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89 posts - 122 votes 
Speaks: Shanghainese, Mandarin*, English
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 Message 681 of 740
31 October 2013 at 9:05pm | IP Logged 
Snowflake wrote:
Talked today with a co-worker, maybe 60-80% in Mandarin. An interesting thing was that shortly afterward
I talked with someone else and it felt odd to be using English. Anyhow the Mandarin speaking co-worker
came by because I previously asked for the wording of a Chinese proverb, which in English is something
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
Because of the delay, I also asked my overseas Taiwanese chat partner. He gave me, 給他魚不如教他釣
魚. My co-worker, who is from Beijing, gave a 4-5 sentence explanation in Chinese... unsure what to make
of that.

授(给)人以鱼不如授(教授)人以渔(钓鱼)?The only thing that probably needs some attention is the two meanings of 授...
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 Message 682 of 740
01 November 2013 at 4:13am | IP Logged 
Thanks Cacue23!
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 Message 683 of 740
01 November 2013 at 5:11am | IP Logged 
This is the dialog in the movie, LOTR - The Fellowship of the Ring, between Gandalf and Frodo where the whole party sits inside the caves of Moria while Gandalf is trying to remember which way to go, after Frodo sees Gollum. All mistakes in the transcript are mine. I tried to memorize this at one point and then decided it was too difficult. I'm considering working with it again.

Frodo     下面有甚麼東西/下 面有什么东西 Xia4mian4 you3 shen2me dong1xi?
Gandalf     那是咕噜 Na4 shi4 gu1lu1
Frodo     咕噜? Gu1lu1?
Gandalf     他已經跟了我們3 ��了/他已经跟了我们3天了 Ta1 yi3jing1 gen1le wo3men san tian1 le
Frodo     他從索倫的地牢裏 ��出來了/他从索伦的地牢里逃出来了? Ta1 cong2 Suo3lun2 de di4lao2li3 tao2 chu1lai2le?
Gandalf     逃出來/逃出来 tao2 chu1lai2
Gandalf     或者是放出来 Huo4zhe3 shi4 fang4chu1lai2
Gandalf     他對至尊魔戒愛 � �加恨對他自己一樣/他对至尊魔戒爱交加恨 � ��自己一样 Ta1 dui4 zhi4zun1mo2jie4 ai4 hen4 jiao1jia1 hen4 dui4 ta1 zi4ji3 yi1yang4
Gandalf     他永遠不會放棄 � �蹤至尊魔戒/他永远不会放弃追踪至尊魔戒 Ta1 yong3yuan3 bu2hui4 fang4qi4 zhui1zong1 zhi4zun1mo2jie4
Frodo     可惜當初比爾博沒 趁機殺死他/可惜当初比尔博没有趁机杀死他 Ke3xi1 dang1chu1 bi3er3bo2 mei2you3 chen4ji1 sha1si3 ta1
Gandalf     可惜? Ke3xi1?
Gandalf     比爾博出於憐憫 � �沒有那樣做/比尔博出于怜悯才没有那样做 Bi3er3bo2 chu1yu2 lian2min3 cai2 mei2you3 na4yang1 zuo4
Gandalf     很多活著的人該 � �/很多活着的人该死 Hen3 duo1 huo2zhe de ren2 gai1si3
Gandalf     很多死去的人該 � �/很多死去的人该生 hen3duo1 si3qu4 de ren2 gai1 sheng1
Gandalf     你能讓死者復活 � �?/你能让死者复活吗? Ni3 neng2 rang4 si3zhe3 fu4huo2 ma?
Gandalf     不要急於做最後 � �審判/不要急于做最后的审判 Bu2yao4 ji2yu2 zuo4 zui4hou4 de shen3pan4
Gandalf     即便最賢眀的人/ ��便最贤眀的人 Ji2bian4 zui4 xian2 ming2 de ren2
Gandalf     也說不出所有人 歸宿/也说不出所有人的归宿 Ye3 shuo1 bu2chu1 suo3you3ren2 de gui1su4
Gandalf     我的直覺告訴我, 咕嚕還有用場/我的直觉告诉我, 咕噜还有用场 Wo3de zhi2jue2 gao1su4 wo3, Gu1lu1 hai2you3 yong4chang3
Gandalf     不管是好是壞/不 是好是坏, 他的戏还没有演完 Bu4guan3 shi4 hao3 shi4 huai4, ta1de xi4 hai2 mei2you3 yan3 wan2
Gandalf     比爾博的憐憫決 著多人的命運/比尔博的怜悯决定着多人的命 �� Bi3er3bo2 de lian2min3 jue2ding4zhe duo1 ren2 de ming4yun4
Frodo     我希望從沒見過 枚魔戒/我希望从没见过枚魔戒 Wo3 xi1wang4 cong2 mei2 jian4guo4 mei2 mo2jie4
Frodo     希望一切不曾發生/ 希望一切不曾发生 Xi1wang4 yi2qie4 bu4ceng2 fa1sheng
Gandalf     經歷困難的人都 � �這樣想/经历困难的人都会这样想 Jing1li4 kun4nan de ren2 dou1hui4 zhe4yang4 xiang3
Gandalf     但現實並不以他 意志為轉移/但现实并不以他们的意志为转移 Dan4 xian4shi4 bing4 bu4 yi3 ta1men de yi4zhi4 wei2 zhuan3yi2
Gandalf     我們所能做的就 /我们所能做的就是 Wo3men suo3 neng2 zuo4 de jiu4shi4
Gandalf     在遇到困難時想 � �去克服/在遇到困难时� ��法去克服 Zai4 yu4dao4 kun4nan shi2 xiang3fa3 qu4 ke4fu2
Gandalf     在這世上除了牙 � �的意志還有其它力量的存在/在这世上除了 � ��的意志还有其它力量的存在         Zai4 zhe4 shi4shang4 chu2le ya2 e3 de yi4zhi4 hai2you3 qi2ta1 li4liang4 de cun2zai4
Gandalf     比爾博命中註定 � �得到魔戒/比尔博命中注定会得到魔戒 Bi3er3bo2 ming4zhong4 zhu4ding4 hui4 de2dao4 mo2jie4
Gandalf     從這個意義上講 得到它也是必然的/从这个意义上讲你得到它 ��是必然的 Cong2 zhe4ge yi4yi4 shang4 jiang3 ni3 de2dao4 ta1 ye3 shi4 bi4ran2 de
Gandalf     所以這個世界並 那麼悲觀/所以这个世界并不那么悲观 Suo3yi3 zhe4ge shi4jie4 bing4 bu2na4me bei1guan1

