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United States
Joined 3866 days ago

184 posts - 288 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Spanish, Arabic (Written)

 Message 41 of 196
25 March 2014 at 1:32am | IP Logged 
Crush wrote:
You actually write pretty well and seem to have a good grasp of what you've studied. A lot of people make a lot of mistakes conjugating verbs,
for example, which you don't seem to have trouble with. And you can easily tell that they're English speakers just by the structure of their sentences. For
the most part, your sentences "feel" Spanish, just with a couple mistakes here and there. And for all you've written, that's not that many mistakes and
they're mostly minor or things that you just haven't covered yet.

And i don't mind, i enjoy helping people with Spanish when i can, it would definitely be better for some native speakers to chime in, but until then i'll be
passing by :)

¡Muchas Gracias, Crush!

No tengo mucho vocabulario, entonces no puedo escribir múy bien todavia. Pero estoy estudiando todos los días para aprender más. Entonces un diá ojalá pueda
escribir con muchas palabras buenísimo. Pero mientras tanto, alguien que leer en este diario, por favor me corrige! Porque las correcciónes de Crush he
ayudado a entender muchas cosas de la gramática.
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United States
Joined 3866 days ago

184 posts - 288 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Spanish, Arabic (Written)

 Message 42 of 196
25 March 2014 at 1:44am | IP Logged 
BOLIO wrote:
Great Log NancyDowns!

I loved trying to follow you and Crush in Spanish. Reading is one thing but trying to create it is something all together harder.

And wow, I feel like a slacker just trying Spanish. You are working on Spanish and Arabic????? Man, I thought Spanish and say French would be difficult
at the same time but Arabic...well, you have to worry about much crossover. :)

Ha!! You're not a slacker! Actully, it's because I'm a slacker that I am trying to learn both at the same time! I should have learned Spanish last
year, but I didn't apply myself. Now a friend of mine and I are trying to learn Arabic together. The good thing is that I am ahead of her in Arabic,
so now I can take my time with that and focus more on Spanish. I sure wish I had already gotten into the intermediate level of Spanish before tackling
Arabic, but there's no race! So slow and steady, right? :-) Ha!

Anyway, feel free to write in Spanish. I really shouldn't be because I really don't know that much, but Crush encouraged me to do it, and now I am
very glad because it is actually helping me a lot. I think that this is making me "think" in Spanish more than anything else is! I have the
vocabulary of a 4-year-old, but hey...    :-)

Keep up the good work. We are so close to the same level, I will continue to check on your log to see how you are doing. Maybe we can prod each other
along! :-)
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1622 posts - 2299 votes 
Speaks: English*, Spanish, Mandarin, Esperanto
Studies: Basque

 Message 43 of 196
25 March 2014 at 4:45am | IP Logged 
"...ojalá pueda escribir con muchas palabras buenísimo."
Aquí no se puede utilizar "buenísimo". En inglés muchas veces confundimos "good" y "well", pero en castellano no se puede hacer. Se puede "escribir bien" o incluso "muy bien", pero no se puede "escribir buenísimo" ;) Y a mí me suena mejor decirlo así: "...escribir bien (y) con muchas palabras"

"alguien que leer en este diario, por favor me corrige!"
Después de "que" no creo que se pueda utilizar nunca un infinitivo. Después de "de", sí, pero nunca después de "que". Entonces tendrías que conjugar "leer": "alguien que lee este diario..." Y con el imperativo, el pronombre sigue al verbo ("corrígeme", nota que la "i" lleva tilde).

"Porque las correcciónes de Crush he ayudado a entender muchas cosas de la gramática."
"he ayudado" significa que TÚ has ayudado, si son las correcciones (que además no lleva tilde sobre la "o" ;)) las que te han ayudado, intenta algo así: "Porque las correcciones de crush ME HAN ayudado a entender muchas cosas de la gramática."

Has escrito algunas frases bastante complejas que no necesitaron ser corregidas en absoluto, ¡enhorabuena! Y sí, creo que escribir es una manera muy buena de practicar lo que has estudiado e incluso te puede ayudar a pensar en el idioma y a hablarlo más fluidamente. Así que... ¡que no te dé vergüenza! A mí me parece que tu mayor dificultad no es la gramática sino el vocabulario, y creo que está bien porque quiere decir que estás "asimilando" lo que estás estudiando.

