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TAC 2010: Jinx Succumbs to Glossophilia

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Senior Member
Joined 5518 days ago

1085 posts - 1879 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, French
Studies: Catalan, Dutch, Esperanto, Croatian, Serbian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Italian, Spanish, Yiddish

 Message 49 of 158
09 February 2010 at 8:48am | IP Logged 
2 February 2010

FRENCH (active study)
     20 minutes: read aloud an article about Esperanto, in French.
     10 minutes: typed up part of the same article while doing a close re-reading.
     10 minutes: listened to the podcast "Le journal en français facile" while reading the transcript.
FRENCH (passive study)
French total: 40 minutes (40 active/0 passive)

GERMAN (active study)
     10 minutes: read an article in Der Spiegel.
GERMAN (passive study)
German total: 10 minutes (10 active/0 passive)

ITALIAN (active study)
     15 minutes: read the same article about Esperanto, but this time in Italian.
ITALIAN (passive study)
Italian total: 15 minutes (15 active/0 passive)

ESPERANTO (active study)
     40 minutes: read various articles in Eo.
     15 minutes: took lernu! exam, level 1, and got 49/50 questions right.
     3 minutes: watched a video in Eo, with Eo subtitles.
     10 minutes: wrote an entry in my Eo practice journal.
     15 minutes: read chapters 1-3 of "Gerda malaperis."
ESPERANTO (passive study)
Esperanto total: 83 minutes (83 active/0 passive)

TOTAL STUDY TODAY: 148 minutes (2h28)
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Senior Member
Joined 5518 days ago

1085 posts - 1879 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, French
Studies: Catalan, Dutch, Esperanto, Croatian, Serbian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Italian, Spanish, Yiddish

 Message 50 of 158
09 February 2010 at 8:49am | IP Logged 
3 February 2010

FRENCH (active study)
FRENCH (passive study)
     10 minutes: listened to the podcast "Le journal en français facile."
French total: 10 minutes (0 active/10 passive)

GERMAN (active study)
     15 minutes: studied DaF B1 vocab on
GERMAN (passive study)
     5 minutes: listened to podcast "Deutsche Welle Nachrichten."
German total: 20 minutes (15 active/5 passive)

ITALIAN (active study)
ITALIAN (passive study)
     10 minutes: listened to podcast "Radio Feltrinelli."
Italian total: 10 minutes (0 active/10 passive)

ESPERANTO (active study)
     8 minutes: read chapter 4 of "Gerda malaperis."
     25 minutes: translated part of a story I was reading into Esperanto.
     60 minutes: finished TY chapter 9.
ESPERANTO (passive study)
Esperanto total: 93 minutes (93 active/0 passive)

TOTAL STUDY TODAY: 133 minutes (2h13)
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Senior Member
Joined 5518 days ago

1085 posts - 1879 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, French
Studies: Catalan, Dutch, Esperanto, Croatian, Serbian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Italian, Spanish, Yiddish

 Message 51 of 158
09 February 2010 at 8:51am | IP Logged 
4 February 2010

FRENCH (active study)
     70 minutes: did TY lesson 22.
     10 minutes: translated part of a song I wrote into French.
FRENCH (passive study)
French total: 80 minutes (80 active/0 passive)

GERMAN (active study)
     10 minutes: translated part of a song I wrote into German.
     15 minutes: talked to myself in German, looked up a couple new words.
GERMAN (passive study)
German total: 25 minutes (25 active/0 passive)

ITALIAN (active study)
     10 minutes: translated part of a song I wrote into Italian.
ITALIAN (passive study)
Italian total: 10 minutes (10 active/0 passive)

ESPERANTO (active study)
     10 minutes: translated part of a song I wrote into Esperanto.
ESPERANTO (passive study)
Esperanto total: 10 minutes (10 active/0 passive)

TOTAL STUDY TODAY: 125 minutes (2h05)
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Senior Member
Joined 5518 days ago

1085 posts - 1879 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, French
Studies: Catalan, Dutch, Esperanto, Croatian, Serbian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Italian, Spanish, Yiddish

 Message 52 of 158
09 February 2010 at 8:51am | IP Logged 
5 February 2010

FRENCH (active study)
     60 minutes: did TY lesson 23.
FRENCH (passive study)
French total: 60 minutes (60 active/0 passive)

GERMAN: none.

