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95% Fluency with 3000 Words Possible?

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 Message 57 of 67
08 August 2010 at 5:00pm | IP Logged 
RedBeard wrote:
Now we wonders (My Precious and I) if those phrases are transcribed into other languages somewhere..

I found Splog's "Connectors" to be very useful. I made an English - Dutch version, with the help of HTLAL's JanKG. I've added quite a few expressions. Any corrections or additions would be welcomed.

Maybe these expressions can be translated into other languages and posted here on HTLAL.

Thanks again to Splog.

English Connectors - Dutch Connectors.

Opening Connectors.

thank you heartily. - hartelijk dank.
that is a good question. - dat is een goede vraag.
that is such a difficult question. - dat is zo'n moeilijke vraag.
once upon a time, long ago. - heel lang geleden.
understandably. - begrijpelijk.
frankly speaking. - eerlijk gezegd.
frankly speaking. - het is eerlijk waar.
between you and me. - tussen jij en mij.
the difference between you and me. - Het verschil tussen jij en mij.
anyway. - hoe dan ook.
anyway. - algemeen.
in any case. - in ieder geval.
possibility. - mogelijkheid.
now then. - Nou dan.
as I say. - zoals ik zei.
so what? - wat dan nog?
well, as a matter of fact. - goed, als een kwestie van feit.
how can I put it? - hoe kan ik het zeggen?
I must say that. - Ik moet zeggen dat.
the first place. - de eerste plaats.
firstly. - eerste.
secondly. - tweede.

I would like you to know it. - Ik zou willen dat je weet dat.
I am afraid that. - Ik ben bang dat.
now and then, it appears to me that. - nu en dan lijkt het me dat.
now and then, it seems to me that. - tevens lijkt het me dat.
indeed. - immers.
as far as I'm concerned. - wat mij betreft.
more and more. - meer en meer.
actually. - feitelijk.
all joking aside. - alle gekheid op een stokje.
now seriously. - nu serieus.
have you heard anything about xxx? - heb je iets over xxx gehoord?

don't be upset but. - wees niet boos, maar.
it was a slip of the tongue. - het was een slip van de tong.
I said it by mistake. - Ik zei het per ongeluk.
I am sorry that. - het spijt mij dat.

I presume that. - ik veronderstel dat.
I hope that. - Ik hoop dat.
in my opinion. - in mijn opinie.
in my opinion. - naar mijn mening.
if that is true. - Als dat waar is.
I don't know exactly. - Ik weet het niet precies.
I would like to think that. - ik zou graag denken dat.
the way I see it is that. - de manier waarop ik het zie is dat.
as you may know. - zoals je wellicht weet.
I don't have a big interest in that. - ik heb niet een grote interesse in dat.
Qualifying Connectors.

to tell the truth. - om de waarheid te vertellen.
I presume that. - Ik veronderstel dat.
I hope that. - Ik hoop dat.
if that is true. - Als dat waar is.
I don't know exactly. - Ik weet niet precies.
I would like to think that. - Ik zou graag denken dat.
the way I see it is that. - de manier waarop ik het bekijk is dat.
as you may know. - Zoals je wellicht weet.
if I understand correctly. - als ik het goed begrijp.
as you already know. - zoals je al weet.
that isn't such a big problem. - dat is niet zo'n groot probleem.
that is a matter of opinion. - dat is een kwestie van mening.
as far as I know. - zover ik weet.
I have the impression that. - Ik heb de indruk dat.
it is usually true that. - is het meestal zo dat.
you never know, but. - je weet maar nooit, maar.
I haven't thought about it before, but. - Ik heb niet nagedacht over het v¾¾r, maar.
if I am not mistaken. - als ik mij niet vergis.
I am not certain whether. - Ik ben niet zeker of.
like every other man. - als elke andere mens.
I have my own opinion on it, but. - Ik heb mijn eigen mening over, maar.
I am not such an expert, but. - Ik ben niet zo'n expert, maar.
Agreeing and Disagreeing Connectors.

one hundred percent. - honderd procent.
without question. - zonder vraag.
exactly right. - precies goed.
most certainly. - zeker.
without doubt. - zonder twijfel.
in no case. - in geen geval.
that isn't true at all. - dat is helemaal niet waar.
that is an exaggeration. - dat is een overdrijving.
in principle that is true, but. - in principe dat waar is, maar.
admittedly that is true, but. - weliswaar dat is waar, maar.
that's one way to say it. - dat is een manier om het te zeggen.
only up to a certain point. - slechts tot een bepaald punt.
certainly, why not? - zeker, waarom niet?
I agree. - Ik ga akkoord.
to be more precise. - om precies te zijn.
and what's more. - en wat meer.
while I am already talking about it. - terwijl ik al ben erover te praten.
I would like to emphasise that. - Ik wil graag benadrukken dat.
should I explain in greater detail? - ik nader toelichten?
should I explain in greater detail? - moet ik meer in detail uit te leggen?
allow me to say it another way. - Sta mij toe te zeggen dat het een andere manier.
that is to say. - dat wil zeggen.
and more specifically. - en meer specifiek.
nevertheless. - desondanks.
even though. - hoewel.
that sounds like. - dat klinkt als.
and that is why. - en dat is waarom.
in other words. - met andere woorden.
to say it another way. - te zeggen het een andere manier.

