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Radioclare’s tac log 2015 (*jäŋe/*ledús)

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United Kingdom
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689 posts - 1119 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, Esperanto
Studies: Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian

 Message 81 of 292
09 March 2015 at 9:20pm | IP Logged 
rdearman wrote:
If it was easy, it wouldn't be a challenge!!!! Still you're doing better than me, and you're an inspiration for me
to get back to work!

Haha, maybe I should have looked up the definition of "challenge" before I signed up :)

Someone very kindly corrected my text about quotes overnight for me on lang-8. Corrected version as follows:

Koji je jedan od tvojih omiljenih citata?

Nisam sigurna imam li omiljeni citat. Za mene su citati kao šale: mogu ih slušati, smijati se
i onda ih posve zaboraviti. Međutim, prije otprilike deset godina imala sam citat na kraju
svojih emailova. Ne znam zašto je tako bilo, ali je to tada bilo moderno. Moj citat je bio na
engleskom „Not everything that can be counted counts. Not everything that counts can be counted“. Ne znam kako se to kaže na
hrvatskom. Možda „Ne prebrojavati sve što je prebrojivo. Sve što se prebrojava nije
prebrojivo“. Vjerovala sam da je to citat od Alberta Einsteina, premda sada kada sam ga tražila na Googlu čitala
sam da to možda nije istina. Nije važno. Citat mi se ipak sviđa, jer sam profesionalni revizor i dok sam bila
pripravnica, često sam morala prisustovati inventuri i brojiti bezbrojne male predmete. Jedanput sam brojala
vijke, jedanput gumene vrpce, i još se sjećam jednoga kišovitoga Silvestrova kada sam morala cijeli dan stajati
napolju da brojim aute. Posao mi se još uvijek ne sviđa, ali sam ga dotad vrlo mrzila, pa me je malo razvedrilo
to što mogu misliti na taj citat i sjetiti se da one stvari koje brojim nisu najvažnije stvari na svijetu.

Thoughts on those corrections:

1) I had deliberately written "Nisam sigurna da li imam" rather than "Nisam sigurna imam li" to see whether it got corrected. As far
as I understand it, the construction which I used is perceived as "Serbian" while the construction in my correction is the proper
"Croatian" way to express it. Unfortunately I find the Serbian way a lot easier. I guess I'm still struggling slightly to get used
to expressing "whether" in this way and the Serbian version feels more natural for me because then at least I can tell myself that
"da li" means "whether" in here and remember to write that (rather than accidentally write "ako" (if) which would be 100% wrong).
The Croatian way, which avoids using "da", is going to need a lot more practise before it comes naturally.

2) I didn't know the word for email so I had looked it up in a dictionary and got "epošt". Now I feel silly for not just writing
"email" :D

3) The nice person translated my quote for me and while they did change it from how I had phrased it, I was quite pleased because I
felt like my version wasn't too far off.

Overall I was happy with these corrections because I hadn't felt very positive about this text and expected it to be worse!

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United Kingdom
Joined 4527 days ago

689 posts - 1119 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, Esperanto
Studies: Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian

 Message 82 of 292
09 March 2015 at 9:52pm | IP Logged 
And while I was studying those corrections, my other text got corrected as well :) But this one has more mistakes unfortunately :(

Unutar četiri zida najviše volim čitati. Otkada sam imala pet godina i naučila čitati, to mi je bio omiljeni način da provedem
vrijeme. Dok sam bila dijete, majka me je uvijek pokušavala natjerati da se idem vani igrati u vrtu, ali sam ja
uvijek više voljela sjediti sama u sobi s dobrom knjigom.

Kao dijete i tinedžer uglavnom sam čitala klasičnu englesku književnost. Voljela sam knjige poput „Anne od Zelena Zabata“, „Ponos i predrasude“ i „Sajam
taštine”. Nisam imala dovoljno novca da kupim nove knjige, pa sam svaki mjesec išla u mjesnu knjižnicu s tatom. Knjižnica je dozvolila da ljudi
posude samo četiri knjige istovremeno. Oduvijek sam čitala brzo, pa mi nije dugo trebalo da
pročitam svaku novu knjigu. Navikla sam pročitati svaku novu knjigu barem tri puta.

Kada sam imala jedanaest godina već sam uspjela pročitati sve dječje knjige u knjižnici, ali nije bilo dozvoljeno posuditi knjige za
odrasle mlađima od četrnaest godina. Tata je morao ukrasti člansku kartu mame da posudi nove
knjige za mene. Čitala sam mnogo zanimljivih knjiga, ali mislim da sam ponekad razumjela riječi, ali ne značenje tih riječi. Sjećam se
da sam nekad pročitala knjigu „Jane Eyre” I poslije toga sam napisala esej o tome u školi. Napisala sam da ne razumijem zašto svi kažu da je ta knjiga
romantična, jer se na kraju mlada žena uda za starog slijepog muškarca. Naravno sam otada mnogo puta ponovno
pročitala tu knjigu i kao odrasla osoba ne više dijelim isto mišljenje!

