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Catalan, French and other diversions

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 Message 1 of 6
16 April 2015 at 3:56am | IP Logged 
As the school year comes to an end, I think it's about time to get serious about
studying languages again.

This spring and summer, my goals are nothing special. My main focus is to improve my
French, as it always has been, but on the side, I'd like to learn more Catalan, a
language that I've been looking at off and on for the past 2 years or so. Obviously, I
won't limit myself to just these two languages (just look at my "studies" bar and
you'll understand what I mean), but these are the languages I'll be spending the most
time with (hopefully).

In this log, my plan is to post about French in French and occasionally post in
other languages as well.

Without further ado, I will now discuss what I'm doing with each language in those

J'ai déjà un niveau en français où j'ai plus vraiment l'impression de devoir l'étudier
à l'aide d'un manuel, alors mon plan d'attaque actuel consiste à regarder des films et
lire des romans quand j'ai le temps. C'est un peu bateau comme idée et je sais qu'on
dit qu'on peut pas apprendre une langue en faisant que ça, mais perso, je suis assez
satisfait des progrès que j'ai faits avec cette méthode jusqu'à présent alors je vois
pas d'inconvénients à continuer comme ça.

Bref, je suis un peu faignant sur les bords, mais je pense que ça va aller.

Hola a tothom! Fa molt de temps que vull estudiar aquesta llengua, però sempre he
pensat que seria millor millorar el meu castellà primer. Malauradament, quan intento
fer-ho, sempre perdo les ganes de continuar després d'algunes setmanes. Així que he
decidit ignorar la meva ment i seguir el meu cor! No tinc cap ús per el català en la
meva vida, però m'agrada molt la música catalana.

En aquest moment, només uso el curs Assimil "Le Catalan" per estudiar (he llegit més
de 30 lliçons). A part això, estic intentant aprendre les lletres d'algunes de les
meves cançons catalanes preferides i llegint un manga japonès traduït al català que
vaig trobar fa alguns mesos.

Espero que us agradarà el meu "log".

Edited by Sizen on 16 April 2015 at 5:09am

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Senior Member
Joined 4283 days ago

165 posts - 347 votes 
Speaks: English*, French
Studies: Catalan, Spanish, Japanese, Ukrainian, German

 Message 2 of 6
16 April 2015 at 5:04am | IP Logged 
With the formalities out of the way, let's get to the juicy stuff.

I'm going to start with a quick comparison of French and Catalan (because I think it's
interesting and it could also be useful).

So far in my studies, I've discovered a few handy tricks to guess the meaning of a
word in Catalan based on my knowledge of French. Lots of words look almost exactly the
same, but sometimes the difference isn't as obvious.

"Eu" in Catalan = "Oi" in French
Veure-> voir
Creure-> croire
Veu-> voix
Beure- boire

"-iu/-iva" in Catalan = "-if/-ive" in French
Effectiu-> effectif
Actiu-> actif
Nociu-> nocif

"-au" in Catalan = "-ave" in French
Esclau-> esclave
Suau-> suave
Eslau-> slave

"-al-" in Catalan = "-au-" in French
Saltar-> sauter
Alt-> haut
Falta-> faute

"-ch-" in French = "-c-" in Catalan
Chanter-> cantar
Châtier-> castigar
Champ-> camp

"-ol-" in Catalan = "-ou-"
Escoltar-> écouter
Col-> chou
Resoldre-> résoudre

"-oc" in Catalan = "-eu" in French
Poc-> peu
Foc-> feu
Joc-> jeu

"Es" in Catalan-> "É/Ê/E" In French
Estar-> être
Estendre-> étendre
Esforç-> effort

"-os-" in Catalan = "-ô-" in French
Hospital-> hôpital
Hoste-> hôte
Costat -> côté

"-tat" in Catalan = "-té" in French
Dignitat-> dignité
Universitat-> université
Comtat-> Comté

"-â-" in French = "-as-" in Catalan
Pâture-> pastura
Âpre-> aspre
Tâche-> tasca

"-y/iser" in French -> "-itzar" in Catalan
Rentabiliser-> rendibilitzar
Analyser-> analitzar
Comptabiliser-> comptabilitzar

"-n" in French = "-" in Catalan
Main-> mà
Fin-> fi
Plan-> pla

"-age" in French = "-atge" in Catalan
Paysage-> paisatge
Langage-> llenguatge
Courage-> coratge

And if I forgot something, I'll have to add it later.

Other fun things I learned while reading today:

-"buscar les pessigolles a algú"
This expressions means to look for trouble with someone, to provoke someone. The funny
thing about it is that translated literally, it means, roughly, "to look for someone's

"Tio!! Li estás buscant les pessigolles?!"
Dude!! Are you trying to get on his nerves?

Bonus: "fer pessigolles" = "to tickle"

-"Tirar a terra"
To knock down, to take down

"-Com penses treure'm d'aquí? -Simple! Tirarem a terra aquesta paret!!"
-How are you going to get me out of here? -Easy! We'll knock down this wall!!
(Fun fact, the word "mur" exists in Catalan as well.)

-"Passar pel cap"
To come to mind

"No m'havia passat ni pel cap!!"
I hadn't even thought of that!!

And to finish off, a nice song in Catalan:
Bicicletes - Blaumut

Edited by Sizen on 16 April 2015 at 5:06am

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 Message 3 of 6
16 April 2015 at 11:29am | IP Logged 
Good to see another Catalan log. I will follow you with interest.

And a nice list you've got there. That's the kind of stuff I did back in university when I studied comparative Romance pholology. For fun I've added Spanish to it as well below, hope you don't mind. I think it shows how Catalan places itself nicely about halfway between French and Spanish when it comes to phonetical developments.

