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Bilingual Triglot
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United Kingdom
Joined 4520 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 201 of 256
14 January 2015 at 1:10am | IP Logged 
W/E 2015-01-04 14h23m

Audio:    3:17
Vocab:    2:40
Reading: 4:12
Grammar: 2:47
Video:    1:27

SC: reading 14 pages, watching: 1h27m.

W/E 2015-01-11 34h10m

Audio:   14:07
Vocab:    2:36
Reading: 5:12
Grammar: 6:19
Video:    5:56

SC: reading 32 pages, watching: 5h56m.

So the first week after Christmas not a lot happened with Japanese. That's OK, I needed a bit of a break.

The following week I got back into the swing of things. The audio commut is happening again and I'm keeping
RTK and Anki going. However, I'm now concentrating on reading and grammar.

For grammar I'm working through 新完全マスター 文法 for both N3 and N2. For N3 I'm reading through the grammar points,
starting from the beginning and making sure that I think they are straight in my head. I'm also taking the
opportunity to make sure my electronic notes cover the usages I'm seeing. I'm also going to work through the
exercises this time, and probably keep track of my performance. However, I'll not do the exercises for #1-#2
until I've been through at least #3-#4. That way I won't be tackling the exercises while the grammar points are
still in my head. In case I speed up and go through chapters more quickly, I'll probably keep two clear days
between covering a pair of chapters and tackling the associated exercises. In passing I'll also mine any
new vocabulary from both the chapters and the exercises.

For N2 I'm working at a more sedate pace. I'm not yet tackling the exercises, I'm only going through the grammar points.
In addition, although I will look at each point and work through the examples, I'll probably only really concentrate
on the ones that I think I've seen before.

For reading, I'm glad I decided to set a monthly page goal rather than a weekly one. That's allowed me to stick to
Japanese Short Stories even though it was a bit of a slog at times. Now that I've been through that twice,
I'm going to drop back to A Homestay In Japan for another run though for the coming week.

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Bilingual Triglot
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4520 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 202 of 256
22 January 2015 at 12:51am | IP Logged 
W/E 2015-01-18 33h04m

Audio:   17:21
Vocab:    2:29
Reading: 5:26
Grammar: 4:03
Video:    3:45

SC: reading 68 pages, watching: 3h45m.

I finished another pass through Japanese Short Stories so I went back to A
Homestay in Japan
. I'll probably re-read ひこいち too before trying to finish the
prologue of イタリア幻想曲.

I managed some grammar study for four of the days this week. I've also started to work
through the exrcises in 新完全マスター N3 文法. This is basically a refresher for the
grammar that I'd not fully internalised 6 months ago and a warm up for the N2 book.

I shadowed two lessons from JPOD101 UI S1. I'm planning to make that a regular feature
of my studying now. The dialogues are longer and harder than those from the Lower
Intermediate series, so it's taking me longer to work through each lesson. It does seem
to be producing benefits, though, so hopefully it's worth the investment of time.

I've been keeping RTK and Anki up to date. I've started to add new kanji vocab in Anki:
I'm prioritising vocabulary from the graded readers, みんなの日本語 and 新完全マスター to
start with. That's about 300 words, so it should be done in about a fortnight. I've
also fired up the sentence deck again. I'd left this one alone when I had time
pressures, so the sentences that I do remember get sent off towards the end of the
year. I managed to get caught up surprisingly quickly. I'm going to add new sentences
basically whenever I feel like it. I've only got about 1200 new sentences in there, so
I'm going to have to do some more mining soon I guess.

The one thing that's suffering right now is watching drama/anime. There's just not
enough time available right now to get in more than 3-5 hours in a week. Hopefully when
the grammar or Anki ease off later on, I'll be able to find more time for drama.

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Bilingual Triglot
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4520 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 203 of 256
14 February 2015 at 9:55pm | IP Logged 
Three updates missing, I suppose I could wait until Monday and put in a whole month's worth of updates! Except I suspect I'd
forget, so here goes ...

W/E 2015-01-25 36h01m

Audio:    20:29
Vocab:     2:20
Reading:   8:09
Grammar:   2:06
Video:     2:57

SC: reading 39 pages, watching: 2h57m.

W/E 2015-02-01 31h03m

Audio:    14:48
Vocab:     2:10
Reading:   4:32
Grammar:   2:01
Video:     7:32

SC: reading 63 pages, watching: 7h32m.

W/E 2015-02-08 32h53m

Audio:    18:18
Vocab:     2:20
Reading:   5:22
Grammar:   1:47
Video:     5:06

SC: reading 15 pages, watching: 5h06m.

So what have I managed over these three weeks?