Edited by Crush on 25 March 2014 at 4:47am

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Senior Member
United States
Joined 3866 days ago

184 posts - 288 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Spanish, Arabic (Written)

 Message 44 of 196
25 March 2014 at 5:10am | IP Logged 
Crush wrote:
"...ojalá pueda escribir con muchas palabras buenísimo."
Aquí no se puede utilizar "buenísimo". En inglés muchas veces confundimos "good" y "well", pero en castellano no se puede hacer. Se puede "escribir bien" o incluso "muy bien", pero no se puede "escribir buenísimo" ;) Y a mí me suena mejor decirlo así: "...escribir bien (y) con muchas palabras"

"alguien que leer en este diario, por favor me corrige!"
Después de "que" no creo que se pueda utilizar nunca un infinitivo. Después de "de", sí, pero nunca después de "que". Entonces tendrías que conjugar "leer": "alguien que lee este diario..." Y con el imperativo, el pronombre sigue al verbo ("corrígeme", nota que la "i" lleva tilde).

"Porque las correcciónes de Crush he ayudado a entender muchas cosas de la gramática."
"he ayudado" significa que TÚ has ayudado, si son las correcciones (que además no lleva tilde sobre la "o" ;)) las que te han ayudado, intenta algo así: "Porque las correcciones de crush ME HAN ayudado a entender muchas cosas de la gramática."

Has escrito algunas frases bastante complejas que no necesitaron ser corregidas en absoluto, ¡enhorabuena! Y sí, creo que escribir es una manera muy buena de practicar lo que has estudiado e incluso te puede ayudar a pensar en el idioma y a hablarlo más fluidamente. Así que... ¡que no te dé vergüenza! A mí me parece que tu mayor dificultad no es la gramática sino el vocabulario, y creo que está bien porque quiere decir que estás "asimilando" lo que estás estudiando.

Wow! you're good! I don't even need a book! Just Kidding. I am understanding everything you are saying... except paragraph 3. So the way I wrote it, it says that
I have helped myself, basically, is that right? "he ayudado" would be like I helped myself. So putting "me han ayudado" would say that He helped me. Did I get that
right? :-)   Man tildes left off, tildes that I don't need! Ha!   I do remember now that adding the "es" means that "correcciones" wouldn't need an accent, but
reading it from you kind of reinforces it! So again, thank you very much. I am feeling too lazy and tired right now (past my bedtime!) to write in Spanish, but I
will do more on other days! You have been very kind and helpful to me. Thank you.

Edited by nancydowns on 25 March 2014 at 5:13am

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United States
Joined 3950 days ago

76 posts - 110 votes 
Speaks: Mandarin*, English
Studies: Spanish

 Message 45 of 196
25 March 2014 at 5:40am | IP Logged 

In addition to the help you receive here, you can use language exchange websites like italki and Lang-8 to practice your writing skills in your target languages.

Basically, you post your writing on either site (or both) and receive corrections from native speakers. Here’s an example of what I wrote and the corrections that I received. (Ignore the sign-up hover ads, just click “X” and it’ll go away)

I’ve posted my writing on both sites for more than a year. The feedbacks that I’ve received are very valuable and help me better understand the grammar. Italki offers a platform for online teachers/tutors. So some corrections and explanations are from these teachers. Also they are potential places for seeking language practice/exchange partners:)

¡Saludos y buenas noches!


