Japanese: 0 (965)
German: 0 (570)
Romanian: 180 (305)
French: 0 (245)
Latin: 80 (80)
Chinese: 0 (20).

Mini-Super Challenge

Films / Radio dramas:

1/100: Die Tote ohne Alibi (105’)
2/100: WDR-Hörspiel Die drei Stigmata des Palmer Eldritch (Teil 1 und 2) von Philip K. Dick (55’ + 55’)
3/100: Überleben an der Wickelfront (98’)
4/100: WDR-Hörspiel Karoshi: Arbeite Dich Tot! von Matthias Kapohl (53’)
5/100: Lotta und die großen Erwartungen (88’)
6/100: WDR-Hörspiel Schämt euch! Zum toten Juden von Lorenz Schröter (46’)
7/100: WDR-Hörspiel Schämt euch! Tod eines Fußballers von Eva Lia Reinegger (54’)
8/100: Mia und ihre Schwestern (88’)
9/100: WDR-Hörspiel Happy End von Ragnhild Sørensen und Julia Wolf (53’)
10/100: WDR-Hörspiel B(L)ANK: STIPPED – Ein Leben in Kontoauszügen von Stefan Weigl (47’)
11/100: WDR-Hörspiel Hund wohin gehen wir von Anne Lepper (53’)
12/100: Scheidung für Fortgeschrittene (88’)
13/100: Notruf Hafenkante 4x15: Wunderkind (43’) - 4x16: Bärendienst (43’)
14/100: Für immer Frühling (89’)
15/100: Der Stinkstiefel (89’)
16/100: Amigo - Bei Ankunft Tod (90’)
17/100 Mandy will ans Meer (89’)
18/100 Meine-Tochter, ihr Freund und ich (89’)
19/100 Unter anderen Umständen Episode 1x5 Tod im Kloster (90')
20/100 WDR Hörspiel: Zurück zum Beton von Xao Seffcheque und Martin Ritzenhoff, ©WDR 2012, 55'
18/100 WDR Hörspiel: On Air von Robert Nacken und Christos Dassios, ©WDR 2013, 46'
21/100 WDR Hörspiel: Am I Black Enough For You? von Katatoma Weingartner, ©WDR 2012, 53'
22/100 WDR Hörspiel: Die Wahrheit über Hänsel und Gretel von Bob Konrad und Marcus Weber, ©WDR 2012, 55'
23/100 WDR Hörspiel: Cici Letters von Benjamin Tillig und Thom Kubli, ©WDR 2012, 45'
24/100 WDR Hörspiel: Der Buddhist und ich von Mariana Leky, ©WDR 2012, 50'
25/100 WDR Hörspiel: Vor Sonnenaufgang von Bodo Traber, ©WDR 2010, 42'
26/100 WDR Hörspiel: Die Höhle von Benjamin Quabeck, ©WDR 2011, 55'
27/100 WDR Hörspiel: Die Furcht hinter uns von Thomas Fechner-Smarsly, ©WDR 2013, 55'
28/100 WDR Hörspiel: Operation Nation von Thilo und Simon Gosejohann, ©WDR 2008, 55'
29/100 WDR Hörspiel: Der Notfall erfordert alles von Eugen Egner , ©WDR 2003, 55'
30/100 Trau' niemals deinem Chef (89’)
31/100 Die Pastorin (89’)
32/100 Familie Sonntag auf Abwegen (89’)
33/100 Fluss des Lebens - Verloren am Amazonas (89’)
34/100 Alarm für Cobra 11 - Die Autobahnpolizei Episode 18x15 Tödliche Wahl (47')
35/100 WDR Hörspiel: Lovegames von Markus Orths , ©WDR 2013, 55'
36/100 Vorzimmer zur Hölle III - Plötzlich Boss (89’)
37/100 WDR Hörspiel: Bitterer Ernst von Siggi Huch, ©WDR 2009, 54'
38/100 WDR Hörspiel: Die Infektion von Robert Weber, ©WDR 2012, 54'
39/100 WDR Hörspiel: Der Glückliche von Roswitha Quadflieg, ©WDR 2012, 54'
40/100 Nägel mit Köppen (90’)
41/100 Bella Vita (89’)
42/100 WDR Hörspiel: Zwei Menschen, endlich von Marianne Zückler, ©WDR 2012, 54'
43/100 Nach all den Jahren (89’)
44/100 WDR Hörspiel: Oops, wrong planet! von Gesine Schmidt, ©DLF/WDR 2012, 53'
45/100 Donna Leon: Schöner Schein (89’)
46/100 Lilly Schönauer: Und dann war es Liebe (90’)
47/100 WDR Hörspiel: Wege zur Panik von Norman Lock (aus dem Amerikanischen von Heidi Zerning), © WDR 2013, 53'
48/100 WDR Hörspiel: Europa, eine Plagiate-Saga von Till Müller-Klug , © WDR 2013, 55'
49/100 WDR Hörspiel: Paralektronoia von Felix Kubin, © WDR 2013, 54'
50/100 WDR Hörspiel: Xanadu von Myra Cakan, © WDR 2011, 55'
51/100 WDR Hörspiel: Die Tote in der Emscher von Hans van Ooyen, © WDR 2013, 49'
52/100 WDR Hörspiel: Die Beseitigung von Eugen Egner, © WDR 2013, 42'
53/100 WDR Hörspiel: Frauen ohne Männer von Ragnhild Sørensen und Julia Wolf, © WDR 2013, 45'
54/100 WDR Hörspiel: Klangausgrabungen Atacama-Perspektiven von Andreas Bodenhöfer, © WDR 2013, 42'
55/100 WDR Hörspiel: Der Pianist im Tempel von Jiři Polak, © WDR 2013, 54'
56/100 Eine Frage des Vertrauens (89’)
57/100 WDR Hörspiel: Zum 30. Todestag von Luis Buñuel: Das obskure Ende der Geschichte von Lothar Stemwedel, © WDR 2013, 54'
58/100 WDR Hörspiel: In Spuren von Hannes Köhler, © WDR 2013, 54'
59/100 WDR Hörspiel: Lost in Praha von Martin Becker und Jaroslav Rudiš, © WDR 2013, 54'
60/100 WDR Hörspiel: Marlov – eine harte Nuss von David Zane Mairowitz, © WDR 2013, 53'
61/100 WDR Hörspiel: Geraubte Haut von Pati Blasco, © WDR 2013, 54'
62/100 Die Wanderhure (121’)
63/100 WDR Hörspiel: Bunker von Tom Noga, © WDR 2013, 53'
64/100 WDR Hörspiel: Caught in the ad – Teil 1 von Silke Denk und Stuart Kummer, © WDR 2013, 55'
65/100 WDR Hörspiel: Eifelgeist von Martin Heindel, © WDR 2013, 55'
66/100 WDR Hörspiel: Caught in the ad – Teil 1 von Silke Denk und Stuart Kummer, © WDR 2013, 53’
67/100 WDR Hörspiel: Lebenslinien: Blumenjunge von Ralf Thenior, © WDR 2013, 54'
68/100 Uferlos! (89’)
69/100 Die Rache der Wanderhure (120’)
70/100 Das Vermächtnis der Wanderhure (121’)
71/100 Arnes Nachlass (89’)
72/100 Die Gruberin (89’)
73/100 Engel der Gerechtigkeit — Kopfgeld (89’)
74/100 Donna Leon: Lasset die Kinder zu mir kommen (90’)
75/100 62/100 WDR Hörspiel: Das Hibernat von Rolf Schönlau, © WDR 2013, 52'
76/100 Beste Bescherung (89’)
77/100 Mein süßes Geheimnis (87’)
78/100 Was machen Frauen morgens um halb vier? (88’)
79/100 Der Himmel über Berlin (128’)
80/100 WDR Hörspiel: Der eigentliche Zweck des Krieges von Walter Adler, © WDR 2013, 71'
81/100 WDR Hörspiel: Roter Wald von Stéphanie Marchais, © WDR 2013, 54'
82/100 Obendrüber, da schneit es (87’)

