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Warp3: Korean/Japanese (TAC 2015 東亞)

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 Message 121 of 479
08 April 2012 at 8:02pm | IP Logged 
2012년 4월 1일 - 2012년 4월 7일:

Hanja: 7
I'm second guessing my plan to "learn all the common surname Hanja" since the number of surname Hanja listed for 강 alone was surprising. I was assuming there would be 1 (or maybe even 2) Hanja per surname, but apparently that is not the case. Due to this, I'm not sure I really see the point in learning them explicitly, since you still wouldn't know which one to use for a given surname.

Korean cards: 46
I got off to a great start by doing 22 (from queued screenshots) on Sunday, then did a couple more from a song during the week, and finally 22 more from screenshots on Friday. I ended up 7 over target, but was under target last week, so it balances out somewhat.

Completed SKV sections: None

Completed song lyrics: Secret - 사랑은 Move (2 cards)
If you've been following this thread, you may have noticed that this song has been in my memorization queue for quite a while and I explicitly noted that I do not add songs to that queue without having scorched earth read them first. Well I was under the impression that I had already SE read this song, but when I went to start actively memorizing it (despite being in the queue, I hadn't really focused on it yet), I noted two words in the lyrics that I didn't already know, so I apparently had not done this yet.

Memorized song lyrics: T-ara - 왜 이러니?
I finally have the rap down well enough to call "왜 이러니" complete now. I started actively working on "Secret's 사랑은 Move" early in the week and noted, much to my surprise, that I know far more of the song than I realized. I'm nearly done with the vast majority of the song already except for Zinger's rap section which was mostly unknown to me. However, the rap section doesn't look nearly as difficult as the one from "왜 이러니" (partly due to it being somewhat lower speed), so I doubt it will take me too long to complete this song.

I've got several songs in mind that I wish to add to the queue (since "사랑은 Move" is the only song left in the queue now), but for many of those songs, I haven't SE read the lyrics yet. However, I've downloaded some song lyrics this past week, so I should have more viable candidates soon.

Listening: Another pass of TTMIK's 이야기 제1회 - 제10회 and some unsubbed TV watching (incl another episode of "Vampire Idol"). Speaking of "Vampire Idol", I find it utterly hilarious every time 강민경 addresses the vampire prince (or whatever he is) as: 뱀파이어르씨! ㅎㅎㅎ I'm not sure why I find that so funny, but I do.
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 Message 122 of 479
15 April 2012 at 6:30am | IP Logged 
2012년 4월 8일 - 2012년 4월 14일:

Hanja: 6

Korean cards: 39

Completed SKV sections: None

Completed song lyrics:
- Secret - 사랑은 Move (+1 card) (I thought I already knew this word on my SE reading pass, but it turned out to be a different word altogether (갈대 = reed).)
- 조용필 - 여행을 떠나요 (8 cards)

Memorized song lyrics: none
I've made significant progress on "사랑은 Move" this week. In fact, despite expecting to make a lot of progress in a short time on this song, I still did better than I anticipated. I will be *very* surprised if this song isn't classified as "memorized" next week (probably sooner). Other than two short lines from the rap, I'm practically done with this song already.

I've added one more song to the memorization queue, 조용필 - 여행을 떠나요. This song is a great addition since it checks off several goals for songs I wanted to add to my memorization queue: a rock song, a 국민 애창곡 (i.e. one of those songs that everybody knows and seems to enjoy singing), a song with male vocals, etc.

I have another very likely candidate for my memorization queue as well, "Spica - Russian Roulette", but I'll need to SE read the lyrics first. That song has been thoroughly stuck in my head lately and I really like it. I also want to add a trot song soon, probably something like "박현빈 - 샤방샤방" since I already have the entire chorus to that song memorized.

Listening: Another pass of TTMIK's 이야기 제1회 - 제10회 and some unsubbed TV watching.

