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Solfrid Cristin
Winner TAC 2011 & 2012
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Joined 5273 days ago

4143 posts - 8864 votes 
Speaks: Norwegian*, Spanish, Swedish, French, English, German, Italian
Studies: Russian

 Message 25 of 297
11 March 2014 at 11:50pm | IP Logged 
Sooo, this afternoon I am taking a nap, and wake up, thinking that I am still dreaming, as I hear Russian
spoken, but had not put on any Russian. Turns out my oldest daughter wanted to be serious about her
learning Russian, so she had managed to find "Pretty Little Liars" dubbed into Russian on the Internet and
was listening to that in the kitchen. Because as she said, "Most mafia bosses know Russian, so that can be a
cool language to know ( because you come across so many Russian speaking mafia bosses on your way to
school...). Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I just nod enthusiastically.

My youngest tells me she also wants to learn Russian (possibly due to the fact that I told them this afternoon
that I would get them anything within reason if they asked for it in Russian). My youngest immediately said "
Я хочу Ian Somerhalder", so I had to tell her that a super sexy American actor did not fall into the "within
reason"- category.

We start folding clothes together, still watching the show, when my oldest daughter says Я хочу говорить
по-русски, so I tell my youngest " That means 'I want to speak Russian'. "Well duh", goes my youngest
daughter, "I know that." And adds, "you know this must be one of the few households where 5 languages fly
around - we speak both Norwegian, English and Spanish regularly, and occasionally French and Russian
words or sentences are used". I guess after it' s just the three of us in the house, we do go kind of over the
top with the language thing. Anyway we agreed to watch some more Russian together - so I am crossing my
fingers that it will last more than a day or two.

I have not reported much on my log lately, but I have actually done quite a lot of Russian. I generally do about
6 hours of Russian lessons a week, and speak a lot, and I try to do some grammar at home. The only
grammar I actually enjoy is "Teach yourself Russian Grammar" which is really good for self study. Most other
grammars bore me to tears. I write down whenever I do the different chapters, and I am slightly depressed at
the fact that some of these chapters I have done 5 times over the last 4 years, and it still does not stick, but I
guess it will at some point.

I am also doing the numbers and the clock for the umpteenth time, and like always they can be learned easily
enough, but they are also so easily forgotten. I am trying to convince my teacher to do them until I know them
really well, and to repeat them. Regularly. But I would like her to numbers up to 1000, and she is more into
numbers up to a 100 000, so when I have done 10 minutes of random big numbers, my brain turns into mush.

I speak Spanish regularly, but I wish I could find someone to talk Italian and German to - I sorely miss the
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Super Polyglot
Winner TAC 2012
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Joined 4646 days ago

5310 posts - 9399 votes 
Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans
Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish

 Message 26 of 297
12 March 2014 at 11:00am | IP Logged 
That's always good for your improvement. Unfortunately the only Russian my parents hear
are random scenes from a movie, or my brother playing Defense of the Ancients where the
Russians are using mat. (It's a video game full of Russian players). Same way my brother
knows Polish curse words, haha...

Still looks like you are making some progess! Keep it up!
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Winner TAC 2012
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russoparabrasileirosRegistered users can see my Skype Name
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989 posts - 1454 votes 
Speaks: Portuguese*, EnglishB2, Italian, Spanish, Russian, French
Studies: Dutch, German, Japanese

 Message 27 of 297
12 March 2014 at 6:43pm | IP Logged 
I find it amazing that your daughters like languages like you do =)
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Senior Member
Joined 5286 days ago

980 posts - 1594 votes 
Speaks: Italian*, English, German
Studies: Russian, Swedish, French

 Message 28 of 297
12 March 2014 at 7:45pm | IP Logged 
Solfrid Cristin wrote:
[...] I have not reported much on my log lately, but I have actually done quite a lot of Russian. [...]

Oh it’s so good that I’m not the only one being somewhat negligent in updating my log. Unfortunately, though, contrary to you I don’t really have much to report about my Russian, which is languishing horribly forsaken right now.

