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 Message 1369 of 3959
04 October 2009 at 11:45pm | IP Logged 
Crush wrote:
Iversen: I believe I've seen you write "peró" several times instead of "pero". I don't know if there is a reason for this (or if it's a word that I'm just not familiar with).

Not knowing Spanish, Italian però is my guess.
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 Message 1370 of 3959
05 October 2009 at 12:50am | IP Logged 
Leopejo's guess comes quite close to the reality. I have been switching between the forum and some Italian homepages, - and it is "però" (or "ma") in Italian. But because Spanish only use acento agudo I just 'turned' the accent instead of removing it. And "sopraviver" is of course halfway the Italian "sopravvivere". Which just goes to show that my brain isn't nicely divided into separated cells with one language in each one, and that it does lead to errors if you work in two related languages at the same time (while watching TV in a third one).

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 Message 1371 of 3959
06 October 2009 at 12:39am | IP Logged 
SP: Volví de los Balcanes hace unas tres semanas, pero sólo ahora he tomado mi tiempo para poner mis fotos en mi álbum de fotos (soy tan desfasado que todavía me procura de copias en papel) -estoy en este momento al 39. album. Fortunadamente he hallado una emisión excelente en TVE Internacional: "Españoles en el mundo". En la primera parte se ha entrevistado españoles que vivían en la capital del Corea del Sur, Seúl.. He visitado esta metropolis una vez, y he podido reconocer algunas de las localidades, como los palacios reales (que no son grandes edificios monoliticos como en Europa , pero mas bien complejos de pavillones y jardines). Hubo evidentemente una visita a la zona central de restaurantes, donde yo tambien comí - en un pequeño comedor donde nadie entendia el Inglés, por lo que tuve que deseñar un medio pollo frito (comunicación non-verbal!). Y hablando de comidas: la cosa mas incomprehensibile de Corea no es el idioma coreano, peró el manjar nacional kimchi: una horrorosa mistura de repollo podrido con diversos aditivos, que existe en mil variaciones. Sin embargo los españoles y españolas que hemos visitado han demostrado sus inclinaciónes cocinarias, pero sin comer kimchi - han preferido pan, larvas de gusano y calamares.

Algunos de los españoles en Seúl había tratado de aprender el coreano, pero con diversos grados de éxito. Hubo uno que dijo que "maneja un poco la lengua", mientras que otros fueron más cautelosos. La majoría no ha mencionado el problema linguistico, lo que sugiere que no han tratado de aprender el idioma del todo. Al otro lado hemos encontrado una coreana hispanohablante, que con un colega español está responsable de las emisiones en lengua castellano de KBC (Korea Broadcasting Company). Sin embargo el interés en el idioma español de los coreanos está relatado con el hecho de que Latinamerica es un importante socio comercial para su país.

FR: Dans le deuxième parti de l'émission on a visité des espagnols qui vivaient sur la Côte d'Azur en France - ce qui était un peu plus familier.   

Ma lecture d'autobus d'aujourd'hui était comme prédit le livre de Foulet sur l'ancienne language françoise. Je possède aussi le dictionnaire Ancien Français>Nouveau Français de M. Greimas, une histoire de la language écrite par le grand linguiste danois Togeby, plusieurs tômes de littérature et l'antologie de Groult-Émond-Muraille - mais il me manque un dictionaire dans l'autre direction, et tant que je ne possède pas un tel livre je ne vais pas écrire ici en Ancien Français, voire tenter de l'apprendre en tant que language active.


At long last I have taken the time to glue my holiday photos from the Balkans into my photo album (yes, I'm oldfashioned enough to maintain this archaique contraption, - and right now I'm at album no. 39). But I still somehow managed to study languages because TVE Internacional had a splendid program about Spaniards in foreign countries. The two places chosen for today's program were Seoul in South Korea and Côte d'Azur in France + Monaco. I have visited both destinations and could recognize many things. However I didn't see any of the Spaniards actually attempt to eat 'kimchi' - a vile concoction based on rotten cabbage mixed with a varied assortment of other ingredients The national language of South Korea is said to be a linguistic isolate; and so is their national dish.