On Wednesday I finally setup an Apple ID and started purchasing some Korean music via iTunes. I'd have preferred using something like Soribada instead (for multiple reasons), but that doesn't seem to be a viable option yet. Converting them to MP3 with iTunes is surprisingly easy, so it doesn't take too many steps to prep them for use with my MP3 players. After buying quite a few songs now (21 songs as of today), I'm not sure I see much point in buying many more physical albums. I'll likely still buy them for a few of the groups I really like (e.g., Kara), but for most groups buying singles via digital download seems like the more logical choice. One of the few things I was holding onto with physical albums was the lyrics, but as long as you double-check them with other sources first (since their accuracy varies greatly), you can get by with finding lyrics online. Honestly...other than occasionally using one to double-check lyrics, my physical albums don't really get any use at all; once I rip the songs from the CDs to MP3, they go back with the other albums and go mostly untouched.

Also my order from Hanbooks arrived recently, so I have more reading to do. :)

Edited by Warp3 on 15 April 2012 at 7:03am

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 Message 123 of 479
22 April 2012 at 4:03pm | IP Logged 
2012년 4월 15일 - 2012년 4월 21일:

Hanja: 7

Korean cards: 37 (31 of which I did on Saturday since previously I had only done 3 on Sunday, 3 on Monday, then nothing during the rest of the week)

Completed SKV sections:
- 5.1 Talking (9 cards)

Scorched earth reading:
- Rainbow - Sweet Dream (3 cards)
- TTMIK 이야기 제2회 (4 cards; 1 of which was entered as a Hanja card instead and 1 of which was a replacement for an older card)

When reading the lyrics to "Rainbow - Sweet Dream", I was initially baffled by the string " 빨주노초파남보" (which I believe is from 고우리's rap break). It simply didn't look like a real word, so I knew something was up (like perhaps the one who typed it had forgotten some spaces). However, I then noticed the word 무지개 directly following it and the meaning clicked into place. That is apparently just the first syllable of each of the 7 colors of the rainbow (빨간색, 주황색, 노란색, 초록색, 파란색, 남색, 보랏색) chained together.

Memorized song lyrics: Secret - 사랑은 Move

I finished "사랑은 Move" this week (though I questioned if I would since the line "날 갖고 즐긴 게" from the rap didn't finally click into place until sometime midweek). I also made significant progress on "조용필 - 여행을 떠나요" this week. I knew a grand total of one line from this song originally ("그곳으로 여행을 떠나요" from the chorus) and can now sing almost the entire song.

One thing I'm noticing lately is that my song memorization seems to be speeding up dramatically (which isn't really a side effect that I had expected when I started this project). This is partly due to the fact that when I try to focus on only a few lines from the song at a time (like I've always done) my mind seems to ignore that and works on learning the others anyway. I was officially only working on 7 lines of "여행을 떠나요" (which is still about double what I would have considered trying previously) yet I've memorized some of the other lines in the song even better than those 7.

I've also noticed my listening comprehension is climbing significantly from this memorization project. For example, I've memorized the entire chorus to "치치 - Longer" without looking at any lyrics (I checked a stage cut of that song yesterday to verify the lyrics and they matched exactly what I had picked up from listening to the song). Strangely enough, though, I wasn't actually *trying* to memorize the chorus to that song, I was simply listening to it on my MP3 player but found that I automatically pay more attention to the words than I used to.

I'm still debating which song to add to the memorization queue next, but all the most likely candidates are songs for which I haven't SE read the lyrics yet, so I'll need to do some more lyric SE reading this week.

Listening: A couple passes of TTMIK's 이야기 제2회 (the one I SE read on Monday) and some unsubbed TV watching.


This week and the next may be a bit unique since I'm on vacation and will be out of state for about half of that time. On the one hand, being off from work should give me more time to work on language tasks, however traveling will do the opposite, so we'll see how my goals hold up for the next two weeks.

Edited by Warp3 on 22 April 2012 at 4:12pm

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 Message 124 of 479
23 April 2012 at 2:19pm | IP Logged 
I've decided to add " - Black and White" to my memorization queue. I'd already learned huge chunks of it solely by watching music shows back when she was performing it (over a year ago) and I SE read it yesterday, so it is eligible now. It's also a song to which I enjoy singing along (and oddly the only song that I seem to actually like).