ITALIAN: none.


TOTAL STUDY TODAY: 60 minutes (1h0)

Edited by Jinx on 29 October 2010 at 2:44am

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Senior Member
Joined 5518 days ago

1085 posts - 1879 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, French
Studies: Catalan, Dutch, Esperanto, Croatian, Serbian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Italian, Spanish, Yiddish

 Message 53 of 158
09 February 2010 at 8:52am | IP Logged 
6 February 2010

FRENCH (active study)
     30 minutes: started TY lesson 24.
FRENCH (passive study)
French total: 30 minutes (30 active/0 passive)

GERMAN (active study)
     10 minutes: read an article in Der Spiegel about the snowstorm in Washington.
GERMAN (passive study)
German total: 10 minutes (10 active/0 passive)

ITALIAN: none.


TOTAL STUDY TODAY: 40 minutes (0h40)

Edited by Jinx on 29 October 2010 at 2:45am

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Senior Member
Joined 5518 days ago

1085 posts - 1879 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, French
Studies: Catalan, Dutch, Esperanto, Croatian, Serbian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Italian, Spanish, Yiddish

 Message 54 of 158
09 February 2010 at 9:17am | IP Logged 
7 February 2010

FRENCH: none.

GERMAN: none.

ITALIAN: none.

ESPERANTO (active study)
     60 minutes: did TY chapter 10.
ESPERANTO (passive study)
Esperanto total: 0 minutes (0 active/0 passive)

TOTAL STUDY TODAY: 60 minutes (1h0)

Edited by Jinx on 29 October 2010 at 2:45am

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Senior Member
Joined 5518 days ago

1085 posts - 1879 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, French
Studies: Catalan, Dutch, Esperanto, Croatian, Serbian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Italian, Spanish, Yiddish

 Message 55 of 158
24 April 2010 at 9:22pm | IP Logged 
Reflections at this juncture

It's been a long time since I've updated my language log here, but only for good reasons: I've been too busy
learning German to take a step back and WRITE about my learning process! I'm studying intensively, and loving
it; during March I completed a B2.2 course, and have just enrolled in a C1-level film-discussion course. I'm also
taking two seminars entirely taught in German this semester.

Other updates... over Easter vacation I went to Vienna and Florence. Barely spoke any German in Vienna (I was
staying with an awesome woman from CouchSurfing, who however spoke almost-fluent English), but got to
practice quite a bit of Italian in Florence! It was exciting for me to see that I actually have enough Italian to get
by in Italy – haggling with vendors, asking museum guards where the Renaissance stuff was, ordering too much
gelato, politely turning down various offers from friendly Italian men, and giving directions to other tourists who
were even more confused than I. It definitely re-inspired me to keep working on my Italian. Another source of
inspiration for Italian is my new language-exchange partner, a great guy named Luca who teaches Italian here in
Berlin. The first time we met up, I was stupefied to discover that I could talk with him in just Italian (albeit very
very bad Italian!) for an entire hour. I would NOT have expected that of myself.

I have another language-exchange partner too, a Belgian woman named Catherine who helps me with my
French. We've met twice so far, and I spent over an hour each time just talking in French. She's very patient with
me, which is wonderful, because I talk ssslllooowwwlllyyy in French! (And in Italian too, for that matter.)

I've actually been putting the most active effort into French in the past few days, because I keep rediscovering a
powerful interest in it that apparently comes from nowhere. German is sort of taking care of itself (which is a
horribly smug thing to say, but true, due to my circumstances), but my plans to take a French course this
semester fell through, so I've decided to teach myself a French course, so to speak. Since I've learned that
making huge detailed daily-study plans leads to nothing but failure (for me), I've managed to restrain myself and
make only a very small detailed daily-study plan for French. Here it is.