Quoting Connectors.

she said something like. - zei ze zoiets.
my wife pointed out that. - mijn vrouw wees erop dat.
recently, I heard that. - Onlangs hoorde ik dat.
my better half said - mijn betere helft zei (better half = spouse)
Switching Connectors.

now it occurs to me that. - nu komt mij voor dat.
by the way. - door de manier waarop. (??? Example: By the way, did you know that...?)
I have an interesting story about it. - Ik heb een interessant verhaal over.
and besides that. - en behalve dat.
oh, I nearly forgot. - oh, ik bijna vergeten.
and one more thing. - en nog een ding.
on the other hand. - aan de andere kant.
Closing Connectors.

that is all there is to say. - dat is alles wat er te zeggen.
that is all for now. - dat is alles voor nu.
to sum up. - te vatten.
to sum up. - in samenvatting.
and there is the problem. - en er is het probleem.
I hope it is only a question of time. - Ik hoop dat het slechts een kwestie van tijd.
that remains to be seen. - dat valt nog te bezien.

Passing Connectors.

can you tell me please. - kunt je mij vertellen wilt.
would you be interested in us talking about something else?
                             - zou je ge´nteresseerd zijn in ons praten over iets anders?
and what do you think? - en wat denk je?
Do you think that? - Denkt je dat?

Google Translate Connectors

So much the better. - Zoveel te beter.
That sounds good. - Dat klinkt goed.

Edited by tommus on 08 August 2010 at 5:34pm

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 Message 58 of 67
31 August 2011 at 7:19pm | IP Logged 
Does anyone have a list of connectors for French? Thanks!
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Joined 4769 days ago

2 posts - 2 votes
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 Message 59 of 67
01 September 2011 at 12:19am | IP Logged 
This would,unarguably fulfill the needs of the most fervent linguistic fanatic.Maybe,I'll make the connectors for other languages myself.Thanks.
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yourvietnamese.comRegistered users can see my Skype Name
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 Message 60 of 67
01 September 2011 at 6:05am | IP Logged 
I find this information of Zipf's law may be helpful:

"For example, in the Brown Corpus "the" is the most frequently occurring word, and by itself accounts for nearly 7% of all word occurrences (69,971 out of slightly over 1 million). True to Zipf's Law, the second-place word "of" accounts for slightly over 3.5% of words (36,411 occurrences), followed by "and" (28,852).

Only 135 vocabulary items are needed to account for half the Brown Corpus."

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 Message 61 of 67
02 September 2011 at 3:52pm | IP Logged 
French for connectors.

"thank you heartily" - does this one sound natural to English native ears ?
In french merci de tout coeur ou je vous remercie de tout coeur. I do not consider those opening connectors - they are used for thanking when somebody give us something. Not when the something is a question.

Politicians often say : je vous remercie pour votre question or c'est une très bonne question (it is a very good question) when they want to think about their actual answer.

C'est une question difficile. = It is a difficult question.
C'est une question tellementt difficile. = It is such a difficult question.

Once upon a time = Il était une fois...
Long ago = Il y a longtemps.

Easy starter for answering a question is to start by the question in your answer.

Are you happy ? Am I happy - it is a very interesting question.
Es-tu heureux ? Suis je heureux - C'est une question très intéressante.

Many of those filler connectors are "mistakes" of language they are grammatically correct and use correct vocabulary but bring nothing to the information of the speech. One should prefer to keep silent for one or two or more seconds in stead of talking those empty words. Many french natives outside of France see many french people of France speaking a lot to say very few.

I would continue this list if you are interested but I would prefer you to ask me is it correct to say this in this situation ?


One possible way to estimate your number of words is to use lwt

Create a new language or use one with no text.
Create a small text in this new language. (new for the software)
You will see the number of unique word in this text.
Click every word you do not understand.
Put A or * as translation to search translations later.
When you keep with only words you know then click I know all
Start again with a new text.


I think the number of word for true fluency is a lot lower than one participant has estimated. I think below 500, probably a lot less. More so if you consider all declinaison or verb forms to be only one word all together.

But fluency demands a lot more than knowing those 500 words and their translations from a to z and from z to a. You have to know correct ways to use them all. In fact you even do not need translation - you need to understand them.

For me fluency is to be able to speak about anything. As nobody could be specialist in everything - fluency demand to know a general vocabulary that can serve in all areas - without any technical words. You will quickly get technical vocabulary but often words that are used in more than one area.

Keep also in mind that nobody will ever talk about everything.

Edited by Michel1020 on 02 September 2011 at 3:53pm

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Joined 4764 days ago

34 posts - 49 votes
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 Message 62 of 67
06 September 2011 at 11:21am | IP Logged 
Thanks for the Dutch connecors, they're very helpful!
Are you interested in German connectors? I could translate them tonight or tomorrow.
By the way, is anybody willing to do a Turkish translation?
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 Message 63 of 67
06 September 2011 at 1:39pm | IP Logged 
yassi wrote:
Thanks for the Dutch connecors, they're very helpful!
Are you interested in German connectors? I could translate them tonight or tomorrow.
By the way, is anybody willing to do a Turkish translation?

I'm interested! And I second the request for a Turkish translation, if there's anyone
reading this who can provide one.
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 Message 64 of 67
06 September 2011 at 1:50pm | IP Logged 
yassi wrote:
Thanks for the Dutch connecors, they're very helpful!
Are you interested in German connectors? I could translate them tonight or tomorrow.
By the way, is anybody willing to do a Turkish translation?

You can't just traslate a list of connectors from English to another languages. Most real connectors are idiomatic, at least in the way they are used, and vary greatly from language to language.

For example, the qualifying connector "to tell the truth" could easily be translated into another language, but would a speaker of that language actually use that phrase?

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