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 Message 137 of 420
01 January 2012 at 9:28am | IP Logged 
Myrskyt ovat aiheuttaneet paljon vahinkoa metsille.
Storms have caused much damage in the forests.

Tämän viikon aikana myrskyissä on kaatunut puita 3,5 miljoonaa kuutiometriä.
During this week the storms have felled 3.5 million cubic meters of trees.

Kaatuneiden puiden arvo on noin 120 miljoonaa euroa.
The value of the fallen trees is about 120 million Euro.

Myrskyt kaatoivat puita eniten Lounais-Suomessa.
Storms are felling trees in most of southwest Finland.

Metsänomistajat saavat myrkyissä kaatuneista puista vähemmän rahaa kuin normaalisti kaadetuista puista.
Forest land owners say that trees taken down by storms are worth less money than trees cut down normally.

Metsäteollisuus sanoo, että metsänomistajat menettävät rahaa noin 30 miljoonaa euroa myrskyjen takia.
The forest industry says that forest land owners have lose about 30 million Euros due to the storms.

Sähköyhtiöt ovat jatkaneet myrskyvahinkojen korjaamista.
The electric companies have continued storm damage repairs.

Perjantaina ilman sähköä oli yhä yli 20 000 kotia.
Freday there were still over 20,000 homes without electricity.
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 Message 138 of 420
01 January 2012 at 11:10am | IP Logged

Hmm, this site looks possibly useful.   It can quiz for the cases. It doesn't do plurals seperately, but it prompts nominative plural sometimes.   

It has a vocab section for English <-> Finnish. And Sami <-> Finnish, but no Sami <-> English, though I can just use regular flash cards for vocab.

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 Message 139 of 420
02 January 2012 at 1:07am | IP Logged 
Presidentti Tarja Halonen on pitänyt perinteisen uudenvuodenpuheen.
Present Tarja Halonen has made a traditional New Year's speech.

Tämän vuoden uudenvuodenpuhe oli presidentti Halosen viimeinen, koska tässä kuussa valitaan uusi presidentti Suomeen.
This year's New Year's speech was president Halonen's last, as this month a new President of Finland is elected.

Presidentti Tarja Halonen on pitänyt uudenvuodenpuheen 12 kertaa.
President Tarja Halonen has given a A New Year's speech 12 times.

Vuoden 2012 uudenvuodenpuheessaan presidentti Halonen sanoi, että yhteistyö on tärkeää Euroopassa ja kansainvälisessä yhteistyössä.
In the 2012 New Year's speech, President Halonen said that cooperation is important for Europe and for international collaberation.

Hän on huolissaan, koska ihmisten eriarvoisuus kasvaa.
She is concerned that human inequality increases.

ihmisoikeus=human rights (G-PL)
loukkaus=violation (PL)
Köyhyys, eriarvoisuus ja ihmisoikeuksien loukkaukset aiheuttavat ongelmia maailmalla ja myös Suomessa.
Poverty, inequality and human rights violations cause trouble in in the world, and also in Finland.
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 Message 140 of 420
02 January 2012 at 6:13am | IP Logged 
40%という低い食料自給率の日本で、まだ食べ られるのに賞味期限切れが近付いたという理 由で返品された食品を大量に廃棄している。
On the matter of Japan's low rate, 40%, of food self suficiency, a large quantity of returned food that has passed its expiration date is thrown away despite still being edible.

消費者が賞味期限の表示の意味を理解してい ない、あるいは食品の鮮度にこだわりすぎる ことが原因で食品が売れ残ると消費者庁は考 え、日付を過ぎても食べられるとPRするこ とや消費者の意識を改革する啓発活動を行う という。
Consumers don't understand the meaning of the expiration date, or government officials think that possibly the reason the food remains unsold is that consumers reject the products because they are fixated on the freshness; according to the PR campaign stating that food that passes its expiration date is still edible, and the public education efforts to reform consumer awarenss.

しかし、これだけでは食品の廃棄を減らすに は不十分だと私は考える。
However, I think the the reduction of food being thrown out is not enough.

なぜなら、いくつかの調査によれば、八割前 後の人が賞味期限の正しい意味や賞味期限を 過ぎた食品を食べても健康上問題がないこと を知っているという結果が出ているからだ。
Because, according to many investigations, it appears that 80% of the people know the correct meaning of the expiration date and know that eating foods that have passed their expiration date is not a problem for health.