I've finished shadowing the JPOD101 Upper Intermediate S1 lessons and I've started to work through S2. As far as the commute
listening goes, I'm still repeating the S1 lessons. I've found (pretty unsurprisingly) that my comprehension increases after
shadowing, so I only want to start listening to the S2 lessons once I've shadowed all of them. Mostly I just want to see what
the effect will be compared to how I've worked up to now.

I've managed to work my way through 新完全マスター N3 文法 and at the end of these three weeks I'd reached Part 1: Chapter E. As
far as the exercises go I'd only reached as far as the questions for 8+9. I don't mind falling behind on the questions
because I can sit as many of those in a day as I can find time for, so catching up will be straightforward; the actual
lessons I want to space out to allow each one more time to sink in without the next one interfering.

I've started to look for daram listed on the Japanese level Up graded list
and so I've watched ヘブンズ・フラワー. I must admit it didn't strike me as much easier
than anything else I've watched, but another one from the list, タイヨウのうた, did seem a little more gentle on the ear.

My reading during this period was the graded readers plus various parts of Japanese Short Stories. I still haven't
actually sat down and tried Little Prince.

Anki is being kept under control, although I am trying to introduce ~100 new words each week. RTK is also under control and
the audio during the commute continues as always.

Edited by dampingwire on 14 February 2015 at 10:15pm

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Bilingual Triglot
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4520 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 204 of 256
20 February 2015 at 12:42am | IP Logged 
W/E 2015-02-15 39h56m

Audio:    19:02
Vocab:     2:10
Reading: 11:46
Grammar:   2:31
Video:     4:27

SC: reading 40 pages, watching: 4h27m.

This week I've managed to fit in quite a lot of Japanese, but most pleasing of all, I've managed to
fit in a decent amount of reading. In addition, I've been finding 太陽と海の教室 surprisingly
straightforward to follow. That's just as well as the copy I've found has no subtitles, so I can't
peek at the answers even if I want to!

I've been keeping up with my February goals too. The shadowing of UI S2 is on target to be completed
by the end of the month. The 新完全マスター N3 文法 is also going well: I've nearly reached the end of
the book, although completion of the exercises is still lagging slightly behind.

I've now learned all the new RTK kanji that I've noticed cropping in up in new vocabulary. At some
stage I may decide to just plough the last 1000 or so that I should probably learn, but it's not a
priority right now. the Anki decks are up to date and I'm adding new words to the kanji deck at a
steady rate of ~100 each week. That's quite a hectic pace, but at the moment these are mostly words
from the lessons that I've recently shadowed or am in the process of shadowing right now, so the
cognitive burden doesn't seem to be excessive.

I'm still repeating the UI S1 lessons during the commute: I don't want to start season 2 until I've
finished shadowing it. I've also started to listen to the shadowed lessons in the background whilst
at work, just to see if it helps at all.

My tutorials resume next week, so I need to get back to みんなの日本語中級 over the next few days in

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Bilingual Triglot
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4520 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 205 of 256
22 March 2015 at 7:08pm | IP Logged 
Wow, four update behind! I don't think I've ever left it this long without an update before. I can't
even blame the "great silence" as most of these updates should have been posted after the new site was
up and running!

W/E 2015-02-22 31h41m

Audio:   16:31
Vocab:    1:54
Reading: 4:09
Grammar: 3:21
Video:    5:46

SC: reading 14 pages, watching: 4h46m

W/E 2015-03-01 33h46m

Audio:   14:54
Vocab:    1:58
Reading: 4:28
Grammar: 6:21
Video:    6:05

SC: reading 3 pages, watching: 6h05m

W/E 2015-03-08 32h51m

Audio:   12:02
Vocab:    4:42
Reading: 7:51
Gramamr: 5:07
Video:    3:09

SC: reading 53 pages, watching: 3h09m

W/E 2015-03-15 29h33m

Audio:    15:57
Vocab:     1:27
Reading:   8:26
Grammar:   2:59
Video:     0:44

SC: reading 52 pages, watching: 0h44m

After a bad week in February, my reading seems to have settled down at about 50 pages per week. Looking
in detail, it's still erratic during the week. I don't expect to get much reading done on a Wednesday,
since that's my tutorial day, so I ahve preparation beforehand and analysis afterwards, so there's
really not much time to read a lot. On the other days, I have less of an excuse. I do seem to get the
bulk of the reading done at the weekend, but I should still find more time for reading during the week.

I've let my Anki vocab deck slide in favour of the Kanji deck, but I do need to get it back up to date
as I think there is value in going from English to Japanese too. The sentence deck is also lying fallow,
and that too could do with a bit of a revival.

