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 Message 1745 of 3959
23 March 2010 at 9:19pm | IP Logged 
GER: Wie gehst du mit Sprachen um, zu denen du keinen persönlichen Bezug hast? Wenn du aus strategischen Gründen eine Sprache lernen willst, aber du hast mit dem Land eigentlich nichts zu tun. Wahrscheinlich machst du dann eine Reise in solche Länder. Ich stelle gerade bei meinem "Dabbling" fest, dass ich so überhaupt keinen persönlichen Bezug habe, weder zu Brasilien noch zu Portugal. Noch nie habe ich mit den Ländern in irgendeiner Form etwas zu tun gehabt. Weder Bekannte noch Brieffreundschaften, noch Bücher, noch Zeitschriften... Für meine Motivation, später Portugiesisch ernsthaft zu lernen, finde ich das schwierig. Deshalb ist so ein "Dabbling" sinnvoll, weil mir dann im Vorfeld gewisse Dinge auffallen. Die Sprache zu lernen wird ein Spaziergang sein, viel leichter als Türkisch und Dänisch.

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 Message 1746 of 3959
24 March 2010 at 2:19am | IP Logged 
GER: Ich fühle eigentlich daß ich eine persönliche Beziehung zu einem Land habe, wenn ich dessen Sprache spreche. Und ich habe ja auch ganz viele Plätze besucht, - mit Trinidad wird es 112 selbständige Staaten, so ich fühle mich fast überall zu Hause. Dazu kommt daß ich über das Internet mich mit alle Herren Nationalitäten in Verbindung stehe ... so was mehr bräuchte ich? Ich könnte naturlich Familie im Ausland haben, aber das würde ich eher als eine Belastung sehen, weil ich dann die Verbindung mit ihnen aufrechthalten müßte. Ich bin eigentlich damit gut zufrieden nur eine winzig kleine nahe Familie zu haben.

GER: To Plautdietscha: Ik höff PlautCast 54 op höört, un 't weer nich afsünnerlich swoor to verstahn. Aver 't is nich dat Platt dat ik kenn. Prinzipiell müch ik Platt so schrieven wie in, - dat is: na dat Wöörbook vun Johannes Sass. Aver ik zeg nich, dat dit hefft al klappt.


Fasulye expresses some misgivings about learning languages from places to which you really don't have any personal ties. But I don't need such ties: having learnt the language of a places is in itself a very important tie. Besides I have visited 112 countries so I feel at home in many places on the planet, and I have contact with people from all over the word through the internet. Whar more do I need?

Plautdietscha has given a link to a homepage with lots of material in something (dialect or language) called Plautdietch, which apparently is spoken by mennonites and other groups in many places on the Earth (including Minnesota, which is mentioned in the Plautcast on the main page of the site (podcast no. 54). It resembles Platt so much that I could more or less uunderstand the whole thing after few minutes, but it is not the dialect I have grown accostumed to through NDR.

Earlier today I watched a program in Danish about electronic gadgets. I have often written that I wanted something like an electronic bookreader for use in busses and trains and similar places. OK, now I saw Amazon's Kindle. And the hardware seems very convincing, except that pictures are in black-and-white. Did I say pictures? The problem is that Amazon has made the functionality outside USA so ridiculously limited that only fools would buy this gizmo in Europe. You can buy newspapers, but outside the USA they are stripped of their pictures. You can't see doc-files, and the number of book titles is limited by absurd regional restrictions, like those that have crippled the market for films on DVD So the conclusion : don't buy this Kindle-stuff if you live outside the USA. You will regret it!

Jeg har desuden analyseret verbal-bøjningerne for nutid i min Russisk-danske ordbog fra Gyldendal. Der er 64 bøjnings-mønstre, men hvis man ser bort fra nogle få meget uregelmæssige verber, er det kombinationerne af nogle få faktorer der fører til det store antal bøjnings-mønstre, og dem har jeg forsøgt at systematisere.