I also got a big jump on my Hanja yesterday, so I've done all 7 for the week in one day. Normally I would have actively stopped myself from adding that many in one day but since I'll be out of state for the second half of this week, it seemed like the best way to get this week's Hanja done. I also plan to concentrate all my Korean vocab cards into Sun-Tue this week, so I can just do reviews in Anki while on the trip and not need to worry about adding anything to the SRS.
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 Message 125 of 479
29 April 2012 at 4:43pm | IP Logged 
2012년 4월 22일 - 2012년 4월 28일:

Hanja: 8

Korean cards: 40

Completed SKV sections:
- 2.1 Body Parts and Organs (14 cards; 13 vocab deck + 1 Hanja)
Some of the words from this section I could have easily guessed from already known words (like "손등 = the back of the hand" and "발바닥 = the sole of the foot") but they still seemed useful enough to add as specific terms anyway.

Scorched earth reading:
- Rainbow - To Me (내게로...) (7 cards)
- - Black and White (3 cards)

Memorized song lyrics: 조용필 - 여행을 떠나요

I now know "여행을 떠나요" well enough to write it off as "memorized". I still have some work to do on "G.NA - Black and White", though, since 2 or 3 lines still elude my memory at all, much less at speed. I didn't get much practice with song memorization during this week, though it was still enough to finish off "여행을 떠나요".

Listening: Not much other than song listening this week.

Reading: I started reading the bilingual version of "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" earlier this week. I brought the book with me on the trip, though I haven't had time to read any of it while here yet.


Being out of state on vacation has, as expected, greatly cut into my time to work on Korean, but loading up the SRS with the weekly targets early in the week helped a lot as I've only needed to review in Anki, not add, while out of state.

However, I've still watched a bit of Korean TV while here regardless and have also discovered that they have far more Korean restaurants here (there are 2 within a mile of the hotel, in fact) than we have at home with a greater selection of items. Because of this I've also gotten to try two new Korean foods this week (짜장면 and 떡볶이). (Yes, I know 짜장면 is really more like "Koreanized Chinese food" instead, but the Korean restaurants at home don't have it at all and the ones here do, so I've finally tried it now.) 짜장면 was actually quite a bit more bland than I had originally expected (since the sauce *looks* very rich) but is still quite good regardless. 떡볶이 is very tasty, but is also just as spicy as it looks...ㅎㅎㅎ

Edited by Warp3 on 29 April 2012 at 4:47pm

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 Message 126 of 479
06 May 2012 at 6:21pm | IP Logged 
2012년 4월 29일 - 2012년 5월 5일:

Hanja: 7 (all of which was done on Thu - Sat due to the trip earlier in the week)

Korean cards: 43 (all of which was done on Thu - Sat due to the trip earlier in the week)
I'm particularly thrilled that I got words from each of the 4 sources I try to use (SKV, song lyrics, TTMIK 이야기, and TV on-screen text) during this past week rather than heavily biasing one area like I usually end up doing.

Completed SKV sections:
- 5.4 Agreeing, Refusing, Denying (6 cards)

Scorched earth reading:
- Rainbow - Mach (6 cards)
- TTMIK 이야기 제3회 (12 cards + 1 homonym card)

Memorized song lyrics: None
I made some progress on "G.NA - Black and White", but not nearly as much as I usually do. I should make more progress this week, though, since I go back to work tomorrow and thus will have daily commutes again (which is where I do most of my song memorization practicing). I have yet to add any other songs to the memorization queue (after "여행을 떠나요" was completed), though I may do so this week.

Listening: A few episodes of TTMIK 이야기 and quite a bit of song listening on the trip back home (not much else you can do when driving for 10 or so hrs), but that's been the bulk of it.

Reading: I read another page of "Jonathan Livingston Seagull / 갈매기 조나단" and stopped by Twitter a few times, but that's been about the extent of my reading this past week.
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 Message 127 of 479
10 May 2012 at 1:18am | IP Logged 
Lately I've been seriously considering going back to studying a language in addition to just Korean. I have no intention of dropping my TAC goals, though, so I'd still be spending plenty of time on Korean. However, I feel that I'm getting to the point where Korean doesn't need *all* my focus now to continue to progress at a decent pace.

The big question is, do I use this newfound interest to restart my stalled Spanish studies or delve into something new? Hmm...
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 Message 128 of 479
10 May 2012 at 2:35am | IP Logged 
Sounds like a good plan. I've thought about if I stick to just Korean until fluency it'll take ages until I can study anything else. Although I suppose you're much nearer to fluency than I am.

Do you have a new language that's calling you? :)

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