Bicicletes is a nice song. What other Catalan groups/singers do you like? I don't know too much Catalan music, I was introduced to it many years ago through the cantautors Lluis Llach and Joan Manuel Serrat, but I haven't really spent much time familiarising myself with more modern groups. However, I recently bought an album by the group Els Amics de les Arts called "Només d'entrar hi ha sempre el dinosaure" which I can recommend if you don't already know them.

Anyway, good luck with your Catalan studies, and here is your list with Spanish added:

Sizen wrote:

"Eu" in Catalan = "Oi" in French, "e", "ee" "o" or "ebe" in Spannish
Veure-> voir - ver
Creure-> croire - creer
Veu-> voix - voz
Beure- boire - beber

"-iu/-iva" in Catalan = "-if/-ive" in French, "ivo/iva" in Spanish
Effectiu-> effectif - efectivo
Actiu-> actif - activo
Nociu-> nocif -nocivo

"-au" in Catalan = "-ave" in French, "avo" or "ave" in Spanish
Esclau-> esclave - esclavo
Suau-> suave - suave
Eslau-> slave - eslavo

"-al-" in Catalan = "-au-" in French, "al" in Spanish
Saltar-> sauter - saltar
Alt-> haut - alto
Falta-> faute - falta

"-ch-" in French = "-c-" in Catalan, "c" in Spanish
Chanter-> cantar - cantar
Châtier-> castigar - castigar
Champ-> camp - campo

"-ol-" in Catalan = "-ou-", in Spanish "uch", "ol" or "olv", depending on the position in the sentence and the Latin origin.
Escoltar-> écouter - escuchar
Col-> chou - col
Resoldre-> résoudre - resolver

"-oc" in Catalan = "-eu" in French, "oco/oca" or "uego" in Spanish
Poc-> peu - poco
Foc-> feu - fuego
Joc-> jeu - juego

"Es" in Catalan-> "É/Ê/E" In French, "es" in Spanish
Estar-> être - estar
Estendre-> étendre (Latin root did not survive in Spanish)
Esforç-> effort - esfuerzo

"-os-" in Catalan = "-ô-" in French, "os" or "ues" in Spanish
Hospital-> hôpital - hospital
Hoste-> hôte - huesped (same basic root but with different suffix)
Costat -> côté - costado

"-tat" in Catalan = "-té" in French, "dad(o)" in Spanish
Dignitat-> dignité - dignidad
Universitat-> université - universidad
Comtat-> Comté - condado

"-â-" in French = "-as-" in Catalan, "as" in Spanish
Pâture-> pastura - pasto (same root, different ending)
Âpre-> aspre - áspero
Tâche-> tasca (Latin root has not survived in Spanish)

"-y/iser" in French -> "-itzar" in Catalan, "izar" in Spanish
Rentabiliser-> rendibilitzar - rentabilizar
Analyser-> analitzar - analizar
Comptabiliser-> comptabilitzar - contabilizar

"-n" in French = "-" in Catalan, "no/na" in Spanish
Main-> mà - mano
Fin-> fi - fino
Plan-> pla -plano

"-age" in French = "-atge" in Catalan, "aje" in Spanish
Paysage-> paisatge - paisaje
Langage-> llenguatge - lenguaje
Courage-> coratge - coraje

Edited by Ogrim on 16 April 2015 at 11:29am

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 Message 4 of 6
16 April 2015 at 6:30pm | IP Logged 
It is great to see another Catalan log :) A group i like is At Versaris. Here's a song on Youtube. You might also like the Polseres vermelles TV show, its soundtrack is also exclusively music in Catalan, so that might be worth checking out if you like that kind of music. The dialog in the show is pretty easy to follow, too. It used to be available at the site, a search just now puts it here, it appears to still be available for streaming online.

EDIT: I just listened to the Bicicletes song and that's actually part of the Polseres vermelles soundtrack :)

Edited by Crush on 16 April 2015 at 6:35pm

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Speaks: English*, French
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 Message 5 of 6
17 April 2015 at 8:20pm | IP Logged 
@Ogrim Thanks for your additions to the list! While I do notice lots of
similarities with French, the more Catalan I learn, the more I feel just how separated
from French it actually is. Or rather, how different French is from the rest of the
Romance family.

As for the music I listen to, I've mostly been listening to Blaumut, Els Catarres,
Acció, Txarango, Obrint Pas and Falciots Ninja these days. I like how easy it is to
find music I like in Catalan. It's a nice change from French, where I can spend
multiple hours looking for music and not find much. I listened to the album you
mentioned yesterday during my daily stretches and there are definitely some gems of
songs in there. "A mercè d'un so" will be on repeat for the next while, I can tell.

Some albums and stuff (warning: lots of ska):
Falciots Ninja
Els Catarres
Obrint Pas

@Crush You have done me a great service today. I'd already watched seven or so
episodes of Polseres vermelles, but I was watching with Spanish subs on YouTube. When
the subs ran out, I had to stop. I've been looking for it since with subs in Catalan,
but I gave up when I found the series on the TV3 YouTube channel without any
subtitles. Now I'll be able to watch it without worrying about missing anything! Thank

It's funny, when I checked that group of yours yesterday, I was a little turned off,
but today I'm feeling it a lot more. I love it when a song grows on you. It's going to
be hard to sing along with that song though, haha.
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 Message 6 of 6
18 April 2015 at 10:08am | IP Logged 
Btw, i just saw that Catalan was added to Lyricstraining.

EDIT: I also added a song from that group (this time completely in Catalan) to the site, it's currently the only song under Rap/Hip-Hop ;)

Edited by Crush on 21 April 2015 at 4:44pm

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