You seem to have a pretty solid routine with Russian at the moment, so I’m certain that if you keep to it with this kind of alacrity in the end the language is bound to finally stick.

Solfrid Cristin wrote:
[...] The only grammar I actually enjoy is "Teach yourself Russian Grammar" which is really good for self study. [...]

Is the "Teach Yourself Russian Grammar" the grammar/workbook (left page explanations, right page exercises) by Daphne West? I saw it in the library once, but as I had just started with Russian I got so discouraged after thumbing through it and realizing it was way beyond my level that I never borrowed it. Maybe it’s time I reevaluate it. I wonder at what stage in one’s progress you think it’s best to use it.

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Solfrid Cristin
Winner TAC 2011 & 2012
Senior Member
Joined 5273 days ago

4143 posts - 8864 votes 
Speaks: Norwegian*, Spanish, Swedish, French, English, German, Italian
Studies: Russian

 Message 29 of 297
30 March 2014 at 10:09am | IP Logged 
Thanks @tarvos :-)
Yes, @ fabriciocarraro , I am really happy with the fact that they are so enthusiastic about it. I just discovered
that my 14-year old keeps a diary, in English, and has done so for the last three years. They never stop to
amaze me.

Yes, Emme, I think most of us have been a bit negligent lately - let's hope it improves now that Spring is
coming :-) Yes, that's the one, and I would really recommend that you get back to it. You obviously need to be
able to read Russian letters, and you need to know a couple of hundred words in Russian at least, so that
you do not need to look up every word, but I started with it fairly early. It is really good. Just reading about
grammar does not work for me, I need drills.

Oh. And I decided to write a little in other languages than English. I am happy for any corrections, but please
be kind, I have a fragile ego :-)

Esta mañana leí un hilo (se dice así en castellano?) sobre el tema de leer y escribir los idiomas que hablas, y
me di cuenta de que en realidad casi siempre escribo en inglés. Tarvos por ejemplo escribe en todos sus
idiomas, pero yo soy gandula y escribo en inglés. Así qué hoy voy a utilizar varios de mis idiomas. Ayer tuve
la posibilidad de hablar un poco de español ya que celebramos el cumpleaños de mi hija, que cumple 18
años el martes que viene.

C'est une sensation étrange quand ta petite fille est tout à coup adulte, et peut conduire, boire de l'alcool et
faire tout ce qu'elle veut. Pour moi elle sera bien sûre toujours ma petite fille, mais j'essaie de lui laisser plus
de liberté. Heureusement elle ne fait pas de bêtises, en faite hier je lui ai dit qu'il fallait qu'elle fasse plus de
bêtises, car elle est jeune, et c'est l'époque de les faire.


Adesso è lei chi mi dice a me che guardo troppo la televisione, sono troppo al internet, e che dovrebbe
andare al letto prima. A volte le dico, " Ma guarda, chi è la mamma, tu o io? Ma spesso e anche come una
ragazza piccola e vuole che io le faccia le cose le più semplice. Sono molto felice che ella sia così strutturata
e fa i suoi doveri benissimo, ma penso a volte che dovrebbe essere un po' più pazza a la sua età.


Я знаю что мне надо писать по-русски, но это так трудно! Говорить по-русский уже очень трудно, но
писать еще хуже. Сегодня буду работать в саду. У нас есть такая хорошая погода сейчас и я люблю
мои сад. Мне очень нравится цветок, и у меня ест много роз в саду.