賞味期限切れの近付いた食品はなぜ売れ残る のか。
So why do foods remain unsold as they approach their expiration date?

私の考えでは、原因は賞味期限切れの近付い たものと期限に余裕あるものが同じ値段で売 られていることにある。
I have this thought, the reason is that foods that are approaching their expiration date sell for the same price as those foods that have plenty of time remaining before they expire.

値段が同じなら、少しでも鮮度の良い、つま り諸費期限に余裕のあるほうを選ぶのは、  食品の鮮度を気にする消費者としては当然で ある。
Because the price is the same, even a little bit of freshness is better, in short, the foods with extra time before the expiration date are chosen, naturally, by consumers who are conscious of freshness.

一方、期限切れが近付いたものの価格を下げ れば、消費者は新鮮で通常の価格のものと鮮 度は少し落ちるが低価格のもののどちらかを 選択できるようになる。
On the other hand, if the price is lowered as the expiration date approaches, consumers will be able to choose either fresh food at the usual price or food for which the freshness has decreased slightly at a lower price.

値引き販売をすれば賞味期限の近付いた食品 の売れ残れは減少するのに、メーカーや小売 店はそのことに消極的である。
If price reduction marketing is done, although the amount of unsold food with a later expiration date will decrease, manufacturers and shops are uninterested.

現状では、消費者の安全に配慮して期限切れ 間近のものは販売せずに返品・廃棄している 。
The present situation is in consideration of consumer safety, that without any marketing, products that are near expiration are returned or thrown away.

しかし、賞味期限を過ぎても食べられるのだ から、それを販売しても何も問題はない。
However, because even food that has passed it's expiration date is still edible, even there's no problem with marketing.

購入した食品を消費者が正しく保存・管理し なかったせいで健康に問題が生じたとしても 、それは本人の責任である。
Because if the consumer doesn't correctly store or manage purchased food products health problems will still arise; this is an individual's responsibility.

また、値引きが恒常化すると定価で購入する 消費者が減少し、プランドイメージが低下す るという考えもあるが、企業の社会的責任と いう観点からも食品の大量廃棄を続けるのは 望ましくない。
Again, if price reduction is put into place, it's thought that consumers purchasing at list price will decrease, and brand image will decline, but from the viewpoint of corporate responsibility the continued waste of a large quantity of food is not desired.

委ねる=ゆだねる=to entrust to
現状ではメーカーや小売店は消費期限切れの 近付いた食品を売ろうという努力をせずに返 品・廃棄しているが、それを購入するかどう かを消費者に委ねれば、売れ残りは減少し、 食品の廃棄も減らせるはずだ。
At present, without manufacturers and shops trying to sell food that is near expiration, returns and disposal will happen, however if the decision whether to purchase or not is entrusted to the consumer, the decrease of unsold items, and the waste of food should diminish.

それゆえ、消費者庁はメーカー小売店が返品 ・廃棄の前に値引き販売を実施するように指 導し、消費者が食品を安く購入できるように すべきである。
Therefore, the government should put in place a policy that manufacturers and shops must advertise reduced prices prior to disposing of food, so that consumers will be able to purchase food products cheaply.

Edited by cathrynm on 02 January 2012 at 6:19am

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 Message 141 of 420
02 January 2012 at 8:15am | IP Logged 
vaihtumista->vaihtuminen->vaihtua= pass(ela-pl)
Suomalaiset ovat juhlineet vuoden vaihtumista melko rauhallisesti.
Finns have celebrated the year's passage quite peacefully.

onnettomuus=accidents (ptv pl)
Suuria onnettomuuksia ei ole ollut.
Big accidents haven't happened.

vamma=injury (ptv pl)
Ilotulitusraketit ovat kuitenkin aiheuttaneet silmävammoja noin 10 ihmiselle.
However, fireworks have caused eye injuries in about 10 people.

Ilotulitusraketit ovat myös sytyttäneet tulipaloja eri puolilla Suomea.
Fireworks have also set fires in various parts of Finland. (Thanks Serpent!)

Viranomaiset sanovat, että ihmisiä on ollut paljon mukana juhlatapahtumissa.
Officials say that people are having many parties.