Kada sam imala osamnaest godina, počela sam učiti njemački jezik i za devetnaesti rođendan prijatelj mi je poslao knjigu na njemačkom. To sada zvuči malo
čudno, ali je to bio ne samo prvi put da sam vidjela knjigu koja je napisana na stranom jeziku, nego i prvi put da sam saznala da na svijetu
postoje knjige koje nisu napisane na engleskom. Knjiga je bila „Žena kojoj sam čitao” od Bernharda Schlinka, koja je vrlo dobra
knjiga, premda mislim da nije najlakša pošto nikada nisam ništa čitala na stranom jeziku. trebalo mi je skoro tri
mjeseca da je pročitam. Čitanje je bilo mučno, ali sada mislim da mi je ta knjiga promijenila život. Otkrila sam
novi svijet.

Ne bavim se sportom, ali je moj omiljeni sport na otvorenom oduvijek bio pješačenje. Ovih dana na žalost više nemam
mnogo prilika za to, ali dok sam bila dijete uvijek sam provodila barem dva tjedna svake godine na planini, naročito na
Alpama. Svicarska je bila prva strana zemlja koju sam ikada posjetila i odmah sam se zaljubila u nju. Volim čisti
planinski zrak, volim lijepo alpsko cvijeće i volim poglede na ledenjake. Mislim da se nisam nikada
osjećala tako živa i zdrava od kada sam bila tamo u prirodi. Radujem se što ću ove godine ponovno imati priliku
putovati u Svicarsku. To neće biti odmor za pješačenje, ali sam ipak sretna što ću ponovno vidjeti takav lijepi pejzaž.

Thoughts on these corrections...

1) The corrector said that my literal translation of "indoor activity" and "outdoor activity" sounded really strange. Instead, to convey the idea of an
indoor activity he proposed the phrase "Unutar četiri zida" (inside four walls).

2) I knew there was some complication in Croatian about the words for "to lend" and "to borrow" and so I made I wild guess and gambled on "pozajmiti"
being the correct verb to use in the case of borrowing a book from a library. It turns out that "pozajmiti" implies the sort of borrowing where you would
be paying interest, so the correct verb to use in the case of library books is "posuditi".

3) cvijet (flower) is masculine but cvijeće (flowers) are neuter. Obviously :D

4) Somehow I have mis-learned the word for Switzerland as "Svičarska" when it's actually "Svicarska". No idea how that happened. I suspect I must have
mistyped it into Memrise!

My corrector suggested I go away and study the difference between perfective and imperfective verbs. Ouch. But a fair point.

When I first saw my text covered in red pen, I felt a bit disheartened. But actually having just been through the corrections a few times now, although
there were a lot of mistakes, there are also a lot of things that I wasn't sure whether I was getting right and that I actually did, so that is
encouraging in it's own way :)
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Joined 5110 days ago

3335 posts - 4349 votes 
Speaks: Portuguese*, Norwegian, French, English, Italian, Papiamento
Studies: Mandarin, Georgian, Russian

 Message 83 of 292
09 March 2015 at 10:48pm | IP Logged 
This challenge risks having only one winner =D

I started writing a fable in Georgian. Hope I can keep the story simple in terms of creativity and work on my main difficulties.
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4527 days ago

689 posts - 1119 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, Esperanto
Studies: Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian

 Message 84 of 292
09 March 2015 at 11:43pm | IP Logged 
Haha we will have to see how long this enthusiasm lasts!

Writing a fable sounds really cool :) And so glad to read that you managed to get your
Georgian text corrected! It really does make a big difference getting the corrections,
even if they are painful sometimes.
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United Kingdom
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689 posts - 1119 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, Esperanto
Studies: Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian

 Message 85 of 292
13 March 2015 at 11:51pm | IP Logged 
Today was a momentous day because I FINALLy finished reading
Krv Bogova. Goodness, I feel like
I have been reading this book for months! It definitely does not rank on the list of most exciting
books I have read in any language. I chose it because it's the fifth novel in series of five about
the life of Julius Caesar and I enjoyed (most of) the previous four books. Unfortunately (spoiler!)
Caesar gets murdered at the end of the fourth book and, perhaps understandably, the fifth book
lacked a little something without the main character.

Anyway, now I can move on to reading something else! Although I don't know what yet and I
potentially have some English reading I want to do on my commute. We shall see.

My log is long overdue an update on my (lack of) Macedonian progress and the extremely poor effort
that was my 6WC. I'm currently in 40th place - go me! I don't have a very good excuse for this
beyond lack of mental energy.