Besides I have analysed the verbal paradigma for the present tense in my Russian-Danish dictionary. There are 64 patterns, but if you exclude a few very irregular verbs the large number can be reduced a lot if you isolate a few relevant factors: hard or soft consonant before the ending, 3 or 4 typical patterns for stress distribution and the ending patterns themselves which can be counted on one hand. This means that verbs shouldn't be remembed as belonging to one of the 64 types, but rather as having a number of characteristics (maybe as little as three) that operate independently of each other and thereby create the illusion that Russian has 64 patterns or more for the present tense.

Edited by Iversen on 26 March 2010 at 3:22am

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 Message 1747 of 3959
24 March 2010 at 5:47am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
Earlier today I watched a program in Danish about electonical gadgets.


Thanks for the warning about the Kindle. It looks great, but your warning and my worries about the amount of Dutch content available have put me off.

Edited by str0be on 24 March 2010 at 5:47am

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 Message 1748 of 3959
24 March 2010 at 9:41am | IP Logged 
For this reason I bought a Sony e-reader (from Britain, where it's 2/3 of the price).
With that you can't order books electronically directly onto the device, but you can buy
or download e-books (or lecture notes or whatever) in all kinds of formats and move them
onto the device using a USB cable. I am very happy with my purchase, especially with the
latest Sony e-reader, which has a touch screen, making it a lot less bulky than the
Kindle. And I like the integration into a leather book jacket with in-built light... very
neat. I presently use this to read "Le rouge et le noir", which I got from Gutenberg, and
a Chinese reader. Display of Chinese characters is no problem and with the stylus I can
even scribble notes in Chinese in the margins.

Edited by Sprachprofi on 24 March 2010 at 9:43am

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 Message 1749 of 3959
26 March 2010 at 2:53am | IP Logged 
LAT: Iam immo sero nunc est, et ergo iterum activitates meas hodie ut lingvas discedere non possum enumerare. Sed de archivio nuntii programmae Radiophoniae Finnicae YLE hodie mentionem facere quaero. Non apud ipsam Radionem Finnicam hospitor, sed apud, id quod explicat cur non antes sapui quod existeret archivium cum centuplis nuntium brevium sermonis latinae, jucundissimi studiosis lingua latinae.

Exemplo gratia indicat (sine fontibus) quod "In regione Hierosolymorum occidentali fragmentum testaceum cum inscriptione hebraica omnium vetustissima inventum est. Illud frustulum pars est vasis, quod abhinc circiter tria milia annorum confectum esse existimatur". Et .. "Archaeologi Romani nuper in ripa Tiberis fluminis prope viam Flaminiam sepulcrum antiquum reppererunt, in quo sepultus erat Marcus Nonius Macrinus, amicus et dux exercituum imperatoris Marci Aurelii. Magna pars sepulcri in flumen prolapsa erat, sed restant columnae marmoreae, picturae et inscriptio sepulcralis. Macrinus fuit exemplum Maximo Decimo Meridio, personae fictae, cuius partes Russel Crowe in pellicula cinematographica egit, cui "Gladiator" titulus est. ". Et.. "Hora hiemalis incipit: Die Dominico multo mane, cum hora aestiva finietur, horologia retrorsum movebuntur".

Etiam nuntios de rei publicae videmus, sicut "Barack Obama democrata et John McCain republicanus officialiter candidati praesidentiales in USA nominati sunt, ex quibus alter in comitiis mense Novembri (4.11.) futuris praesidens Americanorum designabitur. ". Sapimus profecto quod Obama electus est quam praeses Statium Unitium Americanis, - iste clare nuntius archivi est, sed in YLE Radioni etiam de rebus recentibus sermone latine loquatur.


Once again it is late, so instead of listing my activities this evening I'll just draw your attention to the archives of the Latin section at Radio Yle, which however are hosted at (which explains that I haven't found them earlier). There are literally hundreds of short news messages here from the last ten eyars or so, written in a language that is so clear and concise that they must be at just the right level for a language learner who hasn't yet achieved the state of triumphant excellence.

All kinds of subjects are covered, ranging from messages about new and exciting archaeological finds to political statements and reports from current conflicts. And of course in pure undiluted Latin. If you want uptodate news then you should of course listen to radio YLE's running news service.