Esimerkiksi Helsingin Senaatintorilla vuoden vaihtumista juhli yli 30 000 ihmistä.
For example, at the Helskinki Senate market square, over 30,000 people celebrated the passing of the year.

Poliisi sanoo, että Senaatintorin juhlinta oli rauhallista.
Pollice said that the Senate market square's celibrations were peaceful.
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 Message 142 of 420
03 January 2012 at 2:43am | IP Logged 
2000年から2001年にかけて、全国紙として有名 新聞が、基本の活字を少し大きなものに変 ました。
From 2000 to 2001, the famous national papers with national circulation changed their standard type size to be a little larger.

The regional papers did the same, I think.

高齢者人口の増加が原因でしょうが、新聞を 読む人の総数の中で、老眼鏡を必要とする人 の割合が増えたからです。
Perhaps the cause is due to the increasing population of old poeple, among all the people who read newspapers, the percentage who need reading classes has increased.

新聞だって「お客様は神様」でしょうから、 その「神様」のニーズに沿って紙面を変える ということは、とうぜんのことです。
Perhaps because for newspapers they say "the customer is god", it's natural that to go along with ttis God's needs involves changing the layout of the paper.

その案内の記事では、これまでの活字と新し い活字を比較して、いかに見やすくなったか がしめされていて、わかりやすく納得できる ものでした。
For the informational articles, the comparison between the type face used up to now and the new type face, appears to be in how easy the type has become to see, a matter of how easy it is to understand and grasp.

そして、各社ほとんど同じことを書いていた と思いますが、紙面の大きさは変えないわけ だから「文字が大きくなった分、文字数を減 らさねばなりません。そこで、記事は要点を おさえ簡略化して適切化をはかる」というよ うな説明になっていました。
As a result, I think each company has written about the same thing, because the page size cannot change. This has come be explained by saying that "For ever percent the character size becomes larger, the number of characters must decrease. As a result, the news stories main point is simplified in an appropriate way."

なるほどと思う一方、これまではそうでなか ったのかんとも思いました。
Indeed, on the other hand up to here I think it wasn't like this.

大きな活字の本も出まわるようになってきま した。
Large type books have come to be spread around.

とくに辞書は同じ内容で同じデザインで大き な版のものが出て、老眼鏡なしでも利用でき るとありがたがられています。
Particularly dictionaries with the same contents and the same design have been released in a large edition, so thankfully they are still usable even with eyesight affected by old age.

ただサイズが大きくなった分、大きく重いと いう欠点もありますが、その快適さに換えら れないという人には問題になりません。
However although simply increasing the size by a percentage has the disadvantage of increasing the weight, for those for which the ease of use cannot not be achieved another way, there is no problem.
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 Message 143 of 420
03 January 2012 at 5:39am | IP Logged 
Kreikassa lääkärit ja apteekit ovat lakossa hallituksen säästösuunnitelmien takia.
Greek doctors and pharmacists are on strike because of the government's austerity plan.

Lääkärit ja farmaseutit menivät maanantaina lakkoon, joka kestää kaksi (2) päivää.
Doctors and pharmacists went on strike a Monday, which will last for two days.

julkinen=public (plural)
hätätapaus=emergency situation
Monet apteekit ovat kiinni, ja julkiset sairaalavat auttavat vain hätätapauksissa.
All the pharmacies are closed, and public hospitals open only for emergencies.

terveys=health (G)
terveydenhuolto=health care
Kreikan hallitus yrittää säästää esimerkiksi terveydenhuollon palkoista.
The Greek government tries to save, for example, on health care salaries.

Säästöt ovat osa suunnitelmaa, jonka Kreikka on tehnyt EU:n ja Kansainvälisen valuuttarahaston eli IMF:n kanssa.
The savings are part of a plan, which Greece has done for the EU and the internantional currency fund with the IMF.

Lääkärit ja farmaseutit haluavat, että hallitus jättää palkat rauhaan ja unohtaa muut terveydenhuollon säästöt.
Doctors and pharmacists want the government to leave wages alone and forget about other health care savings.

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 Message 144 of 420
03 January 2012 at 5:48am | IP Logged 
cathrynm wrote:
Ilotulitusraketit ovat myös sytyttäneet tulipaloja eri puolilla Suomea.
Fireworks have also set fires in various parts of Finland. (Thanks Serpent!)
lol this looks scary XDDDDDDD
hyvää uutta vuotta:)

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