My tutorials are happening again now and we've reached the end of みんなの日本語中級 Chapter 8. My listening
comprehension is beginning to improve (albeit slowly).

I've completed 新完全マスター N3 文法 and I've been back through it sentence mining the lessons: I expect to
finish that next week some time. I'm working my way through 新完全マスター N2 文法 and some of it is
beginning to stick now.

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Bilingual Triglot
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4520 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 206 of 256
29 March 2015 at 9:57pm | IP Logged 
W/E 2015-03-22 36h30m

Audio:    19:20
Vocab:     0:42
Reading:   9:18
Grammar:   3:41
Video:     3:29

SC: reading 72 pages, watching: 3h29m

I've managed to keep going through my book, イタリア幻想曲, this week. It's tough going but it's getting easier. I'll
definitely need a few more passes through this one at a later date, but I feel that when I get back to Japanese
Short Stories, they'll be much easier now. Quite what it'll do for my JLPT reading comprehension (and reading speed)
is yet to be seen ...

I've not restarted my Anki vocabulary deck: instead I've exceeded my activation target in my Anki deck for this
month and I've been concentrating on that deck instead.

I've found another series to watch: ブスの瞳に恋してる. It's not particularly easy to understand but I'm beginning to
pick up more of it as the show progresses.

My vocabulary mining of Review: 新完全マスター N3 文法 continues. I've not pushed through Review: 新完全マスター N2 文法 as
quickly as I could have done, but that's OK as the extra time has gone towards reading and that seems to be pretty
useful right now. Ideally I'd like to be able to plough through both, but there don't seem to be enough hours in the
day for that!

I'm still listening to JPOD101 UI S1 lessons in the car but I think I've done that to death now so I'll switch to S2
soon. Hopefully by the time I have reached the same stage with that season I'll have finished thoroughly shadowing

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Bilingual Triglot
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4520 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 207 of 256
02 April 2015 at 1:11am | IP Logged 
W/E 2015-03-29 44h10m

Audio:    21:29
Vocab:     0:55
Reading: 15:41
Grammar:   2:48
Video:     3:17

SC: reading 112 pages, watching: 3h17m

I somehow managed to rack up quite a few hours more than normal this week. Looking back
I can see that on several days I managed to get in nearly two hours of reading (in
separate bursts). Some of that was in the morning before going to work. I also managed
to get in some late night work too. Overall I think it has been a productive week, and
I wasn't left feeling tired and burned out by it. However, with the Easter break coming
up, I don't think I'll be racking up quite that many hours again for some time!

The reading obviously went very well this week. In fact I've now managed to finish off
イタリア幻想曲, which I thought would take far longer. I'll go back and re-read Japanese
Short Stories for a while and then see if I can tackle one of the other novels now.

I'm well on the way to finishing the vocabulary mining of Review: 新完全マスター N3 文法
and the shadowing of JPOD101 UI S3 is going well. Study of 新完全マスター N2 文法 is going
more slowly, but something has had to take a back seat for a while, whilst the reading
has been taking centre-stage.

I've let the Anki Vocab deck slide so far, but the Sentence deck is back and I've
caught up on the reviews. So now I have ~1200 new sentences to work through (and with
each JPOD101 UI lesson I'm gathering 5-10 new sentences).

During the commute I've switched to JPOD101 UI S2 lessons. As expected, I'm finding it
harder than the S1 lessons (which I've now had on a loop for a few months) but having
been through the shadowing process for all of them at least once beforehand has helped.
I think I probably need to do an intensive dialogue review pass at some point, but I'll
probably leave that until I've finished with S3, S4 and S5.

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Bilingual Triglot
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4520 days ago

1185 posts - 1513 votes 
Speaks: English*, Italian*, French
Studies: Japanese

 Message 208 of 256
27 April 2015 at 12:30am | IP Logged 
W/E 2015-04-05 29h26m

Audio:     8:52
Vocab:     1:04
Reading: 11:40
Grammar:   2:47
Video:     5:03

SC: reading 50 pages, watching: 5h03m

W/E 2015-04-12 33h52m

Audio:    18:17
Vocab:     0:17
Reading:   9:17
Grammar:   2:45
Video:     3:16

SC: reading 33 pages, watching: 3h16m

W/E 2015-04-19 30h47m

Audio:    13:03
Vocab:     0:53
Reading: 14:26
Grammar:   0:30
Video:     1:55

SC: reading 87 pages, watching: 1h55m

Once again I've forgotten to update my log here. I can't remember anything significant about these
few weeks, other than Easter happening and meaning that I had plenty of non-language related things
to get done.

At least if I put this update in now, I can start afresh with a proper weekly update tomorrow :-)

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