Update...I don't why the funny symbols are coming up, tried fixing them. Hopefully people can still make out the text.

Edited by Snowflake on 01 November 2013 at 5:16am

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 Message 684 of 740
13 November 2013 at 3:36am | IP Logged 
Early on, Neutrino allowed deletion of activities. I wasn't keen on social media back then and after however
many tasks to "like" someone/something on FaceBook, I felt extremely annoyed and deleted the activity.
Khatz got back that even though I might not like the activity, there really was value in doing it. He added
the activity back. Now I'm glad. After being active on an English based FaceBook hobby group, including
writing some Chinese posts to some native speakers, someone from Taiwan invited me to join a Chinese
group. A good number of the threads have been about how to do various things. The phraseology is
interesting in and of itself, and that’s separate from the slightly different perspective on things.

I see the co-worker, from Beijing, in the hallways more often now...talking to her in Mandarin feels
comfortable, sort of like how it used to be when speaking Toishanese with my family.

Am at 48.9% in Neutrino, happen to be on day 450 (yes I'm taking the slow boat)... lately it seems relatively
easy to hit the daily Neutrino target points. It leaves a decent amount of time to work in English on other
things though am at a stage that doing things in Mandarin is not necessarily as hard as it
used to be.

Edited by Snowflake on 13 November 2013 at 5:17am

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 Message 685 of 740
05 December 2013 at 6:31am | IP Logged 
I believe the Super Challenge will be ending this month.   So at the moment my half super challenge looks like this for books.

Books completed;
1...西遊記 (graphic novel) which counts as 1/5 of a book
2...巧克力冒險工廠 (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory), 250-260 pages
3...第十四道門 (Coraline), about 180 pages
4...2nd volume of a childrens edition of 西遊記
5...3rd volume of a childrens edition of 西遊記
I finished the movie portion of the challenge eons ago.

