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FabricioCarraro - TAC’15 Pushkin, Rätsel

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 Message 425 of 439
07 September 2014 at 10:57pm | IP Logged 
Hey Fabrício, this may come somehow belatedly, but if you need any help with German just let me know.

Viel Erfolg/Boa sorte!
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Solfrid Cristin
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 Message 426 of 439
08 September 2014 at 7:23am | IP Logged 
Hi, really missed you at the Skype session yesterday!
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Winner TAC 2012
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russoparabrasileirosRegistered users can see my Skype Name
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 Message 427 of 439
09 September 2014 at 8:34pm | IP Logged 
@Cristina Thanks Cristina! About my wife, it's ok. At least I'm managing to speak some Russian almost every week at the CouchSurfing meeting and with my Italki teacher. It's not ideal, but hey, it could be worse :) And sorry about the Skype meeting, I wish we can have another one soon enough!

@vonPeterhof Thanks a lot for the corrections! It's a shame you won't be there.

@Josquin I'll definitely need it! Haha you can count on me for Portuguese as well =)


Well, I really don't know what to say guys. Let me just summarize then what I've been doing and my next plans:


As you guys know already, I have plans to go to Russia this December, so my main goal right now it to get as fluent as I can until then. I have already a decent/understandable level of Russian, but I tend to mix up things when creating longer sentences and, above all, I MUST improve my vocabulary. I say that because I often feel that I don't understand enough of more advanced conversations, and I always rely too much on context. It can be a good thing, but it can also put me in a bad spot sometimes.

Anyway, I've bought the Glossika course for Russian, which I have been told it's amazing. Besides that, I'll write texts in Russian as much as I possibly can with my full-time job, and I'll have as many Italki lessons as my money will allow me. I also intend to review the whole "Assimil New Russian with Ease" and maybe get the new "Assimil Perfectionnement Russe" with a friend or at a local library, if I find it.

The project "Fabricio's fluent Russian at Christmas" has officially begun!


Wie ihr vielleicht schon wisst, studiere ich Deutsch seit fast 2 Monaten. Ich habe schon ein paar Mal auf Deutsch gesprochen und ich konnte viel verstehen. Bestimmt hat mein Wissen von Holländisch viel geholfen, insbesondere mit der Grammatik und dem Wortschatz. Deutsch ist bestimmt nicht so schrecklich wie man gewöhnlich sagt.
Jetzt, wahrscheinlich werde ich mich weniger auf Deutsch konzentrieren, wegen meiner Pläne mit Russisch, aber ich werde es doch nicht verlassen.


Probably the same as in my last update. I've stopped studying Japanese with Genki or textbooks, and I'm still focusing only on learning Kanji. The good news is I'm already on Kanji #577! 225 new ones since my last update =)
I still find them very fun to learn, although some can be quite hard to remember.
I keep finding unknown English words as keywords, they were: dwindle, scaffold, ford, canopy, brocade, sash, drought, muzzle, ridgepole, pond, rouse, sow and don.


Not studying it, just practicing it with my Brazilian polyglot friend every now and then, and at the CouchSurfing meeting.


The same as French, but replacing "Brazilian polyglot friend" with "Dutch polyglot friend" =P


Only practicing it at the CouchSurfing meeting. However, I've just hired the "World TV channels" with my cable TV company, so I'll be able to practice my listening skills with Italian, French, German and Japanese, which is already pretty cool. The bad side is that the Italian channel (RAI) has pretty much only stupid shows.
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 Message 428 of 439
11 September 2014 at 7:56pm | IP Logged 
fabriciocarraro wrote:

Wie ihr vielleicht schon wisst, lerne ich seit fast zwei Monaten Deutsch. Ich habe schon ein paar Mal auf Deutsch gesprochen und ich konnte viel verstehen. Bestimmt haben meine Holländischkenntnisse viel geholfen, insbesondere bei der Grammatik und dem Wortschatz. Deutsch ist bestimmt nicht so schrecklich, wie man gewöhnlich sagt.
Jetzt werde ich mich wahrscheinlich weniger auf Deutsch konzentrieren, wegen meiner Russischpläne, aber ich werde es dennoch nicht verlassen.

Good job! Your German already sounds really good! :)
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Winner TAC 2012
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russoparabrasileirosRegistered users can see my Skype Name
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Speaks: Portuguese*, EnglishB2, Italian, Spanish, Russian, French
Studies: Dutch, German, Japanese

 Message 429 of 439
20 October 2014 at 8:00pm | IP Logged 
@Josquin Thanks! I'm still trying to improve it, even though I've been focusing much more on Russian.