Deutsch zu schreiben finde ich auch ganz schwer. Es geht natürlich viel schneller als auf russisch, aber ich
schreibe es so gut wie niemals und ich habe immer Angst das ich so viele Kasus Fehler machen werde, das
man mir fast nicht verstehen wird. Ich fragte einmal mein Deutschlehrer ob diese Kasus wirklich so wichtig
waren. Ohne sie, kann ich ohne große Probleme deutsch sprechen. Er lächelte, und antwortete: "Äh, es ist
so ungefähr als wenn man eine sehr hübsche Frau sieht, mit große Schwarte Zähne". Verstanden. Ich muss
Kasus lernen :-)

Jag kan inte skriva svenska. Men jag gör så mycket i mitt liv som jag egentligen inte kan, så varför inte
svenska? Varje dag på jobbet gör jag något som jag tror är helt omöjligt, men så går det ändå. Man måste
bara inte vara rädd för att försöka. Man kappar jo inte huvudet av mig om jag gör nåt fel. Eller hur :-) Och jag
er jo en sextondel svensk, så jag borde jo kunna skriva lite på min mormors farfars språk. Han var i från
Åmål, och var son av en mycket fattig kvinna. Dom sa att hans far var den svenska kungen, for varje
månad tills han var arton år fick han pengar från nån okänd person. I min familj har vi aldrig litat på det. At
hans pappa hade pengar förstår sig, men varför det skulle vara just kungen har vi aldrig fattat. Min mamma
menade att hans pappa var den lokala prästen. Det kan jag också tro.

Edited by Solfrid Cristin on 30 March 2014 at 3:39pm

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Super Polyglot
Winner TAC 2012
Senior Member
Joined 4646 days ago

5310 posts - 9399 votes 
Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans
Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish

 Message 30 of 297
30 March 2014 at 12:24pm | IP Logged 
Du skriver mej och dom - jag tror att det är ett svensk stavfel liksom hur engelsmän
förväxlar "you're" och "your". Jag tror att den vanliga formen är "mig" och "de" (eller
"dem" när stället i meningen är akkusativ eller dativ). Men om en svensk vet mer så ska
hen skriva här och förbättra lille Jorn.

Men förutom det kan du jo svenska, och jag vågar inte tvivla på dina kunskaper!

Edited by tarvos on 30 March 2014 at 12:25pm

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Solfrid Cristin
Winner TAC 2011 & 2012
Senior Member
Joined 5273 days ago

4143 posts - 8864 votes 
Speaks: Norwegian*, Spanish, Swedish, French, English, German, Italian
Studies: Russian

 Message 31 of 297
30 March 2014 at 3:38pm | IP Logged 
tarvos wrote:
Du skriver mej och dom - jag tror att det är ett svensk stavfel liksom hur engelsmän
förväxlar "you're" och "your". Jag tror att den vanliga formen är "mig" och "de" (eller
"dem" när stället i meningen är akkusativ eller dativ). Men om en svensk vet mer så ska
hen skriva här och förbättra lille Jorn.

Men förutom det kan du jo svenska, och jag vågar inte tvivla på dina kunskaper!

Jag har rättat på "mej" , men jag väntar lite med "dom", til någon kan förklara meg om jag kan bruka det när
jag skriver, eller om det endast tillhör talmålet. De och dem låter alldeles för norska i mina öron :-)
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Super Polyglot
Winner TAC 2012
Senior Member
Joined 4646 days ago

5310 posts - 9399 votes 
Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans
Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish

 Message 32 of 297
30 March 2014 at 4:48pm | IP Logged 
Solfrid Cristin wrote:
tarvos wrote:
Du skriver mej och dom - jag tror att det är
ett svensk stavfel liksom hur engelsmän
förväxlar "you're" och "your". Jag tror att den vanliga formen är "mig" och "de" (eller
"dem" när stället i meningen är akkusativ eller dativ). Men om en svensk vet mer så ska
hen skriva här och förbättra lille Jorn.

Men förutom det kan du jo svenska, och jag vågar inte tvivla på dina kunskaper!

Jag har rättat på "mej" , men jag väntar lite med "dom", til någon kan förklara meg om
jag kan bruka det när
jag skriver, eller om det endast tillhör talmålet. De och dem låter alldeles för norska
i mina öron :-)

Jag tror, men är inte säker på, att de och dem är inte tillåtna i skriven språk. Men om
jag får gissa så skulle jag tro det med 99% säkerhet. Jag ska fråga Jeff om jag har
rätt här - och som du vet, finns det ganska många dialekter i Sverige där de och dem
inte uttalas som "dom".

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