Over the past couple of days I have, however, started working through the first chapter of the
beginners course at the Macedonian Language E-learning
. I know I have linked to this website a couple of times before, but I honestly can't
recommend it highly enough. It would be a great resource in any language, but for a language like
Macedonian where resources are so thin on the ground it is absolutely amazing :)

EDIT: I forgot to say I'm extremely excited today because we've just booked flights to Lithuania in August.
Although I think life may be too short to learn Lithuanian :D

Edited by Radioclare on 13 March 2015 at 11:52pm

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Speaks: Portuguese*, Norwegian, French, English, Italian, Papiamento
Studies: Mandarin, Georgian, Russian

 Message 86 of 292
14 March 2015 at 9:03pm | IP Logged 
When you mention this Macedonian site, it reminds me of the great serbianschool site which seems to be no longer at work ;/

Good luck with Lithuanian. I agree with your statement (also because I'd perhaps learn Latvian first if I had the chance), but maybe learning the basic sentences won't hurt?
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United Kingdom
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689 posts - 1119 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, Esperanto
Studies: Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian

 Message 87 of 292
14 March 2015 at 10:00pm | IP Logged 
I wasn't familiar with that site but it's always sad when good resources disappear :(

I will definitely try to learn some survival phrases in Lithuanian before I go. I went to
Vilnius briefly a couple of years ago and was stunned by how well people spoke English,
but we're going for a week this time and hoping to travel around the country a bit, so I
imagine there might be more need for a bit of Lithuanian.
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4527 days ago

689 posts - 1119 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, Esperanto
Studies: Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian

 Message 88 of 292
15 March 2015 at 7:40pm | IP Logged 
Feel a bit tired today - I think I stayed up a bit too late watching an episode of
'Budva', but it was really exciting again :)

This morning I had a bit of free time to spend on the Output Challenge. The next
writing prompt was:

If you could throw any kind of party, what would it be like and what would it be

Goodness, I am starting to regret publicly committing to going through these writing
prompts in order because I have never met anyone who hates parties as much as I do and
I have very little to say on the theme :D

I have managed a miserable 266 words!

Da bi organizirao ikakav tulum, kakav bi bio?

Mrzim tulume. Introvert sam i ne sviđa mi se da budem u prometnoj sobi, prepun ljudi i
bučne glazbe. Više volim ići doma da sama čitam neku dobru knjigu. Dakle, ne mogu se
sjetiti da sam ikada organizirala tulum ili nekakvu sličnu zabavu, i ne mogu misliti
na razlog zbog koga bi to uradila.

Dok sam bila dijete, imala sam proslave za rođendane, koje su bile dobre, jer sam kao
dijete samo htjela da dobijem poklone i jedem kolače, ali ne mogu misliti na tulum
koga sam uživala otkada sam postala odrasla osoba.

Svake godine imamo božičnu zabavu na mojem radnom mjesto, a ta je uvijek strašna,
barem za mene. Alkohol je uvijek besplatan i zbog toga mi se čini da svi kolegi
namjerno previše piju. Volim i ja da pijem besplatno vino, ali mislim da bi trebalo da
postoje nekakve granice kada sam s kolegima. To što mi najviše smeta je da se bez
izuzetaka događa da neki kolegi koji su previše pili na zabavu zajedno spavaju tu
noći. Možda sam staromodna, ali uopće ne razumijem zašto bi htjela spavati s kolegima.
Najčešće su ti oženjeni ljudi koji se tako ponašaju. Poznajem čak jednu ženu koja je
razvedena zbog toga što je spavala sa šefom. Glupost!

Pa mi se takvi tulumi ne sviđaju. Da bi ja organizirala tulum, bio bi taj bez kolega,
bez bučne glazbe i bez besplatnog alkohola. Više volim male skupove, pa bi pozvala
samo nekoliko osoba koje dobro poznajem. Sigurna sam da bi bio velikog kolača, jer
kolač nije samo nešto za djeca.

Quick translation:

I hate parties. I'm an introvert and I don't like being in a crowded room, too full
of people and loud music. I'd rather go home and read a good book on my own. So I
can't remember ever having organised a party or anything similar, and I can't think of
a reason for which I would do that.

When I was a child I used to have birthday parties, which were good because as a child
I only wanted to get presents and eat cake, but I can't think of a party which I've
enjoyed since I became an adult.

Every year we have a Christmas party at my workplace, and that is always dreadful, at
least for me. The alcohol is always free and because of that it seems to me that all
my colleagues intentionally drink too much. I like drinking free wine too, but I think
there ought to be some kind of boundaries when I'm with colleagues. The thing which
bothers me the most is that without exception some colleagues drink too much at the
party and end up sleeping together. Most frequently it is married people who behave
like that. I even know one woman who is divorced because she slept with her boss.

So I don't like those kinds of parties at all. If I were going to organise a party, it
would be without colleagues, without loud music and without free alcohol. I prefer
small gatherings, so I would only invite a few people who I know well. I'm sure that
there would be a big cake, because cake isn't just something for children :)

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