Soooo guys, my Russian project continues. I've stopped a little with Glossika in order to finish my Assimil New Russian With Ease. Having done that, now I'll go back to Glossika. I'm also having lessons on Italki and I've just started reading a young adult book in Russian, recommended to me by @Expugnator. It's called Дивергент, and it's not as easy as I thought it would be. For that reason, I decided to watch the movie first, to try and follow the story a little better, and I can say it's working. Let's see if I can handle it to the end. I'll leave you with my last Russian text:

Что делать зимой в Европе?

Привет всем!
Как я уже расскзывал в моём прошлом тексте, я буду путешествовать по Европе между декабрем и январем.
Сначала, я полечу из Сан-Паулу в Москву, с восьмичасовой пересадкой в Амстердаме. Там, можно доехать из аэропорта до центра города на поезде за 15 минут.
Затем, останусь в России примерно на 10 дней и вернуюсь в Амстердам на неделю.
После этого, у меня ещё будет две недели в Европе, но так как там зима, я ещё не знаю что делать.
Пока, я намереваюсь посетить Бельгию и Францию, потому что они самые близкие страны к Голландии. Однако, что делать зимой в Бельгии, кроме как пробовать различные сорта пива? А как лучше провести это время в Париже, когда погода там очень холодная, чтобы пойти в бар?
Есть ли у вас идеи? ))


Edited by fabriciocarraro on 20 October 2014 at 8:04pm

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Bilingual Triglot
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 Message 430 of 439
20 October 2014 at 10:42pm | IP Logged 
fabriciocarraro wrote:
The bad side is that the Italian channel (RAI) has pretty much
only stupid shows.

I guess that's TV the world over: lowest common denominator :-)

If you are in Germany, then you can point a satellite dish at Hotbird and pick up a few
extra Rai and non-Rai Italian channels. There's a lot of dross out there, but there are
educational programmes, music programmes, travel ... it depends on what you are looking

When I was channel surfing the French channels a few years back, I found game shows to
be a useful source of colloquial language. I assume that if I'd got to the stage that I
understood them then I'd be as turned off by them as I am in English, but I never got
that far :-)

EDIT: Oh, wrong person :-) OK, the satellite coverage doesn't extend to Brazil. sorry!
It's mostly dross, so don't worry about it :-)

Edited by dampingwire on 20 October 2014 at 10:43pm

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Winner TAC 2012
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russoparabrasileirosRegistered users can see my Skype Name
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989 posts - 1454 votes 
Speaks: Portuguese*, EnglishB2, Italian, Spanish, Russian, French
Studies: Dutch, German, Japanese

 Message 431 of 439
07 November 2014 at 3:17am | IP Logged 
@dampingwire Haha yeah, I don't lose much =P Although I have other channels as the French one, which is quite fine. Anyway, thanks! :)


Still with Russian, still with Дивергент, still with Glossika, still with my Italki teacher. Not much to tell really, so I leave you with another text in Russian :)

Как я заработал свои первые деньги

Когда я учился на третьем курсе в университете, я решил, что уже пришло время зарабатывать деньги.

Я учился в одном из самых больших и важных университетов Бразилии, и у нас в кампусе было много компаний, которые нанимали студентов для стажировки. Я отправил резюме некоторым компаниям и менее чем через месяц меня пригласили на собеседование и я был нанят компанией Embrapa - государственная компания технологического исследования в сегменте сельского хозяйства.

Так как я был студентом и стажёром, я работал 4 часа в день и моя зарплата была очень низкой - примерно 300 реалов (~ 150 долларов). Они даже называли это не "зарплата", а "стипендия".

Мои задачи состояли в создании системы, которая должна была использовать фотокамеру, чтобы автоматически фотографировать плантации и потом анализировать эти фото, чтобы считать, сколько растений были там.

Короче, работа была интересной, но много вещей не работали и мой босс был немного тупой. К тому же, работа мешала моей учебе и моим оценкам. Поэтому, спустя примерно 3 месяца, я её бросил.
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Winner TAC 2012
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russoparabrasileirosRegistered users can see my Skype Name
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989 posts - 1454 votes 
Speaks: Portuguese*, EnglishB2, Italian, Spanish, Russian, French
Studies: Dutch, German, Japanese

 Message 432 of 439
02 December 2014 at 4:16pm | IP Logged 
Sooo guys, a lot has happened!

Now that my trip to Russia is closer I have hired a new Russian teacher, so now I have 2. I stopped for a while with Дивергент because I'm now reading Isaac Asimov's "Foundation" trilogy, which is an amazing series!

Besides that, I attended Team Катюша's Skype meeting on Sunday and it was pretty nice, even though I was a little late and missed the Russian part. Still, I could speak a little French and German, which was nice.

Finally, the biggest news is that I will attend the Polyglot Gathering in Berlin! \o/ Yesterday I found an incredibly cheap flight ticket from Brazil to Berlin for 250 euro, just on the right dates! What a huge coincidence! Anyway, I've registered today for the gathering and I hope to see you all there! :)

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