Daily study plan for French:
- Do next Assimil lesson (listen, read, repeat aloud, type it up).
- Listen to previous seven Assimil lessons.
- Read a couple pages of my latest flame, entitled "Grammaire du Français," and do the accompanying written
- Listen to the "RFI Journal en français facile" podcast, while reading the accompanying transcript if possible.

I'm also going to try to write a journal entry in French and post it on Lang-8 ( for corrections
as often as possible. I did it for the first time the other day, and immediately got a great set of very helpful
corrections from a native French speaker. I've also been reading and listening to a bunch of French texts on
LingQ ( to up my vocabulary.

Latin has, as I mentioned a while ago, long since fallen by the wayside – for some reason I think of it as a
summer-vacation language, and don't really want to study it during the academic year. As for Esperanto, I'm
on-again, off-again... there are so many logical reasons for working on it, especially seeing how much work I've
already put into it, but I just can't find a passion for it. Something about the vocabulary being pulled from all
sorts of different languages (although all languages do that to an extent...), or maybe it's the lack of an accent.
I'm just not sure. I really WANT to like Esperanto, and I'm not going to give up on it, but I don't think I'll ever
have that "special feeling" for it.

Okay, enough reflections for this juncture. Now I'm going to go watch some French TV.
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Senior Member
Joined 5518 days ago

1085 posts - 1879 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, French
Studies: Catalan, Dutch, Esperanto, Croatian, Serbian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Italian, Spanish, Yiddish

 Message 56 of 158
28 April 2010 at 6:29pm | IP Logged 
Today and yesterday I went by the book sale that's always being held in front of Humboldt University, and picked
up three TY books for French: the classic Teach Yourself revised by Norman Scarlyn Wilson, the follow-up book
"Everyday French," and something called "French Phrasebook." I'm planning on working through the first two at
top speed just to get the rules of the language into my head, while doing scriptorium from the phrasebook. Of
course I will also continue my daily study plan listed above, although I'm discovering that the "Grammaire du
Français" is so basic that I'll probably work through it much faster than I had expected. However, it's written
entirely in French, including the grammatical explanations, so if I can bear to slow down and re-type out
everything in it, that could be very helpful to me.

I should describe this typing thing a bit. My handwriting is very slow, plus I just don't have a lot of extra time in
my life. This means that, despite seeing how beneficial it is to copy stuff out by hand, in effect doing a
traditional scriptorium method, I don't always have the time to do that as much as I'd like. That's when typing
comes to the rescue. I've taken to typing out stuff, such as all the exercises in TY Esperanto, and all the
dialogues in Assimil French. Typing means I have to slow down enough to pay attention to every letter, but it's
not so slow that it discourages me from continuing my studies. I wouldn't recommend the "typing scriptorium"
to everyone, because it's clearly not a patch on the original handwritten version; however, it does have its good

Anyway, after going by the book sale today, I went down and sat by the river and spent about two hours just
working through a couple of lessons of TY French, sitting in the sun and writing away (by hand this time). It was
really lovely. This evening I'm planning to get through a couple more lessons, as well as doing the rest of my
daily study plan.

For German, I've decided on one thing I can do that would be helpful in maintaining it (seeing as I only have
class in German three days a week), and more particularly in improving my spontaneous conversation skills,
because that's still my weakest area. This is working through the Assimil German course that I have. I'm not
going to do it the traditional way, though, because I'm already approaching C1 level and therefore know a lot of
the stuff covered in the course. Instead I'm going to use it as a sort of audio-phrasebook, because idiomatic
German phrases still don't pop out of me with the ease that they ought to.

That probably means I'll just be listening to the audio and maybe typing up the dialogues to make sure they stick
in my head. I've also starting posting German journal entries on lang-8, although I have yet to get any
corrections – how does one go about making connections with people on there, anyway?

As for Italian, I picked up another book at the book sale the other day, called "Italienische Grammatik – kurz und
schmerzlos" (Italian Grammar, short and painless). It looks nicely and clearly put together, and since the
grammar of Italian is still my weakest area, this should be very helpful to both my basic Italian studies and my
specialized-language-learning-vocabulary project for German. (I've decided that since one of my favorite
things to read and write about is language learning, I ought to strengthen that area of my German vocab.)

Okay, off to studying!

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