Books partially read, these don't count for the challenge...felt it was more important to keep my reading motivation up instead of forcing myself to read an entire book cover to cover. These books are listed as it helps my motivation.
...1/2 to 2/3 of James and the Giant Peach
...1/2 of 1st volume of a childrens edition of 西遊記
...3/4 of George's Marvelous Medicine
...1/2 to 2/3 of The Witches by Roald Dahl

51.7% through Neutrino....sort of feel like a pot of soup stock that is slowly simmering. Getting back to regularly doing hanzi reviews (started hitting the hanzi wall in late spring/early summer). There were weeks where I did no hanzi reviews to maybe 5-10. Officially at around 2240 characters, that number includes a lot of leeches. Have not gotten back to regularly adding characters, still reestablishing the habit of doing reviews. These days I'm much more relaxed about speaking despite mistakes and switching back/forth between English/Mandarin. Haven't been to my Mandarin speaking groups in a while though have been chatting a bit at work with a co-worker from Beijing and am still regularly conversing with my overseas Taiwanese chat partner. Just realized that he and I have been doing language exchanges for almost 4 years, started in Feb 2010.

Haven't done anything with the LOTR dialog posted earlier.

Link to videos for the New Chinese Practical Reader.... BE912D

Edited by Snowflake on 13 December 2013 at 11:13pm

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 Message 686 of 740
09 December 2013 at 7:55pm | IP Logged 
Hmm, Khatz is adding more measures

Long-Term Showupiness
    You've shown up a total of: 346 / 995 days
    Of the days you've shown up, you've completed: 225
    Your median single-day score is: 2,001 points
    Your mean single-day score is: 2,236 points
    Your personal best single-day score is: 9,125 points (achieved on 2013-06-07)

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 Message 687 of 740
13 December 2013 at 11:20pm | IP Logged 
Last weekend at my small group meeting, they had me reintroduce myself since I haven’t been there in a while. My introduction basically was, hi everyone. My English name is... And I was born in the US. Someone whom I didn’t recognize said something which I missed. So I replied 什麼? A pause. The person next to me then said that I speak with a Taiwanese accent.   是嗎? Yes. Then he made a joke about Taiwanese Mandarin being 正式 compared to the mainlands’. At the same time the original person asked the group leader something which I missed but heard the group leader reply 廣東. I later told my overseas Taiwanese chat partner about it. He does not think that my accent is Taiwanese and made a comment about mainlanders thinking that accents which they don’t recognize are Taiwanese.

My motivation has been flat lately. Then happened upon a podcast which was invigorating. That got me trotting out the book and audio to Alice Thru the Looking Glass audio. That's the 2nd volume of "Sayable Chinese" which was translated and read by Yuen Ren Chao. The audio quality is sometimes worse than FSI, though I'm finding that the usage really pushes me. His speaking style clearly shows that he's not a professional actor. Unlike my movies with a lot of Beijingnese, initially I couldn't make out distinct syllables and it sounds like he was talking through a tube. He uses more 兒s than I recall running into before.   I also looked at "Across the Straits" which can be downloaded free now. "Across the Straits" was originally part of the Yale Mirror Series. Looked at the samples of the textbook at the Cheng and Tsui site. Then ordered the book on Amazon which according to the ISBN is the traditional character workbook. The photo and price though reflect the transcript. The product title reflects both the workbook and the separate transcript. It will be interesting to see what shows up. So I'm starting to mix in older materials with everything else that I'm doing. At some point, I'll trot out my Yale Mirror Series materials again.

Lately we've been getting a lot of annoying sales calls despite being on the "do not call list". So I've started answering the phone in Mandarin.

The "Across the Straits" audio can be downloaded from
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 Message 688 of 740
28 December 2013 at 10:04pm | IP Logged 
Not a lot to mention....the "Across the Straits" book which came from Amazon was the traditional character textbook. I've been listening to/reading Alice Through the Looking Glass. This translation has a pleasing flow which I do not recall being in the original English. My motivation has gone back to being somewhat flat. Some of that is a reflection of my job situation. I was going to buy the 2 recent Journey to the West TV series but found them on YouTube....been watching the one produced in the 1980's (have the DVDs). Got some books from an online Taiwanese book store and have started reading a Japanese manga which was part of that order.

I'm 54.8% thru Neutrino with my characters still sort of stuck around 2500. I am back to regularly doing SRS reviews.

First episode for the Zhang Jizhong Journey to the West series (2011)...

Edited by Snowflake on 28 December 2013 at 10:06pm

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