My bus-back-home-from-work reading today was once again the entertaining little book by Foulet about the syntax of Old French. I have an assortment of books in and about this kind of French, but not a dictionary from something (eg. Modern French) into Old French - otherwise I would probably try to learn enough of it to be able to write posts in that language.

Edited by Iversen on 06 October 2009 at 7:45pm

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 Message 1372 of 3959
07 October 2009 at 11:03pm | IP Logged 
LAT: Hodie iter Ephemeridum legi atque ut solet hic commentationes inveniantur quae res scientiarium naturalium tractant. Igitur legi quod homines sapientes forsitan homines neandertalenses devoraverint. Antropologus lutientsis F. Rozzi contendet maxillam infantis neanderthalensis invenitum esse cum vestigibus cultrorum, - id est, cum vestigibus praxium anthropofagicarum. Forese ipses neanderthalenses infantem devorabant? Sed longissime hic vivebant sine infantes suos edere, cur tunc incipere cum advento nostro? Probabilius est quod homines sapientes tamen istud scelus fecerunt - nos facte hodie hic sumus, neandertahlenses absunt.

Etiam vidi contentionem quod dinosauri capita sua alte tenebant. Ego infans disci quod sauropodes - exempli gratia Brachiosaurus - in aqua vivabat ut corporem posse immensum suum sustinere. Et in aqua caput alte tenere potebant, dicerent docti tunc. Postea ideam istam relinquaverun - docebat docti quod sauropodios in regionibus aridis vivebant, caudam et capitem libratas tenens. Et nunc paleontologus M.Taylor dicet quod collum suum facile alte tenere poterent - sine aqua.


I have once again been reading the internet newspaper Ephemeris, where one of the scientific news was thye announcement of the find of a Neanderthal child whose jawbone showed telltale knifemarks. A Parisian archeologist has claimed that the marks might indicate some cannibalistic activity. So why blame the newly arrived Homo socalled-sapiens? Firstly because there aren't signs of earlier cannibalism among the neandertahlas, so why should they start doing it at that precise moment where a new human species arrived? Another clue: we are here today, they aren't. But I have another theory: maybe the sapienses just scraped the flesh off the cranium of a murdered Neanderthal child to decorate their home. After they were very artistic and highly creative people these sapienses, weren't they?

In another article an English paleologist claims that the dinos ( or more precisely: the Sauropods) could raise their necks vertically. The closes the circle: as a child I learned that they have to live in water to support their immense bodyweight - but at least they could keep their heads high in the water. LAter I was told that they actually didn't live in the water, and that their tails and necks were kept in horizontal position with the help of strong tendons and sheer muscle power. And now this claim that those dinos could actuelly lift their necks to vertical position.

Edited by Iversen on 07 October 2009 at 11:20pm

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 Message 1373 of 3959
07 October 2009 at 11:09pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
LAT: Etiam vidi contentionem quod dinosauri capita sua alte tenebant. Ego infans disci quod sauropodes - exempli gratia Brachiosaurus - in aqua vivabat ut corporem posse immensum suum sustinere. Et in aqua caput alte tenere potebant, dicerent docti tunc. Postea ideam istam relinquaverunt - nunc affirmabant illos in regionibus aridis vivere, caudam et capitem libratas tenens. Et nunc paleontologus M.Taylor dicet quod collum suum facile alte tenere poterent - sine aqua.

Das ist interessant, kannst du mir den Link geben?

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 Message 1374 of 3959
08 October 2009 at 11:31am | IP Logged 
LAT: Brachiosaurum capitis altae in aqua submersum in "Børnenes nye leksikon" (danice sermone) vidi circa anno domini 1960. Dispositio horizontalis universalis in televisione est atque in libris publicationibusque recentibus. Descriptio possibilitatis capitem in positione derecte tenere in "Superbe sauros ambulasse" datur. Illustratio tamen ibi sauropedae cum caput quasi horizontalis demonstrat. Annuntio originalis paleontologicorum anglicorum in Acta Palaeontologica Polonica publicata est.