Edited by PointsDotsLines on 25 March 2014 at 5:47am

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Senior Member
United States
Joined 3866 days ago

184 posts - 288 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Spanish, Arabic (Written)

 Message 46 of 196
25 March 2014 at 5:45am | IP Logged 
Here it is Monday again! This has been a really busy week, but I'm happy with my progress in both languages. I think Crush is going to single-
handedly get me thinking in Spanish! With encouragement to try writing in Spanish, I have made several attempts. There have been lots of corrections
needed, but I think it is definitely helping me! So I am going to try keeping it up. We'll see if I can possibly get my mistakes down to a dull roar
in my posts! :-)

SPANISH Total Hours: 28 (last week 7)

Assimil: First Wave Lesson 31 - scriptorium Lesson 20
FSI: Unit 10 Scriptorium Unit 5
Pimsleur III: Unit 17
Coffee Break Spanish: Lesson 35
Notes in Spanish: Lesson 5
Destinos: episode 9

ARABIC Total Hours: 14.5 (last week 6.5)

Mastering Arabic: Chapter 7
FSI MWA: Lesson 9 Scriptorium Lesson 2

Weekly assessment: I have found a certain pleasure in my scriptorium work that I never expected. I am going to tell you all about my craziness and
just hope that you won't laugh at me! I have some multi-colored pens. I write in two columns down the page with 1/3 of each column broken up into
blocks with different colored pens (so six blocks per page). I can't even tell you how happy it makes me to look at all of those pages of words in
different colors. It's about the same feeling I get eating fruity pebbles, running in the rain, and crunching over crispy leaves on the ground. It
just makes me happy. When I run my hand over the page, I feel the indentions the pen made, and it is wonderful!

So on to other things! :-) FSI MWA isn't going so well. I listened to those tapes and they meant nothing to me, so I am going back and working very
tediously over the pages. I hope the time spent will be a benefit. But I am really enjoying "Mastering Arabic."

I have also decided to abandon forward progress in Assimil Spanish for one week (I will review one lesson per day starting with lesson 26). I want to
put as much time as I have into the FSI to get it more up to speed with Assimil. No, they won't correspond exactly, and soon I will blast past FSI
again in Assimil because it definitely moves faster. So I will probably continue to readjust. Not that it's a bad thing to be ahead in one program,
but going from Assimil to FSI feels like going from Middle School to Elementary school. So I want to close the gap a little.

I got some books in the mail that I ordered! yay! "Despereaux" and "La Telaraña de Carlota." OOOH, it was so exciting to hold those in my hand, but I
put them up for a bit because I NEED to focus on Assimil and FSI and get through them! I am too easily distracted, and I love books! I found some
books on the Gutenberg project, too, and I did read through the first page of "Charlie y la fabrica de chocolate" and I bookmarked "Alicia en el Pais
de las Maravillas." I am so anxious to read them all. I also would love to read "James y el Melocoton Gigante." So I have motivation to keep
working on my courses! I am not interested in Harry Potter, but does anyone have suggestions for any other chapter books that would be good to read?
I am anxious to get to real Spanish literature, but need to cut my teeth on the easier stuff, I think. Or will it be that once I am done with all of
those I will be ready for something meatier?

Edited by nancydowns on 25 March 2014 at 12:03pm

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Senior Member
United States
Joined 3866 days ago

184 posts - 288 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Spanish, Arabic (Written)

 Message 47 of 196
25 March 2014 at 5:55am | IP Logged 
Thank you, Charles! I did sign up for Lang8 and wrote one thing that got corrected right away, but I felt I needed to learn more before I wrote.
But now my friend, Crush, has made me feel comfortable enough to try it. So I think I will definitely start writing things on Lang8.
Unfortunately, I am a bit shy in person, and I am not sure how a Skype call would go for me. We went to a Mexican restaurant tonight, but I was too
shy to even say Gracias... :-{ But the writing does help, so I am going to try that as much as possible until I get more confident in speaking.
Thanks for your encouragement to try those out more!

Edited by nancydowns on 25 March 2014 at 6:00am

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Senior Member
United States
Joined 3866 days ago

184 posts - 288 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Spanish, Arabic (Written)

 Message 48 of 196
25 March 2014 at 12:02pm | IP Logged 
Here is a post I made on Lang8. Very elementary stuff for now.
I'll have to think of something more complex/interesting to write about next time!

Edit: Ha, they disabled my link. But I'm not a newbie anymore! :-) Anyway, if anyone is actually interested, I'm White Rabbit on Lang8.

Edited by nancydowns on 25 March 2014 at 12:04pm

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