* as per Super Challenge rules, pages in children’s books with low-density text (images, large print etc.) are counted as 1/5 of normal text pages.

1/25: Donna Leon, Acqua Alta (Acqua Alta, 1996), Zürich 1997 (pp.370).
2/25: Johanna Spyri, Heidis Lehr- und Wanderjahre, 1880. (pp.160).
3/25: Christine Nöstlinger, Schulgeschichten vom Franz, 1987. (pp. 61 = 12*)
4/25: Donna Leon, Sanft entschlafen (Quietly in Their Sleep, 1997), Zürich 1998. (pp.352)
5/25: Donna Leon, Nobiltà (A Noble Radiance, 1998), Zürich 1999. (pp.304)
6/25: Donna Leon, In Sachen Signora Brunetti (Fatal Remedies, 1999), Zürich 2000. (pp.310)
7/25: Fabian Lenk, Die Zeitdetektive – Verschwörung in der Totenstadt, 2005. (pp. 152)
8/25: Adalbert Stifter, Bergkristall, 1845. (pp. 98)

Edited by Emme on 31 December 2013 at 12:03am

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Sabrina VG
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 Message 252 of 360
28 December 2013 at 8:58pm | IP Logged 
Wow Emme, it sounds like you achieved a great deal in 2013, you should be really proud of yourself. Congratulations and good luck with your language goals for 2014!
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Winner TAC 2012
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 Message 253 of 360
28 December 2013 at 11:51pm | IP Logged 
You've done great with Swedish! I'm impressed! I hope you can achieve a lot with Russian and Germnan this year!
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 Message 254 of 360
28 December 2013 at 11:57pm | IP Logged 
Wow, this is impressive indeed!
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United States
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 Message 255 of 360
29 December 2013 at 7:26am | IP Logged 
Jösses! Your organizational skills are nothing short of astonishing.
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Bilingual Triglot
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 Message 256 of 360
29 December 2013 at 1:26pm | IP Logged 
Very impressed at your dedication! I look forward to following your log in 2014! (I'm a fellow Lobo)

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