Edited by Iversen on 26 March 2010 at 10:55am

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 Message 1750 of 3959
29 March 2010 at 1:23am | IP Logged 
I have spent several hours on Irish this weekend, because the only book I managed to grab before visiting my mother was my old Teach Yourself Irish. I have of course made wordlists galore, but also used some of the translation drills. After all I have now worked on this language for three months, and it is time to start thinking in it, and forcing myself to do some simple translation is one possible preparation for this.

GR: Eφερα επίσης την "Science Illustrated" μου στα ελληνικά, αλλά στην πραγματικότητα έχω διαβάσει τώρα όλα τα άρθρα, έτσι είχε την πλέον χαρακτήρα της επανάληψης. Αλλά επίσης η επανάληψη μπορεί να είναι χρήσιμη.

I also brought my single issue of the Greek "Science Illustrated", but I have read all the articles so it seemed mostly like repetition.

GER: Ich habe übrigens meine Mutter besucht, und natürlich habe ich dort "Genial daneben" auf SAT1 gesehen. Und gerade jetzt sehe ich Harald Lesch auf ZDF, der über schwarze Löcher spricht.

I have visited my mother and her satellite receiver this weekend, and of course I used the opportunity to watch "Genial daneben" (a German language quiz). Right now I watch Harald Leesch speaking about black holes on ZDF.

SCO: The neist kipple o' days I'll have to spend a wee bit o' time on Scots, 'cause ah mur be gaein tae visit Stirling in Scotland ere lang. Tho' ah dink nae ah will could be speakin Scots thare, and ah might nae e'en dare tae speak it. Mebbe ah winnae be hearin true Scots at all! Mebbe true Scots is juist an auld fairie tale like the monster o' Loch Ness!

GER: Gerade jetzt wird auf ZDF berichtet, daß ein Englischer Archäologengruppe ein Dorf gefunden haben, das vermutlich von den Menschen, die Stonehenge geschaffen haben, bevölkert war. Und immer noch tanzen übergläubische Menschen rund um die alten Steine, wie vermutlich auch die ursprüngliche Megalithenbauer. Neun Monate später kommen dann die Kinder.

Right now is there a program on ZDF about the find of a village that may have been inhabited by the original constructors of Stongehenge. And superstituous people are still dancing around the old stones, as they believe the builders must have done 4000 years ago.

GER: Und übrigens weiß niemand das geringste über die Sprache der Megalithen-Leute.

Edited by Iversen on 29 March 2010 at 2:13pm

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 Message 1751 of 3959
29 March 2010 at 11:16pm | IP Logged 
RU: Я провел несколько часов чтения книг по русской истории перед монголами (хотя большая часть этой сказки разворачивается внутри и вокруг Киева, то столица современной Украины). Эта книга ("Сгранитсы Историеи", Москва 1987) - необычна, введя акценты.

I have spent some hours this evening on reading about Russian history before the Mongols in a book named "Pages of history" (1987), which is special by being written with accents.

SCO: This week ah'm readin a wee beuk aboot Scots frae Kauderwelsch for tae redd mysel fae my upcomin expedeetion tae the auld an bonny town Stirling, whilk ah dinnae veesit syne 1973. Ah wis than on my seicont Interrail traivel an came tae Edinburgh Wawerley frae London ere dawn. Ah speired a sodger at the Castle whan the steid wad be openin, an he said "at neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeene o'claaaaaaawk". Ah knew than that ah wis win ah Scotland! Ah did forby a vaige tae Stirling for a te see the castle thare, an bein a puir donsie scholart wi no money ah slept in a Youth Hostel. An nae, the noble laird o' the hostel dinnae wake us wi his pìobaireachd*, - as befaw me in Shrewsbury!       

* bagpipe

Edited by Iversen on 29 March 2010 at 11:25pm

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 Message 1752 of 3959
29 March 2010 at 11:20pm | IP Logged 
(summary moved)

Edited by Iversen on 07 June 2010 at 2:58pm

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