For those who prefer to read about dinosaurs in English there are short articles here and here. If you want the original scientific article then it was published in Acta Palaeontologica Polonica in May and is now available for download here (in English)

Edited by Iversen on 08 October 2009 at 12:28pm

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 Message 1375 of 3959
08 October 2009 at 10:20pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
LAT: Brachiosaurum capitis altae in aqua submersum in "Børnenes nye leksikon" (danice sermone) vidi circa anno domini 1960. Dispositio horizontalis universalis in televisione est atque in libris publicationibusque recentibus. Descriptio possibilitatis capitem in positione derecte tenere in "Superbe sauros ambulasse" datur. Illustratio tamen ibi sauropedae cum caput quasi horizontalis demonstrat. Annuntio originalis paleontologicorum anglicorum in Acta Palaeontologica Polonica publicata est.

GER: Danke für die Links, Iversen. Da will ich mich mal mit befassen, vor allem mit der Ephemeris, lange habe ich keinen lateinischen Artikel mehr gelesen. Ich befinde mich sozusagen im Umbruch, denn ich werde meine türkische Arbeitsgruppe abbrechen. Die Gründe dafür haben mit dem Lernen nichts zu tun. Das bedeutet, dass ich im reinen Selbststudium Türkisch weiterlernen muss, was eigentlich gar nicht mein Ding ist. Aber das ist die einizige Alternative, die ich dann habe. Ich muss ganz diszipliniert im TAC - Log weiterposten, sonst bekomme ich Schwierigkeiten mit dem Durchhalten des Lernens.


Edited by Fasulye on 08 October 2009 at 10:22pm

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 Message 1376 of 3959
08 October 2009 at 11:32pm | IP Logged 
GER: Es muß wenigstens ein Vorteil sein, daß du bereits so weit mit deinem Türkish-Studium bist - es gibt da so zu sagen schon viel Momentum.

Ich habe die letzten zwei Monate oder so außer Asterix nicht allzuviel Latein gelesen, weil ich volle drei Wochen nicht zu Hause war und in Verbindung damit andere Sprachen ganz viel Zeit widmen mußte (Rumänisch, Serbisch und später Italienisch) - aber vom Asterix habe ich ganz viel informelles Latein gelernt. Es war aber schön wieder ein Bißchen Ephemeris zu lesen.

RUS: Сегодня я читал сайт о взрыве тунгуском в 1908 году: Если кто-то хочет знать все об этом событии, вот сайт со всеми подробностями, что вы можете хотят - и многое другое. Кто был ближе к взрыву? Да, охотник Иван Потатрович Петров, - и он выжил. Где найболее удаленная точка наблюдения болида? B cело Знаменске, конечно, в 710 км к ЮЮВ. Как средная плотность чёрных магнетотитовых шариков? 4,54 г/цм, конечно - но я не знаю, почему они являются магнитными, и были ли они черные перед ударом?? Этот сайт дейстбительно нет для начинающих. В реке Верхней Лакуре было обнаружено круглюю струцтуру, предположительно кратер диаметром 70 метров, Но - несмотря на несколько попыток - не найдены останки неопознанного падающого объекта.

Род объекта - спорный. B 1969 годa П.И.Привалов переперечислил 77 гипотез о природе в журнале "Природа". Многие ученые считали метеорит, но они felste, вероятно, сейчас считают, что была комета, которая взорвалась в атмосфере перед ударом. Или, может быть летающей тарелки с пьяным экипажем? Я уверен, что также есть водка на Марсе!


I was looking for suitable reading materials in Russian and happened to find the site, where a bunch of knowledgeable aficionados have collected just about every shred of information about the Tunguska incident in 1908 that you might ever want to see - and a few you could do without (though only in Russian). The impact could be heard 1000 kms away, debris was found as far 710 km way and trees were overturned (away from the impact site) 30-32 km away. The nearest human settlement (one single house) was at a distance of 40 kms, and a hunter named Petrov from that house was probably the closest eye-witness. To this day it isn't totally sure what caused the incident. A certain Privalov made a list of 77 hypothesis in 1969, at a time where most specialists believed that the unidentified falling object is was a meteorite - even though no actual piece of it has ever been found. Nowadays the predominant theory is that it was comet that exploded in the atmosphere before impact. But a minority of hardliners still believe that it was an exploding flying saucer - after all there must be vodka on Mars. Or maybe the green bugeyed aliens came to buy some ... and just had a minor accident.

Edited by Iversen on 09 October 2009 at 3:46pm

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